GOST 21931-76
GOST 21931−76 Solders tin-lead in products. Technical conditions (with Changes N 1, 2, 3)
GOST 21931−76
Group B51
Technical specifications
Tin-lead solders in the form of products. Specifications
OKP 17 2300
Date of introduction 1978−01−01
VAArshinnikov; Z.Ya. Kamenetskaya; AI Dautova
2. APPROVED AND ENTRY INTO ACTION By the Resolution of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR
Change No. 3 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 6 of 21.10.94)
For the adoption voted:
State name | Name of national authority on standardization |
The Republic of Azerbaijan | Azgosstandart |
Republic of Armenia | Armgosstandart |
The Republic of Belarus | State Standard of Belarus |
Republic of Georgia | Gruzstandart |
The Republic of Kazakhstan | State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
The Kyrgyz Republic | Kyrgyzstandard |
The Republic of Moldova | Moldovastandard |
Russian Federation | Gosstandart of Russia |
The Republic of Uzbekistan | Uzgosstandart |
Ukraine | Gosstandart of Ukraine |
3. REPLACEMENT GOST 1499−70, except pigs
The designation of the normative document for which reference is made |
Item number |
GOST 12.0.004−90 |
2a.9 |
GOST 12.1.005−88 |
2a.3; 2a.4 |
GOST 12.1.007−76 |
2a.1; 2a.4 |
GOST 12.3.009−76 |
2а.6 |
GOST 12.3.010−82 |
2а.7 |
GOST 12.4.023−84 |
2a.11 |
GOST 12.4.028−76 |
2a.11 |
GOST 1429.0−77 |
2a.8; 4.6 |
GOST 1429.1−77 — GOST 1429.15−77 |
4.6 |
GOST 2228−81 |
5.8; 5.10 |
GOST 2991−85 |
5.10 |
GOST 3282−74 |
5.10 |
GOST 3560−73 |
5.10 |
GOST 4514−78 |
5.8 |
GOST 6128−81 |
5.5 |
GOST 6613−86 |
1.8 |
GOST 9723−73 |
4.7 |
GOST 10396−84 |
5.8; 5.10 |
GOST 14192−96 |
5.11 |
GOST 14861−91 |
2a.7; 5.10 |
GOST 17308−88 |
5.8 |
GOST 18477−79 |
5.10 |
GOST 19113−84 |
2.4 |
GOST 21140−88 |
5.10 |
GOST 21930−76 |
2.1; 2.5; 2.6; 5.13 |
GOST 21931−76 |
1.8 |
GOST 26663−85 |
5.10 |
SNiP 2.09.04−87 |
2а.12 |
5. The limitation of the term of validity was withdrawn according to the protocol of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IMS 2−93)
6. REVERSION (February 1998) with Changes Nos. 1, 2, 3, approved in December 1982, June 1987, March 1995 (ISS 3−83, 9−87, 6−95)
This standard applies to tin-lead solders in the form of round wire, tape, trihedral, round and square bars, round tubes filled with flux, powder, used for tinning and soldering parts.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
1.1. The wire diameters and the maximum deviations from them must correspond to those indicated in Table 1.
(Changed edition, Amendments N 1, 2, 3).
1.2. The diameters of round bars, the dimensions of the sides of the trihedral and square bars and the maximum deviations from them should correspond to those indicated in Table 2.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
Table 1
Nominal diameter of wire | Limit Deviation |
0.4 |
± 0.05 |
0.5 |
± 0.05 |
0.6 |
± 0.06 |
0.8 |
± 0.08 |
0.95 |
± 0.08 |
1.0 |
± 0.10 |
1.2 |
± 0.10 |
1.5 |
± 0.10 |
1.8 |
± 0.10 |
2.0 |
± 0.10 |
2.5 |
± 0.12 |
3.0 |
± 0.15 |
3.5 |
± 0.17 |
4.0 |
± 0.17 |
5.0 |
± 0.17 |
6.0 |
± 0.18 |
7.0 |
± 0.20 |
table 2
Round bars | Bars, trihedral | Square bars | |||
Nominal diameter |
Limit Deviation | Size of sides | Limit Deviation | Size of sides | Limit Deviation |
8 |
± 0.24 | 10 | ± 0.30 | 5 | ± 0.25 |
10 |
± 0.30 | 12 | ± 0.36 | 7th | ± 0.35 |
12 |
± 0.36 | 14 | ± 0.42 | 9 | ± 0.45 |
eleven | ± 0.55 | ||||
15 |
± 0.45 | 16 | ± 0.48 | 13 | ± 0.55 |
40 |
± 1.2 | 15 | ± 0.55 |
1.3. The length of the bars should be (400 ± 20) mm.
The difference in length of the rods in the bundle should be no more than 10 mm.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
1.4. The dimensions of the belts should correspond to those indicated in Table 3, the maximum deviations in the dimensions of the belts — in Table 4.
