GOST 1639-2009
GOST 1639−2009 Scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys. General specifications
GOST 1639−2009
Group В57
General specifications
Non-ferrous metals and alloys scrap and waste. General specifications
ISS 77.120.01
GST 17 8110
Date of introduction 2011−01−01
Goals, basic principles and main procedure of works on interstate standardization have been established in GOST 1.0−92 «interstate standardization system. Basic provisions» and GOST 1.2−2009 «interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. The procedure of development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"
Data on standard
1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee for standardization of Ukraine TC 11 «non-ferrous metals and alloys», Donetsk state scientific-research and project Institute of non-ferrous metals
2 MADE by the Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine
3 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (minutes N 35 dated June 11, 2009)
The standard was accepted by voting:
Short name of the country on MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 |
Country code by MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 |
Abbreviated name of the national authority for standardization |
Azerbaijan |
AZ | Azstandart |
Armenia |
AM | Ministry Of Economy Of The Republic Of Armenia |
Kazakhstan |
KZ | Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
Kyrgyzstan |
KG | Kyrgyzstandard |
Moldova |
MD | Moldova-Standard |
Russian Federation | EN | Federal Agency on technical regulation and Metrology |
Tajikistan |
TJ | Tajikstandart |
Uzbekistan |
UZ | Uzstandard |
Ukraine |
UA | Derzhspozhyvstandart Of Ukraine |
4 by Order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology of 9 July 2010 N 175th St interstate standard GOST 1639−2009 introduced as a national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2011
5 REPLACE GOST 1639−93
Information about introduction in action (termination) of this standard is published in the index «National standards».
Information about the amendments to this standard is published in the index «National standards», and the text changes — in the information sign «National standards». In case of revision or cancellation of this standard the appropriate information will be published in the information index «National standards»
1 Scope
This standard applies to scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys, designed for further mechanical and metallurgical processing.
Safety requirements and environmental protection set out in sections 8 and 9 respectively.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following international standards:
GOST 8.010−99* State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The techniques of measurements. The main provisions of the
* On the territory of the Russian Federation the document is not valid. Valid GOST R 8.563−2009, here and hereafter. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
GOST 12.1.004−91 System safety standards. Fire safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.005−88 standards System of labor safety. General hygiene requirements for working zone air
GOST 12.1.007−76 System of standards of occupational safety. Harmful substances. Classification and General safety requirements
GOST 12.1.010−76 System of standards of occupational safety. No danger of explosion. General requirements
GOST 12.1.016−79 System of standards of occupational safety. The air of the working area. Requirements for measurement techniques of concentrations of harmful substances
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST
GOST 12.3.009−76 System of standards of occupational safety. The work of loading and unloading. General safety requirements
GOST 12.4.004−74 gas filtering Respirators RPG-67. Specifications
12.4.009 GOST-83 System of standards of occupational safety. Fire fighting equipment for protection of objects. Principal. The accommodation and service
GOST 12.4.010−75 System safety standards. Personal protective equipment. Mittens special. Specifications
GOST 12.4.013−85* the System of occupational safety standards. Glasses protective. General specifications
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST R 12.4.013−97**.
** In the territory of the Russian Federation the document is not valid. Valid GOST
GOST 12.4.021−75 System safety standards. System ventilation. General requirements
GOST 12.4.026−76* the System of occupational safety standards. Colors signaling and safety signs
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST R 12.4.026−2001.
GOST 12.4.028−76 System of standards of occupational safety. Respirators SB-1 «Petal». Specifications
GOST 12.4.029−76 special Aprons. Specifications
GOST 12.4.068−79 System of standards of occupational safety. PPE dermatological. Classification and General requirements
GOST 166−89 (ISO 3599−76) Calipers. Specifications
GOST 427−75 Rulers measuring metal. Specifications
GOST 2171−90 Parts, products, semi-finished products and billets of non-ferrous metals and alloys. Marking stamps
GOST 2226−88 (ISO 6590−1-83, ISO 7023−83) paper Bags. Specifications
* On the territory of the Russian Federation the document is not valid. Valid GOST R 53361−2009, here and hereafter. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
GOST 2228−81 Paper sack. Specifications
GOST 2874−82* drinking Water. Hygienic requirements and quality control
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST R 51232.
