GOST 31447-2012
GOST 31447−2012 steel welded Pipes for trunk gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil product pipelines. Technical specifications (with Amendment)
GOST 31447−2012
Group В62
Steel welded pipes for trunk gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil products pipelines. Specifications
ISS 77.140.75
OKP 13 0000
Date of introduction 2015−01−01
Goals, basic principles and main procedure of works on interstate standardization have been established in GOST 1.0−92 «interstate standardization system. Basic provisions» and GOST 1.2−2009 «interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Rules of development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"
Data on standard
1 PREPARED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 „Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders“, Open joint stock company „Russian scientific research Institute of pipe industry“ (JSC „RosNITI“)
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 „Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders"
3 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (Protocol of 15 March 2012 No. 49)
The adoption voted:
Short name of the country on MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 |
Country code MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 | Abbreviated name of the national authority for standardization |
Azerbaijan | AZ |
Azstandart |
Belarus | BY |
Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Belarus |
Kazakhstan | KZ |
Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
Kyrgyzstan | KG |
Kyrgyzstandard |
Russia | EN |
Rosstandart |
Uzbekistan | UZ |
Uzstandard |
4 this standard is prepared based on the application of national standard of Russian Federation GOST R 52079−2003 „welded steel Pipes for trunk gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil product pipelines. Technical conditions"
5 by Order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology of June 5, 2013 N 133-St inter-state standard GOST 31447−2012 introduced as a national standard of the Russian Federation from 1 January 2015.
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual reference index „National standards“, and the text changes and amendments — in monthly information index „National standards“. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in the monthly information index „National standards“. Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet
AMENDED, published in the IUS N 12, 2015
An amendment made by the manufacturer of the database
In this standard, based on modern achievements of science, engineering and technology, advanced domestic and foreign experience of design and construction, taking into account international and national standards, API Spec.5L*, DIN 17120, EN 10208−2, BS 4515:1992 etc. technically developed countries, there are increased regulatory requirements for the quality and reliability of gas-and-oil pipes.
Introduced a more elevated in comparison with existing regulations, the requirements to geometrical parameters of pipes, the chemical composition of steels, mechanical properties and standards non-destructive testing. Expanded assortment of pipes by diameter, thickness, grade of steel, structural design.
1 Scope
This standard applies to welded steel pipes and spiral-welded pipes with a diameter of 114−1420 mm, used for construction and repair of trunk gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil product pipelines transporting non-corrosive-active products (natural gas, crude oil and petroleum products) under excessive working pressure up to 9,8 MPa (100 kgf/cm) and ambient temperature to minus 60 °C.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following international standards:
GOST 8.315−97 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Standard samples of composition and properties of substances and materials. The main provisions of the
GOST 8.586.1−2005 (ISO 5167−1:2003) State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measurement of flow and quantity of liquids and gases by means of orifice instruments. Part 1. The principle of the measurement method and General requirements
GOST 8.586.2−2005 (ISO 5167−2:2003) State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measurement of flow and quantity of liquids and gases by means of orifice instruments. Part 2. Diaphragm. Technical requirements
GOST 8.586.3−2005 (ISO 5167−3:2003) State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measurement of flow and quantity of liquids and gases by means of orifice instruments. Part 3. Nozzle and Venturi nozzle. Technical requirements
GOST 8.586.4−2005 (ISO 5167−4:2003) State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measurement of flow and quantity of liquids and gases by means of orifice instruments. Part 4. A Venturi Tube. Technical requirements
GOST 8.586.5−2005 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measurement of flow and quantity of liquids and gases by means of orifice instruments. Part 5. The measurement procedure
GOST 162−90 Gauges. Specifications
GOST 166−89 (ISO 3599−76) Calipers. Specifications
GOST 380−2005 carbon Steel of ordinary quality. Brand
GOST 427−75 Rulers measuring metal. Specifications
GOST 1050−88 hire gauged bars with special surface finishing of carbon structural quality steel. General specifications
GOST 1497−84 (ISO 6892−84) Metals. Test methods tensile
GOST 2216−84 Gauges-adjustable bracket smooth. Specifications
GOST 3845−75 Pipe metal. Test method hydraulic pressure
GOST 5378−88 Protractors with Vernier. Specifications
GOST 6507−90 Micrometers. Specifications
GOST 6996−66 (ISO 4136−89, ISO 5173−81, ISO 5177−81) Welded joints. Methods for determining the mechanical properties
GOST 7502−98 metallic measuring tape. Specifications
GOST 7565−81 (ISO 377−2-89) Iron, steel and alloys. Sampling method for determination of chemical composition
GOST 8695−75 Pipe. Test method for flattening
GOST 9454−78 Metals. Test method for impact strength at low, room and elevated temperatures
GOST 10006−80 (ISO 6892−84) of the Pipe metal. Test method tensile
GOST ISO 10124−2002 pressure steel Tubes seamless and welded (except pipe manufactured by arc welding under flux). Ultrasonic testing method of fibre bundles*
* In the Russian Federation GOST R ISO 10124−99 „steel pressure Pipe seamless and welded (except pipe manufactured by arc welding under flux). Ultrasonic testing method of fibre bundles“.
GOST ISO 10332−2002 pressure steel Tubes seamless and welded (except pipe manufactured by arc welding under flux). The ultrasonic method of testing*
* In the Russian Federation GOST R ISO 10332−99 „steel pressure Pipe seamless and welded (except pipe manufactured by arc welding under flux). Ultrasonic testing method of continuity“.
