GOST R ISO 10893-10-2014
GOST R ISO 10893−10−2014 Seamless and welded steel pipes. Part 10. Ultrasonic method of automated control to detect longitudinal and (or) transverse defects throughout the surface
GOST R ISO 10893−10−2014
Steel seamless and welded pipes. Part 10. Ultrasonic method of automated control to detect longitudinal and (or) transverse defects throughout the surface
Seamless and welded steel tubes. Part 10. Automated full peripheral ultrasonic testing for the detection of longitudinal and / or transverse imperfections
ACS 23.040.10, 77.040.20, 77.140.75
Date of implementation 2015−01−01
1 PREPARED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TK 357 «Steel and Cast Iron Pipes and Cylinders», Non-State Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education Research and Training Center «Control and Diagnostics» (Scientific and Research Center «Control and Diagnostics») and Open Joint Stock Company «Russian Research Institute pipe industry «(OJSC» RosNITI «) on the basis of its own authentic translation into Russian of the standard specified in paragraph 4
2 was introduced by the Technical Committee for Standardization of TC 357 «Steel and Cast Iron Pipes and Cylinders"
3 APPROVED AND ENABLED The Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of October 22, 2014 No. 1379-st
4 This standard is identical to the international standard ISO 10893−10: 2011 * «Non-destructive testing of steel pipes — Part 10. Automatic ultrasonic inspection of welded and welded steel pipes around the entire circumference (except for submerged arc welding) to detect longitudinal and / transverse defects «(ISO 10893−10: 2011» Nondestructive testing of steel tubes — Part 10: Automated full peripheral ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal and / or transverse imperfections «IDT).
The name of the international standard has been changed with respect to the name of this standard to be brought into compliance with GOST R 1.7 (item 6.2) and clarifying the scope of application.
When applying this standard, it is recommended to use the corresponding national standards of the Russian Federation in place of the reference international standards, the details of which are given in the supplementary Appendix YES
The rules for the application of this standard are set out in GOST R 1.0−2012 (section 8). The information on changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index «National Standards», and the official text of the amendments and amendments is published in the monthly information index «National Standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the next issue of the monthly information index «National Standards».
This standard is identical to the international standard ISO 10893−10, which was prepared by the Technical Committee ISO / TC 17 «Steel», subcommittee SC 19 «Technical conditions for the supply of pipes operating under pressure."
International Standard ISO 10893−10 nullifies and replaces ISO 9303: 1989 and ISO 9305: 1989, technically revised.
The international standard ISO 10893 consists of the following parts under the general title «Non-destructive testing of steel pipes»:
— Part 1. Automatic electromagnetic control of steel seamless and welded pipes (except for pipes obtained by submerged arc welding) for verification of tightness;
— Part 2. Automatic control by the eddy current method of steel seamless and welded pipes (except for pipes obtained by submerged arc welding) for the detection of defects;
— Part 3. Automatic control by the method of scattering magnetic flux along the entire circumference of seamless and welded pipes of ferromagnetic steel (except for pipes obtained by submerged arc welding) to detect longitudinal and (or) transverse defects;
— Part 4. Monitoring by penetrating liquids of steel seamless and welded pipes to detect surface defects;
— Part 5. Monitoring by the method of magnetic particles of seamless and welded pipes of ferromagnetic steel for the detection of surface defects;
— Part 6. Radiographic inspection of welded welded steel pipes to detect defects;
— Part 7. Digital radiographic inspection of welded steel pipes weld to detect defects;
— Part 8. Automatic ultrasonic inspection of seamless and welded steel pipes for detection of laminar defects;
— Part 9. Automatic ultrasonic testing for detection of laminar defects in the strip / sheet used for the production of welded steel pipes;
— Part 10. Automatic ultrasonic inspection of the entire circumference of seamless and welded steel pipes (other than submerged arc welding) to detect longitudinal and (or) transverse defects;
— Part 11. Automatic ultrasonic inspection of welded welded steel pipes to detect longitudinal and (or) transverse defects;
— Part 12. Automatic ultrasonic inspection of the thickness along the entire circumference of seamless and welded steel pipes (except for pipes obtained by submerged arc welding).
1 area of use
This standard specifies requirements for the ultrasonic method (conventional method or phased arrays) of automated control of the transverse wave over the entire surface of seamless and welded (except for pipes obtained by submerged arc welding) of steel pipes to detect longitudinal and (or) transverse defects.
Unless otherwise specified in the specification, this control method is used to detect mainly longitudinal defects.