Table 3
Nominal tape thickness |
Nominal belt width |
0.8 |
8−10 |
1.0 | |
1.5 |
5−10; 15 |
2.0 | |
2.5 | |
3.0 | |
4.0 | |
5.0 |
Table 4
Nominal tape thickness |
Limit Deviation | Nominal belt width |
Limit Deviation |
0.8 |
± 0.08 | 5.0 |
± 0.5 |
1.0 |
± 0.10 | 6.0 |
± 0.6 |
1.5 |
± 0.10 | 7.0 |
± 0.7 |
2.0 |
± 0.10 | 8.0 |
± 0.8 |
2.5 |
± 0.10 | 9.0 |
± 0.9 |
3.0 |
± 0.12 | 10.0 |
± 1.0 |
4.0 |
± 0.16 | 15.0 |
± 1.0 |
5.0 |
± 0.20 |
1.5. The diameters of the tubes and the limiting deviations of the outer diameter shall be as specified in Table 5.
Table 5
Nominal External tube diameter |
Limit Deviation outer diameter |
1.0 |
± 0.05 |
1.5 |
± 0.07 |
2.0 |
± 0.07 |
2.5 |
± 0.07 |
3.0 |
± 0.09 |
3.5 |
± 0.1 |
4.0 |
± 0.12 |
5.0 |
± 0.15 |
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 3).
1.6. Upon agreement of the consumer with the manufacturer, manufacturing of products of other shapes and sizes is allowed.
1.7. The length of the length of the wire and tube should be at least 20 m, the tape — at least 10 m.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
1.8. The granulometric composition of the solder powder should correspond to that indicated in Table 6.
Table 6
Grid number according to GOST 6613 | The remainder of the powder on a sieve,%, no more |
Powder passing through a sieve,%, not less than |
008 |
0.5 | - |
0071 |
- | 80 |
The symbol for the solders is as follows:
With the following abbreviations:
the name of the profile assortment:
wire — Prv;
rod — Fri;
tape — L;
tube — T;
powder — Por;
section shapes:
round — CD;
square — KB;
trihedral — TRG.
Instead of the missing indicator put the sign «X».
Examples of a symbol
Solder in the form of a wire of circular cross section with a diameter of 2 mm of POSSu grade 61−0.5:
Solder Prv KR2 PRESS 61−0.5 GOST 21931−76
The same, in the form of a square rod with a side of 9 mm square of the POSSu grade 40−0.5:
Solder ПтКВ 9.0 POSSu 40−0.5 GOST 21931−76
The same, in the form of a trihedral cross-section with a size of sides of 14 mm of PIC 61:
Solder PtTRG 14 PIC 61 GOST 21931−76
The same, in the form of a tape 0.8 mm thick, 8 mm wide PIC 40:
Solder L 0,8x8 PIC 40 GOST 21931−76
The same, in the form of a tube with an external diameter of 5 mm with a filler rosin of the brand POSSU 25−2:
Solder Т 5 POSSu 25−2 GOST 21931−76
The same, in the form of powder POSSu 30−2:
Solder Port POST 30−2 GOST 21931−76
(Changed edition, Amendments N 1, 2, 3).
2.1. Tin-lead solders in products are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for a technological instruction approved in accordance with the established procedure. The chemical composition of tin-lead solders must comply with the requirements of GOST 21930 .
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).
2.2. The surface of rods, wires, tapes and tubes should not have foreign inclusions, cracks and delaminations.
On the surface of rods, wire and tape are allowed individual unopened air bubbles, which do not have slag inclusions.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).
2.3. In the breakage of wire, rod, tape and tube there should be no foreign inclusions.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
2.4. As a flux (filler) of solder tubes, pine rosin is used in accordance with GOST 19113. The flux must be continuous along the entire length of the tube.
Upon agreement of the consumer with the manufacturer, it is allowed to use more active fluxes as a filler. The flux mass in the tube should be (2.5 ± 0.5)% of the mass of the tube.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).
2.5. The physical and mechanical properties of solders are given in Appendix 1 of GOST 21930 .
2.6. The areas of preferential use of solders are given in Appendix 2 of GOST 21930 .
2a.1. Processes of production and soldering (tinning) of tin-lead and tin-lead-cadmium solders can be accompanied by the release of toxic substances of lead and cadmium oxide, which in accordance with GOST 12.1.007 are classified as substances of the 1st class of hazard.
2a.2. The release of harmful substances into the human body in the conditions of manufacturing and use of solders is possible by inhalation of polluted air, as well as with water and food if personal hygiene is not observed.
The action of lead on the human body is to defeat the nervous system, blood, blood vessels. Cadmium affects the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, internal organs, skeletal muscles and bone tissue, causes irritation of the skin.
