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Copper project in Chelyabinsk, Russian President praised

23 May 2013

Projects of the largest copper mining companies implemented in the Chelyabinsk region — Mikheevsky and Tomino GOKov — presented to Russian President Vladimir Putin to the local governor, Mikhail Valerievich Yurevich. Discussion of these objects held within a business meeting between government officials, held recently in Sochi summer residence of the president.

According to Mr. Yurevich, Chelyabinsk region is currently being implemented about a hundred investment projects, 30 of which come to life «from scratch.» One of the most important of them — the construction of the plant for the processing of copper-porphyry ores Mikheevsky field (one of the 50 largest by metal deposits in the world), the commissioning of which is planned for the beginning of the autumn of this year. The project monitors the «Russian Copper Company», where managers expect to annually produce on the above-mentioned GOK 50−70 ths. Tons of the red metal, which deposits (according to preliminary calculations, the engineers) at full capacity will be enough to at least 22 years of productive work. «Apart from the GOK Mikheevsky RMK there is another development in the Chelyabinsk region — Tomino plant, whose facilities are designed for even greater production of copper. True commissioning of this facility is planned for a later date — the company will work only in 2015 «- commented on the prospects for the region in a conversation with Putin, the head of the regional administration. «When both mining and processing production will begin processing ore, the budget will do considerable sums — 2.5 annually and more (depending on the market price of the resource) billion rubles," — concluded his report on copper Mikhail Valerievich investment projects.

Both fields mentioned above will be developed by the open — through career depth of 360 and 380 meters. Due to the poverty of local ores engineers «Russian Copper Company» will use a special metal production technology that allows even at the lowest concentration of copper in the rock to carry out a cost-effective resource production.

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