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Steel 25Х2НМФ (25Х2НМФА)

Steel 35KhSN3M1A (VKS-8) Steel 30Kh2GSN2VM (30Kh2GSN2M1; VL-1) Steel 30Kh2GSNVM (VL-1D) Steel 30Х2Н2СВМФА (VKS-3) Steel 30KhGSN2A (30KhGSNA) Steel 30KhGSN2MA (30KhGSNMA) Steel 30ХН3М1ФА (30ХН3М1Ф) Steel 30ХН3М2ФА (30ХН3М2Ф) Steel 32KhN8M1FK5A (VKS-6) Steel 34KhMA (34KhM) Steel 34KhN3MA (0KhN3M) Steel 35KhMA (35KhMAR) Steel 35KhN1M2FA Steel 35KHN3MFA (35KHN3MFAR) Steel 35ХС2Н3М1ФА (VKS-9) Steel 28ХНН3МФА (28ХН3МФ) Steel 36KHN3MFA (36KHN3MF) Steel 38Kh3SNMVFA (SP38) 38KhMFYUA steel 38KhN3MFA steel (38KhN3MF) 40GMFR steel Steel 40KhN2SVA (EI643) Steel 40KhN2SMA (EI643M) Steel 42Kh2GSNM (VKS-1) 43Kh3SNMVFA steel (SP43) Steel 45Г15Н9Х2ЮФ (EP769) 45Kh3NM2FA steel Steel АЦ28ХГН2АФБ Steel АЦ28ХГН3ФТ B2G steel X11MNAFB steel 20KhGSNM steel Steel 01N17K12M5T (EP845; VKS-240) Steel 02N18K9M5T (EP637A; VKS-210) Steel 03N18K8M5T (VKS-170; EK21) Steel 03N19K6M5TR (EP631) Steel 03Cr14H7V Steel 08Х15Н25Т2МФР (EP674) Steel 09Х16НМ2Д (EP887; VNS28) Steel 120G13 (EI256) 12Kh3GNMFBA steel Steel 15Х16Н3КАМФ2 (VNS-47; EK81) 15Kh2GMF steel 15Kh2NMFA steel Steel 16X16H3MAD (EP811; VSN21) Alloy 20ХГСН2МФА (DI107) Steel 28Kh3SNMVFA (SP28; EP326A) Steel 25Х12Н2В2М2Ф (EP311; VNS-6) Steel 25Х20Н9В2М (EP466) Steel 25Kh2GNTA Steel 25Х2ГНТРА Steel 25Х2Н4МФА Steel 25Kh2NMF (25Kh2NMFA) Steel 25KhGSNMA Steel 25KhN3MFA (25KhN3MFAR) Steel 25ХСНВФА (VP25) Steel 26ХН3М2ФА (26ХН3М2ФАA) Steel 26KhN3MF (26KhN3MFA) Steel 26KhN4MF (26KhN4MFA) Steel 27ХН3М2ФА (27ХН3М2Ф) Steel 27ХН3МФА (27ХН3МФ)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 25Х2НМФ
Designation GOST Latin 25X2HMF
Transliteration 25H2NMF
The chemical elements 25Cr2НMoV
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 25Х2НМФА
Designation GOST Latin 25X2HMFA
Transliteration 25H2NMFA
The chemical elements 25Cr2НMoV


25Х2НМФ steel is used: for the manufacture of forgings for welded rotors for turbines K-1000−60/1500 and its modifications (To-1000−60/1500−2 etc.), forgings without machining of the disk blank, blanks shanks and medium-sized parts. Procurement of welded rotors are blanks with individual determination of mechanical properties and application of special methods of control.


Structural steel high-quality romancelatina.


Name Code Standards
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs В31 TU 05764417-051-96, TU 108.1082-82

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Cu V Mo
TU 108.1082-82 0.23-0.27 ≤0.015 ≤0.015 0.4-0.7 1.8-2.2 0.02-0.1 1.3-1.6 The rest ≤0.25 0.05 0.4-0.6
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 108.1082-82, the chemical composition is given for steel grade 25Х2НМФА. Mass fraction of Vanadium (V) is indicated by calculation and chemical analysis is not determined. In the case of using blanks for the manufacture of turbines of the first circuit of nuclear power plants, it is necessary to determine the content of cobalt (Co) blanks in the metal, which should not be more than 0.025%. The following deviations of the content of elements in the ladle sample from the specified composition are allowed: carbon ± 0.010%, sulfur +0.0010%, phosphorus +0.0010%. The enterprise producing the final thermal and mechanical treatment shall additionally determine the content of carbon, silicon, sulfur and phosphorus in the sample metal taken from the blanks in the places indicated in the drawings. The permissible deviations in the content of carbon, sulfur and phosphorus must meet the above requirements. It is allowed to reduce the carbon content in the metal of blanks to 0.20%, provided that the values ​​of the mechanical properties are consistent. The hydrogen content of the metal bars must not exceed 2.5 cm 3 / 100g. The results of determination of the vanadium content in the ladle sample are not acceptance tests, but are to be recorded in the blank sheets.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm sT|s0,2, MPa σB, MPa d5, % y, % kJ/m2, кДж/м2 Brinell hardness number, MPa
Of the workpiece after final heat treatment in the state of delivery on the other 108.1082-82
520-687 ≥657 ≥14 ≥40 ≥590 ≤270

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section
sT|s0,2 Yield strength or limit of proportionality with a tolerance for residual deformation of 0.2%
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture
y The relative narrowing
kJ/m2 Toughness

Technological properties

Name The value
Macrostructure and contamination The macrostructure of the etched surface of the workpiece on the other 108.1082-82 should not have cracks, placenow, shrinkage porosity, cavities, sekulow, large non-metallic inclusions, clusters of small non-metallic inclusions and the location of inclusions in a chain. Non-metallic inclusions up to 1 mm inclusive shall not be considered unless they are part of clusters and chains. On polished and etched surfaces of workpieces indicated in the drawing, permitted disparate non-metallic inclusions up to 2 mm inclusive not more than 10 pieces, as well as inclusion size of 2 to 4 mm inclusive not more than 5 pieces. the Accumulation of non-metallic inclusions is considered to be a group of defects up to 1 mm, inclusive, in the amount of not less than 10 pieces with distance between them of not more than 5 times the length of the longest defect from among the members of the cluster. Large non-metallic inclusions are the inclusions larger than 2 mm. Chain non-metallic inclusions consider the inclusion of up to 2 mm in one line of at least 5 pieces with distance between them not exceeding three times the length of the longest defect in the chain.
Features of production The steel workpiece must be smelted in arc furnaces with basic treatment on the installation of the circulating degassing of steel (UCWS), followed by casting in a vacuum chamber or, for bars weighing up to 60 tons - in an atmosphere of inert gases. Casting ingots should be made in specialized molds. Smelting and casting, forging and preliminary heat treatment of workpieces, machining and final heat treatment must be carried out according to the agreed technology from zniitmash.
Features of heat treatment Temperature tempering of workpieces in the process of final heat treatment should not be below 630 °C.

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