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Steel 30Х2ГСН2ВМ (30Х2ГСН2М1; VL-1)

Steel 35KhSN3M1A (VKS-8) Steel 30Kh2GSN2VM (30Kh2GSN2M1; VL-1) Steel 30Kh2GSNVM (VL-1D) Steel 30Х2Н2СВМФА (VKS-3) Steel 30KhGSN2A (30KhGSNA) Steel 30KhGSN2MA (30KhGSNMA) Steel 30ХН3М1ФА (30ХН3М1Ф) Steel 30ХН3М2ФА (30ХН3М2Ф) Steel 32KhN8M1FK5A (VKS-6) Steel 34KhMA (34KhM) Steel 34KhN3MA (0KhN3M) Steel 35KhMA (35KhMAR) Steel 35KhN1M2FA Steel 35KHN3MFA (35KHN3MFAR) Steel 35ХС2Н3М1ФА (VKS-9) Steel 28ХНН3МФА (28ХН3МФ) Steel 36KHN3MFA (36KHN3MF) Steel 38Kh3SNMVFA (SP38) 38KhMFYUA steel 38KhN3MFA steel (38KhN3MF) 40GMFR steel Steel 40KhN2SVA (EI643) Steel 40KhN2SMA (EI643M) Steel 42Kh2GSNM (VKS-1) 43Kh3SNMVFA steel (SP43) Steel 45Г15Н9Х2ЮФ (EP769) 45Kh3NM2FA steel Steel АЦ28ХГН2АФБ Steel АЦ28ХГН3ФТ B2G steel X11MNAFB steel 20KhGSNM steel Steel 01N17K12M5T (EP845; VKS-240) Steel 02N18K9M5T (EP637A; VKS-210) Steel 03N18K8M5T (VKS-170; EK21) Steel 03N19K6M5TR (EP631) Steel 03Cr14H7V Steel 08Х15Н25Т2МФР (EP674) Steel 09Х16НМ2Д (EP887; VNS28) Steel 120G13 (EI256) 12Kh3GNMFBA steel Steel 15Х16Н3КАМФ2 (VNS-47; EK81) 15Kh2GMF steel 15Kh2NMFA steel Steel 16X16H3MAD (EP811; VSN21) Alloy 20ХГСН2МФА (DI107) Steel 28Kh3SNMVFA (SP28; EP326A) Steel 25Х12Н2В2М2Ф (EP311; VNS-6) Steel 25Х20Н9В2М (EP466) Steel 25Kh2GNTA Steel 25Х2ГНТРА Steel 25Х2Н4МФА Steel 25Kh2NMF (25Kh2NMFA) Steel 25KhGSNMA Steel 25KhN3MFA (25KhN3MFAR) Steel 25ХСНВФА (VP25) Steel 26ХН3М2ФА (26ХН3М2ФАA) Steel 26KhN3MF (26KhN3MFA) Steel 26KhN4MF (26KhN4MFA) Steel 27ХН3М2ФА (27ХН3М2Ф) Steel 27ХН3МФА (27ХН3МФ)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 30Х2ГСН2ВМ
Designation GOST Latin 30X2GCH2BM
Transliteration 30H2GSN2VM
The chemical elements 30Cr2MnСН2WMo
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 30Х2ГСН2М1
Designation GOST Latin 30X2GCH2M1
Transliteration 30H2GSN2M1
The chemical elements 30Cr2MnСН2Mo1
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ВЛ-1
Designation GOST Latin BL-1
Transliteration VL-1
The chemical elements WBe-1


30Х2ГСН2ВМ steel is used: for the manufacture of complex parts (wing spars, stabilizers, fuselage frames); solid-rolled rings from various industrial purposes.


Хромокремниевомарганцевоникелевая high strength structural steel with molybdenum and tungsten.