GOST 2991−85 wooden disposable Boxes for loads up to 500 kg. General specifications
GOST 4388−72 drinking Water. Methods for determination of mass concentration of copper
GOST 4658−73 Mercury. Specifications
GOST 5044−79 thin-walled steel Drums for chemical products. Specifications
GOST 5272−68 Corrosion of metals. Terms
GOST 5959−80 Boxes made of wood-based panels for non-separable loads weighing up to 200 kg. General specifications
GOST 6128−81 metal Banks for chemical products. Specifications
GOST 6247−79 steel welded Barrels with hoops of skiing on the body. Specifications
GOST 6309−93 sewing thread of cotton and synthetic. Specifications
GOST 7502−98 metallic measuring tape. Specifications
GOST 8777−80 wooden Barrels and flood shaturnyi. Specifications
GOST 10354−82 polyethylene Film. Specifications
GOST 10396−84 crepe cable Paper. Specifications
GOST 14192−96 Marking of cargo
GOST 16511−86 wooden Boxes for products of electrotechnical industry. Specifications
GOST 17366−80 steel welded thick-walled Barrels for chemical products. Specifications
GOST 17811−78 polyethylene Bags for chemical products. Specifications
GOST 18165−89 drinking Water. Method for the determination of the mass concentration of aluminium
GOST 18293−72 drinking Water. Methods of determination of lead, zinc, silver
GOST 18308−72 drinking Water. Method for the determination of molybdenum content
GOST 18477−79 Containers are universal. The types, basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 18978−73 Scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys. Terms and definitions
GOST 19433−88 dangerous Cargo. Classification and marking
GOST 21130−75 electrical Products. Clamps earthing and grounding. The design and dimensions
GOST 21575−91 Boxes made of corrugated cardboard for fluorescent lamps. Specifications
GOST 24634−81 wooden Boxes for products delivered for export. General specifications
GOST 26653−90 Preparation of General cargoes for transportation. General requirements
GOST 28053−89 Shavings of non-ferrous metals and alloys. Methods of sampling, sample preparation and test methods
GOST 28192−89 Wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys. Methods of sampling, sample preparation and test methods
GOST 29250−91 Fabric linen and semi-rough. Specifications
GOST 29329−92* platform Scales for static weighing. General technical requirements
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST R 53228−2008 «Scales non-automatic actions. Part 1. Metrological and technical requirements. Testing»: from
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards for the sign «National standards» drawn up as of January 1 of the current year and related information signs, published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.
3 Terms and definitions
This standard applies the terminology according to GOST 5272, GOST 18978, as well as the following terms with respective definitions:
3.1 scrap (secondary raw material, scrap): Scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys.
3.1.1 production waste (new scrap): Wastes generated from the manufacture of products from nonferrous metals and alloys, as well as unrecoverable scrap arises during the production process.
3.1.2 scrap (old scrap): products of non-ferrous metals and alloys that have become unsuitable or lost operational value.
3.2 scrap for direct melting: Metal product (finished product) with the level of impurities that do not interfere with its use for direct remelting of the prior mechanical processing (e.g., packaging, grinding, crushing) or without it.
3.3 material that does not contain… (substance): a Material in which the maximum amount of the contained substance does not exceed, wt.%:
— 0,005 — metal impurities;
— 0,2 — for moisture;
— 0,05 — for non-metallic impurities.
3.4 net material: the Material for which it is well established that it does not contain foreign substances (e.g. paper, dirt, liquid, grease lubricating oil, plastic). Cm. the definitions of «material that does not contain …» (3.3) and «foreign substances» (3.6).
3.5 shiny material: Material which neither purposely nor inadvertently has not been subjected to any process, which formed the cover (refer to 3.7) (for example, oxidation or other surface changes, which were formed due to the interaction with the environment and/or changes that resulted from the operation of the content).
3.6 foreign material: metallic or non-Metallic materials, including free iron, which do not fall within the specifications of this standard.
3.7 covered material: the Material having a thin metallic or non-metallic layer which is caused in any way. For example, a material, plated with aluminum, lead, chromium, Nickel, tin, etc., or material coated with paint, varnish, plastic etc.
3.8 free (unbound) iron: Magnetic or non-magnetic materials containing iron (e.g. steel, cast iron).
3.9 moisture: Any liquid (single or multiphase), which falls in the metal scrap during its collection and storage, and also when he delivered to the place of processing and use.
3.10 impurities: Metals or non-metals present in the metal, but not intentionally added to, or deducted them.
3.11 contamination: the Presence of mechanical impurities in the scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys.
1 Examples of mechanical impurities are free items, prodelki or parts of them, pieces of ferrous metals, construction, refractory, insulating and packaging materials, land, oil, moisture, paint, tar, etc.
