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The United States will consider the feasibility of anti-dumping measures against 3 stainless steel producing countries of ASEAN
31 May 2013
Less than a week later (June 6, 2013) The US authorities governing trade relations local residents with foreign organizations, will begin its consideration of the appropriateness of anti-dumping restrictions on esch
Guinea loses aluminum miners
29 May 2013
The Government of the Republic of Guinea is worried about the rapid outflow of investments, which were previously the aluminum market operators invest in bauxite mining in the state. Yet less than six months ago the authorities announced in international
Scientists tested nanostructured titanium
28 May 2013
Russian scientists from the National Research Group "Belgorod State University" experiencing a new titanium alloy developed by using nanocrystalline technology. This is a special alloyed composition for medical implants, in the formula to
Copper project in Chelyabinsk, Russian President praised
23 May 2013
Projects of the largest copper mining companies implemented in the Chelyabinsk region - Mikheevsky and Tomino GOKov - presented to Russian President Vladimir Putin to the local governor, Mikhail Valerievich Yurevich.
Unrest in the tin mines of Bolivia cost the large losses
22 May 2013
Large losses - up to half a million dollars a day - costing the owners of downtime on the Bolivian tin mines huanuni where workers continue to strike. Employees of the company, to develop this field, is required by
21 May 2013
Vladimir Strzhalkovsky - former CEO of MMC "Norilsk Nickel" and its current vice-president in charge of foreign assets of corporations - will leave the company before July this year. This was during an interview with Russia
Norilsk Nickel will attract another loan
16 May 2013
Management MMC "Norilsk Nickel" in talks with Western financial institutions on a loan in the amount of 2 billion. USD. Corporate management has so far refrained from official comment on the purpose for which will be used borrowed funds
Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant will invest the profit in the company's development
14 May 2013
The Board of Directors of Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant (JSC "CZP") plans to invest last year's profit of enterprise development. It is for the company's management decision recommends that the shareholders vote at the annual general meeting to be held with uch
BoAZ will first aluminum in the late fall
14 May 2013
Boguchany Aluminium Smelter "(BoAZ) will produce the first batch of" winged metal "in November this year. About this in an interview with reporters said the public head of the company "RUSAL" (one of the founding companies of the project) - Oleg Deripa
Russia develops the trade of stainless steel with foreign counterparts
8 May 2013
Russia develops the trade of stainless steel with foreign companies: the volume of transactions of local indicators of market operators with external contractors for these products for the first quarter of 2013 increased both in relation to imports, and exports.

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