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Brass LS64-2


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ЛС64-2
Designation GOST Latin LC64-2
Transliteration LS64-2
The chemical elements ЛPb64-2


Brass LS64−2 is used: for the manufacture of semi-finished of semi-finished products (strips, bands, bars); printing matrices.


Lead brass.


Name Code Standards
Tapes В54 GOST 15527-2004
Non-ferrous metals, including rare metals, and their alloys В51 GOST 28873-90
Sheets and stripes В53 TU 48-21-215-90

Chemical composition

Standard P Fe Cu Zn Sb Pb Bi
GOST 15527-2004 ≤0.01 ≤0.1 63-66 The rest ≤0.005 1.5-2 ≤0.002
Cu is the basis.
According to GOST 15527-2004 the sum of other elements should be ≤ 0.30%. In brass, the mass fraction of nickel is allowed up to 0.50% due to the mass fraction of copper, which is not taken into account in the sum of other impurities.

Mechanical characteristics

σB, MPa d5, % Brinell hardness number, MPa
Brass supplied
320-380 55-65 -
580-670 4-6 140-150

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture

Physical characteristics

Temperature Е, ГПа r, кг/м3 l, Вт/(м · °С) R, НОм · м
20 105 8500 117 70

A description of the physical symbols

Name Description
l Coefficient of thermal conductivity
R UD. the resistivity

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