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It has been another demonstration against the development of nickel in the Voronezh region
23 July 2013
According to a statement released by the press service of GU MVD of Russia in the Voronezh region, at the end of last week, more than nine hundred people took part in the sanctioned action against the development of nickel deposits in the area Novokhopersk edge.
In the first half of DSS reduced commodity output
22 July 2013
As the recent report published by the representatives of the Zaporozhye steel plant "DSS", the company in the first half of 2013 significantly reduced the rate of production. In particular, the plant reduced to
Exchange aluminum prices are far from positive dynamics
19 July 2013
Exchange aluminum prices are far from positive momentum. In particular, the LME average price of cash resources with immediate payment and delivery in May was 1.83 thousand dollars per ton in June -. 1.82 thousand dollars per ton.
Announced contestants for the development of a copper mine Taurinskogo
16 July 2013
Recently in Moscow have been declared bidders on the research and development of subsurface area Taurinskogo (Chelyabinsk region). It is known that its area is equal to 1.81 square meters. km, and the volume of resources (this copper-porphyry ores) is tentatively estimated at
Stainless steel metal mark the centenary
15 July 2013
This year (officially - 13 August) stainless steel metal will celebrate its centenary. Naturally, attempts were made and doped alloys before. For example, Leon Gillet (French scientist) back in 1904 to determine the necessary for this district
Norilsk Nickel sold a stake in MRSK Siberia
11 July 2013
Management MMC "Norilsk Nickel" has transferred shares in the amount of 7.75% of the share capital to the owners of OJSC "Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Siberia". According to experts, the steel corporation, the right of the issuer rasporyazhats
Journalists New York Times reported on Russian titanium
9 July 2013
Journalists of one of the most influential media of the world - the American newspaper «The New York Times» - in a recent article told readers about the cooperation in the field of titanium supply two rivals in yesterday's "Cold War" - Russia and the United States. As with
Experts predict the development of rare-earth metals mining industry in South Africa
8 July 2013
Dr. Robin Harmer - Technical Consultant rare earth producer «Galileo Resources» - said in a recent statement at a conference of the Geological Society, that the South African mining of rare earth ore is not a difficult task. However, considering
Rusal aluminum output cuts
4 July 2013
According to a recent statement of top management Corporation "Rusal", Siberian factories organizations to reduce aluminum output by 100 thousand. Tonnes. "This decision was due to the fact that since the beginning of this year, metal prices have decreased by 20%, and the world
On Dergamyshskom field produced its first 100 tons of copper ore
2 July 2013
On Dergamyshskom copper-cobalt deposits recorded the first "anniversary" figure: the company mined and transported to the coffers of the mine "Haybullinsky" Enterprise "Bashkir copper" the first 100 tons of rock. However, this is only a small part of the Plan

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