GOST R ISO 22033-2014
GOST R ISO 22033−2014 Nickel Alloys. Determination of niobium. Spectrometric method of atomic emission with inductively coupled plasma
GOST R ISO 22033−2014
Determination of niobium. Spectrometric method of atomic emission with inductively coupled plasma
Nickel alloys. Determination of niobium. Inductively coupled plasma/atomic emission spectrometric method
OKS 77.080.20
Date of introduction 2015−01−01
1 PREPARED by FSUE «tsniichermet im.And.P.Bardin," on the basis of their own authentic translation into the Russian language of the standard referred to in paragraph 4
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 145 «monitoring Methods of steel products"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology of June 11, 2014 N 651-St
4 this standard is identical to international standard ISO 22033:2011* «Nickel Alloys. Determination of niobium. Spectrometric method of atomic emission with inductively coupled plasma» (ISO 22033:2011 «Nickel alloys — Determination of niobium — Inductively coupled plasma/atomic emission spectrometric method"
* Access to international and foreign documents referred to here and hereinafter, can be obtained by clicking on the link to the site shop.cntd.ru. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
In applying this standard it is recommended to use instead of the referenced international standards corresponding national standards of the Russian Federation and interstate standards, details of which are given in Appendix YES
Application rules of this standard are established in GOST R 1.0−2012 (section 8). Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) reference index «National standards» and the official text changes and amendments — in monthly information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in the upcoming issue of the monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet (gost.ru)
1 Scope
This standard specifies the spectrometer of atomic emission with inductively coupled plasma method for the determination of niobium in Nickel alloys.
The method is applicable for determining the mass fraction of niobium in the range from 0.1% to 10%.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following international standards*:
* The table of conformity of national standards international see the link. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
ISO 648:2008 laboratory Glassware glass. Pipettes with one mark (ISO 648:2008, Laboratory glassware — Single-volume pipettes)
ISO 1042:1998 laboratory Glassware glass. Flasks volumetric with one mark (ISO 1042:1998, Laboratory glassware — One-mark volumetric flasks)
ISO 3696:1987 Water for analytical use in the laboratory. Technical requirements and test methods (ISO 3696:1987, Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods)
ISO 5725−1:1994 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of methods and measurement results. Part 1. General principles and definitions (ISO 5725−1:1994, Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results — Part 1: General principles and definitions)
ISO 5725−2:1994 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of methods and measurement results. Part 2. The basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method (ISO 5725−2:1994, Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results — Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method)
ISO 5725−3:1994 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of methods and measurement results. Part 3. Intermediate indicators the precision of a standard measurement method (ISO 5725−3:1994, Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results — Part 3: Intermediate measures of the precision of a standard measurement method)
3 the essence of the method
The analytical sample is dissolved in a mixture of hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoric and perchloric acids, the solution was evaporated to release vapors of perchloric acid and continue steaming for another 2−3 minutes Add the hydrofluoric acid and, if necessary, a solution of internal standard element. Next, the sample solution was diluted to a certain volume. The resulting solution is sprayed into the inductively connected plasma atomic-emission spectrometer and measure the radiation intensity of niobium simultaneously with the radiation element internal standard, if used.
Examples of analytical lines of niobium are given in table 1.
A method of calibration based on the use of calibration solutions that are very close in composition to the sample matrix, and two «bounding» of the calibration solution with a mass fraction of niobium in the range from 0.75% to 1.25% of the content of niobium in the sample solution. The concentration of all other elements in the sample must be approximately known. If the concentration of these elements is unknown, the sample is first analyzed by semiquantitative method. The advantage of this procedure is that it allows you to automatically compensate for all of the spectral overlap from the matrix, thereby achieving a high precision analysis. The consideration of spectral overlap is particularly important in the analysis of high-alloyed alloys. Interference arising from spectral overlap must be maintained at a minimum level. Thus, it is essential to use a spectrometer to satisfy the established criteria method for the selection of elements from other analytical lines.
Analytical lines close to the spectral lines of niobium 309,41 316,34 nm and nm should be thoroughly investigated (Appendix C). The most significant spectral overlap are shown in table B. 1. If you are using other analytical lines, they should be thoroughly checked and inter-element effects on these lines must not exceed the values given in Annex B. the Choice of analytical lines for internal standard must also be carried out very carefully. As internal standard is recommended to use scandium with the analytical line 363,07 nm. This line is free from inter-element effects from the matrix elements commonly present in Nickel alloys.
