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Steel 12KH18N9 (Х18Н9)

Steel 16Х12В2ФТаР (EC181) Steel 17Х18Н9 (2Х18Н9) Steel 15Х16Н2АМ (EP479) Steel 14Х20Н25В5МБ (LZhT) Steel 14Х17Н2 (ЭИ268) Steel 13Х16Н3М2АФ (VNS57) Steel 12Х18Н9 (Х18Н9) Steel 12Х12М1БФР (EP450) Steel 11Х17Н Steel 10Х25Н6АТМФ Steel 10Х20Н33Б 10X18H9 steel 10X18N10T steel (EP502) Steel 10Х12Н3М2БФ Steel 10Х12Н20Т2 (EP452) 09Cr18Ni9 steel Steel 09X17N (ChS130) Steel 08Х20Н12АБФ Steel 08X19H12TF Steel 08Х16Н11М3 45X25H35BS steel Steel CS 116-ID (EP753U-ID) Steel 9Х13Н6ЛК4 (ЭИ928) Steel 80X20NS (EP992) Steel 50X25H35S2B Steel 50Х25Н35В5К15С Steel 50Х20Н35С2Б Steel 50Kh15MFasch Steel 4Х13Н6ЛВФ (EP354) Steel 45Х28Н49В5С Steel 08Cr13 (EI496) Steel 45X25H20C2 Steel 45X25H20S Steel 35Х24Н24Б Steel 32Х13Н6К3М2БДЛТ (VNS-32; SES1) Steel 30X23H7S Steel 23Х15Н5АМ3 (18Х15Н6АМ3; VNS-9) Steel 20Х13Н2ДМЮФ (DI96) Steel 20X13 (02X13) Steel 20Х12НМВБФАР (ЧС139) Steel 02N15K10M5F5 Steel 03N18K8M3TU (ЗИ25) Steel 03N18K1M3TU (ZI80) Steel 03N17K10V10MT (EP836) Steel 03N15K10M5F5 (EK169) Steel 03N14Cr5M3Tu (OMC-2) Steel 03N14H5M3T (EP777) Steel 03N10Cr12D2T Steel 02X8H22S6 (EP794) Steel 02N18M3K3T (EK165; ČS101) Steel 03N18K9M5TU (ChS4) Steel 01N18K9M5T (EP637U) Steel 015Cr18Nr15P30 (EP168B) Steel 015Х18Н15Р26 (EP168А) Steel 015Cr18Nr15P22 (EP167B) Steel 015Cr18Nr15P17 (EP167A) Steel 015Х18Н15Р13 (EP166Б) Steel 015Cr18Nr15P09 (EP166A) Steel 015N18M4TU (EP989; ČS5U) Steel 015N18K13M5TU (EP948; ČS35) Steel 05X12H2M Steel 07Х25Н16АГ6Ф (EP750) Steel 07Х15Н30В5М2 (ChS81) Steel 07Х12НМФБ (ChS80) Steel 07Х12НМБФ (EP609) Steel 06Х16Н15М3БР (EP172) Steel 06Х16Н15М2Г2ТФР (ЧС68) Steel 06Х15Н6МВФБ (VNS16) Steel 06X13H7D2 (EP898) Steel 05Х12Н5К14М5ТВ (EP695) Steel 08Х14Н2К3МФБ (EK93; VNS-51) Steel 04Х16Н11М3Т (DI95) Steel 03Х17Н14М3 (ЗИ66) Steel 03Х13Н5М5К9 (VNL-6) Steel 03Х12Н8МТю (ЗИ37) Steel 03Х12Н8К5М2ТЮ (ЗИ90) Steel 03Х11Н10М2Т1 (EP679) Steel 03Х11Н10М2Т (EP678; VNS-17) Steel 03N18M4TU (ChS25) Steel 03N18M3TU (ChS5)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 12Х18Н9
Designation GOST Latin 12X18H9
Transliteration 12H18N9
The chemical elements 12Cr18Н9
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic Х18Н9
Designation GOST Latin X18H9
Transliteration H18N9
The chemical elements Cr18Н9


12KH18N9 steel is used: for the manufacture of chemical equipment; various items and structures made of sheet and strip, welded by spot welding, pipes and parts thereof; parts of aircraft; products subjected to heat treatment (tempering); the wire woven grids with square cells of micron size, used for control and separation of materials by particle size, filtration of liquids, gases and other purposes.