GOST ISO 10543−2002 pressure steel Tubes seamless and welded drawn or hot worked. Method for ultrasonic thickness measurements*
* In the Russian Federation GOST R ISO 10543−99 „steel pressure Pipe seamless and welded drawn or hot worked. Ultrasonic thickness gaging“.
GOST 10692−80 Pipe steel, cast iron and fittings to them. Acceptance, marking, packing, transportation and storage
GOST 11358−89 Thickness and stenkomer indicator with a scale division of 0.01 and 0.1 mm. specifications
GOST 12344−2003 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of carbon
GOST 12345−2001 (ISO 671−82, ISO 4935−89) Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods of determining sulphur
GOST 12346−78 (ISO 439−82, ISO 4829−1-86) Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of silicon
GOST 12347−77 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of phosphorus
GOST 12348−78 (ISO 629−82) Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of manganese
GOST 12349−83 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of tungsten
GOST 12350−78 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of chromium
GOST 12351−2003 (ISO 4942:1988, ISO 9647:1989) Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of vanadium
GOST 12352−81 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of Nickel
GOST 12354−81 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of molybdenum
GOST 12355−78 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of copper
GOST 12356−81 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Method of determining titanium
GOST 12357−84 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of aluminium
GOST 12358−2002 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of arsenic
GOST 12359−99 (ISO 4945−77) Steels carbon, alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of nitrogen
GOST 12360−82 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods of boron determination
GOST 12361−2002 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of niobium
GOST 12362−79 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of trace antimony, lead, tin, zinc and cadmium
GOST 14637−89 (ISO 4995−78) rolled plate from carbon steel of ordinary quality. Specifications
GOST 16523−97 rolled sheets from carbon steel quality and common quality of General purpose. Specifications
GOST 17745−90 of Steel and alloys. Methods for the determination of gases
GOST 18360−93 Gauges-bracket sheet for diameters from 3 to 260 mm. Dimensions
GOST 18365−93 Gauges bracket sheet with changeable lips for diameters over 100 to 360 mm. Dimensions
GOST 18442−80 nondestructive testing. Capillary methods. General requirements
GOST 18895−97 Steel. Method of photoelectric spectral analysis
GOST 19281−89 (ISO 4950−2-81, ISO 4950−3-81, ISO 4951−79, ISO 4995−78, ISO 4996−78, ISO 5952−83) rolled steel with increased strength. General specifications
GOST 19903−74 hot-rolled steel sheets. Assortment
GOST 21105−87 nondestructive testing. Magnitogorskoye method
GOST 22536.0−87 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST 28033−89 Steel. Method x-ray fluorescence analysis
GOST 30415−96 Steel. Non-destructive testing of mechanical properties and microstructure of steel products by magnetic method
GOST 30432−96 Pipe metal. Methods of sampling, blanks and samples for mechanical and technological tests
GOST 30456−97 metal Products. The rolled sheet and steel pipe. Methods of test for impact strength
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or in the annual information index „National standards“ published as on January 1 of the current year, and the editions of the monthly information index „National standards“ for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.
3 Terms and definitions
This standard applies the following terms with respective definitions:
3.1 high frequency resistance welding; VPS: welding with application of a pressure at which the heating is effected by high frequency currents.
3.2 arc welding under flux; DSF: fusion welding, in which heating is performed with the electric arc burning under the layer of welding flux.
3.3 arc welding in protective gas; DSG: fusion welding, in which heating is accomplished by electric arc, when the arc and straightened the metal, and in some cases cools down and the seam is located in the protective gas supplied to the welding zone with the help of special devices.
3.4 weld: the Permanent connection made by the welding and representing the totality of characteristic zones in the pipe.
3.4.1 the weld metal; MSH: Alloy, formed by molten basic and weld metals, or only melted base metal.
3.4.2 zone of fusion; AP: Area of the partially melted grains at the boundary of the base metal and weld metal.
3.4.3 heat-affected zone; HAZ: Area of the base metal not subjected to melting, structure and properties of which have changed as a result of heating during welding.
When VPS are formed two zones — MSH and HAZ. When DSF and DSG are formed three zones — MSH, AP and HAZ.
3.5 weldability of metals: metal Properties when installed to form a welding connection meeting the requirements of the design and operation of the product.
3.6 saddle weld: Smooth groove on the weld reinforcement occurs when a weld formation on the inner wall of the pipe due to its curvature.
3.7 heat treatment tubes: Heat treatment of pipes to improve the plastic and viscous properties of base metal and welded joints of pipes.
3.7.1 bulk heat treatment of the whole body (casing) pipe; OTO: Heat treatment the whole pipe.
3.7.2 local heat treatment of the welded joint across the length of the pipe;LTO: Heat treatment of the weld of the pipe.
3.8 non-destructive testing: testing of metals physical methods without damaging the metal.
3.9 acceptance tests: Control tests of pipes for compliance with the requirements of the standard for acceptance inspection at the manufacturer.
3.10 the document as: a document on the quality of the tubes that contain basic technical information about trumpets and confirming the conformity of the actual properties of the normative requirements of this standard. Quality certificate provide the consumer with the pipes.
3.11 non-corrosive-active transported products: Foods that cause uniform corrosion of the unprotected pipe walls at a speed no more than 0,1 mm per year.
