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Steel 30CH13 (upon a time 3x13)

Steel 10Х18Н5Г9АС4 (EP492; VNS-3) Steel 10Х32Н4Д (EP529) Steel 10Х17Н5М2 (EP405) Steel 10Х17Н13М3Т (ЭИ432) Steel 10Х17Н13М2Т (ЭИ448) Steel 10Х14Г14Н3 (DI-6) Steel 10Х14АГ15 (DI-13) Steel 09Cr17N7Yu1 (0Cr17N7Yu1) Steel 09Х17Н7Ю (ЭИ973) Steel 09Х16Н4Б (EP56; 1Х16Н4Б) Steel 09Х15Н8Ю1 (09Х15Н8Ю; ЭИ904) Steel 08ХГСДП Steel 08Х22Н6Т (EP53) Steel 08Х21Г11А6 (VNS-53) Steel 08Х20Н4АГ10 (НН-3) Steel 08X18Th (DI-77) Steel 08Х18Н7Г10АМ3 (08Х18Н7Г10АМ3С2) Steel 08Cr18Ni5G12AB (HH-3B) Steel 08X18H5G11BAF (HH-3BF) Steel 08X18H4G11AF (HH-3F) Steel 08Cr18Ni12T (0Cr18Ni12T) Steel 08X18H12B (EI402) Steel 08Х18Г8Н2Т (KO-3) Steel 08Cr17Ni6T (DI-21) Steel 20Х13Н4Г9 (ЭИ100) Cr17N14M3T steel Cr17N14M2T steel Steel 95X18 (EI229) Steel 95X13M3K3B2F (EP766) Steel 65X13 Steel 40X13 (4X13) Steel 30X13 (3X13) Steel 26Х14Н2 (EP208) Steel 25X17H2B Steel 25X17H2 (EP407) Steel 25Х13Н2 (ЭИ474) Steel 20X17H2 (2X17H2) Steel 08Х17Н15М3Т (ЭИ580) 18X13H3 steel Steel 15Х18Н12С4ТЮ (ЭИ654; 2Х18Н12С4ТЮ) Steel 15Х17АГ14 (ЭП213) Steel 13Х18Н10Г3С2М2 (ЗИ98) Steel 12Х21Н5Т (ЭИ811; 1Х21Н5Т) Steel 12Х18Н13АМ3 (EP878) Steel 12X18H10E (EP47) Steel 12Х17Н8Г2С2МФ (ЗИ126) Steel 12X17G9AN4 (EI878) Steel 12Х13Г12АС2Н2 (DI50) Steel 11Х13Н3 Steel 03Х16Н15М3 (ЭИ844) 04X15ST steel Steel 04X17H10M2 Steel 03Х23Н6 (ЗИ68) Steel 03Х22Н6М2 (ЗИ67) Steel 03Х21Н25М5ДБ Steel 03Х21Н21М4ГБ (ЗИ35) Steel 03Х20Н45М5Б (ChS32; 03ХН45МБ) Steel 03Х18Н12Т (000Х18Н12Т) Steel 03Х18Н12 (000Х18Н12) Steel 03X18N11 (000X18N11) Steel 03Х17Н14М2 Steel 03X17AN9 (EK177) 04X17T steel Steel 03Х15Н35Г7М6Б (EP855) Steel 03X13AG19 (ChS36) Steel 03Х12Н10МТР (EP810; VNS-25) Steel 03Х12К10М6Н4Т (EP927) Steel 03Х11Н10М2Т2 (EP853) Steel 02Х25Н22АМ2 (ChS108) Steel 02Х21Н25М5ДБ (EC5) Steel 02Х21Н21М4Г2Б (ЗИ69) 02Cr18Ni11 steel Steel 02X17H14M3 Steel 015Х16Н15М3 Steel 06Х14Н6Д2МБТ (EP817) Steel 08Х17Н13М2Т (0Х17Н13М2Т; ЭИ448) Steel 08Х10Н20Т2 (0Х10Н20Т2) Steel 08Х10Н16Т2 (0Х10Н16Т2) Steel 07X21G7AN5 (EP222) Steel 07X18N10P (EP287) Steel 07Х16Н6 (EP288; СН-2А; Х16Н6) Steel 07Х16Н4Б Steel 07Х15Н7М2 (EP35; СН-4; Х15Н8М2Ю) Steel 07Х16Н6 Steel 06X18H11 (EI684) 06X15H4DM steel Steel 08Х17Н5М3 (ЭИ925) 06X13H4DM steel Steel 06Х12Н3Д Steel 06Х12Н3Д (08Х12Н3Д) 05KhGB steel Steel 05Х20Н15АГ6 (ChS109) Steel 05Х12Н9М2С3 (EP821) Steel 05Х12Н2К3М2АФ (VNS-40) Steel 04Х32Н8 (EP535) Steel 04Х25Н5М2 (DI62) Steel 04X19MAFT Steel 04X18H10 (EI842)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 30Х13
Designation GOST Latin 30X13
Transliteration 30H13
The chemical elements 30Cr13
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 3Х13
Designation GOST Latin 3X13
Transliteration 3H13
The chemical elements 3Cr13