2 the Presence in some types of scrap and waste other non-ferrous metals and alloys, different from the base metal, is plugged.
3.12 batch: Scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys of the same species, which are shipped in one vehicle or in one package and be accompanied by the documents:
a) the document about quality (passport);
b) a certificate of the radiation and explosion safety;
C) document on decontamination (if necessary);
g) a document on the disposal of harmful chemicals (if necessary).
3.12.1 inspection party: the Party or part of the party, representing all the scrap metal in the party that is provided to the buyer for inspection (in the case of absence of normative documents is determined by agreement of the parties).
3.13 representative sample: a Sample that fully represents all the scrap metal in the inspection of the party.
3.14 net weight: Weight excluding dockage.
3.15 metal content: Net weight of metal in percentage, which is calculated after determining the mass difference of a representative sample and the mass of all foreign substances and impurities present in it, including moisture.
3.16 metallurgical metal recovery: the Amount of metal or alloy in percent extracted by smelting charge materials.
3.17 hartsink: Alloys based on zinc, used in the printing industry for casting stereotypes, fonts, etc.
3.18 cutting: Waste generated from the separation of raw materials or parts from a sheet material or core material.
3.19 drosses (releases): Solid compounds of non-ferrous metals generated during melting and refining, float to the melt surface and removed by mechanical means.
3.20 metallurgical slag: the Molten or solid material of variable composition that covers the surface of the liquid product during the metallurgical process (obtained by melting the mixture, processing of melted intermediate products and metal refining) and consists of gangue, flux, fuel ash, sulfides and metal oxides, products of interaction between processed materials and lining of melting units.
3.21 Stein: Intermediate or a byproduct of nonferrous metallurgy, an alloy of variable chemical composition, formed by the sulphides of the metals.
3.22 the slurry of Fine precipitate of insoluble impurities formed during the sedimentation and filtration of solutions of non-ferrous metals and other industrial processes non-ferrous metallurgy.
3.23 scrap mixed: Mixed types of scrap metal, which does not meet the technical requirements of this standard.
4 Marking
The designation of products that meet this standard should include:
— the name (scrap).
— the designation of this standard (GOST 1639);
— the designation of scrap and waste (table 2−18);
— grade designation or numbering stamps alloy (point in case, if the delivery of scrap and waste of brand specific alloy agreed between the consumer and the supplier).
Example of symbolic designation of scrap metal, which corresponds to the «Copper 1» (copper wire net without coating), the present standard, marks M00:
Scrap — GOST 1639 — Copper 1 — M00
5 Information which the customer provides to the supplier upon request and (or) ordering
The customer must provide the following information when prompted and (or) the order so that the supplier can deliver the appropriate material:
a) the number of scrap metal that you want (weight);
b) the name (scrap).
a) designation of this standard (GOST 1639);
g) the designation of scrap and waste (table 2−18);
d) grade or number designation grade alloy, if you need a supply of scrap and waste of particular type of alloy.
1 Information that you provide when requesting or ordering 10 tons of scrap metal, corresponding to GOST 1639, referring to the «Copper 1»:
10 t — Scrap — GOST 1639 — Copper 1.
2 Information that you provide when requesting or ordering 20 tons of scrap metal, corresponding to GOST 1639, referring to the «Bronze 5», Marche BRB 2:
20 t — Scrap — GOST 1639 — Bronze 5 — Brb2.
6 Supply contract
6.1 Unless otherwise agreed between the consumer and the supplier, the allowable deviation of the batch weight to be supplied under the contract shall not exceed the values given in table 1.
Table 1
The mass of the party specified in the contract, kg | Permissible deviation of the mass party |
Up to 10000 |
Not more than 1 mass%. |
From 10000 to 300000 incl. |
Not more than 1 mass%. |
SV.300000 |
Not more than 3000 kg |
6.2 If the consumer wants to supply scrap and waste of particular type of alloy, it should be stipulated in the contract.
6.3 the quality of the scrap is determined on a representative sample, unless otherwise specified in the contract.
7 Technical requirements
7.1 Classification
7.1.1 the Scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys klassificeret names of the respective metals and alloys.
7.1.2 Scrap and waste characteristics and quality indicators are divided into types.
The form of scrap and wastes characterized by the nature of his education, physical condition (waste pieces, chips, pasta, etc.), overall dimensions, size and mass of different elements and chemical composition of the debris.
