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USSA started the production of special ball valves
28 August 2019
Ural plant of special valves production is a joint venture between the two companies. JSC «OMK» and the Group «Gazprom». It is reported that the company launched serial production of new products.
Group of companies
14 August 2019
Group of companies «Severstal Distribution» — distribution network «Severstal Russian steel». She shared her results for the first half of this year. First of all, she managed to increase the volume...
JSW Steel increases its production capacity sheet
9 August 2019
JSW Steel is one of the leading steel companies of India. At its Tarapur plant has earned the first line that produces sheet. The plant itself is located in the state of Maharashtra. The line is capable to produce...
At Krakatau Steel has earned new blast furnace
8 August 2019
Krakatau Steel is one of the leading steel companies in Indonesia. It is reported that she has commissioned new equipment. We are talking about a new blast furnace plant in Cilegon. It is located in the...
China has a record steel output
7 August 2019
National Bureau of statistics of China has summed up the results for June. It is reported that Chinese iron and steel enterprises once again showing record results. So last month was produced 87.53 million tons. In comparison...
What will happen to the market of tin in the near future
2 August 2019
International Tin Association gave its forecast for the current month. He regards the production volume of tin in the world. Experts analyzed the current situation on the world market. In addition, they examined data from secondary...
In June recorded an increase in imports of steel products in the United States
31 July 2019
The U.S. Department of Commerce has provided fresh data for the previous month. It is reported that in June increased imports of steel products. Local consumers submitted requests for the import of more than 2.45 tons. We are...
In the next few years in India will increase demand for steel products
28 July 2019
The Indian government plans to tackle the implementation of infrastructure and construction projects. Will be allocated to this strand 1.5 trillion. dollars. How the funds will be divided by years, not yet reported. It is planned...
Rio Tinto may soon realize their Icelandic aluminium plant
25 July 2019
The Australian company Rio Tinto for the second time intends to sell the asset. We are talking about the ISAL aluminum plant. It is located in Iceland. The company produces up to 210 thousand tons per year. Currently,...
Uralelectromed continues to reconstruct the raw warehouse
23 July 2019
JSC «Uralelektromed» is an enterprise of the metallurgical complex of UMMC. In his train shop launched the second phase of the reconstruction of the raw stock. The plan was for the repairs of the working...
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