3.12 the expansion of pipes: Hydraulic or hydro-mechanical calibration pipe expander by plastic deformation of the wall to obtain the normative geometrical parameters of pipes.
3.13 defect: deviation from the prescribed regulations the quality of pipes.
3.14 standard sample of the enterprise; SOP: Sample tubes with artificial flaws, used to configure and test the sensitivity of the nondestructive testing of material, made of the same material of the same size, and controlled the pipe.
3.15 a strength class of pipes: metal pipes, the provisional estimate resistance and denoted by the symbols from К34 to K60, which corresponds to the normative values
4 Assortment
4.1 Pipe the method of manufacture is divided into three types:
1 — longitudinal electric-welded pipes with a diameter of 114−530 mm, VPS welded with one longitudinal seam;
2 — spiral-welded, with a diameter of 159−1420 mm, DSF welded spiral seam;
3 — pipes with a diameter of 530−1420 mm, welded DSF with one or two longitudinal seams.
4.1.1 Pipe manufactured in two versions:
— cold-resistant performance, wherein the base metal and weld pipes ensure the requirements of impact strength on samples with a V-shaped hub at minus 20 °C and toughness on samples with U-shaped hub at minus 60 °C and requirements for the share of the viscous component in the fractured sample of the base metal at minus 20 °C;
— the usual performance, in which the base metal and weld pipes ensure the requirements of impact strength on samples with a V-shaped hub at 0 °C and toughness on samples with U-shaped hub at -40 °C and requirements for the share of the viscous component in the fractured sample of the base metal at 0 °C.
By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer pipe or conventional cold-resistant performance can be supplied with impact toughness of the base metal and the weld at other temperatures tested.
4.2 sizes and theoretical mass of pipes correspond to given in table 1.
Table 1 — sizes and theoretical mass of pipes
Nominal outside diameter of pipe, mm | Theoretical weight of 1 m pipe, kg, with nominal wall thickness, mm | ||||||||||||||||||
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | Seventeen | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | |
114 |
Of 8.21 | 10,85 | Of 13.44 | 15,98 | 18,47 | 20 and 91 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
121 |
8,73 | 11,54 | 14,30 | Of 17.02 | 19,68 | 22,29 | 24,86 | 27,37 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
133 |
9,62 | 12,72 | 15,78 | To 18.79 | 21,75 | Of 24.66 | 27,52 | 30,33 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
140 |
10,14 | 13,42 | 16,65 | Of 19.83 | 22,96 | 26,04 | Of 29.07 | Of 32.06 | Of 34.99 | 37,87 | 40,71 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
146 |
10,58 | 14,01 | 17,39 | Of 20.71 | Is 23.99 | 27,22 | 30,41 | As 33.54 | 36,62 | 39,65 | 42,64 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
152 |
11,02 | Of 14.60 | Of 18.13 | 20,60 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
159 |
11,54 | 15,29 | Of 18.99 | 22,64 | 26,24 | Of 29.79 | 33,29 | 36,74 | 40,15 | Of 43.50 | 46,80 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
168 |
Of 12.21 | 16,18 | 20,10 | Of 23.97 | 27,79 | 31,57 | 35,29 | 38,96 | 42,59 | 46,16 | 49,69 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
178 |
12,95 | 17,16 | Of 21.33 | 25,45 | 29,52 | As 33.54 | Of 37.51 | 41,43 | 45,30 | 49,12 | 52,90 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
219 |
15,98 | 21,21 | Of 26.39 | 31,52 | 36,60 | 41,63 | Of 46.61 | 51,54 | 56,42 | 61,26 | 66,04 | 70,77 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
245 |
- | Of 23.77 | 29,59 | 35,36 | Of 41.09 | 46,76 | 52,38 | 57,95 | 63,47 | 68,95 | Of 47.37 | 79,75 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
273 |
- | Of 26.54 | Of 33.04 | 39,51 | 45,92 | 52,28 | 58,59 | 64,86 | 71,07 | 77,24 | 83,35 | 89,42 | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
325 |
- | 31,67 | 39,46 | 47,20 | 54,89 | Of 62.54 | And 70.13 | 77,68 | To RUB 85.18 | 92,62 | 100,03 | 107,38 | 114,68 | 121,93 | - | - | - | - | - |
356 |
- | 34,72 | 43,28 | With 51.79 | 60,24 | 68,65 | 77,01 | 85,32 | From 93.58 | 101,80 | 109,96 | 118,07 | 126,14 | 134,15 | - | - | - | - | - |
377 |
- | - | Of 45.87 | 54,89 | 63,87 | 72,80 | 81,68 | 90,51 | 99,28 | 108,01 | 116,70 | 125,33 | 133,91 | 142,45 | - | - | - | - | - |
426 |
- | - | Of 51.91 | 62,15 | 72,33 | 82,47 | 92,55 | 102,59 | 112,57 | 122,51 | 132,41 | 142,25 | 152,04 | 161,78 | - | - | - | - | - |
530 |
- | - | - | 77,53 | 90,29 | 102,99 | 115,64 | 128,24 | 140,79 | 153,30 | 165,75 | 178,15 | 190,50 | 202,80 | 215,06 | 227,24 | Of 239.42 | 251,53 | 263,59 |
630 |
- | - | - | - | 107,55 | 122,72 | 137,83 | 152,90 | 167,91 | 182,88 | 197,80 | 212,67 | 227,49 | 242,26 | 257,00 | 271,66 | 286,28 | 300,85 | 315,38 |
720 |
- | - | - | - | - | 140,47 | 157,80 | 175,09 | 192,32 | 209,51 | 226,65 | 243,74 | 260,78 | 277,74 | 294,72 | 311,60 | 328,45 | 345,24 | 362,00 |
820 |
- | - | - | - | - | 160,20 | 180,00 | 199,75 | 219,46 | 239,12 | 258,71 | 278,28 | 297,77 | 317,22 | 336,63 | Of 356.00 | 375,30 | 394,56 | 413,77 |
1020 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | 224,38 | 249,07 | 273,70 | 298,29 | 322,83 | 347,31 | 371,75 | 396,14 | 420,40 | 444,77 | 469,04 | 493,21 | 517,34 |
1220 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | 298,39 | 327,95 | 357,47 | 386,94 | 416,36 | 445,73 | 475,03 | 504,32 | 533,54 | 562,72 | 591,84 | 620,91 |
