GOST 529-2015
GOST 529−2015 Tube radiator. Specifications
GOST 529−2015
Radiator tubes. Specifications
ISS 77.150.40
Date of introduction 2016−04−01
Goals, basic principles and main procedure of works on interstate standardization have been established in GOST 1.0−92 «interstate standardization system. Basic provisions» and GOST 1.2−2009 «interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Rules of development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"
Data on standard
1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 106 «Tsvetmetprokat», Scientific-research, project and design Institute for alloys and processing of nonferrous metals «joint-stock company «Institute tsvetmetobrabotka» (JSC «Institute tsvetmetobrabotka»)
2 as AMENDED by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart)
3 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (Protocol dated may 29, 2015 N 77-P)
The adoption voted:
Short name of the country on MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 |
Country code MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 |
Abbreviated name of the national authority for standardization |
Armenia |
AM | Ministry Of Economy Of The Republic Of Armenia |
Belarus |
BY | Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Belarus |
Kazakhstan | KZ | Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
Kyrgyzstan |
KG | Kyrgyzstandard |
Russia | EN | Rosstandart |
Tajikistan | TJ | Tajikstandart |
4 by Order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated 2 October 2015 N 1434-St inter-state standard GOST 529−2015 introduced as a national standard of the Russian Federation from April 1, 2016.
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in the monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet
1 Scope
This standard applies to cold-formed tubes from alloy grade l96 round, hex and polutrusy for the manufacture of honeycomb radiators.
The standard specifies the dimensions, technical requirements, acceptance rules, methods of control and testing, marking, packaging, transportation and storage tubes.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following international standards:
GOST 427−75 Rulers measuring metal. Specifications
GOST 1652.1−77 (ISO 1554−76) Alloys copper-zinc. Methods for determination of copper
GOST 1652.2−77 (ISO 4749−84) Alloys copper-zinc. Methods for determination of lead
GOST 1652.3−77 (ISO 1812−76) Alloys copper-zinc. Methods of iron determination
GOST 1652.4−77 Alloys copper-zinc. Methods for determination of manganese
GOST 1652.5−77 (ISO 4751−84) Alloys copper-zinc. Methods for determination of tin
GOST 1652.6−77 Alloys copper-zinc. Methods for determination of antimony
GOST 1652.7−77 Alloys copper-zinc. Methods for determination of bismuth
GOST 1652.8−77 Alloys copper-zinc. Methods for determination of arsenic
GOST 1652.9−77 (ISO 7266−84) Alloys copper-zinc. Method for the determination of sulfur
GOST 1652.10−77 Alloys copper-zinc. Methods for determination of aluminium
GOST 1652.11−77 (ISO 4742−84) Alloys copper-zinc. Methods for determination of Nickel
GOST 1652.12−77 Alloys copper-zinc. Methods for determination of silicon
GOST 1652.13−77 Alloys copper-zinc. Methods for determination of phosphorus
GOST 2991−85 wooden disposable Boxes for loads up to 500 kg. General specifications
GOST 6507−90 Micrometers. Specifications
GOST 7502−98 metallic measuring tape. Specifications
GOST 8026−92 Line calibration. Specifications
GOST 8828−89 base Paper and paper double-layer waterproof packaging. Specifications
GOST 10006−80 Pipe metal. Test method tensile
GOST 14192−96 Marking of cargo
GOST 15527−2004 Alloys copper-zinc (brass) pressure treated. Brand
GOST 15846−2002 Products that are sent to the far North regions and equated areas. Packing, marking, transportation and storage
GOST 24047−80 Semi-finished products from nonferrous metals and their alloys. Sampling for tensile test
GOST 24231−80 non-ferrous metals and alloys. General requirements to selection and preparation of samples for chemical analysis
GOST 24597−81 the packaged goods. Basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 25086−2011 non-ferrous metals and their alloys. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST 26653−90 Preparation of General cargoes for transportation. General requirements
GOST 26663−85 transport Packs. Formation with the use of packaging. General technical requirements
GOST 26877−2008 metal Products. Methods of measuring form deviations of
GOST 32597−2013 Copper and copper alloys. Types of defects of billets and semi-finished
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or in the annual information index «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year, and the editions of the monthly information index «National standards» for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.