Steel corrosion and heat-resistant.
Unstabilized chromium-Nickel steel of austenitic class.
The recommended maximum operating temperature for a long time +800 °C.
Temperature intense scaling in air +850 °C.
Steel is unstable in sulfur-containing environments and is used when cannot be applied, Nickel-free steel.


Name Code Standards
Sheets and stripes В23 GOST 103-2006
Sectional and shaped rolling В22 GOST 1133-71, GOST 2590-2006, GOST 2591-2006, GOST 2879-2006
Test methods. Packaging. Marking В09 GOST 11878-66
Steel alloy wire В73 GOST 18143-72, TU 14-4-1068-80
Metal forming. Forgings В03 GOST 25054-81, ST ЦКБА 010-2004
Sheets and stripes В33 GOST 4405-75, GOST 5582-75, GOST 7350-77, TU 108-930-80, TU 14-105-451-86, TU 14-1-1517-76, TU 14-1-1749-76, TU 14-1-1750-76, TU 14-1-2186-77, TU 14-1-2476-78, TU 14-1-3199-81, TU 14-1-4780-90
Tapes В34 GOST 4986-79, TU 3-880-84, TU 14-1-1370-75, TU 14-1-3166-81, TU 14-1-4606-89, TU 14-1-4664-89, TU 14-1-3386-82
Classification, nomenclature and general norms В30 GOST 5632-72
Sectional and shaped rolling В32 GOST 5949-75, GOST 7417-75, GOST 8559-75, GOST 8560-78, GOST 14955-77, GOST 18907-73, TU 14-1-1534-76, TU 14-1-1966-77, TU 14-1-2972-80, TU 14-1-377-72, TU 14-1-3957-85, TU 14-11-245-88, TU 14-1-1271-75
Pipes steel and connecting parts to them В62 GOST 9940-81, GOST 9941-81, GOST 14162-79, TU 14-3-1406-86, TU 14-3-1654-89
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs В21 OST 1 90176-75
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs В31 OST 3-1686-90, TU 14-1-565-84
Thermal and thermochemical treatment of metals В04 STP 26.260.484-2004, ST ЦКБА 016-2005
Metal nets В76 TU 14-4-507-99