Table 1 — Examples of analytical lines of niobium
Item |
The analytical line, nm |
Niobium | 295,09 |
309,41 | |
316,34 | |
319,11 | |
319,50 |
Note — the use of internal standard does not lead to significant differences in the results obtained by laboratories performing the analysis with or without applying an internal standard.
4 Reagents
In the analysis, unless otherwise stated, use only reagents established analytical grade and only water of the 2nd degree of purity according to ISO 3696:1987.
4.1 Hydrofluoric acid with a mass fraction of 40%, density of 1.14 g/cm
or with a mass fraction of 50% and a density
of 1.17 g/cm
CAUTION — Hydrofluoric acid is extremely irritating, corroding the skin and mucous membranes, produces some skin diseases that are slow to heal. In case of contact with skin the affected area must be very well rinsed with water, treated with gel containing 2.5% (by weight) of calcium gluconate and seek immediate medical help.
4.2 Hydrochloric acid (HCI), a density of 1.19 g/cm
4.3 Nitric acid (HNO),
of 1.40 g/cm
4.4 Phosphoric acid (HPO
1.70 g/cm
4.5 Perchloric acid (HClO), with a mass fraction of 60%, a density
of 1.54 g/cm
, or a mass fraction of 70% and a density
of 1.67 g/cm
4.6 the internal standard Solution, 100 mg/DM
Choose any element as internal standard, a solution with a concentration of 100 mg/DM.
4.7 Standard solution niobium, 10 g/DM
Weigh 1 g of high-purity niobium (not less than 99.9% in mass fraction) with a precision of 0.0005 g and dissolved in mixture consisting of 10 cmwater 10 cm
hydrofluoric acid (4.1) and 10 cm
of nitric acid (4.3). The solution was cooled and quantitatively transferred into volumetric flask with one mark capacity of 100 cm
. Dilute to the mark with water and mix.
This solution contains 10 mg/cmniobium.
4.8 Standard solution of niobium, 1 g/DM
Weigh 0.1 g of niobium high-purity (at least 99.9% in mass fraction) with a precision of 0.0005 g and dissolved in mixture consisting of 10 cmwater 10 cm
hydrofluoric acid (4.1) and 10 cm
of nitric acid (4.3). The solution was cooled and quantitatively transferred into volumetric flask with one mark capacity of 100 cm
. Dilute to the mark with water and mix.
This solution contains 1 mg/cmniobium.
4.9 Standard solution of niobium, 100 mg/DM
1 cmstandard solution niobium (4.7) is transferred with a graduated pipette (or burette) in a volumetric flask with one mark. Add 10 cm
hydrofluoric acid (4.1) and 10 cm
of nitric acid (4.3). The solution was diluted to the mark with water and mix.
This solution contains 0.1 mg/cmniobium.
4.10 Standard solutions of interfering elements
A standard solution is prepared for each element, the mass fraction of which in the analyzed sample exceeds 1%. For the preparation of solutions use pure metals or chemical substances, the mass fraction of niobium in less than 10 µg/g.
5 Instrument
All volumetric glassware should be class A and calibrated in accordance with ISO 648 ISO 1042 or depending on the purpose.
Use conventional laboratory equipment and the following equipment.
5.1 Cups of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).
5.2 Volumetric flasks polypropylene with a capacity of 100 cmin accordance with ISO 1042.
5.3 Atomic emission spectrometer (AES).
5.3.1 General requirements
The spectrometer should have as the excitation source inductively associated plasma spray system that is resistant to hydrofluoric acid. The device used ISP/NPP is considered suitable if, after optimizing the parameters for 7.3 will be instrumental to satisfy the criteria set out in 5.3.2
The spectrometer can be simultaneous or sequential actions. If the spectrometer serial operation equipped with a device for simultaneous measurement line internal standard, the measurements you can use the technique of internal standard. If the spectrometer serial steps not equipped with this device, the internal standard cannot be used, and use alternative techniques without using internal standard.
5.3.2 Practical resolution of the spectrometer with consistent action
Calculate the width of the band in accordance with Appendix A. 2, the analytical lines including line internal standard (full width taking the width at half the maximum height). Band width should be less than 0,030 nm.
5.1.3* Minimum short term stability
* Numbering corresponds to the original. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
Expect the standard deviation of ten measurements of absolute intensity or the intensity ratio of emitted radiation is most concentrated calibration solution of niobium in accordance with A. 3. The relative standard deviation must not exceed 0.5%.
