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Steel 4KH5MF1S (ЭП572)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 4Х5МФ1С
Designation GOST Latin 4X5MF1C
Transliteration 4H5MF1S
The chemical elements 4Cr5MoV1С
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ЭП572
Designation GOST Latin EP572
Transliteration EhP572
The chemical elements -


4KH5MF1S steel is used: for the manufacture of forgings of various parts of General machinery; moulds die casting zinc, aluminium and magnesium alloys; hammer and pressing the inserts (thickness or diameter from 200 to 250 mm) during hot deformation of structural steels; tool for planting billets of alloyed structural and heat-resistant materials on horizontal forging machines.


Name Code Standards
Sectional and shaped rolling В22 GOST 1133-71, GOST 2590-2006, GOST 2591-2006
Sheets and stripes В33 GOST 4405-75, TU 14-131-971-2001
Sectional and shaped rolling В32 GOST 5950-2000, GOST 7417-75, GOST 8559-75, GOST 8560-78, GOST 14955-77, TU 14-11-245-88, TU 14-1-1271-75
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs В31 OST 24.952.01-89
Metal forming. Forgings В03 TU 14-1-1530-75, TU 14-1-1828-76, TU 108.11.917-87

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Cu V Ti Mo W
GOST 5950-2000 0.37-0.44 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 0.2-0.5 4.5-5.5 0.9-1.2 ≤0.4 The rest ≤0.3 0.8-1.1 ≤0.03 1.2-1.5 ≤0.2
TU 108.11.917-87 0.3-0.38 ≤0.025 ≤0.025 ≤0.6 4.5-5.5 0.7-1.2 ≤0.5 The rest ≤0.4 0.8-1.2 - 1-1.5 -
Fe is the basis.
According to GOST 5950-2000 the chemical composition is given for steel grade 4Х5МФ1С.
According to TU 108.11.917-87, the chemical composition is given for steel grade 4Х5МФ1СА.

Mechanical characteristics

t отпуска, °C sT|s0,2, MPa σB, MPa d5, % y, % kJ/m2, кДж/м2 HRC
Forgings (samples). Quenching in oil from 1020 °C to + Leave (exposure 2 hours)
300 ≥1490 ≥1860 ≥9 ≥28 ≥490 ≥52
Forgings. Quenching in oil from 1020 °C + Vacation at 580 °C (exposure 2 hours)
- ≥1470 ≥1670 ≥10 ≥40 ≥390 -
Forgings (samples). Quenching in oil from 1020 °C to + Vacation at 580 °C (exposure 2 hours)
- ≥1470 ≥1670 ≥10 ≥40 ≥390 -
Forgings (samples). Quenching in oil from 1020 °C to + Leave (exposure 2 hours)
400 - - ≥8 ≥24 ≥410 ≥54
Forgings (samples). Quenching in oil from 1020 °C to + Vacation at 580 °C (exposure 2 hours)
- ≥1340 ≥1620 ≥11 ≥48 ≥540 -
Forgings (samples). Quenching in oil from 1020 °C to + Leave (exposure 2 hours)
500 ≥1490 - ≥8 ≥25 ≥200 ≥55
Forgings (samples). Quenching in oil from 1020 °C to + Vacation at 580 °C (exposure 2 hours)
- ≥1320 ≥1490 ≥11 ≥46 ≥510 -
Forgings (samples). Quenching in oil from 1020 °C to + Leave (exposure 2 hours)
600 ≥1470 ≥1620 ≥10 ≥46 ≥440 ≥50
Forgings (samples). Quenching in oil from 1020 °C to + Vacation at 580 °C (exposure 2 hours)
- ≥1270 ≥1420 ≥11 ≥46 ≥490 -
- ≥1170 ≥1320 ≥11 ≥46 ≥410 -

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
sT|s0,2 Yield strength or limit of proportionality with a tolerance for residual deformation of 0.2%
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture
y The relative narrowing
kJ/m2 Toughness
HRC Rockwell hardness (indenter diamond spheroconical)

Physical characteristics

Temperature Е, ГПа r, кг/м3 l, Вт/(м · °С) R, НОм · м
0 207 7716 22 553
20 207 7716 22 553
300 187 7627 29 715
600 160 7523 31 970
100 - 7692 25 591
200 - 7660 27 649
400 - 7593 30 798
500 - 7559 31 879
700 - 7490 31 1077
800 - 7459 31 1189
900 - 7438 32 1229

A description of the physical symbols

Name Description
G Modulus of elasticity shear torsion
r Density
l Coefficient of thermal conductivity
R UD. the resistivity

Technological properties

Name The value
Forging temperature Start - 1180 °C, the end - 850 °C slow Cooling in the wells.

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