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Alloy KHN35VTJU (ЭИ787)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ХН35ВТЮ
Designation GOST Latin XH35BTJu
Transliteration HN35VTYu
The chemical elements CrNi35ВTeAl
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ЭИ787
Designation GOST Latin EI787
Transliteration EhI787
The chemical elements -


Alloy KHN35VTJU used: for the manufacture of rotor blades of gas turbine and other engines operating at the temperature to 700−750 °C; compressor blades operating at temperatures up to 700−800 °C; discs, vanes, rings, operating at temperatures up to +750 °C.


High-temperature alloy, iron-Nickel basis.
The recommended maximum operating temperature for limited time +750 °C.
The temperature of beginning of intensive scaling in air +900 °C.
Alloy KHN35VTJU replace alloys ЭИ437А and EI437BU.


Name Code Standards
Classification, nomenclature and general norms В30 GOST 5632-72
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs В31 OST 3-1686-90, TU 14-1-1214-75
Metal forming. Forgings В03 TU 14-1-1530-75, TU 14-1-2902-80, TU 14-1-2918-80
Sectional and shaped rolling В32 TU 14-1-1589-76, TU 14-1-850-74, TU 14-11-245-88

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Cu Al B Ti Mo W
GOST 5632-72 ≤0.08 ≤0.02 ≤0.03 ≤0.6 14-16 ≤0.6 33-37 The rest ≤0.15 0.7-1.4 ≤0.02 2.4-3.2 ≤0.3 2.8-3.5
TU 14-1-2902-80 ≤0.08 ≤0.01 ≤0.02 ≤0.6 14-16 ≤0.6 33-37 The rest ≤0.15 0.7-1.4 ≤0.02 2.6-3.2 ≤0.3 2.8-3.5
TU 14-1-2918-80 ≤0.08 ≤0.01 ≤0.02 ≤0.6 14-16 ≤0.6 33-37 The rest ≤0.15 0.7-1.4 ≤0.02 2.4-3.2 ≤0.3 2.8-3.5
TU 14-1-1589-76 ≤0.08 ≤0.02 ≤0.03 ≤0.6 14-16 ≤0.6 33-37 The rest ≤0.15 0.7-1.4 ≤0.02 2.4-3.2 ≤0.3 2.8-3.5
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 14-1-2902-80, TU 14-1-1589-76 and TU 14-1-2918-80 the chemical composition is given for ХН35ВТЮ-ВД.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm sT|s0,2, MPa σB, MPa d5, % y, % kJ/m2, кДж/м2 Brinell hardness number, MPa
Forgings. Annealing in air 1030-1050 °C (delay of 4-8 h) + Annealing in air, 1030-1070 °C (exposure 4 h) + Aging at 750-790 °C for 16-25 h, air cooling
≥635 ≥980 ≥8 ≥10 ≥290 285-353
Disc diameter 540-725 mm, a height of 115-175 mm. Hardening in air, 1150-1160 °C (delay of 6-10 h) + Ageing at 830 °C (the aging 16 h), air cooling (samples tangential)
- 590-710 1090-1170 16-20 19-32 - -
Annealing 1180 °C (maintained for 5 h), air cooling + ageing Four-speed: 1000 °C (4 h), 900 °C (8 h), 850 °C (15 h), 750 °C (20 h) (provided the temperature and duration of heat exposure)
- ≥740 ≥1090 ≥9 - - ≥310
Forgings. Hardening in air, 1080-1120 °C (exposure for 10 h) + Aging at 750-800 °C for 16-25 h, air cooling
≥635 ≥980 ≥8 ≥10 ≥290 285-353
Annealing 1180 °C (maintained for 5 h), air cooling + ageing Four-speed: 1000 °C (4 h), 900 °C (8 h), 850 °C (15 h), 750 °C (20 h) (provided the temperature and duration of heat exposure)
- ≥660 ≥930 ≥5 - - ≥300
Disc diameter 540-725 mm, a height of 115-175 mm. Hardening in air, 1150-1160 °C (delay of 6-10 h) + Ageing at 830 °C (the aging 16 h), air cooling (samples tangential)
- - 940-1060 12-17 19-29 - -
Bars hot rolled and forged 10-180 mm on THAT 14-1-1589-76. The longitudinal samples. Hardening in air, 1050-1080 °C (exposure 8 h) + Ageing at 750 °C (aging 16 h), air cooling
≥735 ≥1130 ≥15 ≥20 ≥780 302-363
Annealing 1180 °C (maintained for 5 h), air cooling + ageing Four-speed: 1000 °C (4 h), 900 °C (8 h), 850 °C (15 h), 750 °C (20 h) (provided the temperature and duration of heat exposure)
- ≥670 ≥1080 ≥10 - - ≥300
Disc diameter 540-725 mm, a height of 115-175 mm. Hardening in air, 1150-1160 °C (delay of 6-10 h) + Ageing at 830 °C (the aging 16 h), air cooling (samples tangential)
- - 940-1010 12-16 26-32 - -
Rolled steel. Hardening in air, 1180-1200 °C (exposure for 2.5-8 h) + Annealing in air, 1040-1060 °C (exposure 4 h) + Aging at 750-800 °C (aging 16 h), air cooling