1420 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 485,41 | 519,71 | Of 554.00 | 588,17 | 622,30 | 656,43 | 690,48 | 724,49 |
Table 1 continued
Nominal outside diameter of pipe, mm | Theoretical weight of 1 m pipe, kg, with nominal wall thickness, mm | ||||||||||||||||||
22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | |
114 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
121 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
133 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
140 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
146 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
152 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
159 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
168 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
178 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
219 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
245 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
273 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
325 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
356 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
377 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
426 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
530 |
275,60 | 287,56 | 299,47 | 311,33 | 323,14 | 334,91 | 346,62 | 358,29 | 369,90 | 381,47 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
630 |
329,85 | 344,28 | 358,66 | 372,98 | 387,26 | 401,49 | 415,67 | 429,80 | 443,88 | 457,91 | 471,89 | 485,83 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
720 |
378,68 | 395,33 | 411,92 | 428,47 | 445,00 | 461,19 | 477,81 | 494,16 | 510,46 | 526,71 | 542,91 | 559,07 | 575,17 | 591,22 | 607,23 | 623,18 | 639,09 | 654,94 | 670,75 |
820 |
432,93 | 452,04 | 471,11 | 490,12 | 509,08 | 528,00 | 546,86 | 565,68 | 584,44 | 603,16 | 621,83 | 640,44 | 659,01 | 677,53 | 696,00 | 714,42 | 732,80 | 751,12 | 769,39 |
1020 |
541,44 | 565,48 | 589,47 | 613,42 | 637,31 | 661,16 | 685,00 | 708,70 | 732,40 | 756,05 | 779,65 | 803,20 | 826,70 | 850,15 | 873,56 | 896,91 | 920,21 | 943,47 | 966,67 |
1220 |
649,94 | 678,92 | 707,84 | 736,72 | 765,55 | 794,32 | 823,05 | 851,73 | 880,36 | 908,94 | 937,47 | 965,96 | 994,39 | 1022,77 | 1051,11 | 1079,39 | 1107,63 | 1135,81 | 1163,95 |
1420 |
758,44 | 792,35 | 826,21 | 860,02 | 893,78 | 927,46 | 961,15 | 994,76 | 1028,32 | 1061,84 | 1095,30 | 1128,71 | 1162,10 | 1195,40 | 1228,86 | 1261,88 | 1295,05 | 1328,16 | 1361,23 |
End of table 1
Nominal outside diameter of pipe, mm | Theoretical weight of 1 m pipe, kg, with nominal wall thickness, mm | |||||||||
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | |
114 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
121 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
133 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
140 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
146 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
152 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
159 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
168 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
178 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
219 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
245 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
273 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
325 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
356 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
377 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
426 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
530 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
630 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
720 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
820 |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
1020 |
989,83 | 1012,93 | 1035,99 | 1059,00 | 1081,96 | 1104,87 | - | - | - | - |
1220 |
1192,04 | 1220,08 | 1248,07 | 1276,01 | 1303,90 | 1331,74 | 1359,53 | 1387,27 | - | - |
1420 |
1394,25 | 1427,22 | 1460,14 | 1493,02 | 1525,84 | 1558,61 | 1591,33 | 1624,01 | 1656,63 | 1689,21 |
4.3 the Pipes made of random length from 10.5 to 12.0 m to Allow for the production of up to 10% by weight, pipes of types 1−3 length less than 8 m and up to 3% by weight, of the pipe type 1 length less than 5 m.
By agreement between the manufacturer and the customer allowed the manufacture of pipes of standard length of all types with maximum deviation of plus 100 mm overall length: with a diameter of from 114 to 219 mm inclusive — from 6 to 9 m; the diameter of 219 mm — from 10 to 12 m.
Tolerances for the overall length of the measuring tubes should not exceed plus 100 mm. by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer shall manufacture pipe with nominal length of 12 to 24 m inclusive with a single circumferential seam or without it.
4.4 tolerances for wall thickness of tubes should correspond to the limit deviations on thickness of metal according to GOST 19903 for sheet and strip rolled normal accuracy.
For pipes of types 2 and 3 of steel controlled rolling zero tolerance for sheet and strip rolled normal accuracy — according to GOST 19903 to the maximum width, sheet and strip rolled and minus tolerance shall not exceed 5% of the nominal wall thickness but not more than 0,8 mm for thicknesses over 16 mm.