When monitoring for the presence of longitudinal defects at the discretion of the manufacturer, Lamb waves can be applied.
For seamless pipes, as agreed between the customer and the manufacturer, the monitoring principles set out in this standard can be used to detect defects having a different orientation.
This standard should be used to control pipes with an outside diameter greater than or equal to 10 mm, and with an outer diameter to pipe wall thickness greater than or equal to 5.
This standard can also be applied to the inspection of round hollow profiles.
NOTE The control options for longitudinal defects for pipes with an outer diameter to a wall thickness of less than 5 are discussed in Appendix A.
2 Normative references
The following reference documents * are required for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies, for undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document, including any amendments thereto:
* Refer to the table of compliance of national standards with international standards. — Note of the database manufacturer.
ISO 5577 Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic inspection. Dictionary (ISO 5577 Nondestructive testing — Ultrasonic inspection — Vocabulary)
ISO 9712 Non-destructive testing. Qualification and attestation of personnel (ISO 9712 Nondestructive testing — Qualification and certification of NDT personnel)
ISO 11484 Steel pressure pipes. Qualification and certification of personnel in non-destructive testing (ISO 11484 Steel products — Employer’s qualification system for nondestructive testing (NDT) personnel)
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions of ISO 5577 and ISO 11484 are used in this standard, as well as the following terms with the corresponding definitions:
3.1 Calibration reflector (reference standard) Reflector for setting non-destructive testing equipment (such as holes, slots, etc.)
3.2 adjustment sample-tube (reference tube): The pipe or of the pipe used for setting purposes.
3.3 adjustment sample (reference sample): The sample (e.g., a pipe segment, plate or tape) used for setting.
NOTE The term «sample-tube» used in this standard also includes the term «configuration sample».
3.4 the pipe (tube): a long hollow product, open at both ends, of any shape in cross section.
3.5 Seamless tube: A pipe made by sewing a solid workpiece to produce a hollow tube, which is then processed (hot or cold) to its final dimensions.
3.6 welded tube: A pipe made by forming a hollow profile of a flat product and welding adjacent edges together and which, after welding, can be further processed (hot or cold) to its final dimensions.
3.7 manufacturer: An organization that manufactures products in accordance with the relevant standard and declares that the delivered products comply with all applicable provisions of the relevant standard.
3.8 agreement: Contractual relations between the manufacturer and the customer at the time of the request and order.
3.9 mean value of the thickness (average of the specified thickness range): Average of said thickness defined by the formula
Where and
— the maximum and minimum permissible thicknesses according to the product standard, taking into account the tolerances.
4 General requirements
4.1. If the product specification or agreement between the customer and the manufacturer does not specify otherwise, ultrasonic testing shall be carried out on the pipes after the completion of all primary manufacturing operations (rolling, heat treatment, cold and hot deformation, machining in size, pre-adjusting, etc. .).
4.2 Pipes should be straight enough to ensure reliable control. The surface of the pipe must be free of foreign substances, which can interfere with the conduct of reliable control.
4.3 Verification should be carried out only by trained operators qualified in accordance with ISO 9712, ISO 11484 or equivalent documents and under the supervision of competent personnel designated by the manufacturer (manufacturer). In the case of third party inspection, this should be agreed between the customer and the manufacturer. Control over the permission of the employer must be carried out in accordance with the written procedure. The procedure for nondestructive testing should be agreed by a specialist at level 3 and personally approved by the employer.
NOTE — The definition of levels 1, 2 and 3 is given in relevant international standards, for example in ISO 9712 and ISO 11484.
5 Control technology
5.1 Pipe inspection for the presence of longitudinally and transversely oriented defects should be carried out using transverse ultrasonic waves. To identify longitudinally oriented defects, it is also possible to use Lamb waves.
5.2 During the inspection, the pipe and the transducer block must move relative to each other in such a way that the entire surface of the pipe is scanned taking into account the location and dimensions of the transducers. The relative scanning speed during the monitoring should not change by more than ± 10%. It is acceptable to have short lengths at both ends of the pipe, which can not be controlled. All uncontrolled pipe ends must be monitored in accordance with the requirements of the relevant product standard (Appendix B).
5.3 Unless otherwise agreed between the manufacturer and the customer, this type of inspection shall be conducted in two opposite directions of sound propagation, clockwise and counterclockwise to detect longitudinal defects, forward and backward along the pipe axis to detect transverse defects.
5.4. For the detection of longitudinal defects, the width of each individual transducer, measured parallel to the axis of the pipe, should not be more than 25 mm. For pipes with an acceptance level of U1 and an outer diameter of not more than 50 mm, the width of any of the converters shall not be more than 12.5 mm.
