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Bronze production


Wide industrial use of base metals in their pure form is limited, so for the needs of mechanical engineering, industrial chemicals, housing and utilities produce various alloys - bronze (aluminum, silicon, tin), brass with different contents of zinc and alloying additives , etc. The use of additional components significantly improves the characteristics of the material, which contributes to the expansion of the sphere of operation.

Production. Tin bronze

When melting tin bronzes it is necessary to protect the melt from the action of atmospheric oxygen in order to avoid the formation of copper and tin oxides, which reduce the technological properties of the alloy. Therefore, before adding tin to hot copper, it is deoxidized with phosphorus, i.e. phosphorus copper with a phosphorus content of up to 10% is added to the melt. The formation of phosphoric anhydride binds and removes oxygen and non-metallic inclusions. However, phosphorus residues impair the technological qualities of the finished material, especially the electrical conductivity. Therefore more expensive deoxidants are used. Among them are lithium, calcium and potassium. The melting process usually takes place under a layer of charcoal or a mixture of charcoal and soda. The alloying components are added to the melt at 1100 °C. The melt is stirred at 1200 °C. Pouring into molds is carried out at 1300 ° C. Production of tin bronze in ingots is regulated by GOST 614-73, and casting of antifriction parts - GOST 613-79

Production. Aluminum bronze

Aluminum bronze is melted at t° not higher than 1200 ° C. Before pouring into molds, the melt should be well stirred, because due to the large differences in density copper and aluminum can split. Before casting into moulds, the melt is refined by manganese chloride, modified by boron, vanadium or other metals.

Manufacturing. Silicon and beryllium bronze

Silicon and beryllium bron zes are smelted in induction furnaces. Graphite crucibles are used. Because of toxicity of beryllium fumes, beryllium bronze is produced in isolated workshops with powerful ventilation system.


After casting, all ingots are certified. The certificate includes the alloy grade, percentage of material: manufacturer's grade, weight and batch number. Every part of the bronze melting process is subjected to quality control.


High wear and corrosion resistance of bronze alloys, resistance to corrosion, allows their use where work is associated with contact with soil and atmospheric moisture. Unique performance characteristics make it possible to apply them for production of heat-exchange equipment, the needs of heavy and power engineering, electrical engineering Aesthetic appeal of rolled bronze is important in construction and design. Thus, bronze castings can often be found among works of art. This alloy is especially relevant for various statuettes, making bas-reliefs, commemorative inscriptions on houses and institutions where famous representatives of the world of art, science, sports, etc. lived, studied or worked.


Are you interested in bronze production and price? Production of bronze from the supplier "Auremo" meets GOST and international quality standards, the price is optimal from the supplier. We offer to buy bronze from specialized warehouses with delivery to any city. Buy bronze today. Wholesale customers preferential price.

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