≤25 ≥700 ≥1050 ≥7 ≥10 ≥245 -
Disc diameter 540-725 mm, a height of 115-175 mm. Hardening in air, 1150-1160 °C (delay of 6-10 h) + Ageing at 830 °C (the aging 16 h), air cooling (samples tangential)
- 590-680 740-810 16-18 22 - -
Annealing 1180 °C (maintained for 5 h), air cooling + ageing Four-speed: 1000 °C (4 h), 900 °C (8 h), 850 °C (15 h), 750 °C (20 h) (provided the temperature and duration of heat exposure)
- ≥550 ≥830 ≥5 - - ≥280
Rolled steel. Hardening in air, 1180-1200 °C (exposure for 2.5-8 h) + Annealing in air, 1040-1060 °C (exposure 4 h) + Aging at 750-800 °C (aging 16 h), air cooling
32-55 ≥640 ≥930 ≥6 ≥8 ≥285 -
Disc diameter 540-725 mm, a height of 115-175 mm. Hardening in air, 1150-1160 °C (delay of 6-10 h) + Ageing at 830 °C (the aging 16 h), air cooling (samples tangential)
- 590-670 660-710 9-15 18-22 - -
Annealing 1180 °C (maintained for 5 h), air cooling + ageing Four-speed: 1000 °C (4 h), 900 °C (8 h), 850 °C (15 h), 750 °C (20 h) (provided the temperature and duration of heat exposure)
- ≥660 ≥850 ≥4 - - ≥310
Annealing in air 1050 °C (exposure 8 h) + Ageing at 750 °C (aging 16 h), air cooling
- 710-720 1210-1220 24-32 44 - -
- 680 1220-1250 23-30 39-40 - -
- 710-750 1270-1300 30-33 44-48 - -
- 720-740 1190-1270 30-32 44-48 - -
A sample with a diameter of 6 mm, length 30 mm, forged and extruded. The rate of deformation of 16 mm/min strain Rate of 0.009 1/s
- ≥610 ≥630 ≥7 ≥12 - -
- ≥220 ≥220 ≥43 ≥92 - -
- ≥99 ≥105 ≥82 ≥100 - -
- ≥50 ≥55 ≥81 ≥100 - -
- ≥34 ≥37 ≥26 ≥40 - -
A rod with a diameter of 45 mm. Annealing 1180 °C (maintained for 5 h), air cooling + ageing Four-speed: 1000 °C (4 h), 900 °C (8 h), 850 °C (15 h); 740 °C (20 h), air cooling
- ≥780 ≥1210 ≥16 ≥23 - -
- ≥690 ≥1030 ≥8 ≥14 - -
- ≥630 ≥970 ≥8 ≥18 - -
- ≥660 ≥940 ≥9 ≥24 - -
- 590-640 730-780 11-15 18-25 - -
- ≥400 ≥440 ≥23 ≥31 - -
A rod with a diameter of 45-90 mm. Hardening in air, 1150-1160 °C (delay of 6-10 h) + Annealing in air 1050 °C (exposure 4 h) + Ageing at 830 °C (the aging 16 h), air cooling
- 600-823 1030-1220 11-22 14-29 - -
- 590-755 980-1030 12-16 17-28 - -
- 590-755 ≥980 ≥13 ≥26 - -
- 590-774 720-900 6-15 10-23 - -
A rod with a diameter of 45-90 mm. Hardening in air, 1190 °C (exposure for 2.5-8 h) + Annealing in air 1050 °C (exposure 4 h) + Aging at 750-800 °C (aging 16 h), air cooling
- 690-900 880-1310 7-22 10-25 - -
- 690-810 880-1160 11-12 12-16 - -
- 690-830 880-1130 5-16 6-24 - -
- 680-810 880-1080 12-14 12-18 - -
- 690-810 720-950 5-15 8-23 - -
- 590-690 670-730 13-15 22-28 - -
- 320-340 350-370 19-21 46-48 - -
- 200-235 205-345 20-23 50-60 - -

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section
sT|s0,2 Yield strength or limit of proportionality with a tolerance for residual deformation of 0.2%
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture
y The relative narrowing
kJ/m2 Toughness

Physical characteristics

Temperature Е, ГПа r, кг/м3 l, Вт/(м · °С) R, НОм · м a, 10-6 1/°С
20 215 8040 13 992 -
100 206 - 16 - 127
200 198 - 18 - 141
300 195 - 19 - 15
400 189 - 21 - 154
500 181 - 23 - 158
600 170 - 25 - 16
700 163 - 26 - 166
800 148 - 28 - 168
900 - - 29 - 168
1100 - - - - 184

A description of the physical symbols

Name Description
Е The normal elasticity modulus
r Density
l Coefficient of thermal conductivity
R UD. the resistivity

Technological properties

Name The value
Weldability Difficult weldability. Method of welding - SMAW electrodes CT-22. To relieve welding stresses, the recommended subsequent heat treatment.
Forging temperature Beginning - 1110 °C, the end of - 900 °C. cross-Section up to 450 mm are cooled in air.
Workability by cutting In the heat treated condition in NV 340-364 and blower SB=930 MPa Kn TV.SPL.=0,15 Kn b.St.=0,10.

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