When using Lamb waves or a phased array, the maximum width of the transducer or individual grid element, measured parallel to the axis of the tube, should be limited to 35 mm.
To detect transverse defects, the width of each individual active element of the transducer, measured perpendicular to the axis of the tube, should not be more than 25 mm.
5.5 The nominal frequency of the transducers depends on the condition of the delivery and the properties of the product as well as the thickness and surface treatment of the pipes to be monitored and should be in the range of 1 MHz to 15 MHz for transverse waves and in the range of 0.3 to 1 MHz for Lamb waves .
5.6 The equipment shall classify the pipes as either permissible, or as doubtful, using an automatic signaling system to exceed the signal level in combination with the marking and / or sorting system.
6 Tuning sample-pipe
6.1 General
6.1.1 This standard defines tuning patterns suitable for setting up non-destructive testing equipment. The dimensions of the tuning reflectors in these samples should not be interpreted as the minimum size of defects detected by this equipment.
6.1.2 For the detection of longitudinal defects, the adjustment of the ultrasonic equipment should be carried out using longitudinal grooves on the outer and inner surfaces of the tuning sample tube.
To detect transverse defects, the adjustment of the ultrasonic equipment must be carried out using transverse grooves on the outer and inner surfaces of the tuning sample tube.
With both control options, if the inner diameter of the pipe is less than 15 mm, the manufacturer and the customer may by agreement refuse to adjust the internal groove.
For seamless pipes subject to control for the detection of defects oriented in a different way, the corresponding requirements that replace or supplement the requirements of this standard must be agreed upon at the time of the order.
6.1.3 Tuning samples-tubes shall have the same nominal diameter and thickness, the same quality of surface treatment and delivery conditions (for example, after rolling, normalizing, improving, tempering) as the pipes to be monitored and should have similar acoustic properties (for example, speed of sound and attenuation coefficient).
6.1.4 The grooves should be located at a distance from the ends of the tuning tubes and from each other so that the signals received from them can be clearly distinguished.
6.2 Types of grooves
6.2.1 The grooves should be parallel (longitudinal grooves) or perpendicular (transverse grooves) of the axis of the tuning sample tube.
The grooves should be of the «N» type (normal to the groove surface), and if the height of the groove is less than 0.5 mm, then the «V» -type grooves (V-groove) may be used at the discretion of the manufacturer (figure 1). In the case of using the groove «N» -type, its sides must be parallel, and the profile should be as rectangular as possible.
NOTE — The bottom or bottom angles of the groove can be rounded.
Figure 1 — Types of grooves
a) slot of V-type
b) an N-type groove
— width;
— height
Figure 1 — Types of grooves
6.2.2 When using transverse grooves, the manufacturer shall use the slot shapes shown in figure 2.
Figure 2 — Typical cross groove
a) Outer partial annular groove
b) an inner, inner annular groove
— height
Figure 2 — Typical cross groove
6.2.3 Grooves must be manufactured by mechanical, electro-erosion treatment.
6.3. The dimensions of the grooves
6.3.1. The width, (see Figure 1)
The width of the groove should not be more than 1.0 mm and should not exceed its height more than twice.
6.3.2 Height, (see Figures 1 and 2) The height of the groove shall correspond to the height specified in Table 1.
NOTE The slot height values specified in Table 1 are the same for the relevant categories in all international standards for the non-destructive testing of steel pipes, where reference is made to different acceptance levels. Although the tuning samples are identical, the use of different control methods can give different results.
Table 1 — Acceptance levels and the corresponding height of the adjustment grooves
Acceptance level |
Height of groove from wall thickness,% |
U1 |
3 |
U2 |
5 |
U3 |
10 |
U4 |
12.5 | The minimum height of the groove is related to the type of pipe used for the particular equipment and is referred to as the subcategory, as indicated in Table 2, unless otherwise agreed between the customer and the manufacturer. If there is no agreement on the indicated subcategory, the minimum height of the groove must be 0.2 mm for cold-drawn, cold-rolled or treated pipes and 0.5 mm for all other conditions of pipe production.
Table 2 — Acceptance levels and corresponding groove height
Subcategory | Minimum groove height |
Pipe production conditions |
A | 0.1 | Cold-drawn, cold-rolled or mechanically treated pipes |
AT | 0.2 | |
FROM | 0.3 |
All conditions |
D | 0.5 | |
| The maximum height of the groove for all acceptance levels and subcategories shall be 1.5 mm, except for pipes with a wall thickness of more than 50 mm, for which it may be increased to 3.0 mm, unless otherwise agreed. The tolerance for the height of the groove shall be ± 15% of the groove height or ± 0.05 mm, whichever is greater, with the exception that when the groove height is less than 0.3 mm, the tolerance shall be ± 0, 03 mm.