3 Terms and definitions
This standard applies with GOST 32597, as well as the following terms with respective definitions:
3.1 tube: a Hollow product of round or polyhedral in cross section, having a uniform nominal wall thickness.
3.2 nominal wall thickness: wall Thickness specified in the order.
3.3 measuring length: Specific length of the product specified in the order to direct the segment or in the Bay.
3.4 random length: the length of the product in the direct segment in the predetermined range.
4 Assortment
4.1 Form, wall thickness and tolerances for dimensions of round tubes shall be as specified in figure 1 and in table 1.
Figure 1
Table 1 — tolerances for diameter and wall thickness round tubing
in millimeters
The outer diameter D, mm |
Limit deviation |
Wall thickness S, mm | Limit deviation |
The calculated value of linear density 1 m tube, g, not more |
4,0 |
±0,08 | 0,10 | ±0,02 | 13 |
4,0 |
0,20 | 23 | ||
5,0 | 0,20 | 29 | ||
7,0 | 0,15 | 31 | ||
8,0 | 0,15 | 35 | ||
10,0 | 0,15 | 44 | ||
Note — At the customer’s request pipes with a diameter of 4 mm are made with maximum deviation of outer diameter is ±0.07 mm. |
4.2 Shape, wall thickness and tolerances for the dimensions of the hexagonal tubes shall be as specified in figure 2 and table 2.
Figure 2
Table 2 — tolerance on diameter and wall thickness of the hexagonal tubes
in millimeters
The number of the handset | In | Predel- Noah deviation nie |
h | Predel- Noah deviation nie |
Wall thickness S | Predel- Noah deviation nie |
The calculated value of linear density 1 m tube, g, not more |
4 | 3,72 | +0,10 |
4,14 | +0,10 |
0,10 | ±0,02 | 13 |
4 | 3,72 | -0,05 | 4,14 | -0,15 | 0,20 | 35 | |
7 | 6,44 | 7,28 | +0,10 -0,20 |
0,15 | 49 |
4.3 Shape, wall thickness and tolerances for sizes polutropos shall be as specified in figure 3 and table 3.
Note — the Dimensions R, and
are reference. Density brand l96 is taken equal to 8,85 g/cm
Figure 3
Table 3 — maximum deviation in size polutrusy and wall thickness
in millimeters
The number of the handset | In | Predel- Noah deviation nie |
h | Predel- Noah deviation nie |
R | S | Predel- Noah deviation nie |
To the main tube | |
4 |
2,36 | ±0,10 | 4,05 | +0,10 | 1,78 | 0,6 | 0,20 | ±0,02 | Ш4 |
4/1 |
2,50 | 4,90 | -0,25 | 2,89 | 0,6 | 0,20 | K4 | ||
5 |
Of 2.81 | 5,17 | 2,24 | 0,6 | 0,20 | Ш5 | |||
5/1 | Of 3.00 | Of 6.04 | 3,46 | 0,6 | 0,20 | K5 | |||
7 | 3,82 | Of 7.34 | 3,14 | 0,7 | 0,15 |
Ш7 | |||
7/1 | 4,10 | 8,58 | 4,73 | 0,7 | 0,15 |
K7 |
4.4 Tube with wall thickness 0.15 and 0.20 mm are made dimensional and random length.
The length of the tubes should be from 150 to 500 mm, random — from 1250 to 4000 mm.
4.5 Tube with a wall thickness of 0.10 mm manufactured lengths.
Length round tubes — 256 mm, hex — 254 mm.
4.6 maximum deviation on length of pipe in millimetres shall be as specified in table 4.
