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The United States will consider the feasibility of anti-dumping measures against 3 stainless steel producing countries of ASEAN

31 May 2013

Less than a week later (June 6, 2013) The US authorities governing trade relations local residents with foreign organizations, will begin its consideration of the appropriateness of anti-dumping restrictions against 3 other countries supplying US consumers with stainless steel tubes. At this time we are talking about the powers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) — of Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam.

As previously voiced the case file states that a meeting on this issue will be held at the initiative of several manufacturers of similar types of products from the United States itself, considering that stainless steel imported from the countries mentioned above, has a significant negative impact on the domestic US market, hindering the sustainable development of business local producers of pipes in this category. The initiators of the process, sent a complaint to the US Department of Commerce and applied with the same paper in the Department of International Trade, which will consider the application «injured party» in the beginning of next month. It is expected that a preliminary decision on the case will be announced before mid-July.

The foreign media reported that if the United States government will draft regulatory measures proposed in their version, the most stringent conditions will get producers corrosion-resistant metal in Vietnam. At that time, both for Thailand and Malaysia proposed to introduce an import duty at a rate of 13−17% of the cost of imported stainless steel tube party, the third person involved in this premium list presented above may amount to 70 percent or more.

Vietnam is not the first time faced with anti-dumping measures. Only in the last two years to the goods manufacturers of various industries in the Republic have been applied similar sanctions by a number of countries, among which — Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil and other countries.

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