(Amendment. ICS N 12−2015).
4.5 Deflection profile of the outer surface of pipes of types 2 and 3 from the circumference of the welded joint end portions with a length of 200 mm from the ends and along the arc of a perimeter of 200 mm must not exceed 0.15% of the nominal diameter.
4.6 the Deviation from perpendicularity of the pipe end relative to the generatrix (slant cut) shall not exceed: 1.0 mm — diameter pipes up to 219 mm inclusive, and 1.5 mm in diameter over 219 to 426 mm inclusive, 1.6 mm — diameter over 426 mm.
4.7 the Curvature of pipes of all types shall not exceed 1.5 mm per 1 m length. The total curvature of tubes shall not exceed 0.2% of pipe length.
4.8 tolerances for the outer diameter of the casing pipes of nominal sizes shall be as specified in table 2.
Table 2
In millimeters
Type of pipe | Nominal outer diameter |
Limit deviation | |||||
1 | From | 114 | to | 140 | incl. | ±1,2 | |
1, 2 | SV. | One hundred forty | “ | 168 | “ | ±1,3 | |
1, 2 | » | 168 | " | 426 | " | ±2,0 | |
1, 2, 3 | " | 426 | " | 1420 | " | ±3,0 | |
Note — by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer produce pipe with other limiting disabilities. |
4.9 maximum deviations from the nominal outer diameter of the pipe ends on the length of at least 200 mm from the end must correspond to table 3.
Table 3
In millimeters
Type of pipe | Nominal outer diameter |
Limit deviation | |||||
1 |
From | 114 | to | 140 | incl. | ±1,2 | |
1, 2 |
SV. | 140 | " | 168 | " | ±1,3 | |
1, 2, 3 |
" | 168 | " | 530 | " | ±1,5 | |
1, 2, 3 |
" | 530 | " | 1420 | " | ±1,6 | |
Note — by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer produce pipe with other limiting disabilities. |
4.10 the Tolerance on ovality of the pipe ends of type 1 with a diameter up to 530 mm inclusive, and of type 2 with diameter up to 426 mm inclusive (the difference between the largest and smallest diameters) shall not exceed extreme deviations in table 2.
The tolerance on ovality of pipe end types 2 and 3 with a diameter of more than 530 mm and more (ratio of the difference between the greatest and least diameters to the nominal diameter) should not exceed 1% when the wall thickness of pipes up to 20 mm, inclusive, to 0.8% for wall thickness greater than 20 mm.
At the request of the consumer for pipes of types 2 and 3 with a diameter of 530 mm and wall thickness above 25 mm the tolerance on ovality of the pipe ends should be not more than 0.5%.
4.11 the Shape and size of the cutting edges of the pipe ends for welding depending on the thickness of the wall must conform to figure 1.
Figure 1 — Shape and dimensions of cutting of pipe ends
and — with up to 5.0 mm, inclusive; b — at
from 5.0 to 16.0 mm inclusive; in — with
more than 16.0 mm
Figure 1 — Shape and dimensions of cutting of pipe ends
Allowed in the zone of the weld at a distance of 40 mm in both directions from the axis of the weld increase in the blunting of the end to 4 mm.
At the request of the consumer made tubes of other shapes and sizes of cutting edges. The burrs on the ends of tubes with a length of more than 0.5 mm are removed.
4.12 Elevation gain outer seams of pipes of types 2 and 3 should be 0.5−3.0 mm, and the inner seams of 0.5−3.5 mm. At the ends of the pipes (except pipe type diameter of 2 159−325 mm) length not less than 150 mm to the strengthening of internal stitches should be removed. Residual height gain should not exceed 0.5 mm.
Displacement of the axes of the outer and inner joints at the ends of pipes of types 2 and 3 shall not exceed 3.2 mm for wall thickness up to 21.3 mm with an overlap of not less than 1.5 mm and the wall thickness is more than 21.3 mm offset should not exceed 15% of the nominal wall thickness with overlapping joints of at least 1.0 mm. Overlap seams provided by welding technology.
4.13 the Outer burrs of the weld on the pipe type 1 should be removed. The inner Burr of the weld at the customer’s request is removed. In place of removing the burrs allow for the thinning of the pipe wall, not deducing the thickness of the outside minus tolerance.
The height of the rest of the remote grata should not exceed 0.5 mm.
4.14 Welded joints of pipes of types 2 and 3 must have a smooth transition from base metal to weld metal with no sharp corners. In this zone allowed the undercut to a depth of up to 5% of the nominal wall thickness for wall thickness up to 10 mm included, not more than 0.5 mm for a wall thickness greater than 10 mm.
4.15 In the welded pipe joint type 1 is allowed relative displacement of the edges at a height of not more than 1 mm, styles 2 and 3 — up to 10% of the nominal wall thickness but not more than 3 mm.
Examples of symbols:
Pipe, type 1, diameter 159 mm, wall thickness 5 mm, strength class K42, with the local heat treatment of welded joints; conventional performance:
Pipe 1−159х5-K42-LTO GOST 31447−2012
Pipe cold-resistant performance, type 2, diameter 530 mm, wall thickness 10 mm strength class K52, with bulk heat treatment the whole pipe:
Pipe CL-2−530х10-K52-OTO GOST 31447−2012
Pipe, type 3, diameter 1020 mm, wall thickness 21 mm, strength class K60, without heat treatment, standard:
Pipe 3−1020х21-K60 GOST 31447−2012
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.