Name Code Standards
Classification, nomenclature and general norms В20 OST 1 90005-91
Sectional and shaped rolling В32 OST 1 90226-76, TU 14-1-1885-85, TU 14-1-413-72
Norms of calculation and design В02 PI 1.2.053-78
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs В31 TU 14-1-2256-77, TU 1-92-156-90

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Cu Mo W
TU 14-1-1885-85 0.24-0.31 ≤0.011 ≤0.015 1-1.3 1.5-2 0.9-1.2 2-2.5 The rest ≤0.25 0.4-0.5 0.9-1.3
TU 14-1-413-72 0.24-0.31 ≤0.011 ≤0.015 1-1.3 1.5-2 0.9-1.2 2-2.5 The rest - 0.4-0.5 0.9-1.3
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 14-1-413-72, the chemical composition is presented for steel grade 30Х2ГСН2ВМ (VL-1). In the finished varietal slope, subject to the requirements of the technical specification, deviations from the chemical composition standards are allowed in accordance with Table 2 TU 14-1-950-74, except for carbon, the deviation in which is not allowed. The presence of residual copper in steel should not exceed 0.250%. The total mass fraction of sulfur and phosphorus should not exceed 0.0220%. Deviations in sulfur and phosphorus are allowed provided that their total mass fraction does not exceed 0.0220%. A partial or complete replacement of tungsten by molybdenum at a rate of 2.5 parts by weight of tungsten is possible with a single part by weight of molybdenum. When molybdenum is completely replaced by tungsten, the molybdenum content in steel should be 0.75-1.00%. Steel in this case has the marking 30Х2ГСН2М1 (ВЛ-1).
According to TU 14-1-1885-85 the chemical composition is presented for steel grade 30Х2ГСН2ВМ-ВД (ВЛ-1-ВД). In steel, the sum of the content of phosphorus and sulfur should not exceed 0.022%. To ensure the required grain size, it is allowed to introduce vanadium in the steel smelting at the rate of its content in steel no more than 0.10%, the content of which in steel is not determined. The presence of titanium up to 0.030% is not a rejection sign. The permissible deviation in the content of manganese in steel is + 0.010 / -0.020%, in carbon content + 0.010%, in sulfur and phosphorus content, provided that their total content is not more than 0.022%.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm σB, MPa d5, % y, % kJ/m2, кДж/м2 HRC
Gradation of performance properties of the finished heat-treated parts for OST 1 90005-91
- 1570-1860 - - - 45.5-51.5
- 1470-1770 - - - 43.5-49.5
Ring clinocerinae for OST 1 90226-76. Annealing in air with 920-940 °C + Vacation at 200-300 °C, air cooling
≥1569 ≥8 ≥35 ≥590 -
Bars hot rolled on the other 14-1-413-72. Annealing in air from 930 °C±10 ° C + Vacation at 200-300 °C, air cooling (longitudinal samples, KCUвдоль/KCUпоперек)
≥1569 ≥9 ≥35 ≥590/196 -
Bars of steel 30Х2ГСН2ВМ (VL-1) TU 14-1-1885-85. Annealing in air with 920-940 °C + Vacation at 200-300 °C, air cooling. In the graph KCU KCU values are shown along the fiber/KCU across the grain
≥1570 ≥9 ≥45 ≥588/294 -

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture
y The relative narrowing
kJ/m2 Toughness
HRC Rockwell hardness (indenter diamond spheroconical)

Technological properties

Name The value
Weldability Welded by manual arc welding, after which, without allowing cooling of the welds below 200°, the parts are transferred into an oven with a temperature of 650 °C and then cooled in air.
Macrostructure and contamination Macrostructure of steel when testing for the breaks in the longitudinal direction and transverse templeto selected from rolled, should not have shrinkage, porosity, bubbles, cracks, delamination, inclusions and placenow and defects of fracture, listed in Annex 3 GOST 10243. The Central porosity, point heterogeneity and phase separation in the square should not exceed 1 points; layer-by-layer crystallization and the bright loop - 3 points reference scales GOST 10243. All other defects under GOST 10243, are not allowed. Pollution steel non-metallic inclusions should be according to the average score is not higher (in points): oxides of point 1,5, 2,0 stroke oxides, silicates fragile 1,0, 1,0 silicates plastic, silicates, non-deformed 2,5, 2,5 sulfides, nitrides stroke and point 1,0.
Microstructure Grain size of steel on the other 14-1-413-72 should be no larger than 5 points scales according to GOST 5639.
Features of production Bars hot rolled on the other 14-1-413-72 and OST 1 90226-76 supplied after heat treatment (annealing) with hardness not exceeding 269 HB (indentation diameter not less than 3.7 mm. Recommended mode softening annealing: Heating to 800 °C (exposure to heating), cooling with the furnace to 650 °C (aged for at least 12 h), air cooling.

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