GOST 28192-89
GOST 28192−89 Wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys. Methods of sampling, sample preparation and test methods
GOST 28192−89
Group B59
Methods of sampling, sample preparation and test methods
Waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys.
Methods of sampling, Sample Preparation and Test Methods
AXTU 1709
Date of introduction 1991−01−01
1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of nonferrous metallurgy of the USSR
2. APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Decision of the USSR State Committee for standards from
3. INSTEAD 48−17−76 OST, OST 48−6-74
The designation of the reference document referenced | The number of the paragraph, subparagraph |
GOST 12.1.003−83 |
7.6 |
GOST 12.1.004−91 |
7.3 |
GOST 12.1.005−88 |
7.2 |
GOST 12.1.009−76 |
7.3 |
GOST 12.1.012−90 |
7.6 |
GOST 12.1.016−79 |
7.3 |
7.4 |
GOST 12.2.032−78 |
7.6 |
GOST 12.2.033−78 |
7.6 |
GOST 12.2.061−81 |
7.6 |
GOST 12.2.062−81 |
7.8 |
GOST 12.4.009−83 | 7.3 |
GOST 12.4.021−75 |
7.2 |
GOST 12.4.028−76 |
7.8 |
GOST 1639−93 |
The introductory part 1.2, Appendix 6 |
GOST 3306−88 |
1.3, 2.3 |
GOST 14180−80 |
2.1, 2.3 |
GOST 15895−77 | 1.1 |
GOST 18978−73 | 1.1 |
GOST 28053−89 | 5.4, 6.3, Appendix 6 |
GOST 29329−92 |
2.3 |
THAT 23.2.2067−89 | 1.3, 2.3 |
5. Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 7−95 The interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and SERTIFIKACII (ICS 11−95)
This standard establishes the methods of sampling, sample preparation and test methods non-ferrous metals and alloys of the class G GOST 1639.
1.1. Terms and definitions — according to GOST 15895,* GOST 18978 and Annex 1.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation there are GOST R 50779.10−2000, GOST R 50779.11−2000, here and hereafter. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
1.2. The choice is determined by quality indicators, methods of selection of point samples, and also sample preparation for analysis in each case is carried out given the technical requirements GOST 1639 and the size of pieces in the lot.
Determine the metals in the waste of class G is given in Appendix 2.
1.3. Verification of the uniformity of particle size is carried out by sieving samples the sieves flat sieve cloths with round holes on the other 23.2.2067 or sit with a grid of steel corrugated wire square cells for GOST 3306 (hole size 100 mm, 20 mm).
Volume of waste considered uniform in size, if it contains at least 95% of the pieces one faction.
When the heterogeneity of the party according to the size of the waste material divided into small parties, which will be tested separately.
1.4. The homogeneity of the consignment chemical composition is evaluated by the coefficient of variation of the quality index, which is determined in accordance with Annex 3.
Party consider a homogeneous in chemical composition, if the coefficient of variation quality indicator less than 20%, varied from 20 to 50%, very heterogeneous — more than 50%.
Allowed the party is considered homogeneous if the variance of the results of the analysis of the two samples taken from the fraction plus 0.3 mm does not exceed 10%.
2.1. For manual sampling is used:
scoops GOST 14180;
a hammer weighing 0.4−0.6 kg;
probe with the size of the gap is not less than 2.5 maximum sizes tested material providing samples throughout the depth of his immersion;
steel spoon with a diameter of 75, 100, 120 mm, depth 40−50 mm, mounted on a long handle.
2.2. In the case of mechanized sampling are developed and applied the equipment should provide conditions of sampling, reflecting the average the chemical composition of the tested party.
2.3. In the preparation of the samples used:
scoops to reduce the trial — according to GOST 14180;
mechanical and manual socratically. Recommended grooved contractile and its dimensions are given in Annex 4;
jaw and roller crusher;
rod and ball mills;
vibrating chopper;
disk eraser;
crucible marks for 20, 30, 40, 50;
cast iron, steel or graphite molds;
sets of sieves with meshes according to GOST 3306 and paintings on the other 23.2.2067.