6.3.3 Groove Length
Unless otherwise specified by the product standard or by agreement between the customer and the manufacturer, the length of the groove must be greater than the width of each converter or the effective size of the converter, subject to the following restrictions:
— a maximum of 25 mm for cold-drawn, cold-rolled or treated pipes;
— a maximum of 50 mm for all other conditions of pipe production.
6.3.4 Checking the setup samples
The size and shape of the groove is determined by the method of direct measurements using linear-angular measurements. The declared values of the parameters of the tuning samples containing the tuning reflectors must be confirmed by the measured values in the established order.
7 Setting up and checking the hardware settings
7.1 General
At the beginning of each inspection cycle, the equipment, regardless of the type of wave used, must be tuned over uniform clearly identifiable signals from the slots. The alarm system must operate according to the level of these signals.
7.2 Setting the alarm level
7.2.1 When using a single strobe, the transducers shall be installed so that the echoes from the inner and outer grooves are as uniform as possible. To set the alarm level, the maximum amplitude of the smaller of the two signals should be used.
7.2.2 When using different gates for the internal and external slots, the maximum echo amplitude from each slot should be used to set the corresponding alarm levels. The position of the beginning and width of the gates must be adjusted so that the entire thickness of the pipe wall is inspected.
7.2.3 If only the external groove is used during tuning, then the maximum level of the echo amplitude from the outer slot must also be used instead of the maximum level of the echo amplitude from the internal slot, and the time section of the strobe must include the echo area from the external and internal grooves.
7.3 Checking the setting and reconfiguring
7.3.1. The adjustment of the equipment in the process of monitoring should be checked dynamically at regular intervals in the manufacture of pipes of the same diameter, wall thickness and mark by passing (running) the tuning sample-pipe through the installation.
Verification of the setting should be carried out at least every 4 hours, as well as when changing the operator and at the beginning and at the end of the production cycle.
7.3.2 During the dynamic check of the setting, the relative speed of the converter unit (s) and the tuning sample pipe must be the same as during the production control. Other conditions for performing the tuning test are allowed, if the manufacturer can prove that the results obtained are the same as for the dynamic verification of the setting.
7.3.3 The equipment must be reconfigured if any of the parameters used during the initial setup has changed.
7.3.4 If, during the inspection during the production process, the adjustment requirements are not met, then all pipes that have passed the control from the previous acceptable setting of the equipment must be re-monitored after the equipment has been set up again.
8 Acceptance
8.1 Any pipe that does not trigger an automatic alarm system is considered suitable.
8.2 Any pipe that caused the activation of an automatic alarm system is indicated as doubtful or, at the discretion of the manufacturer, can be monitored repeatedly. If, after two successive re-control operations, all echoes are lower than the alarm level of the automatic alarm system, the pipe is considered fit; otherwise the pipe is considered doubtful.
8.3 For doubtful pipes, taking into account the requirements of the product standard, one or more of the following operations should be undertaken:
a) the suspect site should be cleaned or controlled by another suitable method. After making sure that the remaining thickness of the wall is within the tolerance, the pipe must be re-checked, as indicated above. If, after re-monitoring, all echoes are lower than the alarm level of the automatic alarm system, the pipe is considered fit.
Suspicious areas can be repeatedly monitored by other methods of nondestructive testing according to agreed acceptance levels between the customer and the manufacturer;
b) the suspect area should be cut off;
c) The pipe is considered unfit.
9 Control report
If agreed, the manufacturer shall submit to the customer a control protocol that shall include at least the following information:
a) a reference to this standard;
b) a statement of eligibility;
c) any deviation from the agreement or agreed procedures;
d) product designation, grade of steel and dimensions;
e) description of control technology;
f) the used way of setting up the equipment;
g) description of the sample for adjustment and acceptance level;
h) the date of the test;
i) data of the control operator.
Appendix A (compulsory). Control for longitudinal pipe defects with an outer diameter to an average wall thickness of less than 5
Appendix A
A.1 General
A.1.1. If the ratio of the outer diameter to the average value of the pipe wall thickness () is less than 5, then by agreement between the customer and the manufacturer, the requirements A.1.2 or A.1.3 shall be met.
