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Steel 03KH16N15M3B (026Х16Н15М3Б; ЭИ844Б)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 03Х16Н15М3Б
Designation GOST Latin 03X16H15M3B
Transliteration 03H16N15M3B
The chemical elements 03Cr16Н15Mo3Nb
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 026Х16Н15М3Б
Designation GOST Latin 026X16H15M3B
Transliteration 026H16N15M3B
The chemical elements 026Cr16Н15Mo3Nb
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ЭИ844Б
Designation GOST Latin EI844B
Transliteration EhI844B
The chemical elements -


03KH16N15M3B steel is used: for the manufacture of a tube blank; extremely thin-walled pipes of high precision; profile rolling of high accuracy; welded constructions working in the conditions of action of the boiling phosphoric, sulfuric, 10% acetic acid and sulfuric acid media intended for long-term service at operating temperatures to +600 °C.


High-temperature corrosion-resistant austenitic steel.


Name Code Standards
Classification, nomenclature and general norms В30 GOST 5632-72
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs В31 OST 3-1686-90, TU 14-1-1641-75
Sectional and shaped rolling В32 TU 14-11-245-88
Pipes steel and connecting parts to them В62 TU 14-3-219-89, TU 14-3-550-90

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Cu N V Ti Mo Nb W Co
TU 14-3-219-89 ≤0.026 ≤0.015 ≤0.02 ≤0.8 15-17 ≤0.6 14-16 The rest - ≤0.05 - - 2.5-3 0.25-0.5 - ≤0.02
GOST 5632-72 ≤0.03 ≤0.015 ≤0.02 ≤0.8 15-17 ≤0.6 14-16 The rest ≤0.3 - ≤0.2 ≤0.2 2.5-3 0.25-0.5 ≤0.2 -
TU 14-1-1641-75 0.016-0.026 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 0.5-0.9 16-17 ≤0.5 15-16 The rest - ≤0.015 0.05-0.25 - 2.5-3 0.25-0.45 - -
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 14-3-219-89, the chemical composition is specified for steel grade 026H16N15M3B (EI844B).
According to GOST 5632-72, the chemical composition is specified for steel grade 03H16N15M3B (EI844B).
According to TU 14-1-1641-75, the chemical composition is indicated for steel grade 026H16N15MZBU-ID (EI844BU-ID). Deviation according to the chemical composition is allowed: for carbon -0.0040%, for nitrogen + 0. 0050%, for phosphorus +0.0050%. The impurity content should be: cobalt ≤0.005%, copper ≤0.050%, arsenic ≤0.0050%, lead ≤ 0.00050%, cadmium ≤ 0.00050%, tin ≤0.0010%, aluminum ≤0.10%, zinc ≤0.0010%, antimony ≤0.0010%, bismuth ≤ 0.00050%, tantalum ≤0.0050%, titanium ≤0.050%, boron ≤0.0020%. At the same time, deviations in chemical composition are allowed: by the content of tantalum +0.0050%, by the content of cobalt +0.0050%, by the content of titanium +0.050%.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm sT|s0,2, MPa σB, MPa d5, %
Tubular billet on the other 14-1-1641-75. Austenization at 1030-1100 °C (aging for 1 h), cooling in air or in water
20-25 - ≥490 ≥46
20-25 ≥127 ≥340 ≥35

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section
sT|s0,2 Yield strength or limit of proportionality with a tolerance for residual deformation of 0.2%
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture

Technological properties

Name The value
Weldability Without restrictions.
Macrostructure and contamination In the macrostructure of the workpiece on the other 14-1-1641-75 in the state of delivery should be free of cracks, gas bubbles, subcortical bubbles, turns brown, bundles, traces of shrinkage, niobium scabs and slag inclusions visible to the naked eye. Layer-by-layer crystallization and the square of the increased travelmasti are not rejection symptom. Under the control of the workpiece on the transverse microtemplate allowed: Central porosity - less than 1 point, point heterogeneity - not more than 1 score; - square of phase separation is not more than 1 score. In metal non-metallic inclusions shall not exceed the maximum score: - sulfides - 1.0 points; - stroke nitrides and carbonitrides - 2.0 points; - point nitrides and carbonitrides - 2.0 points. The total number of stroke and point nitrides and carbonitrides on each sample must not exceed 3 points. The total number of oxygen inclusions (granules and globules of oxides, spinels, silicates and silicate glasses) shall not exceed: a) from 1 to 2 inclusive divisions of the ocular scale in 2 sections - 50 inclusions on 6 sections - 150 inclusions; b) from 2 to 3 inclusive divisions of the ocular scale in 2 sections - 1 for on, - for 6 sections - 3 inclusions; C) larger than 3 divisions of the ocular scale are not allowed.
Corrosion resistance 03KH16N15M3B steel has higher resistance to pitting than steel 0ЗХ17Н14М3. Tubular billet on the other 14-1-1641-75 must be able to withstand the test of intercrystalline corrosion. Test for intergranular corrosion is performed on 2 samples according to GOST 6032 method AM 24, provoking a vacation at a temperature of 650° - 2 hours.

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