The size of the holes should match the size of pieces of waste provided for in the scheme of sample preparation;
metal base;
flat magnet;
drying Cabinet, providing heating to a temperature of 110 °C;
scales according to GOST 29329.
3.1. The mass of spot samples
3.1.1. The minimum mass point of the sample must conform to table.1. For the maximum size of the piece take the size of the holes of the sieve, which the mass of the residue sample after sieving to less than 5%.
Table 1
The size of the maximum piece of |
The minimum mass point samples |
1 or less | 0,1 |
3 | 0,5 |
10 | 1 |
50 |
2 |
100 or more |
3,5 |
3.1.2. The minimum mass point samples for waste the intermediate size may be determined by the formula
, (1)
where and
is the minimum mass of the spot samples on a table.1 for pieces with size, respectively,
closest to the size of the maximum piece
in the tested batch, kg.
3.1.3. The divergence of spot samples by mass should not exceed 20%.
3.2. The number of point samples
3.2.1. For party weight of more than 3 tons minimum number of point samples is calculated by the formula
, (2)
where — coefficient of variation of normalized quality indicators, %;
— weight tested quantities of waste, etc
3.2.2. The minimum number of point samples, depending on the mass and uniformity are given in table.2.
Table 2
The mass of the party |
The minimum number of point samples from the party | ||
up to 20 | from 20 to 50 | more than 50 | |
To 1 |
3 | 4 | 6 |
1−3 |
3 | 6 | 8 |
3−5 |
4 | 7 | 11 |
5−10 |
5 | 10 | 15 |
10−20 | 7 | 15 | 22 |
20−30 |
9 | 18 | 28 |
30−40 |
10 | 21 | 33 |
40−50 |
11 | 23 | 38 |
50−60 |
12 | 25 | 43 |
60−70 |
14 | 27 | 47 |
More than 70 |
16 | 32 | 51 |
4.1. Sampling is carried out from the party wastes that are in storage, in motion and during unloading in the molten state.
4.2. Selection of point samples from the party in motion
4.2.1. Sampling from the quantities of waste that are in motion, hold with tape stopped the conveyor, to drop the waste stream.
When loading (unloading) of waste from storage sites, if the height of their storage of more than 1.5 m, sampling is carried out from the surface form in the area of shipment (loading) of the waste.
Samples are taken through a number of cycles of loading mechanism or the time
in minutes that is calculated by the formula:
, (3)
, (4)
where is the mass of tested quantities of waste, t;
— weight of waste transported in one cycle of the loading mechanism, t;
— the performance of the waste stream, t/h;
— the number of selected spot samples.
Sampling from waste in railcars (gondola cars), performed after their discharge.
4.2.2. Sampling from the party, slept in a cone shape, hold as capacity-cone: after dumping one third of the parties select one-third samples of two thirds — one third, of the whole party — the remaining third samples. The sampling points are fitted at the base of the cone and on the heights and
forming a cone, uniformly over its surface: a spiral on forming displaced between at an angle of 120° and displaced by 40° clockwise at each stage of sampling (Appendix 5).
After dumping the cone next part waste the beginning of the sampling (location of the first forming) is arbitrary.
4.3. Selection of point samples from waste loads that are at rest
4.3.1. Samples from the conveyor belt taken across the width and thickness of the waste stream.
4.3.2. When the delivery of a waste in packing or transport vehicles of various capacities required number of point samples taken from each packing unit (vehicle), in proportion to their volume. The sampling points should be no closer than 0.2 m from the side unit of the vehicle.
4.3.3. When the location of the waste uniform layer or in the form of the slope of the sample select evenly (staggered) from the entire surface of the waste.
From waste sizes less than 10 mm in scheduled points dig holes with a depth of 0.2−0.4 m Along the wall of the hole from the bottom up shovel in one-two receiving sampled and poured into a closed container. Selection samples can be probe, if the size of the gap of the probe is greater than the size pieces of 2.5 times.