5.2 Pipe produce strength classes: К34, К38, K42, K48, K50, K52, K54, K55, К56, K60. In coordination with the consumer produce pipe of intermediate strength classes.
5.3 Pipes are made from sheet or strip rolled according to GOST 14637, GOST 16523, GOST 19281, GOST 19903 and other regulatory documents (ND).
5.4 Brand (chemical composition) were chosen by the manufacturer of the pipes by agreement with the consumer.
5.5 the Chemical composition of the steel at plavonia the screener analysis sample or monitoring analysis must conform to carbon steel to the requirements of GOST 380 and GOST 1050, low-alloyed and micro-alloyed steel — GOST 19281 and others ND.
5.6 the value of the carbon equivalent and the value of the durability against cracking of the weld metal in welding of
characterizing the weldability of steel, shall not exceed 0.44 and 0.24, respectively. The parameter
set for pipes of strength class K55 and higher carbon content in steel is not more than 0.12%.
Calculation and
conducted according to the following formulas:
; (2)
, (3)
where ,
— mass fraction of carbon, silicon, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, Nickel, copper, boron, steel, respectively, %.
(Amendment. ICS N 12−2015).
When calculating and
copper, Nickel, chromium contained in the steel as impurities, not taken into account, if their total content exceeds 0,20%, in the calculation
do not account for the boron in its content less than 0.001%.
By agreement between the manufacturer and user can be set other values and
5.7 Pipe, type 1 are made with the volume or a local heat treatment of welded joints, pipe type 2 with diameter up to 426 mm inclusive, without heat treatment, and diameter greater than 426 mm with a volumetric heat treatment or without heat treatment, the pipe type 3 — without heat treatment.
Allowed on the customer’s pipe, type 1 with a diameter of from 114 to 219 mm inclusive to manufacture without heat treatment.
5.8 Pipe types 2 and 3 are welded double-sided arc welding under the flux layer on a solid technological seam. It is allowed to weld pipes with wall thickness up to 16 mm without the technological seam when welding outer seam in a hard crate welding mill, excluding the curvature of the welded edges along the entire length of the pipe.
5.9 Mechanical properties of the base metal of the pipes, depending on the grade of tensile test specimens in tension should conform to the standards specified in table 4.
Table 4
Strength class | Tensile strength |
Yield strength |
Elongation |
not less than | |||
К34 |
335 (34) | 205 (21) | 24 |
К38 |
375 (38) | 235 (24) | 22 |
K42 |
410 (42) | 245 (25) | 21 |
K48 |
471 (48) | 265 (27) | 21 |
C50 |
490 (50) | 345 (35) | 20 |
K52 |
510 (52) | 355 (36) | 20 |
K54 |
530 (54) | 380 (39) | 20 |
K55 |
540 (55) | 390 (40) | 20 |
К56 |
550 (56) | 410 (42) | 20 |
K60 |
590 (60) | 460 (47) | 20 |
Note — By agreement with the customer establish the mechanical properties of the metal intermediate strength classes. |
The maximum values of temporary resistance and yield strength
should not exceed the established norms more than 118 N/mm
(12 kg/mm
) for all types of pipes and for pipes of the type 1 of strength class K55 and higher — more than 98,1 N/mm
(10 kgf/mm
May be reduced to 5% strength of the base metal of pipes, types 1 and 3 of steel controlled rolling, strength class K52 and above in the longitudinal direction.
5.10 the Ratio of yield strength to ultimate strength () of the base metal pipe shall not exceed 0,90.
5.11 tensile strength of welded joints of pipes of all types when testing flat sample is removed from the reinforcements of the seams or burrs should be not less than the value for the base metal established in table 4.
5.12 the toughness of the base metal and the weld metal of pipes of all types in the models with the hub U must meet the standards specified in table 5.
Table 5
The nominal wall thickness of pipe, mm | Toughness at the minimum standard temperature of pipeline construction KCU, j/cm | ||||||
Base metal | The weld metal | ||||||
not less than | |||||||
From | 6 | to | 10 | incl. | 34,3 (3,5) | 24,5 (2,5) | |
SV. | 10 |
" | 25 | " | 39,2 (4,0) | 29,4 (3,0) | |
" | 25 |
49,0 (5,0) | 39,2 (4,0) | ||||
Note — it is allowed by the manufacturer to ensure toughness KCU for base metal of pipes. |
5.13 the toughness of the base metal and the weld metal of pipes of all types with wall thickness of 6 mm or more samples with the hub of the V and the proportion of a viscous component in the fractured sample the special of the base metal, depending on the pipe diameter, operating pressure and temperature shall be as specified in table 6.