Table 4
Length, mm | Limit deviation |
From 150 to 250 |
±0,4 |
SV. 250 to 500 |
±0,5 |
4.7 the legend is placed according to the scheme:
Figure 4
Use the following abbreviations:
method of manufacture: | cold — D; |
sectional shape: | round — CU, |
hex — CG, | |
polukrovka — FRI; | |
condition: | solid — T; |
length |
random — ND. |
In the legend of the pipe lengths after the diameter and wall thickness indicates the length of the pipe. For pipes of random length the length of the tubes in the legend do not indicate, and after the values of diameter and wall thickness indicated by the letters ND.
The sign «X» is placed instead of the data that has more than one value except to indicate the length and special conditions.
Symbols are examples of tubes:
Tube cold-drawn, round, solid, outer diameter 4 mm, wall thickness 0.20 mm, length 250 mm, made of brass brand l96:
Tube DCRT 4x0,20х250 l96 GOST 529−2015
Tube, cold drawn, hex, solid, room 7, with a wall thickness of 0.15 mm, random length, brass brand l96:
Tube DSGT 7x0,15 ND l96 GOST 529−2015
The tube is cold, polutrusy, solid, number 5, with a wall thickness of 0.20 mm, random length, brass brand l96:
Tube DPTH 5x0,20 ND l96 GOST 529−2015
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Pipe manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.
5.2 Tubes are made from copper-zinc alloy grade l96 with the chemical composition of the churchyard 15527.
5.3 as of metal cold-drawn tube are made solid.
5.4 External and internal surfaces of the tubes shall be clean, free from contamination, hindering their inspection, and shall have shells, shells, markings, a Crescent of streaks and bubbles.
On the surface of the tubes allowed for some minor surface defects in the form of shells, shells, markings, not an output tube for maximum deviations in size when the control sweep.
Allowed from the masses of the party no more than 5% of the tubes with dents with a depth of not more than 0.25 mm.
Water stains on the exterior of the tubes be permitted.
5.5 pipes supply trimmed evenly from both sides. The cut shall be perpendicular to the axis of the tube and have no burrs.
5.6 Ovality of round tubes and the deviation from the cross-sectional shape of hexagonal tubes and polutropos and raznoshennoy should take their size for maximum deviations accordingly, the outer dimensions and wall thickness.
5.7 measuring Curvature of tubes shall not exceed:
0.7 mm — for tubes up to 250 mm;
1.0 mm — for tubes with a length of over 250 to 450 mm;
1.5 mm — for tubes with a length of 450 mm. St
Random local curvature of tubes shall not exceed 5 mm per 1 m length.
The total curvature of random tubes shall not exceed the limit of the local curvature of 1 m at the length of tubing in meters.
At the request of the consumer, the local curvature of random tubes shall not exceed 3 mm per 1 m length.
5.8 the tensile strength for round pipes with a diameter of 10 mm should be 470,4−568,4 MPa (48−58 kgf/mm), for pipes of other sizes — 392−588 MPa (40 to 60 kgf/mm
5.9 Pipe should be sealed.
6 acceptance Rules
6.1 Tube take parties. The party should consist of pipes of the same size and be furnished by a single document about quality that contains:
is the trademark or name and trademark of manufacturer;
— the name of the country of manufacture;
— legal address of the manufacturer and/or seller;
— the symbol of the tubes;
— the batch number;
the weight of the party;
— the number of seats.
The mass of the party must be not more than 70 kg.
Allowed to issue one document about the quality of several lots of tubes delivered simultaneously to the same consumer.
6.2 Checking of the outer surface is subjected to each of the pipes of the party.
Testing internal surface of the measuring tube is subjected to each tube. To check the inner surface of off-gage pipes select five tubes from the party.
6.3 To test for leaks and to check the mass of 1 m tube take 2 kg of the tubes from the party.
6.4 For the control of the outside dimensions and wall thickness are selected five tubes from the party.
6.5 To control the length and curvature take 1 kg of the tubes from the party.
6.6 ultimate strength of the material of the tubes to be checked periodically at least twice per year in the two tubes from the party.