Not allowed to take a sample from the bottom of the hole.
4.3.4. Waste sizes up to 100 mm samples are taken similarly to item 4.3.3, but holes with a depth of not less than 0.4 m.
4.3.5. Sampling from pieces larger than 100 mm, perform drilling or the chipping of pieces weight min weight of spot samples from in this instalment.
If these wastes are heterogeneous in terms of size, the sampling may be performed from each fraction with the number of samples is proportional to the mass fractions in party.
4.4. Selection of point samples from a batch of waste disposed in the molten state
Point samples are taken with a spoon, slightly warmed and whitewashed, by double crossing all streams of slag in the process of draining through equal intervals of time. The sample weight should not exceed capacity of a spoon.
5.1. The mass of the combined samples is equal to the sum of the masses of point samples.
5.2. Samples for analysis are prepared in three stages in accordance with the devil.1.
Circuit training sample
The number of stages depends on the size of a piece in the party and determine quality indicators, for example:
if it is determined by the metallurgical output, is carried out only the first stage;
if the size of pieces less than 10 mm, the operation of the first and second stage combined.
5.3. When sample crushing using crushers, mills and erasers. Allowed preparation of samples manually.
Before application of inner part of the crushing unit is clean, flowing through the material, the chemical composition of the same sample, but not a part of her. After each crushing test is carried out screening and crushing of lumps remaining in the sieve.
5.4. The samples prepared for the determination of metallurgical output is stored in accordance with the requirements of GOST 28053.
Control and analyze samples kept in tight packages, labeled, contains the batch number and sample name material sample mass.
The listed data is allowed to be applied directly on packages.
On control samples should be specified also, the output of the base metal. Samples are kept in case of disagreement between the results of the analysis with shipping documents before taking differences.
6.1. The homogeneity of the batch of waste by size and chemical composition is determined in accordance with sub.1.3 and 1.4.
Allowed to determine the homogeneity of the lot by size and chemical composition visually.
6.2. To determine selected indicators of the quality of tests combined samples is carried out according to the scheme given on features.1.
Before each operation reducing the sample was mixed thoroughly (at least three times to reduce the error due to the shortening), pre-clearing the constrictor.
6.2.1. Mixing of the sample can be performed by re-screening through the same sieve or manually by the method of ring and cone: material samples have on a platform in the form of a ring. Scoop or shovel uniformly in external or internal circumference of the ring pick up the stuff and pour it in the center of the ring on the cone. The cone didn’t move from its axis use a funnel or guide rod. After pouring just the sample material, the cone movement of the rod unfold and re-form ring. Allowed first to perform the operation of the expander cone in ring.
6.2.2. Sample reduction may be performed with the use of grooved the contractile or manually using cone with kvantovanie or method kvantovaniya.
In the case of the use of grooved contractile material of sample poured from capacity in mild rocking her to the middle of the troughs of the constrictor (under a right angle to them). Arbitrarily choose one of the two parts of the sample. The reduction is repeated to produce the mass of not less than the minimum (table.3). Dimensions of grooved contractile choose depending on size of pieces in reducing the sample.
Table 3
Category of homogeneity of the waste | The values of the coefficients | The minimum mass of the sample after the reduction of fractions | |||
For chemical analysis | |||
Uniform | Up to 20 | 0,08 | 0,7 |
0,08 |
0,04 |
Heterogeneous | 20−50 | 0,20 |
1,8 | 0,20 |
0,04 |
Very heterogeneous | More than 50 | 0,35 | 3,2 | 0,35 | 0,04 |
Reduction sample method with kvantovanie cone is that the cone obtained after three mixings, a rod or a cone shovel unfold in a circular motion from the center to the edges so that it took the form of a circle with the same layer thickness. The center of the circle should to coincide with the centre of the cone. Using the d-pad the resulting circle share into four parts by straight lines intersecting in the center of the circle and perpendicular to each other. Two diametrically opposed part the sample material, discard the rest combined and, if necessary, continue cutting starting from a triple mixing.