Table 6
Pipe diameter in mm | Working pressure, MPa (kgf/cm |
The toughness of the base metal pipe KCV, j/cm |
The toughness of the weld metal KCV, j/cm |
Share viscous component in the fractured sample of the base metal | |||
not less than | |||||||
To 530 incl. |
To | 9,8 (100) | incl. | 24,5 (2,5) | 24,5 (2,5) | - | |
SV. 530 to 630 incl. |
To | 9,8 (100) | incl. | 29,4 (3,0) | 29,4 (3,0) | - | |
SV. 720 to 820 incl. |
To | 9,8 (100) | incl. | 29,4 (3,0) | 29,4 (3,0) | 50 | |
1020 |
To | 5,4 (55) | incl. | 29,4 (3,0) | 29,4 (3,0) | 50 | |
SV. 5,4 (55) | to | 7,4 (75) | " | 39,2 (4,0) | 34,3 (3,5) | 60 | |
" | 9,8 (100) | " | 58,8 (6,0) | 34,3 (3,5) | 60 | ||
1220 |
To | 5,4 (55) | incl. | 39,2 (4,0) | 34,3 (3,5) | 60 | |
SV. 5,4 (55) | to | 7,4 (75) | " | 58,8 (6,0) | 34,3 (3,5) | 70 | |
" | 9,8 (100) | " | 78,4 (8,0) | 34,3 (3,5) | 80 | ||
1420 |
To | 7,4 (75) | incl. | 78,4 (8,0) | 34,3 (3,5) | 80 | |
SV. 7,4 (75) | to | 9,8 (100) | " | 107,8 (11,0) | 34,3 (3,5) | 85 | |
Notes 1 Norms on the share of the viscous component in the fractured sample for pipe intended for transportation of liquid products, accept customer’s request. 2 the impact strength of the weld metal is optional for 2 years after the date of issue of the standard, which should be specified by the manufacturer in the document about quality. |
5.14 At the request of the consumer testing of welded joints of pipes of types 2 and 3 on the impact strength on samples with the notch at the AP or HAZ. The type of sample, the application of the hub and norms of toughness is determined by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.
5.15 Pipe type 1 must withstand the test of flattening. Collapsed pipes should be carried out to a distance equal to 2/3 of the nominal outer diameter of between sludinajumi planes without appearing visible to the naked eye of cracks, tears and delamination in the welded joint and base metal.
Tubes type 1 with a diameter from 426 to 530 mm inclusive experience for flattening optional for 2 years after the date of issue of the standard, which should be specified by the manufacturer in the document about quality.
5.16 the pipe diameter of 530 mm and more all types of strength class K42 and above should stand the test of welded joints in static bending. The bend angle of the sample should be at least 180° with no cracks or tears longer than 3 mm and a depth of more than 12.5% of the thickness of the sample.
5.17 Tubes of all types are experiencing hydraulic pressure . Parameters hydraulic tests recorded on a chart.
Test pressure , in MPa, for all types of pipes are calculated according to the normative yield strength according to the formula
, (4)
where — the minimum (subject to a minus tolerance) wall thickness, mm;
the present value of tangential stress in the wall, taken equal to 95% of the normative yield strength specified in table 4, N/mm
— internal diameter of pipe, mm.
When determining it is necessary to consider the influence of axial pressurization, calculated according to GOST 3845. Allow the value
to round up to 0.1 MPa.
Allowed by agreement between manufacturer and user on pipes with a diameter of 273 mm and less testing of hydraulic pressure 12 MPa (120 kgf/cm) for at least 10 s. test Data of pipes is carried out, if
calculated according to the formula (4) exceeds the test pressure 12 MPa (120 kgf/cm
Pipe, in the hydraulic tests which revealed leaks, fogging and shape changes or swelling of the wall due to possible thinning of the wall in this area, I think is not relevant requirements of this standard.
5.18 is allowed to carry out hydraulic testing of tubes type 1 with a diameter up to 219 mm inclusive in the amount of up to 20% of the party. Hydraulic test pressure should ensure the manufacturer of the pipes for the entire game, and it should indicate in the document on quality in the supply pipes to the consumer.
5.19 residual magnetic induction at the ends of the pipes of strength class K52 K60 from to should not be more than 3 MT.
5.20 On the surface of the pipe with a diameter of 530 mm and more are not allowed dents with a depth of more than 6.35 mm measured as the gap between the deepest point of the dent and the continuation of the contour of the pipe. On the surface of the dents should be no cracks, delamination of metal and sharp indentations.
5.21 In base metal and welded joints and also in the original rent is not allowed defects detected by nondestructive methods. Classification and rate of discontinuities in the pipes is given in Appendix A.
5.22 Sheet and hot-rolled coil, welded joint over the entire length of pipe must be controlled to the extent of 100% non-destructive methods.
Non-destructive testing of the base metal of the pipe type 1 should be carried out around the perimeter. In this case, non-destructive testing of rolled in the initial state is not carried out.
5.23 At the end portions of pipes of all types and on the length of at least 40 mm from the end around the perimeter and the end portions of the welded connections in the length of at least 200 mm from the end not allowed defects detected by nondestructive methods. Circumferential welds of pipes of type 1 and transverse joints of coils for pipe type 2 shall be subjected to NDT.
5.24 Plastic deformation of the metal pipe wall type 3 during the expanding should be no more than 1.2%.
5.25 is allowed to repair defective areas of welded joints of pipes made of DSF, by cutting or melting with subsequent soshlifovat formed surface and welding using manual, automatic or mechanized arc welding in protective gas mixtures of protective gases or under flux. The technology of repair of defective areas of welds should ensure the quality of the repaired areas in accordance with the requirements of this standard.
Repair weld made by cutting or melting defects with the subsequent weld shall be in length not less than 50 mm and not more than 300 mm. Separate repair seams must defend from each other at least 500 mm. the total length of repaired areas shall not exceed 10% of the length of the weld. Not allowed the repair of the outer and inner sides in one cross section of the seam. After the repair sections welded seam must be verified by NDT methods.