A.1.2. If the ratio of the outer diameter to the average value of the pipe wall thickness () is less than 5, but greater than or equal to 4, the height of the internal slot must be increased relative to the height of the outer slot in accordance with the data in Table A.1.
A.1.3. If the ratio of the outer diameter to the average value of the pipe wall thickness () is less than 5, but greater than or equal to 3, then the input angle should be reduced. Then, in conjunction with the input transverse wave, the transverse wave transformed from the longitudinal wave should be used (Figure A.1). In this case, the ratio of the heights of the inner and outer grooves should be determined by agreement between the customer and the manufacturer, but under no circumstances the ratio can be less than 1.0 or more than the corresponding ratios given in Table A.1.
Figure A.1 — Immersion method with the transformation of a longitudinal wave into a transverse
_______________ — longitudinal wave.
input transverse wave.
— Transformed transverse wave.
1 — combined converter (emitter and receiver) or separate (emitter and receiver in different housings)
Figure A.1 — Immersion method with the transformation of a longitudinal wave into a transverse
Table A.1
Attitude | |
outer diameter to the average value of the pipe wall thickness |
height of the internal groove to the height of the outer groove |
<5,00 and |
1.6 |
<4.75 and |
1.9 |
<4.5 and |
2.2 |
<4.25 and |
2.5 |
A.2 Relationships
See Table A.1.
Appendix B (required). Manual / semiautomatic control of uncontrolled pipe ends and questionable areas
Appendix B
B.1 Uncontrolled ends of pipes
If the product standard is installed, the pipe ends that have not passed automatic control should be controlled manually / semi-automatically along the entire circumference from the end and along the entire length of the initially uncontrolled zones plus 10%.
Manual / semiautomatic ultrasonic testing should be performed so that the entire surface of the uncontrolled ends is scanned with a 10% overlap of adjacent scan paths with respect to the width of the used ultrasonic transducer measured in the direction of the tube axis.
Manual / semi-automatic ultrasonic testing should be performed using transverse waves or Lamb waves. The sensitivity of the inspection (the height of the groove) and the control parameters should correspond to those used during the initial automatic control of the pipe, but with the limitations given in B.3.
B.2. Local suspicious sites
The local areas of the pipe, considered doubtful by the results of automated ultrasonic testing, must be subjected to manual control by transverse waves or Lamb waves in such a way that the entire doubtful area is monitored. In this case, the sensitivity (height of the groove) and the control parameters should be the same as those used during the initial automatic control, but with the limitations given in B.3.
B.3 Limitations for manual / semiautomatic ultrasonic testing
There are the following restrictions on the use of manual / semi-automatic ultrasonic control by transverse waves for uncontrolled zones at the ends of the pipe and (or) in questionable places:
a) the input angle used for manual ultrasonic transverse wave monitoring shall be nominally the same as that used during the initial automatic control;
b) the control shall be carried out with the propagation of sound in two annular and (or) longitudinal directions;
c) the scanning speed should not exceed 150 mm / s;
d) the type of ultrasonic transducer used for manual control of transverse waves should be contact, slit or immersion. Devices must be provided to ensure the correct position of the inverter with respect to the surface of the pipe during inspection, for example, for a contact converter, the contact surface should be profiled with respect to the curvature of the pipe;
e) the width of the converter used for manual control, measured in the direction of the pipe axis, shall not exceed the width of the used during the initial automatic control;
f) the nominal frequency of the converter used for manual control shall not differ from that used during the initial automatic control by more than ± 1 MHz. If Lamb waves were used during the initial automatic control, the frequency of transverse wave transducers, if used for manual monitoring, should be in the range from 4 MHz to 5 MHz.
Appendix YES (informative). Information on the Compliance of Reference International Standards with the Reference National Standards of the Russian Federation
Appendix YES
Table YES.1
Designation of the reference international standard |
Degree of conformity | The designation and name of the relevant national standard |
ISO 5577 | IDT | GOST R ISO 5577−2009 «Non-destructive testing — Ultrasonic inspection — Dictionary" |
ISO 9712 | IDT | GOST R ISO 9712−2009 «Non-destructive testing — Certification and certification of personnel" |
ISO 11484 | IDT | Project GOST R ISO 11484 (IDT) «Steel products: the system for assessing the employer’s qualifications of personnel performing non-destructive testing" |
NOTE This table uses the following symbol for the degree of conformity of the standards: — IDT — identical standards. |
UDC 621.774.08: 620.179.16 ACS 23.040.10, 77.040.20, 77.140.75
Keywords: steel pipes, non-destructive testing, ultrasonic method, automatic control, longitudinal and transverse defects