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Steel 9Х6Ф2АРСТГ (YE15)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 9Х6Ф2АРСТГ
Designation GOST Latin 9X6F2APCTG
Transliteration 9H6F2ARSTG
The chemical elements 9Cr6V2NBСTiMn
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ЭК15
Designation GOST Latin EK15
Transliteration EhK15
The chemical elements -


9Х6Ф2АРСТГ steel is used: for the production of rolled products, intended for the manufacture of cutting tools as a substitute for high speed steels; dies and thread rolling tool.


Bessoleva and tool steel.


Name Code Standards
Sectional and shaped rolling В32 TU 14-19-105-90

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Fe N V Ti
TU 14-19-105-90 0.87-0.97 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 0.45-0.65 5.6-6.2 0.8-1.2 The rest 0.06-0.1 1.6-2 0.03-0.08
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 14-19-105-90 the chemical composition is given for steel grade 9Х6Ф2АРСТГ (ЭК15). In the finished metal, deviations from the chemical composition standards are allowed: carbon ± 0.010%, manganese ± 0.10%, vanadium ± 0.10%, nitrogen ± 0.020%, silicon ± 0.050%, chromium ± 0.050%, titanium ± 0.020%. The presence in the metal of nickel, cobalt and tungsten to 0.60% of each rejection is not. The calculated boron is established by the technological instruction and its residual content in the metal is not determined by chemical analysis. It is allowed to supply steel EC15 with the actual content of titanium in nitrogen.

Technological properties

Name The value
Macrostructure and contamination In the macrostructure of steel shall not be shrinkage, delamination, cracks, bubbles, inclusions, visible without using the magnifying devices.
Microstructure Steel is controlled at the carbide heterogeneity and decarburization. Actual testing results are recorded in the document about quality. To determine the depth bezoperatsionnogo layer according to the method of Sadovsky samples subjected to heat treatment regime: Annealing at 850-900 °C (exposure 2 hours) + Annealing with a temperature 1210-1250 °C (temperature of the 1st bath 160-200 °C (10 minutes exposure); temperature 2nd bath 560-580 °C (10 minutes exposure)). Carbide heterogeneity is controlled according to the method and scale No. 3 GOST 5950 on thermally treated samples in regime: Quenching from 1210-1250 °C + Vacation at 690-710 °C (exposure for 1 hour).
Features of heat treatment To determine the hardness after quenching and tempering specimens subjected to quenching in oil from 1050-1080 °C + Vacation at a temperature of 170-180 °C (extract 1.5 hours), air cooling.

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