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Steel 40Г17ХН2 (MML-1)

Steel 03Х12Н5М6К13Л (VNL-8) Steel 05X18AN5FL Steel 05X18AN6M2FL Steel 06Х12Н3ДЛ Steel 06Х17Н10Г2С2Л (VNL-12) Steel 07X17H16TL Steel 07Х18Н10Г2С2М2Л Steel 07Х18Н9Л (5Х18Н9Л) Steel 07Х20Н25М3Д2ТL Steel 07Х21Н9С2М (VNL-4) Steel 07Х24Н8М2Д3Л (VKL-1) 07KhN25MDTL steel Steel 08G2DNFL Steel 08Х12Н4ГСМЛ 08Cr13HdL steel Steel 08X13L (EI496L) Steel 08Х14Н5М2ДЛ (VNL-3) Steel 08Х14Н7МЛ (VNL-1; 5Х14Н7МЛ) Steel 08X14NDL Steel 08Х15Н4ДМЛ Steel 08Х17Н34В5Т3Ю2Л (5Х17Н34В5Т3У2Л) Steel 08Х17Н34В5Т3Ю2РЛ Steel 09Х16Н4БЛ (10Х16Н4БЛ) Steel 09X17H3SL (10X17H3SL) Steel 10Х12НДЛ (0Х12НДЛ) Steel 10Х14Н5М2Л (VNL-2) Steel 10X14NDL (5X14NDL) Steel 10Х17Н10Г4МБЛ (ЭИ402МЛ; 10Х17Н10Г4МБЛС) Steel 10Х17Н13Г4Д2ТЛ (0Х17Н13Г4Д2ТЛ) Steel 10Х18Н11БЛ (5Х18Н11БЛ) Steel 10Х18Н12М3Л Steel 10Х18Н3Г3Д2Л (0Х18Н3Г3Д2Л) Steel 10Х18Н9БЛ (Х18Н9БЛ) 10X18H9L steel Steel 10Х21Н6М2Л Steel 10Х28Н6М3АL 110G10L steel Steel 110G13L (G13L) Steel 110G13FTL Steel 110G13H2BRL Steel 110Г13ХБРЛ Steel 110Г13ХНЛ 110G8L steel Steel 120G10FL Steel 120Г13Х2БЛ Steel 12МХЛ (12ХМЛ) Steel 12H2DML Steel 12Х13Н3М2Л (VNL-9) Steel 12Х16Н8М2БЛ (VNL-11) Steel 12Х18Н12БЛ (10Х18Н12БЛ) Steel 12Х18Н12М3ТL Steel 12Х18Н6ФАЛ Steel 12X18H7M2FAL Steel 12Х18Н9ТL (10Х18Н9ТL) Steel 12Х19Н7Г2САЛ Steel 12Х21Н5Г2САЛ Steel 12Х21Н5Г2СЛ Steel 12Х21Н5Г2СМ2Л Steel 12Х21Н5Г2СТЛ Steel 12Х25Н5ТМФЛ (10Х25Н5ТМФЛ) 12ХГФЛ steel Steel 130Г14ХМФАЛ Steel 13NDFTL Steel 13Х11Н5М5Л (VNL-5) Steel 14Х18Н4Г4Л (10Х18Н4Г4Л) Steel 14Х2ГМРЛ 15DNML steel Steel 15Х11МФБЛ Steel 15X13L (10X13L) 15X14NL steel Steel 15Х18Н10Г2С2М2Л Steel 15Х18Н10Г2С2М2ТЛ 15X18H10L steel Steel 15Х18Н12С4Л Steel 15Х18Н22В6М2Л Steel 15Х18Н22В6М2РЛ 15Х23Н18Л steel 15X25TL steel 16GDNML steel Steel 16Х18Н12С4ТЛ (ЭИ654ЛК) Steel 18Kh12NMVFL Steel 18Х25Н19СЛ (15Х25Н19СЛ) 20GSNML steel Steel 20H3DML 20FTL steel Steel 20X12VNMFL 20X13L steel Steel 20Х20Н14С2Л Steel 20Х21Н46В8Л Steel 20Х21Н46В8РЛ Steel 20Х25Н19С2Л (15Х25Н19С2Л) Steel 20X5ML Steel 20X5TL Steel 20X8VL 20KhGSNML steel Steel 20ХГСФЛ Steel 25NL Steel 25Х2НМЛ Steel 27KhGSNMDTL (27KhGSNMDTLA) Steel 27ХГСНМЛ Steel 27ХН2МФЛ Steel 30Х16Н22В6БЛ (ЦЖ-13Л) Steel 30Х24Н10АТС2Л Steel 30Х28Н6М2Л Steel 30KhG2STL Steel 31Х19Н9МВБТЛ (ЭИ572Л; 30Х19НМВБТЛ) Steel 35Х18Н24С2Л (30Х18Н24С2Л) Steel 35X23H7SL (25X23H7SL) Steel 35KhMFL Steel 40Г17ХН2 (ММЛ-1) 40X17SL steel (GX40CrSi17) Steel 40Х24Н12СЛ (30Х24Н12СЛ) Steel 40X27H4SL (GX40CrNiSi27-4) Steel 40X29SL (GX40CrSi29) Steel 40Kh9S2L Steel 45G17NMF (MML-3) Steel 45G18H2TUL Steel 45Cr17H13Ni3YuL Steel 4Х4Н5МК (VKL-4М) Steel 50X24H12SAL Steel 55Х18Г14С2ТL Steel 60G17HN2F (MML-2) Steel 60X16G13TL 70XL steel Steel 85X4M5F2V6L (R6M5L) Steel 90G14Yu2 Steel 90X28MFTAL Steel 90X4M4F2V6L (R6M4F2L) 95X18M steel (VNL-13) Alloy ANV-300 Alloy VZhL8 G13Cr2L steel G13HL steel X23H26M3TFL steel X23N28M3D3TL steel X25H13ATL steel


