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Methods and technologies of metal mining and processing

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In the modern world, there are various ways of metal mining and the main task in the subsequent processing of the obtained ore is to obtain high quality raw materials. The fact is that most metals in nature occur in the form of compounds (gold, platinum and tin are the exceptions to the rule) and require purification.

Mining and Processing

If we deal with the issue of ore extraction and processing of ore concentrate in more detail, we can see that the main ways to obtain suitable raw materials are not so many:




In addition, the industry distinguishes such methods of obtaining metal as pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical and electrochemical (the most environmentally friendly way of processing). The latter method is used to produce the most active metals.


Of course, the technology of metal mining and processing does not stand still and is constantly evolving. One of the main problems in metallurgy is the creation of non-waste equipment that can increase the efficiency of production processes even in the case of working with poor ores.


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