5.3.4 Concentration equivalent to background radiation
Calculate the concentration equivalent to the background (KEF), in accordance with A. 4 analytical spectral lines using a solution containing only the analyte element. The maximum value of keff should not exceed 0.5 mg/DM.
6 Sampling and preparation of samples
6.1 Sampling and preparation of laboratory samples must be done by agreement of the parties, and in case of disagreement — to the appropriate standard.
6.2 Laboratory sample should be prepared in the form of milling or drilling chips without additional machining.
6.3 the Laboratory sample should be clean, washed in acetone and air dried.
6.4 If for the preparation of the laboratory sample of used instruments, manufactured with the use of brazing, the specimen must be processed of 15% (mass fraction) nitric acid for several minutes, then several times washed in distilled water, then in acetone and air dried.
7 analysis
7.1 Analytical linkage
Weigh 0.25 g of sample with an accuracy of 0.0005 g.
7.2 Preparation of the test solution, T
When using hydrofluoric acid HF (4.1) the dissolution should be carried out in glasses made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or from performace (PFA). PFA is a type of fluoropolymer with properties similar to PTFE.
7.2.1 Analytical sample is placed in a beaker made of PTFE or PFA with graphite substrate.
7.2.2 To the sample add 5cmHF (4.1), 30 cm
HCI (4/2) and 3 cm
(4.3). The beaker is kept at room temperature until dissolution is ongoing. Then add 2.5 cm
(4.4). If necessary, the beaker was heated until complete dissolution of the sample. Add 7.5 cm
(4.5) and heated until the appearance of fumes of perchloric acid. The evaporation is continued for 2−3 min.
7.2.3 Solution was cooled and added to 10 cmof water to dissolve salts. A small remnant may not dissolve. In this case add 2 cm
HF (4.1) and gently heated for 20 min until complete dissolution of the precipitate.
Note — alternative Method of dissolution could be next. Add 30 cmHCI (4.2), 3 cm
(4.3) and 5 cm
(4.4). Start dissolving at room temperature. Then the solution was heated until complete dissolution of the residue. Add 2 cm
HF (4.1) and 5 cm
of sulphuric acid (H
1.84 g/cm
) and heated until the appearance of sulphuric acid fumes. The solution was cooled and added to 10 cm
of water to dissolve salts. Gently warmed to dissolve the residue.
7.2.4 Solution was cooled to room temperature and quantitatively transferred into volumetric flask made of polypropylene. If you are using internal standard, add 10 cmof a solution of internal standard (4.6).
7.2.5 Solution was diluted to the mark with water and mix. Analysis continue as quickly as possible.
7.3 Optimization of the spectrometer
7.3.1 Device ISP/NPP include at least 30 minutes before beginning any measurement.
7.3.2 Optimization of the device parameters is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
7.3.3 Choose the program to measure the intensity, its mean value and relative standard deviation on the spectral analytical lines.
7.3.4 When using the internal standard install the program with the possibility of calculation of the ratio of the analyte intensity to the intensity value of the internal standard.
7.3.5 Lead the operational characteristics of the device in accordance with the requirements set out in 5.3.2
7.4 Preliminary assessment of the analyzed solution
Prepare a calibration solutionthat corresponds to the niobium content of 10% by mass concentration and the matrix, which is similar to the fluid test sample as indicated below.
7.4.1 2.5 cmstandard solution niobium (4.7) added to volumetric flask of polypropylene (5.2) with a capacity of 100 cm
, using for the selection of the solution, measuring pipette or burette. The flask To the mark
7.4.2 In this flask marked Toadd volumes of standard solutions (4.10) needed to create a matrix, similar to the fluid test sample for each element, the mass fraction exceeds 1%. The accuracy of the compliance matrix should be within a percent.
7.4.3 later in the flask add 2.5 cmN
(4.4), 7.5 cm
(4.5) and 10 cm
of internal standard solution (4.6). Dilute to the mark with water and mix.
7.4.4 Prepare a zero solution Tothe same method as the calibration solution
, i.e. introduce all the ingredients with the exception of niobium.
7.4.5 measuring the absolute intensity (land I
) solutions
and To
7.4.6 measuring the absolute intensity IT of the analyzed solution
7.4.7 estimate the value of the mass fraction of NB, w, in percent, in the sample solution by the following equation
7.5 Preparation of calibration solutions Kand K
as limiting
For each of the analyzed solution Tprepared two similar matrix calibration solution K
and K
with a mass fraction of niobium in the K
is slightly smaller than the unknown sample solution, and the K
a little more. These calibration solutions are prepared as follows.
