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Alloy ХН58КВТЮМБЛ (ЧС70; СН25)


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Designation GOST Cyrillic ХН58КВТЮМБЛ
Designation GOST Latin XH58KBTJuMBL
Transliteration HN58KVTYuMBL
The chemical elements CrNi58CoВTeAlCuBe
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Designation GOST Cyrillic ЧС70
Designation GOST Latin ChC70
Transliteration ChS70
The chemical elements ЧPb70
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Designation GOST Cyrillic СН25
Designation GOST Latin CH25
Transliteration SN25
The chemical elements PbNi25


Alloy ХН58КВТЮМБЛ used: for manufacturing by investment casting and vacuum parts with enhanced long durability and heat resistant up to +900 °C, oxidation resistance at elevated temperatures (turbine blades, ground-based CCD).


Casting heat-resistant Nickel-based alloy.


Name Code Standards
Sectional and shaped rolling В32 TU 14-1-3658-83

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Cu N As Al B Ti Mo Sb Pb Bi Nb W Zr Co Y
TU 14-1-3658-83 0.06-0.12 ≤0.008 ≤0.008 ≤0.3 15-16.7 ≤0.3 The rest ≤0.5 ≤0.07 ≤0.01 ≤0.0005 2.4-3.2 ≤0.2 4.2-5 1.5-2.5 ≤0.0005 ≤0.001 ≤5.0E-5 0.1-0.3 4.5-6 ≤0.05 10-11.5 ≤0.05
Ni is the basis.

Technological properties

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Microstructure Strengthening phase of the alloy (γ phase) is practically composed of Ni (Al, Ti), as the alloy contains aluminum and titanium in a ratio close to 1: 1. The phase content of Ni (Nb), giving the alloy a higher stability and resistance to softening at high temperatures (over 900 °C), minimum.
Corrosion resistance The alloy has high resistance to sulfide corrosion. At temperatures above 900 °C, for gas turbine units operating on natural gas in the conditions of aggressive sulfide environment and the contact pressure, there is a significant wear of band flanges of GTE blades due to fretting corrosion.

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