Method quadrature is applicable for the reduction of the sample from the mixed fine-grained material laid in layers of equal thickness on smooth site. With a ruler or grid sample volume is divided into equal squares, of which staggered shovel selected portions, ensuring capture of the entire layer thickness. These portions unite in a sample mass not less than the minimum (table.3). If the size of the pieces is less than 0.3 mm, mixing before cutting the sample can be performed by the method of hover: a sample on a rubber sheet or other flexible dense litter roll from one corner to the other (at least 25 times), alternately lifting corners of cloth.
6.3. Phase
Weigh the material combined sample in kilograms and carry her screened on a sieve with holes with a diameter of 10 mm.
Oversize material is sorted into components:
pieces of ferrous metal (hand magnet or magnetic separator to the magnetic field of 400−600 e);
kinglet primary non-ferrous metal (manually);
foreign objects, trash, rags, wood, paper, construction and packaging materials (manually);
joints and pieces.
Received the fourth component (joints and pieces) are crushed by means of roller or jaw crushers and return for re-screening and sorting to fractions pieces minus 10 mm.
Weigh the components of the oversize and undersize material in kilograms:
pieces of ferrous metal ;
foreign objects ;
kinglet primary non-ferrous metal ;
undersize material .
Undersize material is mixed, reduce to the minimum mass given in table.3 in kilograms and calculated by the formula
, (5)
where — coefficient (table.3) depending on the homogeneity of the waste chemical composition, kg/mm
— the maximum size of the chunk in sample, mm.
Weigh the shortened sample mass in kilograms.
In if you define the metallurgical output of the metal or alloy selected two samples weighing at least 2 kg of the fractions and minus 10 mm plus 10 mm and testing is carried out separately for GOST 28053.
6.4. The second stage of the test
Conduct screening reduced the sample mass on the sieve with holes 2 mm. Then in accordance with clause 6.3 carry out sorting, crushing, mixing and reduction.
The obtained components are weighed in kilograms:
pieces of ferrous metal ;
kinglet of base metal ;
undersize material after reduction .
From a balance of reduced undersize material taken two samples weighing not less than 0.25 kg for determination of moisture content (in %).
If high humidity waste screening at this stage is difficult, the sample in the humidity taken away from the balance weight and the material weight
dried. Screening due to the high humidity of waste is difficult usually at the third stage. So in the scheme of sample preparation provided drying sample mass
6.5. The third stage of the test
Conducting screening of the sample mass (after drying) on the sieve with holes of 0.3 mm and after sorting, crushing, mixing fraction minus 0.3 mm (claim 6.2) weigh goldcrests non-ferrous metal ground
From undersize fraction and goldcrests non-ferrous metal selected for the one control sample and two for chemical analysis.
6.6. Mass fraction of base metal or of a chemical alloy element of the party in interest is calculated by the formula
, (6)
where and
— mass fraction of the major non-ferrous metal in percent — results analysis of samples from fraction minus 0.3 mm and 0.3 mm plus or similar the data obtained in the first stage of the tests for fractions, minus 10 and plus 10 mm (p. 6.4);
the mass of the corresponding fractions in the mass of
the combined sample, the value of which is calculated by the formula:
, (7)
, (8)
where all values are given relative to their content in the mass of the combined sample, including those defined by the formulas:
, (9)
, (10)
where is the calculated mass of ferrous metal, sorted in the second stage;
— estimated weight of beads primary non-ferrous metal, sorted on the second
and third
, (11)
, (12)
, (13)
where — estimated weight of moisture;
— mass fraction of moisture in percentage is the result of analyzing samples for moisture;
— the estimated mass of wet and dry parts of the fraction minus 2 mm.
The amount of of the designated components in the alloy (tab.5) is calculated as the sum of the quality indicators for these elements are identified similarly to the formula (6) using the values and
for these components.