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Cu V Ti Mo W
TU 108-930-80 ≤0.12 ≤0.02 ≤0.035 ≤2 17-19 ≤0.8 8-10 The rest ≤0.5 ≤0.2 ≤1 ≤0.5 ≤0.2
GOST 5632-72 ≤0.12 ≤0.02 ≤0.035 ≤2 17-19 ≤0.8 8-10 The rest ≤0.4 ≤0.2 ≤0.5 ≤0.5 ≤0.2
Fe is the basis.
For aircraft components, the Mo content is ≤ 0.30%.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm sT|s0,2, MPa σB, MPa d5, % d4 d y, % Brinell hardness number, MPa
Blank pieces of pipe fittings according to ST CKBA 016-2005. Annealing in air 1020-1100 °C (aging of 1.0 to 1.5 min/mm of maximum cross section but not less than 0.5 h)
≤60 ≥196 ≥490 ≥45 - - ≥55 121-179
A sample with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 50 mm, laminated. The rate of deformation of 1.1 mm/min strain Rate of 0.0004 1/s
- - ≥210 ≥47 - - ≥76 -
Blank pieces of pipe fittings according to ST CKBA 016-2005. Annealing in air 1020-1100 °C (aging of 1.0 to 1.5 min/mm of maximum cross section but not less than 0.5 h)
60-200 ≥196 ≥490 ≥40 - - ≥48 121-179
A sample with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 50 mm, laminated. The rate of deformation of 1.1 mm/min strain Rate of 0.0004 1/s
- - ≥120 ≥57 - - ≥70 -
Blank pieces of pipe fittings according to ST CKBA 016-2005. Annealing in air 1020-1100 °C (aging of 1.0 to 1.5 min/mm of maximum cross section but not less than 0.5 h)
200-300 ≥196 ≥490 ≥38 - - ≥45 121-179
A sample with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 50 mm, laminated. The rate of deformation of 1.1 mm/min strain Rate of 0.0004 1/s
- - ≥68 ≥65 - - ≥66 -
Cold-rolled steel strip of 0.05-2.00 mm according to GOST 4986-79 on delivery
0.2-2 - ≥1130 - ≥3 - - -
A sample with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 50 mm, laminated. The rate of deformation of 1.1 mm/min strain Rate of 0.0004 1/s
- - ≥38 ≥56 - - ≥60 -
Cold-rolled steel strip of 0.05-2.00 mm according to GOST 4986-79 on delivery
0.2 - ≥1130 - ≥2 - - -
A sample with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 50 mm, laminated. The rate of deformation of 1.1 mm/min strain Rate of 0.0004 1/s
- - ≥30 ≥64 - - ≥59 -
Cold-rolled steel strip of 0.05-2.00 mm according to GOST 4986-79 on delivery
0.2-2 - ≥980 - ≥5 - - -
A sample with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 50 mm, laminated. The rate of deformation of 1.1 mm/min strain Rate of 0.0004 1/s
- - ≥16 ≥45 - - ≥71 -
Cold-rolled steel strip of 0.05-2.00 mm according to GOST 4986-79 on delivery
0.2 - ≥980 - ≥3 - - -
Rolled steel. Annealing in air from 1080 °C
- ≥230 ≥560 ≥46 - - ≥66 -
Cold-rolled steel strip of 0.05-2.00 mm according to GOST 4986-79 on delivery
0.2-2 - ≥780 - ≥15 - - -
Rolled steel. Annealing in air from 1080 °C
- ≥180 ≥450 ≥36 - - ≥68 -
Cold-rolled steel strip of 0.05-2.00 mm according to GOST 4986-79 on delivery
0.2 - ≥780 - ≥8 - - -
Rolled steel. Annealing in air from 1080 °C
- ≥160 ≥420 ≥29 - - ≥66 -
Cold-rolled steel strip of 0.05-2.00 mm according to GOST 4986-79. Quenching in water or air from 1050-1080 °C (samples)
0.2-2 - ≥530 - ≥35 - - -
Rolled steel. Annealing in air from 1080 °C
- ≥150 ≥420 ≥26 - - ≥61 -
Cold-rolled steel strip of 0.05-2.00 mm according to GOST 4986-79. Quenching in water or air from 1050-1080 °C (samples)
0.2 - ≥530 - ≥18 - - -
Rolled steel. Annealing in air from 1080 °C
- ≥140 ≥400 ≥30 - - ≥60 -
Sheet full hard GOST 5582-75. Without heat treatment
≤3.9 - 930-1230 ≥13 - - - -
Rolled steel. Annealing in air from 1080 °C
- ≥140 ≥390 ≥31 - - ≥61 -
Hot rolled sheet (of 1.5-3.9 mm) and cold rolled (0,7-3,9 mm) steel according to GOST 5582-75. Quenching in water or air from 1050-1080 °C
- ≥195 ≥540 ≥38 - - - -
Rolled steel. Annealing in air from 1080 °C
- ≥120 ≥350 ≥28 - - ≥51 -
Hot rolled sheet (4,0-50,0 mm) and cold rolled (4,0-5,0 mm) steel according to GOST 7350-77. Quenching in water or under a water shower with 1050-1120 °C
- ≥215 ≥530 ≥38 - - - -
Rolled steel. Annealing in air from 1080 °C
- ≥120 ≥280 ≥27 - - ≥52 -
Forgings <1000mm. Quenching in air, oil or water from 1050-1100 °C
≥196 ≥490 ≥35 - - ≥40 -
Rolled steel. Annealing in air from 1080 °C
- ≥120 ≥270 ≥20 - - ≥40 -
The wire is heat-treated in the delivery condition according to GOST 18143-72 (elongation, % at rated sample length of 100 mm is specified for the wire of the 1st class in brackets are for 2nd class)
0.2-1 - 590-880 - - ≥25 (≥20) - -
1.1-6 - 510-830 - - ≥25 (≥20) - -
Cold drawn wire in the delivery state according to GOST 18143-72
0.2-3 - 1130-1470 - - - - -
3.4-6 - 1080-1420 - - - - -
Bars of polished, processed on a given strength (TS) according to GOST 18907-73
1-30 - 640-880 - - ≥20 - -
Bars hot rolled and forged according to GOST 5949-75. Quenching in air, oil or water from 1050-1100 °C
≥196 ≥490 ≥45 - - ≥55 -
Pre-painted steel sheet heat-treated (softening) on the other 14-1-3199-81
0.5-3 ≥274.4 ≥539 ≥40 - - - -
Tubes in the delivery condition, without heat treatment (specified wall thickness of pipe)
3.5-32 - ≥529 ≥40 - - - -
0.2-22 - ≥549 ≥37 - - - -
Forming at OST 1 90176-75. Quenching in air, oil or water from 1050-1100 °C
≥196 ≥540 ≥45 - - ≥60 -