5.26 is Not allowed repair by welding of welded joints of pipes in areas spaced from the pipe end at a distance of 300 mm and having a burn-through and cracking. Faulty sections of pipe can be cut. Not allowed to re-repair the same area of the welded connection, with the exception of pipes of the type 2 with General relativity when forced re-OTO tube.
5.27 Permitted without correcting undercuts to a depth of 0.5 mm and a length of 50 mm, and if they do not take wall thickness for the minimum value. Allowed smooth depressions (saddle) on the strengthening of the welded joints in the absence of porosity of the weld depth is not below the minimum height of the weld. Undercuts in the weld joint of pipes exceeding permissible, correct welding with subsequent Stripping, re-hydraulic testing and non-destructive control.
5.28 Welded joints of pipes after ekspedirovanie with a through defect must not be repaired by welding.
5.29 Welded joints of pipes of the type 1 cracks, burn-through and lack of penetration in the welding repair are not subject.
Allowed welding to repair surface defects in welded joint with subsequent Stripping and soshlifovat flush with the base metal and conducting hydraulic testing and non-destructive testing.
5.30 permitted to manufacture pipes of types 2 and 3 with a diameter of 720 mm or more with a single annular welded connection, made double-sided arc welding, subject to the NDT.
5.31 it is possible to manufacture electric double-seam pipe, type 3 sheet steel of the same brand, but different heats. The difference of the actual values of the yield strength on document the quality of the sheets must not exceed 49 N/mm(5 kgf/mm
6 acceptance Rules
6.1 General rules of acceptance of pipes is carried out according to GOST 10692. Pipes take by the parties. The party should consist of pipes of the same size, of the same steel grade, same strength class, one type, one or more heats, one heat treatment and be accompanied by a document about quality that contains:
— name and trademark of manufacturer;
— the name of the consumer;
— order number or contract;
— the date of the statement of quality document;
— the designation of this standard;
— type, size, grade of steel, strength class;
— batch number and melting type of heat treatment;
the numbers of pipes of types 2 and 3 with a diameter of 530 mm and more;
— chemical composition of the metal pipes, parameters and/or
the results of mechanical tests of base metal and welded joints;
the designation of the standard or technical document on the original rental;
— design value of the hydraulic pressure (axial or without axial support);
— mark-destructive testing;
mass and total length of pipe. Pipe diameter up to 426 mm inclusive put on theoretical or actual weight. Pipe with a diameter greater than 426 mm supply theoretical mass;
stamp of technical control.
The number of pipes in the lot shall be no more.:
400 — with a diameter of from 114 to 159 mm, inclusive;
200 — with diameter from 168 to 426 mm inclusive;
100 — with a diameter of more than 426 to 1420 mm, inclusive.
6.2 To verify the conformity of the pipes with the requirements of this standard of conduct acceptance tests.
6.3 incoming inspection of raw materials for the manufacture of pipes is carried out according to the regulations, developed by the manufacturer and approved in the established order.
6.4 acceptance tests control of conformity of quality parameters of tubes with the requirements of this standard should be spent on each tube or in separate tubes from the party, according to table 7.
Table 7
Name of indicators of the quality of the pipe | Subsection, the application of this standard |
The number of controlled tubes in batch, melting |
1 Indicators controlled by visual inspection (outer and inner surfaces of base metal and welded connections of the ends, markings) |
4.11; 4.14; 5.20; 8.1; Annex a | Each pipe |
2 pipe Sizes defined by the dimension (diameter of the ends and the pipe body ovality, length, thickness, cutting the ends, the height of the seams, the curvature, the offset edges, etc.) |
4.2−4.15 | Each pipe |
3 Indicators of continuity determined by non-destructive methods (delamination, cracks, lack of fusion and other internal defects in the base metal and welded joint) |
5.21−5.23; Appendix a | Each pipe |
4 Chemical composition of base metal and options |
5.5; 5.6 | - |
5 Tightness and strength pressure tests | 5.17; 5.18 | Each pipe types 1−3 with a diameter of 219 mm and more than 20% of the pipe type 1 with a diameter up to 219 mm incl. |
6 Mechanical properties of the base metal | 5.9; 5.10; 5.12; 5.13 | Two pipe types 1−3 (one-piece) or two half-cylinder of the pipe type 3 (double seam) from melting |
7 Mechanical properties of welded joints | 5.11; 5.12; 5.13−5.15 | Two pipe types 1−3 (single-joint) and one pipe type 3 (double seam) from the party |
8 residual magnetic induction | 5.19 | Two pipes from the party |
If unsatisfactory results during the acceptance testing at least one indicator thereon, a second test of the doubled sample taken from the same batch or heat.
The results of repeated tests apply to the entire batch or heat.
Surrender is allowed pipes rejected party piece, this involves the acceptance of the pipes only for the indicator that was rejected batch of pipes.
6.5 Each pipe is controlled by nondestructive methods to detect defects.
Pipe, type 1 control a non-destructive method around the perimeter and throughout the length of the welded joint after hydraulic testing of pipes.
Pipe types 2 and 3 are non-destructive quality control of the welded joint over the entire length and the base metal at the ends of the pipes after the hydraulic tests. Control of the base metal of these pipes is carried out on production lines of rolling mills or electric welding.