2a.3. The maximum permissible concentration of lead in the air in the working area of industrial premises is 0.01 mg / m , cadmium oxide — 0.1 mg / m
according to GOST 12.1.005 .
2a.4. Control over the content of harmful substances in the air of the working area should be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.1.005 and GOST 12.1.007. Analysis of air samples for lead and cadmium oxide is carried out according to the methods approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR.
2a.5. The device, equipment and finishing of industrial premises and workplaces in the manufacture and use of lead-containing alloys must comply with safety rules for the production of tin and alloys based on it, approved by the Gosgortechnadzor of the USSR, and the sanitary rules for organizing the soldering of small products with lead-containing alloys approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.
2a.6. When loading and unloading works, safety requirements must be complied with in accordance with GOST 12.3.009 and safety rules for enterprises and organizations of the metallurgical industry approved by the Gosgortechnadzor of the USSR.
2a.7. Safety requirements for the operation of industrial packaging manufactured in accordance with GOST 14861, according to GOST 12.3.010 .
2a.8. Safety requirements in determining the chemical composition — according to GOST 1429.0 .
2a.9. Workers with solders should pass:
safety instruction in accordance with GOST 12.0.004 ;
training in working methods with lead and cadmium-containing solders and rules for handling protective equipment;
Preliminary upon admission to employment and periodic medical examinations.
2a.10. Prevention of lead poisoning when working with solders — according to regulatory documentation approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR.
2a.11. All work with molten tin-lead solders should be carried out in dry overalls and safety devices.
When working with molten tin-lead solders, maintenance of tinning and soldering baths, work with powder from solders and transportation and storage works, workers should use personal respiratory protective equipment — respirators ShB-1 «Lepestok» in accordance with GOST 12.4.028. To avoid burns, those working with molten solders should protect their face with head shields in accordance with GOST 12.4.023 .
2a.12. Working with tin-lead solders should be provided with domestic premises in accordance with SNIP 2.09.04 for the group of production processes IIIa. In the sanitary facilities should be created conditions for compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
Section 2. (Introduced additionally, Rev. N 1).
3.1. Solders accept batches.
Each lot must consist of solders of the same brand, one type and one size. The lot weight is not limited.
The party must be issued with one quality document containing:
trademark or name and trademark of the manufacturer;
conventional designation of solder;
batch number;
results of chemical analysis;
net weight and gross lot in kilograms;
date of manufacture;
(Changed edition, Amendments N 1, 2, 3).
3.2. Examination and measurement are subjected to each hank, coil and 0.5% of the batch by weight of the batch.
3.3. To check the chemical composition of the solder, 0.3% (by weight) of wire coils, a tube with a diameter of up to 2.5 mm, belts up to 2.5 mm thick are taken from the batch; 0.05% (by weight) of coils of wire, a tube with a diameter of more than 2.5 mm and a ribbon thicker than 2.5 mm and a ribbon thicker than 2.5 mm, * but not less than two coils; 0.03% (by weight) of the bars, but not less than five bars.
* The text corresponds to the original. — Note «CODE».
To check the chemical and granulometric composition of the powder, 20% of the cans are taken from the batch, but not less than five cans.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
3.4. At reception of unsatisfactory results of tests even on one of indicators repeat tests on the doubled sample taken from the same party are spent. The results of repeated tests apply to the whole lot.
4.1. The control of the surface of bars, wires, tapes, tubes is done without the use of magnifying devices.
4.2. For sampling of the combined sample from the ends of coils and coils of wire, tube, tape take lengths of 30−40 cm. The sample is obtained by turning the full cross-section or by milling the bundle of ends. The rods are milled in three places — in the middle and at both ends.
At the manufacturer during the manufacture of pipes and wire, it is allowed to take a sample to determine the chemical composition of the blanks and distribute the result of the analysis to lots of different diameters made from these blanks. In this case, the determination of the flux content in the tubes is carried out in each batch. In the manufacture of products by hot pressing it is allowed to take samples from molten metal evenly at the beginning, middle and end of the batch release in the form of rods, followed by their turning or milling.
The resulting sawdust is mixed, subjected to magnetic separation, reduced by quartising to obtain a laboratory sample weighing 200 g. The sample is divided into two parts, one of which is sent for chemical analysis, the second is left in case of disagreement in the evaluation of the quality of solders.
The laboratory test from the tubular solder before analysis should be washed from rosin with alcohol or other solvents.
(Changed edition, Amendments N 1, 2, 3).
4.3. A sample of the powder is taken with a probe from each selected can. The probe is lowered to the full depth of the jar in at least three different points. The sample is mixed and quarted.
At the manufacturer, powder sampling is allowed by an automatic sampler.
4.4. The diameter of the bars, wires and tubes is measured in at least two mutually perpendicular directions of the same cross-section by any measuring instrument that provides a given measurement accuracy.