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 40Г17ХН2
Designation GOST Latin 40G17XH2
Transliteration 40G17HN2
The chemical elements 40Mn17CrН2
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ММЛ-1
Designation GOST Latin MML-1
Transliteration MML-1
The chemical elements MoMoBe-1


40Г17ХН2 steel is used: for the manufacture of castings by sand casting parts, buildings, machinery and equipment of the Navy ships of all classes, types and appointments, as well as ballast, which is required of namagnichennosti μ≤ 1,262·10-6 G/m (1,005 GS/e) group I (ballasts, keys, on-Board mooring fairleads, etc.), group II (mortars, bearing housings of the spindles, the hubs of rudder blades, covers, housings, levers, sprockets windlasses, the plates and drums are the base of the spires, etc.) and group III (propeller shaft brackets, stem, glasses of end and intermediate brackets, post rudder, spinners, anchors, mortars, etc.).


Vysokoorganizovannaja low austenitic steel.
Difficult the production of thin-walled complicated castings because of the tendency of steel to the formation of oxide captivity.
Magnetic permeability μ ≤ 1,005 GS/e and is almost constant in any thermal and thermomechanical processing. The magnetic field of the casting is increased in the presence of penetration and in particular the ferromagnetic oxides.
Do not use steel grades for cast metal parts, running on friction (bushings, worm wheels, gear) or requiring surface hardening by nitriding, as well as parts of valves and similar parts. Unacceptable use of steel for the manufacture of parts without cathodic protection, operating in seawater and other environments that cause intense General corrosion.
Steel has low frictional properties and surface hardening (nitriding and carburizing) is not exposed.
Steel is not prone to intergranular corrosion and acquires a tendency only after a long vacation at a temperature of 650−700° C and this is due to the precipitation of carbides along the grain boundaries of austenite. Steel is prone to General corrosion. Therefore, it is recommended to use protectors in conjunction with paint coatings.


Name Code Standards
Castings from non-ferrous metals and alloys В84 OST 9261-76, RD 9257-76

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe
OST 9261-76 0.38-0.45 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 16-18 1.3-1.6 0.6-1 2-2.5 The rest
RD 9257-76 0.38-0.45 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 16-18 1.3-1.6 0.6-1 2-2.5 The rest
Fe is the basis.
According to OST 9261-76, when steel is smelted for ballast production, it is allowed to increase the carbon content to 0.75% and manganese to 19.0%, and to reduce the nickel content to zero.

Mechanical characteristics

sT|s0,2, MPa σB, MPa d5, % kJ/m2, кДж/м2
Casting as supplied. Without heat treatment (thickness of wall up to 20 mm) or normalizing at 1100 °C (wall thickness > 20 mm)
≥235 ≥441 ≥19 ≥1470

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
sT|s0,2 Yield strength or limit of proportionality with a tolerance for residual deformation of 0.2%
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture
kJ/m2 Toughness

Physical characteristics

Temperature Е, ГПа r, кг/м3 l, Вт/(м · °С) R, НОм · м a, 10-6 1/°С С, Дж/(кг · °С)
20 178 7850 - 750 - 5234
100 - - 1758 - 1652 -
200 - - 1926 - 1948 -
300 - - 2093 - 2030 -
400 - - 2261 - 2083 -
500 - - 2470 - 2183 -
600 - - 2638 - 2210 -
700 - - - - 2284 -
800 - - - - 2285 -
900 - - - - 2289 -
1000 - - - - 2309 -

A description of the physical symbols

Name Description
r Density
l Coefficient of thermal conductivity
R UD. the resistivity

Technological properties

Name The value
Weldability good weldability. The castings are subjected to welding, as between themselves, and with low sheet steel and other structural steels. It is also possible welding defects.
Workability by cutting reduced workability is close in parameters to the machinability of steel 45Г17Ю3 (Yu3).

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