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Alloy KHN60VT (ЭИ868; ВЖ98)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ХН60ВТ
Designation GOST Latin XH60BT
Transliteration HN60VT
The chemical elements CrNi60ВTe
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ЭИ868
Designation GOST Latin EI868
Transliteration EhI868
The chemical elements -
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ВЖ98
Designation GOST Latin BZh98
Transliteration VG98
The chemical elements ВFe98


Alloy KHN60VT used: for the manufacture of cold rolled strips; hot rolled and forged bars; sheet metal parts of engines and turbines, operating at temperatures up to +1000 °C; welded non-profiled and profiled rings of hot rolled and extruded sections; welding wire used for welding parts and welding of steel structures in energy engineering; welding electrodes.


Alloy, heat-resistant and heat-resistant Nickel-based.
The recommended maximum operating temperature for a long time +1000 °C. the Temperature of intensive scaling in air +1100 °C.


Name Code Standards
Sheets and stripes В23 GOST 19904-90
Classification, nomenclature and general norms В30 GOST 5632-72
Metal forming. Forgings В03 OST 1 90110-73, TU 14-1-1530-75, ST ЦКБА 010-2004
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs В31 OST 3-1686-90, OST 1 90234-92, OST 1 90375-87, OST 1 90399-91, TU 14-1-1214-75, TU 1-6-800-85
Thermal and thermochemical treatment of metals В04 ST ЦКБА 016-2005
Sectional and shaped rolling В32 TU 1-6-758-75, TU 14-11-245-88, TU 14-1-2287-77, TU 14-1-286-98
Sheets and stripes В33 TU 14-1-146-71, TU 14-1-1494-75, TU 14-1-1747-76, TU 14-1-4296-87
Bars В55 TU 14-1-3148-81
Tapes В34 TU 14-1-927-74
Welding and cutting of metals. Soldering, riveting В05 TU 14-1-997-74, TU 14-1-997-2012
Pipes steel and connecting parts to them В62 TU 14-3-571-77

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Cu Al Ti Mo Ca W
TU 14-1-927-74 ≤0.1 ≤0.013 ≤0.013 ≤0.5 23.5-26.5 ≤0.8 The rest ≤4 ≤0.07 ≤0.5 0.3-0.7 ≤1.5 - 13-16
TU 14-1-4296-87 ≤0.1 ≤0.013 ≤0.013 ≤0.5 23.5-26.5 ≤0.8 The rest ≤4 ≤0.3 ≤0.5 0.3-0.7 ≤1.5 ≤0.05 13-16
TU 14-1-286-98 ≤0.1 ≤0.013 ≤0.013 ≤0.5 23.5-26.5 ≤0.8 The rest ≤4 - ≤0.5 0.3-0.7 ≤1.5 - 13-16
TU 14-1-1747-76 ≤0.1 ≤0.013 ≤0.013 ≤0.5 23.5-26.5 ≤0.8 The rest ≤4 ≤0.07 ≤0.5 0.3-0.7 ≤1.5 ≤0.05 13-16
GOST 5632-72 ≤0.1 ≤0.013 ≤0.013 ≤0.5 23.5-26.5 ≤0.8 The rest ≤4 ≤0.3 ≤0.5 0.3-0.7 ≤1.5 - 13-16
Ni is the basis.
According to TU 14-1-1747-76, the chemical composition is given for steel grades ХН60ВТ, ХН60ВТ-ВД, ХН60ВТ-Ш.
According to TU 14-1-286-98, calcium (Ca) in the amount of ≤ 0.050% is calculated into metal with open melting and plasma-arc remelting by calculation and chemical analysis is not determined.
According to TU 14-1-927-74 deoxidizers (cerium, calcium, barium) are introduced into the metal by calculation and chemical analysis is not determined.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm sT|s0,2, MPa σB, MPa d5, % y, % kJ/m2, кДж/м2 Brinell hardness number, MPa
Blank pieces of pipe fittings and welded assemblies at ST CKBA 016-2005. Quenching in water or air with 1190-1210 °C (exposure 2 hours) + Aging at 790-810 °C (exposure for 10 h), air cooling
≤100 ≥343 ≥686 ≥20 ≥30 ≥686 190-250
Steel hot-rolled sheet (4-11 mm). Quenching in water, in air or under water shower with 1150-1200 °C
- ≤980 ≥40 - - -
Annealing in air from 1200 °C
≥4 - ≥750 ≥40 - - -
Steel hot-rolled sheet (4-11 mm). Quenching in water, in air or under water shower with 1150-1200 °C
- ≥200 ≥40 - - -
Annealing in air from 1200 °C
≤25 ≥300 ≥750 ≥45 ≥52 - -
Steel cold-rolled sheet (0.8 to 3.9 mm) as supplied
- - ≤1030 ≥40 - - -
Ring welded alloy grades KHN60VT, KHN60VT-VD at OST 1 90234-92. Hardening in air, 1130-1160 °C
- ≥735 ≥35 - - -
Steel cold-rolled sheet (0.8 to 3.9 mm) as supplied
- - ≥180 ≥30 - - -
Ring welded alloy grades KHN60VT, KHN60VT-VD at OST 1 90234-92. Hardening in air, 1130-1160 °C
- ≥657 ≥17 - - -
Bars and rods, hot-rolled (round) and iron (round and square) on the other 14-1-286-98. Heating for 0.5-1.0 hour at 1150-1200 °C, air cooling
- - ≥215.6 ≥45 ≥50 - -
Ring welded at OST 1 90375-87. Hardening in air, 1120-1160 °C
- ≥735 ≥35 - - -
- ≥665 ≥22 - - -
Cold-rolled steel strip of 0.2-1.2 mm on the other 14-1-927-74. Quenching in water or air from 1150-1200 °C
- ≤981 ≥35 - - -
Tape. Hardening in air, 1150-1170 °C
- ≥700 ≥30 - - -

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section
sT|s0,2 Yield strength or limit of proportionality with a tolerance for residual deformation of 0.2%
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture
y The relative narrowing
kJ/m2 Toughness

Physical characteristics

Temperature Е, ГПа r, кг/м3 l, Вт/(м · °С) a, 10-6 1/°С С, Дж/(кг · °С)
20 190 8800 296 - -
700 139 - 234 156 540
800 112 - 255 16 570
900 81 - 28 162 590
1000 50 - - 168 -
100 - - 105 127 440
200 - - 117 132 460
300 - - 138 136 480
400 - - 163 141 500
500 - - 188 145 520
600 - - 213 151 540

A description of the physical symbols

Name Description
Е The normal elasticity modulus
r Density
l Coefficient of thermal conductivity
R UD. the resistivity

Technological properties

Name The value
Weldability The alloy is welded without restrictions. The welding in the hardened state. Welded Assembly shall be subjected to aging.

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