6.7. Other quality indicators: mass fraction of moisture , contamination with ferrous metals
and foreign objects
in percent is calculated according to the formulas:
, (14)
, (15)
. (16)
6.8. The accuracy of determining indicators of quality of waste loads is equal to the sum errors of sampling and preparation of samples, the error of the testing and methods of analysis. At p = 0.95 the error is not exceed the values given in table.4.
Table 4
The weight of the batch, t | Allowable relative error in sampling | ||||
to 1 | 1−10 | 10−20 | 20−30 | more than 50 | |
To 3 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 6 |
3−5 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 6 |
5−10 |
8 | 7 | 6 | 6 | 5 |
10−40 |
7 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 5 |
40−70 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
More than 70 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
The absolute value of the error of sampling and testing, in percent calculated by the formula
, (17)
where — the value of the designated quality indicator, %.
Examples of sampling and test for different batches of wastes contained in Annex 6.
7.1. In the selection, preparation and testing of samples must comply security for enterprises and organizations of metallurgical industry-approved Glavgossviaznadzor.
7.2. Premises in which is conducted the preparation of samples for chemical analysis, must be equipped with exhaust ventilation in accordance with GOST 12.4.021 providing micro-climatic conditions and the content of harmful substances in working zone air according to GOST
Control of content of harmful substances in the air of working zone should be carried out by methods corresponding to GOST
7.3. Fire safety of premises and sites on which the work is carried out for the selection, preparation and testing of samples of wastes of non-ferrous metal needs be provided in accordance with the requirements of GOST
The types of fire fighting equipment, its location, the number and nomenclature must comply with GOST
7.4. Electrical equipment must comply with the requirements of GOST
7.5. When sampling from the slopes you need to apply the decking. The steepness of the slopes should conform to the angle of repose of the material. Sampling should be conducted after a full stop loading and unloading mechanisms.
7.6. Workstation for sample preparation should correspond to requirements of GOST 12.2.032, 12.2.033 GOST and GOST 12.2.061, and the values of noise and vibration it should not exceed the levels established by the GOST 12.1.003 and the GOST
7.7. Crushing waste nonferrous metals should be carried out to normative-technical documentation approved in the established okay.
7.8. For respiratory protection in the selection and preparation of samples it is necessary to use a respirator type SB-1 according to GOST
Party waste |
— the amount of waste the same species, produced in the same conditions, simultaneously send (receive) to a single address and followed by one document on quality. In the case of the supply of waste, tested in the molten state (slag) a party is considered waste merge with one and the same smelting unit during one working shift. |
The quality indicator the content of the metal |
— expressed as a percentage of the value of the parameter (or parameters) to be payment on the basis of technical requirements, waste non-ferrous metals, the percentage ratio of the mass of metal to mass of waste in the which it is contained. |
Splices |
metal kinglets, mechanically associated with the slag. |
Table 5
Quality indicators |
Waste-based metals | The content of the base metal (alloy component) |
Metallurgists- cal output |
The size of chunks, mm |
Types of waste non-ferrous metals |
1. Aluminium | Aluminium | Alloy | More than 100 | Toxins, releases etc. |
Up to 100 | Ash, terowie earth, slag screenings, etc. | |||
2. Tungsten | Tungsten | - | 10−100 | Scrap and lump wastes, slag, etc. |
Tungsten and cobalt |
- | To 10 | The pulverized waste | |
3. Magnesium | Magnesium | Alloy | - |
Toxins |
4. Copper | Copper, zinc, lead, tin |
Alloy | - | Toxins, goats, furnace granite breaking, prebilovci, dirt, dust etc. |
5. Molybdenum | Molybdenum | - | - | Waste wire, scrap, etc. |
6. Nickel | Nickel, copper, cobalt |
- | - | Toxins, pulls, granite breaking furnace, hearth furnace, sludge, salt, etc. |
7. Tin | Tin | - | - | Dross, releases, slag, ash, powders, sludge, scrap, powdery waste |
8. Mercury | Mercury | - | - | The granite breaking flooring, lining, hardware parts, light bulbs with mercury content, solutions |
9. Lead | Lead, antimony |
- | - | Toxins, releases, dross, slimes, dusts, pastes, ash etc. |
10. Zinc | Zinc | - | - | Hartsink, zinc dross, sludge, etc. |
From quantities of waste taken 10 pooled samples of series a with number and mass spot samples is obviously larger than shown in table.1 and 2. With the same the number of point samples, but slightly lower their weight taken away the same the number of samples of the series V.
