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Steel 8Х4В9Ф2 (ЭИ347; 8Х4В9МФ2)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 8Х4В9Ф2
Designation GOST Latin 8X4B9F2
Transliteration 8H4V9F2
The chemical elements 8Cr4W9V2
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ЭИ347
Designation GOST Latin EI347
Transliteration EhI347
The chemical elements -
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 8Х4В9МФ2
Designation GOST Latin 8X4B9MF2
Transliteration 8H4V9MF2
The chemical elements 8Cr4W9MoV2


8Х4В9Ф2 steel is used: for the manufacture of precision rolling bearings operating in harsh environments; heat resistant bearings; surpressing instrument bearings; bearings especially for critical applications.


Name Code Standards
Sheets and stripes В33 TU 14-1-1968-77
Sectional and shaped rolling В32 TU 14-1-2244-77, TU 14-1-2785-79

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe V Mo W
TU 14-1-2244-77 0.7-0.8 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 ≤0.4 4-4.6 ≤0.4 ≤0.35 The rest 1.4-1.7 ≤0.3 8.5-9.5
TU 14-1-2785-79 0.7-0.8 ≤0.015 ≤0.03 ≤0.4 4-4.6 ≤0.4 ≤0.35 The rest 1.4-1.7 ≤0.3 8.5-9.5
TU 14-1-1968-77 0.7-0.8 ≤0.03 ≤0.035 ≤0.4 4-4.6 ≤0.4 ≤0.35 The rest 1.3-1.7 ≤0.3 8.5-9.5
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 14-1-1968-77, the chemical composition is given for steel grade 8X4V9F2 (EI347).
According to TU 14-1-2244-77, the chemical composition is given for steel grade 8Х4В9Ф2-Ш (ЭИ347-Ш). The presence of molybdenum in steel more than 0.30% to 0.60% is not a rejection sign if the tungsten in steel is reduced by the growth: 1% molybdenum is replaced by 2% tungsten. With the indicated replacement of tungsten in molybdenum steel, the letter "M" is added to the designation of the steel grade, i.e. 8Х4В9МФ2-Ш (ЭИ347М-Ш). In the hoists are allowed deviations from the content of elements in steel: chromium ± 0.10%, vanadium -0.10%.
According to TU 14-1-2785-79, the chemical composition is given for steel grade 8Х4В9Ф2-ШД (ЭИ347-ШД). Mass fraction of molybdenum from 0.30 to 0.60% is not a rejection sign provided that the mass fraction of tungsten in steel decreases by the amount of 1% of molybdenum replaces 2% of tungsten. With the indicated replacement of tungsten in steel with molybdenum, the brand designation will be 8X4V9MF2-SHD (EI347M-SHD).

Technological properties

Name The value
Macrostructure and contamination The macrostructure of bars on the other 14-1-2244-77 when checking on the etched Templeton and the turn should not have rychlosti, bundles, birdhouses, foreign inclusions, bubbles and cracks. The fracture must be uniform and fine-grained. In fracture of hot-rolled, forged and polished steel should not be sequin characteristic naphthalene fracture as in the initial state and after a single quenching with tempering (hardness not less than HRC 62). Carbide inhomogeneity of the steel depending on the cross section must not exceed: up to 40 mm is not more than 3.0 points; from 40 to 80 mm incl. - no more than 4.0 points; from 80 to 100 mm incl. - not more than 5.0 points. Pollution steel non-metallic inclusions shall not exceed: the oxides - no more than 1.5-2.0 points; sulphides - not more than 1.0 points; silicates, non-deformed (globules) is not more than 2.0 points.
Microstructure Depth bezoperatsionnogo layer (ferrite + transition zone) rolled and forged steel shall not exceed per side: when the diameter or side of bar 20 to 30 mm - 0.5 mm; from 30 to 50 mm - 0,7 mm. Depth bezoperatsionnogo layer is controlled according to GOST 1763 by the method of Sadovsky (M2) of thermally treated samples according to the regime: Quenching in globaleval bath 1220-1240 °C (temperature of the first bath 190-210 °C, the temperature of the second bath 580-600 °C).
Redness The red hardness of steel bars on the other 14-1-2244-77 must provide at least HRC 56.

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