Steel 30CH13 used: for the manufacture of cutting, measuring tools, springs, carburetor needle rods reciprocating compressors, parts of internal devices devices and various other parts that work wear in a slightly aggressive media up to +450 °C; for the production of various critical parts of the aircraft industry, springs, designed for operation at temperatures up to 300−350 °C and other components operating at high voltages; spring persistent flat internal eccentric rings used for fixation of parts in buildings up to +300 °C; solid-rolled rings for different purposes.


Steel chromium corrosion-resistant martensitic class.
Steel is used after quenching and low tempering with ground and polished surface has a high hardness.


Name Code Standards
Sectional and shaped rolling В22 GOST 1133-71, GOST 2590-2006, GOST 2591-2006, GOST 2879-2006
Steel alloy wire В73 GOST 18143-72
Metal forming. Forgings В03 GOST 25054-81, OST 5Р.9125-84, OST 26-01-135-81, TU 14-1-1530-75, TU 0306.018-80, ST ЦКБА 010-2004
Sheets and stripes В33 GOST 4405-75, GOST 5582-75, TU 14-1-1422-75, TU 14-1-2186-77, TU 14-1-3620-83
Tapes В34 GOST 4986-79
Classification, nomenclature and general norms В30 GOST 5632-72
Sectional and shaped rolling В32 GOST 5949-75, GOST 7417-75, GOST 8559-75, GOST 8560-78, GOST 14955-77, GOST 18907-73, OST 1 92049-76, TU 14-1-2972-80, TU 14-1-377-72, TU 14-1-3957-85, TU 14-1-5.15-74, TU 14-1-655-73, TU 14-11-245-88, TU 14-1-5162-92
Classification, nomenclature and general norms В20 OST 1 90005-91
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs В21 OST 1 90176-75
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs В31 OST 3-1686-90, OST 95-10-72, TU 24-03.113-91
Thermal and thermochemical treatment of metals В04 STP 26.260.484-2004, ST ЦКБА 016-2005
Castings with special properties (cast iron and steel) В83 TU 14-1-1650-76