7.5.1 Make a standard solution of niobium (4.8 or 4.9) graduated pipette or burette into the beaker of PTFE or PFA, marking it K, in such numbers that the mass fraction of niobium w
in percent approximately were in the range w
of 0.75of 0.95. Mass fraction w
are selected so that the volume of the solution can be easy to select a graduated pipette.
7.5.2 Make a standard solution of niobium (4.8 or 4.9) graduated pipette or burette into the beaker of PTFE or PFA, marking it K, in such numbers that the mass fraction of niobium w
to approximately percent were w in the range
of 1.05is 1.25. Mass fraction w
are selected so that the volume of the solution can be easy to select a graduated pipette.
7.5.3 To the calibration solutions Kand K,
add all the matrix elements, the mass fraction of which is above 1% in the solution of sample using the appropriate amount of standard solutions (4.10). The accuracy of matching of the input matrix elements on the mass fraction should be less than 1%.
7.5.4 continue in accordance with 7.2.2
7.6 Measurement of analyzed solutions
First, measure the absolute or relative intensity of analytical line of the calibration solution K, and then analyzed the solution T
and then measure the intensity of the calibration solution K
. Repeat this alternation for three times and calculated the average value of the intensity l
and l
for the lower and upper calibration solution, respectively, and I
for the analyzed solution.
8 Processing of results
8.1 Method of calculation
Mass fraction of niobium in percent, w, in the analyzed solution T
calculated according to equation
8.2 Precision
8.2.1 Laboratory tests
Eleven laboratories from six countries participated in the interlaboratory testing program under the auspices of ISO/TC 155/SC 3/WG 8, was carried out according to three definitions of niobium for ten levels of content. Each laboratory performed two definitions in terms of convergence in accordance with ISO 5725−1, i.e., one by, one and the same apparatus, identical conditions of analysis, the same graduations and the minimum amount of time. The third definition was performed on different day using the same equipment, but with a different calibration schedule.
8.2.2 wavelength selected for measurement
The wavelengths chosen for measurements, which were evaluated statistically, the following: four laboratories worked with 309,42 nm; four 316,34 nm; 319,11 one in nm and one in 319,50 nm. Not found a significant difference between the results of the laboratories internal standard.
8.2.3 Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was conducted in accordance with ISO 5725−1, ISO 5725−2 and ISO 5725−3. The results of one laboratory were rejected as inadmissible. Upon evaluation of the results was used the method of calculation with the method of the smoothing values for the convergence of r, R intralaboratory reproducibilityand interlaboratory reproducibility R. the Data presented in table 2.
Table 2 — Limits of repeatability and reproducibility
Mass fraction of niobium ,% | The limit of repeatability, r | Limit intralaboratory repeatability, R |
Limit inter-laboratory reproducibility, R |
0,1 |
0,0057 | 0,0074 | 0,0137 |
0,2 |
0,0079 | 0,0107 | 0,0209 |
0,5 |
0,0122 | 0,0172 | 0,0365 |
1,0 |
0,0169 | 0,0247 | 0,0556 |
2,0 |
0,0235 | 0,0354 | 0,0848 |
5,0 |
0,0362 | 0,0570 | 0,1480 |
10,0 |
0,0503 | 0,0817 | 0,2256 |
8.3 Correctness
The obtained values of the mass fraction of niobium in the analyzed samples (Appendix C) are presented in table 3, which shows the adopted value of the content of niobium in these samples. Two of the accepted values certified. Comparing both sets of values of the content of niobium in samples, it is possible to make a satisfactory conclusion about the correctness of the results.
Table 3 — Evaluation of accuracy
Sample number | Marking | Accepted value, mass fraction, % |
Found value, mass fraction, % |
8−10-Nb | ETI 2028 |
0,10 | 0,0907 |
8−9-Nb | ETI 599 |
0,30 | 0,3165 |
8−8-Nb | ETI 621 |
0,50 | 0,5040 |
8−7-Nb | ETI 404 |
1,0 | Worth 0.9861 |
8−6-Nb | ETI 427 |
1,2 | 1,195 |
8−5-Nb | ETI 394 |
2,0 | 2,010 |
8−4-Nb | ETI 709 |
2,8 | 2,867 |
8−3-Nb | EMRC 377−1 |
3,50 | 3,505 |
8−2-Nb | BCS 351 |
5,20 | 5,231 |
8−1-Nb | ETI 421 |
7,8 | 7,606 |
a — unverified value |
9 test report
The test report shall contain:
— all information necessary for sample identification, laboratory, data analysis and date analysis;
— a link to the method given in the standard;
— analysis results and the units in which they are expressed;
— any unusual phenomena occurring in the process definition;
— any additional operations that may affect the test results.