6.7 To determine the chemical composition of the material of the tubes from the party taken at the two receivers.
The manufacturer is permitted to test the chemical composition of the samples taken from the molten metal.
6.8 If unsatisfactory test results of at least one of the indicators it is carried out re-testing at twice the sample taken from the same batch.
The results of repeated tests spread to the entire party.
6.9 permitted by agreement with the consumer to use statistical methods of control of mechanical properties and curvature.
7 Methods of inspection and testing
7.1 the surface quality of the tubes checked by inspection without the use of magnifying devices.
The inspection of the inner surface of the tubes is carried out by viewing them on a light box.
The inspection of the inner surface of off-gage pipes is carried out on segments with a length of 250 mm.
To check the depth of defects allowed the control sweep surface of the tubes with sandpaper grain size no more than N 5.
7.2 Control of the outside dimensions and wall thickness is carried out with a micrometer according to GOST 6507. To control the wall thickness of each of the selected tubes, cut samples of length 150 mm and cut them lengthwise.
7.3 the length of the tubes to measure metal ruler according to GOST 427 or measuring tape according to GOST 7502.
7.4 the curvature of the tubes is controlled according to GOST 26877 in the following way. The tube is placed on a horizontal plane, and attach a straightedge with a length of 1 m according to GOST 8026 and by using the probe according to the normative documentation measure the maximum distance between the line and the tube.
7.5 allowed the manufacturer to control the size of the tubes as another tool to ensure the appropriate measurement accuracy.
7.6 tensile Test of tubes to determine the interim resistance is carried out according to GOST 10006 on long samples.
From each monitored pipe cut off one sample.
The selection and preparation of samples for tensile tests carried out according to GOST 24047.
7.7 the Tube must withstand the leakproofness test with air pressure of not less than 7 kgf/cm(0,686 MPa) aged at this pressure for at least 5 s.
Test pipes for leaks is carried out with compressed air in the tub filled with water.
Tube, the surface of which there are air bubbles, are not considered to have withstood the test.
7.8 Chemical composition of the material of the tubes is determined according to GOST 1652.1 — 1652.13 GOST, GOST 25086.
Of each controlled tube cut off one sample.
The selection and preparation of samples for chemical composition control is carried out according to GOST 24231.
If there is disagreement in assessing the quality of the chemical composition of the tubes is determined by 1652.1* — 1652.13 GOST, GOST 25086.
* Probably, the error of the original. Should read: according to GOST 1652.1. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
7.9 the manufacturer is allowed to apply other testing methods, providing the required accuracy set out in this standard.
8 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
8.1 Tube Packed in solid wooden boxes of types I and II according to GOST 2991, which lay inside the wrapping paper according to GOST 8828.
8.2 Consolidation packages in overpacks shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of GOST 24597, GOST 26663 and regulations.
8.3 Packaging of products sent to the far North regions and equated areas according to GOST 15846, group «Metals and metal products."
8.4 In each box with the tubes must be inserted or attached to the metal, cardboard or plywood label according to GOST 14192, which specify:
is the trademark or name and trademark of manufacturer;
— the name of the country of manufacture;
— the symbol of the tubes;
— the batch number;
— the designation of this standard;
— the stamp of the technical control room or controller.
8.5 Transportation of the tubes is carried out by all kinds of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with cargo carriage regulations applicable to transport of this species.
Vehicles for tubes longer than 3 m is determined in accordance with cargo carriage regulations applicable to transport of this species.
Training for carriage of goods by sea is carried out in accordance with GOST 26653.
8.6 Transport marking of packages — according to GOST 14192 with the application of manipulation sign «Protect from moisture» and additional label batch number in the free from traffic markings. Transport marking applied by any method stipulated by GOST 14192.
8.7 Pipe should be stored indoors under conditions, which exclude mechanical damages of tubes to keep moisture and the action of active chemical substances.
8.8 subject to the specified conditions of transportation and storage of consumer properties of the pipe do not change.