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section
sT|s0,2 Yield strength or limit of proportionality with a tolerance for residual deformation of 0.2%
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture
d4 Elongation after rupture
d Elongation after rupture
y The relative narrowing

Physical characteristics

Temperature Е, ГПа G, ГПа r, кг/м3 l, Вт/(м · °С) R, НОм · м a, 10-6 1/°С С, Дж/(кг · °С)
0 199 77 7900 - - - -
20 205 - 7900 15 725 - -
100 202 - 7860 16 743 165 504
200 197 - 7820 18 819 172 -
300 190 - 7780 19 891 177 504
400 181 - 7740 20 851 181 -
500 173 - 7690 22 1001 183 -
600 160 - 7650 23 1048 186 -
700 150 - 7600 25 1098 189 -
800 - - 7560 26 1140 193 -
900 - - 7510 - - 193 -
1000 - - - - - 197 -
1200 - - - - - 202 -

A description of the physical symbols

Name Description
Е The normal elasticity modulus
r Density
l Coefficient of thermal conductivity
R UD. the resistivity
a The coefficient of linear expansion
С Specific heat

Technological properties

Name The value
Weldability Without restrictions. Welded joints made by other methods, in addition to spot welding, prone to intergranular corrosion. To increase the resistance to brittle destruction in kolosovo the zone of the welded joints operating at temperatures above 500 °C welded assemblies are subjected to tempering in air 970-1020 °C (aged for at least 2.5 minutes/mm of maximum wall thickness, but not less than 1 hour). In the presence of hard surfacing in welded assemblies to produce a stabilizing annealing at a temperature of 950-980 °C (aged for at least 2 h), cooling with the furnace or with the furnace to 300 °C and then in air. To relieve residual stresses of welded assemblies, complex configuration, apply leave in 585-615 °C with air cooling, if the temperature of the product does not exceed 500 °C.
Forging temperature Start - 1200 °C, the end - 850 °C. the cross Sections up to 350 mm cooled in air.
Macrostructure and contamination Macrostructure of steel shall be no traces of shrinkage, delamination, foreign inclusions.
Features of heat treatment Steel used for products, not subjected to welding is designed to work in environments do not cause intergranular corrosion. To increase the resistance against General corrosion and eliminate the tendency to intergranular corrosion and to improve the ductility of the workpiece material is subjected to annealing regime: heating to 1050-1100 °C, cooling in water. The holding time at the heating for hardening to products with a wall thickness up to 10 mm - 30 min, over 10 mm - 20 min + 1 min per 1 mm maximum thickness.
Corrosion resistance The steel should not have the tendency to intergranular corrosion.

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