Conduct sampling in accordance with the scheme of the devil. 1, calculate the average value of the quality index , the absolute value of the difference
of quality parameters
for pairs of samples from series a and b, the average value
of these differences and the standard deviation
of quality score formula
| ||
| |
| ||
where is the number of pairs of samples prepared for analysis.
Determine the value of the coefficient of variation of the quality index in percent and the value of the factor
If the value approximately equal to 2.26, the mass value for point samples of the series to take equal to the value of the minimum mass of spot samples for this batch waste. If it is more of 2.26, the mass of spot samples is insufficient and needs to be increased.
APPENDIX 4 (recommended). Grooved contractile
Table 6
The room grooved to the contractile | |||
Settings |
20 | 10 | 6 |
Dimensions, mm | |||
The number of gutters |
16 | 16 | 16 |
The designation of the dimensions |
20±1 | 10±1 | 6±0,5 | |
346 | 171 | 112 | |
105 | 55 | 40 | |
210 | 110 | 80 | |
135 | 75 | 60 | |
30 | 20 | 20 | |
210 | 110 | 80 | |
85 | 45 | 30 | |
360 | 184 | 120 | |
140 | 65 | 55 | |
140 | 65 | 55 | |
210 | 110 | 80 | |
105 | 55 | 40 | |
35 |
20 | 15 | |
210 | 110 | 80 | |
300 | 150 | 100 | |
200 | 120 | 80 | |
135 | 70 | 45 | |
105 | 50 | 35 |
Table 7
The sampling site from forming shifted by 120° |
Rooms selected spot samples and forming the offset from the original position | |||||||
0° | 160° | 280° | 200° | 80° | 240° | 120° | 40° | |
The first image, |
1 | - | - | 7 | - | - | 13 | - |
Second forming, |
2 |
4 | - | 8 | 10 | - | 14 | 16 |
The third forming at the base of the cone |
3 | 5 | 6 | 9 | 11 | 12 | 15 | 17 |
Example 1
1. The characterization of waste (for accompanying documents, and results tests on PP.1.2−1.4): types of waste — aluminium skimmings weight of 42 tons, size of the pieces is 80 mm, the slag is heterogeneous (coefficient of variation quality indicator equal to 40%), transport unit — the gondola.
2. Selection of point samples from waste received in open wagon, perform after their discharge in accordance with sub.4.2.1 and 4.3.
For the heterogeneous waste mass of 42 tonnes with a coefficient of variation of the indicator quality 40% and the maximum piece size 80 mm minimum quantity and lots of spot samples
(sect.3) is
where 2.0 and a 3.5 minimum mass point samples for waste (table.1) sizes 50 and 100 mm, the closest to the size of the pieces is 80 mm in party, kg.
Therefore, the composite sample should be a mass of not less than =2,9·21=60,9 kg.
Weigh the sample and record the result: =68 kg.
3. The choice of test method.
For aluminum waste regulated indicators of quality (or metallurgical output, or the contents of one of the components of the alloy, or the content of the sum of a number of components, etc.) is determined with the use of metallurgical equipment or testing on the full the scheme of preparation of samples (Appendix 2 hell.1). In the first case testing spend GOST 28053 holding only the first stage (claim 6.3) and performing calculations accordance with the requirements of the PP.6.6 and 6.7. Screening, crushing, mixing of the waste material required to ensure standards precision (p. 6.8) test results.