4.5. To obtain a break, the solder is cut to a depth of not more than one third of the diameter or thickness and broken off by a notch. Inspection of the fracture is carried out without the use of magnifying devices.
4.6. Analysis of the chemical composition of solders is carried out in accordance with GOST 1429.0 — GOST 1429.15 .
It is allowed to determine the chemical composition of the solder by other methods that ensure the required accuracy of determination.
In case of disagreement in the evaluation of the chemical composition of the solder, the determination is made in accordance with GOST 1429.0 — GOST 1429.11 .
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
4.7. The granulometric composition of the powder is determined in accordance with GOST 9723 .
4.8. To determine the content of flux () in the tube from the ends of the selected coils (coils) take samples 30−40 cm long and cut them into lengths 3−5 cm long. The mass of the sample should be 140−160 g.
The sample is divided into two parts: one part is sent for analysis, the other is saved in case of disagreement in assessing the quality of the party. Samples weighing 20 g are placed in a clean porcelain crucible and heated until completely melted, then thoroughly mixed and cooled. The solidified solder is cleaned of flux, washed in alcohol to remove its residues, dried and weighed, . Content of flux (
) in percent is calculated by the formula
For the final result, the arithmetic mean of the test results of the three samples is taken.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
4.9. Continuity of flux in the tube is ensured by manufacturing technology.
(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 2).
5.1. Wire, tapes and tubes with flux are supplied in coils. Wire with a diameter of up to 1 mm and tubes with flux up to 1.5 mm in diameter are supplied wound onto coils. The net weight of coils and coils of wire and tubes with flux should be 1.5−15 kg. It is allowed to wind wires and tubes of other diameters on the coils.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
5.2. Each hank should be tightly tied with string or adhesive tape in at least three places, evenly spaced around the perimeter of the hank.
5.3. (Excluded, Rev. N 2).
5.4. The bars are supplied in packs of not more than 15 kg.
5.5. The powder is packed in metal cans according to GOST 6128. Net weight of cans should not be more than 30 kg.
It is allowed, upon agreement of the manufacturer with the consumer, to pack the powder into metal cans, manufactured according to the working drawings approved in the established order, with the dimensions indicated in Table 7.
Table 7
Dimensions, mm
Capacity, cm |
Diameter | Limit Deviation | Height | Limit Deviation | ||
interior | outer | internal | outdoor | |||
8092 |
215 | 218 | ± 5 | 223 | 232 | ± 5 |
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).
5.6. For each coil, wire coil, tapes and tubes and for each bundle of solder bars a label is attached on which the following should be indicated:
a trademark of the manufacturer;
conventional designation of solder;
batch number;
number of the controller of the technical control department;
date of manufacture.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).
5.7. In each bank, you deposit a document in which you must specify:
a trademark of the manufacturer;
conventional designation of solder;
batch number;
bank number;
net weight in kilograms;
date of manufacture;
designation of this standard.
Each label is labeled with the same data.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
5.8. Hoses of wire, tubes, ribbons and bundles of rods are wrapped with paper in accordance with GOST 10396, GOST 2228 or other normative documentation and are bandaged with binding material according to GOST 17308, GOST 4514 in three places, including the place where the label is fastened.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).
5.9. To each hank or a box a label is attached to the top of the package, on which the following must be indicated:
a trademark of the manufacturer;
conventional designation of solder;
batch number;
designation of this standard.
5.10. Coils, coils of wire, ribbons, tubes, bundles of bars, cans with powder are transported in universal containers in accordance with GOST 18477 or specialized metal containers (boxes) of type I, version 1 1200x800x750 mm in accordance with GOST 14861 gross weight not more than 1.3 tons, net no more than 1,2 t. It is allowed to transport coils of wire, tubes, ribbons and bundles of rods in specialized containers in accordance with GOST 14861 and universal containers in accordance with GOST 18477 without packing into paper; the bottom and walls of the container are covered and every row of products is shifted by a layer of paper in accordance with GOST 10396, GOST 2228 or other normative documentation.
Small shipments of the product are transported in board-type II-I boxes in accordance with GOST 2991 in accordance with GOST 21140, with a gross mass of not more than 50 kg. Boxes are formed on wooden pallets in transport packages according to GOST 26663 with strapping by metal tape according to GOST 3560 or wire according to GOST 3282. The gross weight of the package is not more than 1.0 t.
5.9, 5.10. (Changed edition, Amendments N 1, 2, 3).
5.11. Transport marking — according to GOST 14192 .
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
5.12. Solders are transported by transport of all types in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the transport of goods operating on this type of transport and the Technical conditions for loading and fastening approved by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 3).
5.13. Storage of tin-lead solders in products — according to GOST 21930 .
(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 1).
Section 6… (Excluded, Amend No. 1).