Annex a (mandatory). Performance check ICP spectrometer
Appendix A
A. 1 Basic performance characteristics of ISP device
A. 2 resolving power of the spectrometer
The resolution of the spectrometer can be defined as the difference in wavelength between spectral lines, which can still be seen separately. Practically, the parameter FWHM (full bandwidth at half maximum height) is used as a measure of resolution.
Theoretically the resolution should be of the same order as the width of line in spectrum of optical emission spectrometry (OES) with inductively coupled plasma, from 2 PM to 5 PM (1 picometer is equal to 10m). Practically, the observed width of emission lines of the spectrum and hence the resolution is often determined by the bandwidth of spectral line (r
) of the used spectrometer. If interference caused by aberrations can be neglected, then the bandwidth can be represented by the equation
, (A. 1)
where wand w
— width of entrance and exit slit of the spectrometer, respectively;
d/dx — line linear dispersion, which is given by the equation
, (A. 2)
where L is the focal length of the spectrometer;
n is the order of the spectral line;
d — corresponding to the density of strokes in the lattice;the angle of diffraction (reflection).
In conventional industrial spectrometers the resolution is in the range of 4 PM to 30 PM. A good solution is very important to eliminate spectral interference, which often occur in the method ICP/OES. Since the wavelength in the second order will have the same angle of diffraction as a line with a wavelength of 2
first order, the spectrometer must have either the ability to sort the order of the lines, or optical filter to exclude the effect from the partial overlapping lines of other orders of magnitude.
A. 3 Evaluation of short-term and long-term stability
Evaluation of short-term stability is to measure the standard deviation of repeatability of the ICP-emission spectrometer. A series of 10 successive measurements of the intensity (the most concentrated) multi-element calibration solution is performed, the normal setting integral time of the system. Calculate the average intensity land standard deviation S
of ten measurements and the relative standard deviation RSD
in accordance with the equation
(%) (A. 3)
In the method of ICP/AES for solutions with a concentration of at least two-fold compared to the WEIGHT of (background), the values of RSD, which is between 0.3% and 1.0% are common. Multi-element calibration solutions can be used to measure different analytical lines present in the optical system of simultaneous actions.
Assessment of long-term stability is essentially a measure of the instrumental drift. It is required if the ICP spectrometer was not working for a long time. These tests are the same as those used to estimate short-term stability, but with special time intervals from 15 min to 1 h and the subsequent plotting of the dependence of the deviation of each detected value short-term stability from its mean value with respect to time. Deviations of more than 2% per hour cannot be taken. If the device is not able to function better, during the analysis should control the process, often measuring the calibration solutions and the averages of the results of the analysis of solutions of the studied sample needs to be recalibrate interpolation procedure when measuring their intensity between two successive control of the calibration solutions.
A. 4 assessment of the background equivalent (WEIGHT)
WEIGHT is used as a measure of the instrumental sensitivity. The analytical signal is usually measured at a relatively high background level and the intensity of the background component of the signal is better if it is done on your own sensitivity. It is calculated as follows
where Iis the intensity of the background;
I — the intensity of the analyte (total intensity minus the background intensity);
Withthe analyte concentration that gives an intensity value equal to l
Weights for the analyzed elements can be found in the tables of wavelengths (usually available in the software of the device). Their smallest numerical value must be less than WEIGHT.
Annex b (informative). The proposed analytical lines and possible spectral overlap in the determination of niobium by ICP/AES
The App
The following items are usually included in the Nickel alloys or steel, can have influence. The mutual influence is expressed in the form of apparent mass fraction, when the interfering element is present in maximum concentration.
Table B. 1 — Spectral interferences in the determination of niobium by ICP/AES
Interfering elements | The maximum mass fraction, % | The apparent mass fraction of niobium, % | |
The analytical line 309,41 nm |
The analytical line 316,34 nm | ||
Ti | 5 |
<0,001 | 0,002 |
W | 5 |
0,005 | 0,009 |
With | 20 |
<0,001 | 0,001 |
Mn |
2 | <0,001 | <0,001 |
Mo |
30 | <0,001 | 0,003 |
Cr |
20 | 0,001 | 0,001 |
Ni |
100 | 0,005 | <0,001 |
Fe |
50 | 0,001 | <0,001 |
V |
1 | 0,01 | 0,0001 |
Al |
5 | <0,001 | <0,001 |
Cu |
30 | <0,001 | <0,001 |
Si |
1 | 0,0004 | <0,001 |
Application (reference). Analytical test programme
C. 1 test Programme
C. 2 Chemical composition of the samples used in the test programme
The chemical composition of the samples used in the test programme, with the contents of items as a percentage mass fraction, are presented in table C. 1. For the program test, the samples were labeled from 8−1-8−10 Nb-Nb. The mass fraction of all elements in the samples, with the exception of niobium, are approximate values.
