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Magnetic, mechanical and technological properties of titanium

Technical Characteristics

Titanium alloys are distinguished by their precise chemical composition, meticulous fabrication and absence of impurities. To a large extent, the mechanical properties of titanium depend on which elements are included in the composition of impurities, as well as their quantity and ratio. At the same time, it is impossible to miss the well-known fact that this element has a number of advantages. Titanium is distinguished by:

-high specific strength;

-Corrosion resistance;

-high ductility;

-Good impact toughness.

Mechanical strength of titanium loses almost twice its mechanical strength when the temperature rises above 250 °C. The situation is saved by titanium alloys, in which this disadvantage is levelled. On the other hand, titanium is distinguished by its exceptional corrosion resistance. Corrosion resistance is evaluated by loss rate per square meter of surface.

Corrosion Resistance Losses per square meter Rating in points
Extremely resistant Less than 0,001 g 1
Highly persistent 0,001 - 0,005 2
0,005 - 0,01 г 3
Persistent 0,01 - 0,05 г 4
0,05 - 0,1 г 5
Satisfactorily persistent 0,1 - 0,3 г 6
Low-resistant 0,3 - 1,0 г 7
1 - 5,0 г 8
Unstable More than 5 g. 9

Comparative tests of corrosion resistance in industrial and marine atmospheres revealed that aluminum alloys, stainless steels, copper-nickel alloys and Inconel alloy showed visible signs of corrosion over a five-year period, while the titanium plate did not lose its original luster. This corrosion resistance is due to the presence of a passive oxide film on the titanium surface that protects the metal from contact with an aggressive agent.

Titanium is particularly resistant to corrosion in the presence of oxygen. For example, under conditions of air aeration, titanium practically does not corrode in formic acid of any concentration up to a temperature of 100 °C, whereas without aeration, it corrodes quickly in a 25% solution of formic acid.

Overview of TITAN Alloys

Low-strength plastic alloys

Alloy grade Percentage of alloying additives Tensile strength kgf/mm2 Operating Temperature
VT-1 Pure titanium 30 - 50 100 - 200
VT1-0 Technically pure titanium 30 - 50 100 - 200
VT1-00 Technically pure titanium 30 - 50 100 - 200

Plastic alloys with average strength

Mark of alloy Percentage of alloying additives Tensile strength kgf/mm2 Operating Temperature
AT-2 2,5 Zr, 1,5 Mo 50 - 80 200 - 300
OT4-1 1 -2.5 Al, 0.7-2 Mn 50 - 80 200 - 300
OT4 3.5-5 Al, 0.8-2 Mn 50 - 80 200 - 300
AT-3 3 Al, 1.5%(Cr+Fe+Si+B) 50 - 80 200 - 300
ВТ5-1 4-6 Al, 2-3 Sn 50 - 80 200 - 300

Structural alloys with increased strength

Mark of alloy Percentage of alloying additives Tensile strength kgf/mm2 Operating Temperature
VT-4 3,5-4,5 Al, 0,8-2 Mn 80 - 100 300 - 450
OT4-2 5,5-7 Al, 0,2-1,8 Mn 80 - 100 300 - 450
VT5 4,3-6,2 Al 80 - 100 300 - 450
ВТ-6 5,5-7 Al, 4,2-6 V 80 - 100 300 - 450
ВТ-6с 5-6,5 Al, 5,5-4,5 V 80 - 100 300 - 450
VT-20 5,5-7,5 Al, 1,-2,5 Zr, 0,5-2 Mo, 0,8-1,8 V 80 - 100 300 - 450
AT-4 4.5 Al, 1.5%(Cr+Fe+Si+B) 80 - 100 300 - 450
AT-6 6 Al, 1,5(Cr+Fe+Si+B) 80 - 100 300 - 450

Increased corrosion resistance of alloys

Alloy grade Percentage of alloying additives Tensile strength kgf/mm2 Operating Temperature
4200 0.2 Pd 60 - 100 300 - 600
4201 31 - 35 Mo 60 - 100 300 - 600
4204 5 Ta 60 - 100 300 - 600
NT60 40 - 50 Nb 60 - 100 300 - 600
ST! Ti-Al-Zr-Sn 60 - 100 300 - 600
CT4 Ti-Al-Sn-Mo-Sr 60 - 100 300 - 600
CT6 Ti-Al-Zr-W 60 - 100 300 - 600

High-strength alloys with unstable β-structure

Alloy grade Percentage of alloying additives Tensile strength kgf/mm2 Operating Temperature
VT-14 3,5-6,3 Al, 2,5-3,5 Mo, 0,9-1,9 V 110 - 160 300 - 400
VT-15 2.5-3.5 Al, 6.8-8 Mo, 9.5-11 Cr 110 - 160 300 - 400
VT-16 1.6-3 Al, 4.5-5.5 Mo, 4-5 V 110 - 160 300 - 400
ВТ-22 4.4-5.9 Al, 4-5.5 Mo, 4-5.5 V, 0.5-2 Cr, 0.2-4 Si, 0.2-0.5 Fe 110 - 160 300 - 400
TS-6 3 Al, 5 Mo, 6 V, 11 Cr 110 - 160 300 - 400

α and β alloys

Titanium alloys are characterized by accuracy of chemical composition, thoroughness of manufacturing, absence of impurities. Titanium alloys are classified as:

α-alloy Pseudo-α-alloy α +β alloy Pseudo-β alloy β-alloy
BT1 OT4 VT-6 VT16 4201
VT1-0 OT4-0 VT3-1 VS-6
VT1-00 OT4-1 VT-14
VT5 OT4-2 VT-16
VT5-1 AT-2 BT-22
4200 AT-3

Magnetic Properties

Regarding what the magnetic properties of titanium are, there are also some peculiarities. The fact is that titanium is a paramagnetic metal. Thus, its magnetic susceptibility should decrease as the temperature increases. But since titanium is an exception to the rule, on the contrary, its sensitivity increases when heated.

Technological properties

Another advantage of the metal are the technological properties of titanium, which greatly expand the scope of its application. These are parameters such as ductility, weld strength and resistance to negative environmental effects (cryogenic temperatures, sea water and nitric acid). To learn more about the properties of titanium, please refer to other pages of our website dedicated to specific steel grades.


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