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Cu V Ti Mo W
TU 14-1-2186-77 0.25-0.34 ≤0.025 ≤0.03 ≤0.6 12-14 ≤0.6 ≤0.5 The rest ≤0.3 ≤0.2 ≤0.2 ≤0.3 ≤0.2
TU 14-1-5162-92 0.26-0.35 ≤0.025 ≤0.03 ≤0.8 12-14 ≤0.8 ≤0.6 The rest ≤0.3 ≤0.2 ≤0.2 ≤0.3 ≤0.2
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 14-1-2186-77 for steel smelted with electroslag remelting the content of S ≤ 0.015%.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm t отпуска, °C sT|s0,2, MPa σB, MPa d5, % d4 d y, % kJ/m2, кДж/м2 Brinell hardness number, MPa HRC
A sample with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 30 mm, deformed. The rate of deformation of 16 mm/min strain Rate of 0.009 1/s
- - ≥77 ≥89 ≥67 - - ≥98 - - -
Bars at 20 °C. Quenching in air from 1,000 °C to + Vacation at 650 °C, air cooling (indicated temperature and time of heat exposure)
- - ≥670 ≥860 ≥16 - - - - - -
Gradation of performance properties of the finished heat-treated parts for OST 1 90005-91
- - - 1520-1810 - - - - - - 44-50
A sample with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 30 mm, deformed. The rate of deformation of 16 mm/min strain Rate of 0.009 1/s
- - ≥93 ≥130 ≥82 - - ≥82 - - -
Bars at 20 °C. Quenching in air from 1,000 °C to + Vacation at 650 °C, air cooling (indicated temperature and time of heat exposure)
- - ≥610 ≥800 ≥18 - - - - - -
Gradation of performance properties of the finished heat-treated parts for OST 1 90005-91
- - - - - - - - - - 48-55
Billet (forgings) OST 95-10-72. Quenching in oil or air from 950-1050 °C + Vacation, cooling in oil or air (sample)
≤200 200-350 - - - - - - - - 45-53
A sample with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 30 mm, deformed. The rate of deformation of 16 mm/min strain Rate of 0.009 1/s
- - ≥50 ≥76 ≥70 - - ≥97 - - -
Bars at 20 °C. Quenching in air from 1,000 °C to + Vacation at 650 °C, air cooling (indicated temperature and time of heat exposure)
- - 420-450 ≥670 23-26 - - - - - -
Billet (forgings) OST 95-10-72. Quenching in oil or air from 950-1050 °C + Vacation, cooling in oil or air (sample)
≤200 600-680 ≥588 ≥805 ≥12 - - ≥45 ≥392 217-255 26-33
A sample with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 30 mm, deformed. The rate of deformation of 16 mm/min strain Rate of 0.009 1/s
- - ≥37 ≥43 ≥71 - - ≥98 - - -
Bars at 20 °C. Quenching in air from 1,000 °C to + Vacation at 650 °C, air cooling (indicated temperature and time of heat exposure)
- - ≥620 ≥800 ≥20 - - - - - -
Blank pieces of pipe fittings according to ST CKBA 016-2005. Quenching in oil 1000-1050 °C + Vacation, air cooling
≤60 220-300 1176-1372 1470-1666 1-6 - - 2-7 - 460-530 49.5-55.5
A sample with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 30 mm, deformed. The rate of deformation of 16 mm/min strain Rate of 0.009 1/s
- - ≥26 ≥29 ≥74 - - ≥98 - - -
Blank pieces of pipe fittings according to ST CKBA 016-2005. Quenching in oil 1000-1050 °C + Vacation, air cooling
≤60 650-670 ≥686 ≥882 ≥10 - - ≥40 ≥294 269-330 29-37
Hire. Normalization 1000 °C (air cooling) + Vacation at 650 °C (delay 2-3 hours)
- - ≥700 ≥940 ≥16 - - ≥52 - - -
Blank pieces of pipe fittings according to ST CKBA 016-2005. Quenching in oil 1000-1050 °C + Vacation, air cooling
≤60 670-720 ≥588 ≥784 ≥12 - - ≥42 ≥392 235-277 23-30
Hire. Normalization 1000 °C (air cooling) + Vacation at 650 °C (delay 2-3 hours)
- - ≥660 ≥820 ≥14 - - ≥58 - - -
Blank pieces of pipe fittings according to ST CKBA 016-2005. Quenching in oil 1000-1050 °C + Vacation, air cooling
60-200 670-720 ≥588 ≥735 ≥12 - - ≥40 ≥392 235-277 23-30
Hire. Normalization 1000 °C (air cooling) + Vacation at 650 °C (delay 2-3 hours)
- - ≥630 ≥770 ≥13 - - ≥53 - - -
Cold-rolled steel strip of 0.05-2.00 mm according to GOST 4986-79. Annealing or vacation at 740-800 °C (samples)
0.2-2 - - ≥540 - ≥15 - - - - -
Hire. Normalization 1000 °C (air cooling) + Vacation at 650 °C (delay 2-3 hours)
- - ≥570 ≥710 ≥13 - - ≥53 - - -
Cold-rolled steel strip of 0.05-2.00 mm according to GOST 4986-79. Annealing or vacation at 740-800 °C (samples)
0.2 - - ≥540 - ≥8 - - - - -
Hire. Normalization 1000 °C (air cooling) + Vacation at 650 °C (delay 2-3 hours)
- - ≥530 ≥610 ≥14 - - ≥55 - - -
- - ≥410 ≥450 ≥21 - - ≥81 - - -
Hot rolled sheet (of 1.5-3.9 mm) and cold rolled (0,7-3,9 mm) steel according to GOST 5582-75. Annealing or vacation at 740-800 °C
- - - ≥540 ≥17 - - - - - -
Forgings. Quenching in oil 1000-1050 °C + vacation at 620-680 °C, air cooling
≤300 - - - - - - - - 269-302 -
Forgings. Quenching in oil 1000-1050 °C + Vacation at 700-750 °C, air cooling
≤300 - ≥710 ≥850 ≥12 - - ≥40 ≥350 - -
1000 - ≥588 ≥735 ≥14 - - ≥40 ≥290 - -
The wire is heat-treated in the delivery condition according to GOST 18143-72 (elongation, % at rated sample length of 100 mm is specified for the wire of the 1st class in brackets are for 2nd class)
1-6 - - 590-830 - - ≥16 (≥12) - - - -
Wire. Annealing or vacation at 740-800 °C
1-6 - - 490-830 - ≥12 - - - - -
Bars with special surface finish as supplied on the other 14-1-5162-92. Annealing. Elongation is specified at rated specimen length 100 mm
- - 530-780 - - ≥12 - - - -
Bars with special surface finish on the other 14-1-5162-92. Quenching in oil 1000-1050 °C + Vacation at 440-460 °C, air cooling. Elongation is specified at rated specimen length 100 mm
- - 1520-1810 - - ≥3.5 ≥40 - - 44-50
Bars processed on a given strength (TS) according to GOST 18907-73
≥5 - - 530-780 - - ≥12 - - - -
Bars hot rolled and forged at STP 26.260.484-2004. Quenching in oil 1000-1050 °C + Vacation, air cooling
250-300 ≥1400 ≥1700 ≥10 - - ≥35 ≥490 - -
350-400 ≥1300 ≥1600 ≥10 - - ≥35 ≥490 - -
600-650 ≥700 ≥900 ≥16 - - ≥35 ≥490 - -
700-750 ≥600 ≥800 ≥13 - - ≥45 ≥588 - -
Forming at OST 1 90176-75. Quenching in oil or air from 1000-1050 °C + Vacation at 200-300 °C, cooling in air or in oil
- - - - - - - - - ≥48

