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Density, concentration and resistance of nickel wire


Although nickel ore reserves in the lithosphere rank only thirteenth among metallic ores, nickel is no less important today than iron, aluminum, copper, and other metals. Nickel is the basis for the creation of heat-resistant materials with unique properties. To date, the nickel industry has created more than 3,000 alloys. In the consumption structure, 80% of Ni is consumed by alloys. 20% is used for protective coatings. This metal gives the alloy its valuable qualities. Aviation, power industry, industrial chemistry, food industry, electrical engineering are in particular need of nickel alloys. Radar and television could not do without nickel. Nickel plates have replaced cadmium plates in neutron beam breakers that generate high-energy neutron pulses. Nickel plates are used in ultrasonic machines and also in modern telephones. Alloys with manganese additives (manganese nickel) are used in incandescent lamps and special rectifiers for electrode holders. Nickel ensures excellent corrosion resistance. This is one of the main reasons why nickel plating is so widespread. The protective layer of nickel not only increases resistance to corrosion, but also gives the product an aesthetic appearance.

Thermo-electrode alloys

The specific electrical resistance of nickel wire changes with increasing temperature. Nickel acts as a determining factor in the formation of heat-resistant and thermo-electrode alloys. The specific electrical resistance of nickel wire under normal conditions is at 0.87 Ohmxmm2/m... Nickel-based alloys have the necessary qualities due to compliance with the production technology specified in regulatory documents (GOST, TU, international standards).

Alumel is a nickel-based 93-96% nickel-based thermoelectric alloy. Percentage composition

Alloy Ni Al Mn Si Co Impurities
Alumel 93-96% 1,8-2,5% 1,8-2,2% 0,8-1,2% 0,5% 0,5%
  • Melting point: 1430-1450°C.
  • Density: 8.67 g/cm3.
  • Wire specific electrical resistance: 0.33 Ohmxmm2/m.
  • Temperature coefficient of linear expansion: 13,7x10-6/°C.

Kopel is a thermocouple copper-nickel alloy. Percentage composition

Alloy Ni Cu Fe Si Co Impurities
Kopel 43-44% 52-53% 2-3% 0,5% 0,2% 0,5%
  • Melting point: 1220-1290°C.
  • Density: 8.9 g/cm3.
  • Wire specific electrical resistance: 0.47 Ohmxmm2/m.
  • Temperature coefficient of linear expansion: 14x10-6/°C.

Chromel is an 89-91% nickel-based thermoelectrode alloy. Percentage composition

Alloy Ni Cr Mn Si Co Impurities
Chromel 89-91% 8,7-10% 1,8-2,2% 0,8-1,2% 0,5% 0,5%
  • Melting point: 1400-1500°C.
  • Density: 8.72 g/cm3.
  • Wire specific electrical resistance: 0.68 Ohmxmm2/m.
  • Temperature coefficient of linear expansion: 12,8x10-6/°C.

Constantan is a thermocouple copper-nickel alloy. Percentage composition

Alloy Ni Cu Mn Si Impurities
Constantan 43-44% 57-60% 1-2% 0,2% 0,5%
  • Melting point: 1260 °C.
  • Density: 8.9 g/cm3.
  • Wire specific electrical resistance: 0.5 Ohmxmm2/m.
  • Temperature coefficient of linear expansion: 14,4x10-6/°C.

Production of thermocouple nickel wire alumel, copel, constantan, chromel are regulated by GOST 1790-77. Compensation wires of nickel wire chromel, copel, constantan must meet the requirements of GOST 1791-67. Chemical composition of nickel and copper-nickel thermal electrode alloys is regulated by GOST 492-2006.


Alumel and chromel alloys are most widely used as material for thermocouples. With their help it is possible to accurately measure the temperature in a large range in oxidizing environments (up to t ° 1200-1300 ° C), i.e. in industrial processes. Nickel and copper alloys (copel, constantan) are used for rheostats. In such alloys 40-50% Ni and electrical resistance does not change with changes in temperature.

Structural alloys

Reactive engineering would not be possible without the special heat resistant alloys Inconel, Hastelloy. Transport engineering is based on the use of such high-strength nickel alloys. Chemical reactors, tanks, boilers and crucibles with high corrosion resistance are made of such alloys. Nickel alloys play a critical role in the construction of gas turbine engines and nuclear boilers. They are used as high-temperature protective cladding to protect uranium rods from corrosion in the nuclear reactor.

The percentage composition of the alloy Inconel 600

Cr Ni Cu Mn Si C S
14-17 43-44 0,5 1 0,5 0,15 0,015

Inconel 625

Cr Ni Co Mn Si C Al Ti Nb P, S
21-23 56 1 0,5 0,5 0,1 0,4 0,4 3.5-4 0,015

Hastelloy B-2

Mo Cr Co Mn Fe C W Si Ni
28 1 1 1 2 0,01 --- 0,1 base

Hastelloy B-3

Mo Cr Co Mn Fe C W Si Ni
28,5 1,5 3 3 1,5 0,01 --- 0,1 base

Hastelloy C-4

Mo Cr Co Mn Fe C W Si Ni
16 16 2 3 3 0,01 --- 0,08 basis


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