4. Definition of metallurgical output.
From colored metal beads and the fraction of minus 10 mm, which also can be goldcrests non-ferrous metals, after their weighting (=11 kg
=46 kg) and mixing selected samples with a mass of 2 kg and test them separately in accordance with GOST 28053. If fractions obtained results of measurements
=43% and
=95%, the value of metallurgical output for the party
, according to calculations by the formula 6, without taking into account the moisture
will be:
in this case the weight is equal to
, and
The value for the quality indicator, i.e. the value of the absolute error of the results (section 6.9) will be:
where 5 is the value of the relative error, % from table.4 for party with a mass of 68 t when the value of the quality indicator, equal to 44.5%.
If the main objective is the definition of one of the components aluminum alloy, for example copper, and the concentration of this element in laboratory samples obtained as =4% and
=7%, for the party we have:
% if
If regulated quality parameters within the errors of their definitions do not differ from the values given in the accompanying the documents for wastes to store a control sample is not necessary.
5. Determination of quality parameters in testing the full scheme of sample preparation.
Recorded the results of weighing the samples: =68 kg
=46 kg
=11 kg
=6,5 kg
=4.5 kg.
Conduct, in accordance with the requirements of section 6.2, the mixing and reduction of sample fraction of minus 10 mm before the mass, which according to table.3 for heterogeneous waste (in example the coefficient of variation is 40%) must be at least 1.8 kg. after Removing the first reducing half the mass of the sample, we repeat cycles of mixing and reducing to 12, then to 6 and Weighing 3 kg. update =3,5 kg Is almost double at 1.8 kg, but if at the next stage tests the fragmentation of pieces is difficult, reducing the sample it is better not to continue: the results of tests of samples with greater mass more accurate.
If the second and third stages (PP.6.4 and 6.5) for the respective samples the results are:=1.1 kg
=0.4 kg, a
=0,63 kg
=0.06 kg,
laboratory measurements samples for moisture and metal content in fraction minus 0.3 mm plus 0.3 mm showed the results =30%,
=95%, to assess quality indicators according to the formulas 6 and 14−17, and p. 6.8 appropriate values for
. The definition of these values is workable by means of calculation according to equations 7−13 in the following order:
For the quality of the consignment received:
Example 2
1. Characteristic waste: the party brass slag weight of 65.5 tons, size pieces up to 50 mm, the slag is heterogeneous (coefficient of variation equal to 40%), transport unit — the gondola.
2. The selection of the combined sample.
For the heterogeneous waste mass of 65.5 MT, with a coefficient of variation of 40% and the size of a piece of 50 mm minimum weight and the number of point samples is equal to:
The pit samplings carried out in accordance with PP.4.2.1 and 4.3.
The material to be weighed combined sample =70 kg. Is enough because the weight of the sample is greater than the minimum value equal
=2 kg·26 samples=52 kg.
3. Tests are performed the same as considered in example 1. p. 5.
If during the tests on the first, second and third stages of preparation samples the following results are obtained by weighting respective sample in kilograms: =70,
laboratory analysis of samples for moisture content =0,6%;
calculated in kilograms: =1,1,
for the evaluation of indicator of the quality of waste derived expression
where and
— mass fraction of the quality indicator (the content or component in of brass, or the amount of regulated components in it) — results chemical analysis of samples from Korolkov metal and fraction minus 0.3 mm;
— the absolute value of error of the tests according to clause 6.8.
If the quality score is the sum of the alloy components, the absolute value of the error of the test is calculated by the formula
where — the errors of determination of individual components (quality indicators), regulated by GOST 1639 waste of brass;
— the number of regulated components (chemical elements).
Other indicators of quality defined by 14−17 same as considered in example 1 of section 5.
4. If the persimmons colored metal in one of the factions (minus 0.3 mm or plus 0.3 mm) are missing in the formula 6 one of the coefficients (or
) equal to zero and the calculations are greatly simplified.