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Steel SHKH10


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ШХ10
Designation GOST Latin ShX10
Transliteration ShH10
The chemical elements -


SHKH10 steel is used: for the manufacture of rolled strips with thickness 1.5−7.6 mm wire intended for manufacture of twisted roller bearings.


Name Code Standards
Tapes В34 GOST 808-70

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Cu
GOST 808-70 0.32-0.42 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 0.4-0.7 0.8-1.2 0.17-0.37 ≤0.2 The rest ≤0.25
Fe is the basis.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm σB, MPa d HRC
Flattened strip of 1.5-7.6 mm ataegina in the state of delivery according to GOST 808-70 (δ in the graph specified elongation l0=100 mm)
≤2.5 570-810 ≥7 -
2.5 510-760 ≥12 -
Flattened strip GOST 808-70. Quenching in oil 840-860 °C (delay of 1.5 min for each mm of thickness of the tape) and Leave at 180 °C (aged for at least 2 h)
1.5-7.6 - - ≥45

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section
σB Limit short-term strength
d Elongation after rupture
HRC Rockwell hardness (indenter diamond spheroconical)

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