Table C. 1 — Chemical composition of analyzed samples
Values are in mass fractions, %
N sample |
Nb | With | Si | Mn | Ni | Cr | Mo | W | AI | With | Ti | Fe | The | Zr |
ETI 421 |
7,8 | 0,03 | 0,05 | 0,40 | 62 | 21 | 5,0 | 3,2 | - | - | - | 0,30 | - | 0,05 |
BCS 351 |
5,20 | 0,03 | 0,10 | 0,05 | 53 | 18 | 3,0 | - | 0,60 | 0,20 | 1,0 | 18 | - | - |
EMRC 377−1 |
3,0 | 0,02 | 0,10 | 0,05 | 61 | 22 | 9,0 | - | 0,20 | 0,03 | 0,3 | 4,0 | - | - |
ETI 709 |
2,8 | 0,03 | 0,05 | 0,05 | 41 | 16 | 0,30 | - | 0,20 | 0,10 | 1,9 | 39 | - | - |
ETI 394 |
2,0 | 0,10 | 0,30 | 0,05 | 71 | 15 | 4,9 | - | 5,5 | 0,20 | 0,90 | 0,50 | - | 0,15 |
ETI 427 |
1,2 | 0,15 | 0,20 | 0,05 | 74 | 6,5 | 1,5 | 12 | 5,0 | 0,05 | 0,05 | 0,10 | - | 0,10 |
ETI 404 |
1,0 | 0,04 | 0,05 | 0,50 | 72 | 16 | - | - | 0,80 | - | 2,1 | 8,0 | - | - |
ETI 621 |
0,50 | 0,02 | 0,10 | 0,10 | 66 | 7,0 | - | 9,8 | 6,2 | 8,0 | 2,5 | 0,05 | - | 0,05 |
ETI 599 |
0,30 | 0,10 | 0,20 | 0,10 | 61 | 15 | 2,5 | 1,7 | 4,4 | 10 | 2,5 | 0,40 | 2,5 | 0,15 |
ETI 2028 |
0,10 | 0,10 | 0,10 | 0,20 | 50 | 20 | 6,0 | 0,10 | 0,70 | 20 | 2,3 | 0,60 | - | - |
App YES (reference). Information about the compliance of the referenced international standards national standards of the Russian Federation (and acting in this capacity inter-state standards)
Table YES.1
Marking the reference international standard |
The degree of compliance | Designation and name of the relevant national standard |
ISO 385−1:1984 | MOD | GOST 29251−91 (ISO 385−1-84) «oils. Burette. Part 1. General requirements" |
ISO 648:1977 | MOD | GOST 29169−91 (ISO 648−77) «oils. Pipette with one mark" |
ISO 1042:1998 |
- | * |
ISO 3696:1987 |
- | * |
ISO 5725−1:1994 | IDT | GOST R ISO 5725−1-2002 «Accuracy (trueness and precision) of methods and measurement results. Part 1. General provisions and definitions" |
ISO 5725−2:1994 | IDT | GOST R ISO 5725−2-2002 «Accuracy (trueness and precision) of methods and measurement results. Part 2. The basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method" |
ISO 5725−3:1994 | IDT | GOST R ISO 5725−3-2002 «Accuracy (trueness and precision) of methods and measurement results. Part 3. Intermediate indicators the precision of a standard measurement method" |
ISO 14284:1996 | IDT | GOST R ISO 14284−2009 «Steel and cast iron. Selection and preparation of samples for the determination of chemical composition" |
* The corresponding national standard is missing. Prior to its adoption, it is recommended to use the translation into Russian language of this international standard. The translation of this international standard is the Federal information Fund of technical regulations and standards. Note — In this table the following symbols have been used the degree of conformity of standards: — IDT — identical standards; — MOD — modified standard. |
UDC 669.14:620.2:006.354 |
OKS 77.080.20 | |
Key words: Nickel alloys determination of niobium, spectral atomic emission method with inductively coupled plasma |