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section
sT|s0,2 Yield strength or limit of proportionality with a tolerance for residual deformation of 0.2%
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture
d4 Elongation after rupture
d Elongation after rupture
y The relative narrowing
kJ/m2 Toughness
HRC Rockwell hardness (indenter diamond spheroconical)

Physical characteristics

Temperature Е, ГПа G, ГПа r, кг/м3 l, Вт/(м · °С) R, НОм · м a, 10-6 1/°С С, Дж/(кг · °С)
0 216 86 7670 - 522 - -
20 223 - 7670 - 522 - -
100 212 84 7650 26 595 102 473
200 206 81 7620 27 684 109 486
300 196 77 7600 28 769 111 504
400 187 74 7570 28 858 117 525
500 177 69 7540 27 935 12 532
600 166 64 7510 27 1015 123 586
700 - - 7480 27 1099 125 641
800 - - 7450 25 - 126 679
900 - - 7460 27 - - 657
1000 - - - - - 106 691
1200 - - - - - 122 682

A description of the physical symbols

Name Description
Е The normal elasticity modulus
G Modulus of elasticity shear torsion
r Density
l Coefficient of thermal conductivity
R UD. the resistivity
a The coefficient of linear expansion
С Specific heat

Technological properties

Name The value
Weldability Does not apply to welded structures.
Propensity to temper brittleness Malosolone.
Forging temperature Start - 1250 °C, the end - 850 °C. the cross Sections up to 400 mm are subjected to low-temperature annealing, one hypothermia.
Flock-sensitive sensitivity not sensitive.
Workability by cutting In the hardened and tempered condition with a NV 241 and blower SB=730 MPa Kn TV.SPL.=0,7 Kn b.St.=0,45. To improve the machinability and the hardness HB ≤ 205 of the workpiece is subjected to annealing at 740-780 °C for 2-6 h with air cooling.
Features of heat treatment Steel products can be subjected to hardening, leave, annealing. The quenching and tempering of the products is done to achieve: a) maximum corrosion resistance; b) the specified level of mechanical properties. Hardening of steel products is carried out in oil with 1000-1050 °C. the holding Time at the heating for hardening to products with a wall thickness or diameter up to 10 mm - 20 min., above 10mm-20 min + 1 min per 1 mm maximum thickness. Steel sensitive to cracking, so heating of thick-walled and complex configuration of products for hardening start with 500-650 °C and are slowly to 800 °C, after equalizing the temperature of the heating rate should be increased. Immediately after quenching (in order to avoid spontaneous cracking) products of martensitic steels must be subjected to the release. The maximum strength properties of the products acquired after the holidays according to the mode: heating up to 250-300 °C, exposure 1-3 h, air cooling. Maximum corrosion resistance and formability products acquired after the holidays according to the mode: heating up to 700-750 °With, exposure time - 20 min + 1 min per 1 mm maximum metal thickness, but not less than 40 min, cooling in oil. Softening heat treatment is annealing at 750-850 °C with cooling with the furnace to 500 °C. the Elastic elements, made of steel 30X13, after quenching is subjected to release at 400 °C exposure time 1-2 h, air cooling. Not allowed vacation at 450-550 °C, Since this leads to a decrease in toughness. Workpiece to improve the mechanical workability is subjected to intermediate annealing at 600-760 °C for 2-4 h To obtain characteristic values of mechanical properties and hardness set ST CKBA 010 and to achieve maximum corrosion resistance, parts (workpiece) valves shall be subjected to hardening and tempering. The heating of the parts (workpieces) in the temperature range from 500 °C to 800 °C must be carried out at a speed of not more than 200 °C per hour. In the temperature range 750 - 800 °C it is necessary to give exposure to the full heating of the charge. Further heating to the quenching temperature produced by the furnace. For parts with thickness (diameter) up to 120 mm the rate of heating is not limited and aging at a temperature of from 750 °C to 800 °C is not possible. The time between quenching and the beginning of vacation - less than 3 hours. Parts included in friction and sealing shutter valves, can be subjected to surface hardening with heating by high frequency currents (HFC) with the aim of improving hardness while maintaining high mechanical properties in the core part. Surface hardening with heating HDTV applies to parts of thickness (diameter) of not less than 15 mm and is made only after a preliminary heat treatment improves the hardness to 36.5 HRC.

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