7.1.3 Scrap and waste must comply with the requirements set for the species listed in tables 2−18.
7.1.4 Scrap and waste may differ in dimensions from those specified in tables 2−18, if it is agreed between the supplier and the consumer.
7.1.5 Alloys, which were not included in the established species belong to the mind, to which they fit the content of the main components and impurities.
7.1.6 Scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys in the form of parts and pieces, covered with a galvanic coating (chrome, Nickel-plated kadmirovannyh, etc.) by agreement of the parties klassificeret for the same species and similar articles and pieces without metal coating. The view of the precious metals is carried out in accordance with the documentation approved in the established order.
7.2 Main indicators and characteristics
Table 2 — waste and Scrap of aluminium and its alloys
The form of scrap metal |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
Aluminium 1 (Tablet)* | Clean waste from unalloyed aluminium from the production of rolled profiles, tubes, sheets, strips, etc. Clean printing scrap.
Contains no iron, paper, plastic, ink, oil, grease, paint, synthetic materials. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
Thickness, mm, not less |
1 | ||
Pack size, pack, pile, mm, not more |
400x400x700 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
98 | ||
silicon, not more than |
0,25 | ||
iron, not more |
0,4 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,5 | ||
copper, no more |
0,05 | ||
magnesium, not more |
0,05 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,07 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,05 | ||
Aluminum 2 (Talon)* | Scrap of non-alloy aluminum — electrical products — wire, bare conductor of cables and cords, tires switchgear, transformers, rectifiers.
Without the presence of a thin wire, wire grids, iron, insulation and other material. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
Pack size, pack, pile, mm, not more |
400x400x700 | ||
Bay dimensions, mm, not more |
400x700 | ||
The sizes of pieces in one dimension, mm, not more |
1000 | ||
The packaged material is supplied by agreement of the parties. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
98 | ||
silicon, not more than |
0,25 | ||
iron, not more |
0,4 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,05 | ||
copper, no more |
0,05 | ||
magnesium, not more |
0,05 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,07 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,07 | ||
Aluminium 3 (Taboo)* | Pure waste of deformable aluminum alloys with low copper content in the form of sheets, trim profiles.
Without the presence of a thin wire, wire grids, and facing and coated layer of iron, dirt, and other material. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
including grease and oil |
1 | ||
New scrap cans comes by agreement of the parties. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
94 | ||
silicon, not more than |
1,2 | ||
iron, not more |
0,7 | ||
manganese, not more than |
1,5 | ||
copper, no more |
0,5 | ||
magnesium, not more |
1,3 | ||
chrome, not more |
0,35 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,25 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,1 | ||
4 Aluminium (Taint Tabor, Talekt)* |
Scrap of wrought aluminium alloys with low content of copper: consumer goods — kitchen utensils, sports equipment, furniture, structural elements — roofing material, cladding of houses, window frames, walls, escalators. The 6000 series.
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 97 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including: |
iron |
2 | ||
oil |
1 | ||
The maintenance of painted cladding and awnings, % mass., no more |
10 | ||
The sizes of pieces in one dimension, mm, not more |
1000 | ||
Without the presence of blinds, foil, wire, food molds, airplane sheet, bottle caps, plastic, dirt, etc. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
94 | ||
silicon, not more than |
1,2 | ||
iron, not more |
0,7 | ||
manganese, not more than |
1,5 | ||
copper, no more |
0,5 | ||
magnesium, not more |
1,3 | ||
chrome, not more |
0,35 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,25 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,1 | ||
Aluminium 5 (Terse)* | The scrap foil from unalloyed aluminium food foil, packing tape.
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than | 87 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
Thickness, mm, not more |
1 | ||
Without iron, anodized capacitor foil, paper, plastic and other materials. |
Scrap, which does not meet the requirements of this kind, comes by agreement with the consumer. |
Hydraulically-pressed material is supplied by agreement with the consumer. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
96 | ||
iron, not more |
0,4 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,05 | ||
copper, no more |
0,05 | ||
magnesium, not more |
0,05 | ||
chrome, not more |
0,01 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,1 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
Aluminum 6 | Waste wrought aluminum alloys with low zinc content and a high content of copper: wire, sheets, strips, etc.
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 98 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
Without free iron. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
89 | ||
silicon, not more than |
1,2 | ||
iron, not more |
0,7 | ||
manganese, not more than |
1,0 | ||
copper, no more |
5,0 | ||
magnesium, not more |
2,3 | ||
chrome, not more |
0,1 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,3 | ||
Aluminium 7 (Tabor)* | Aircraft scrap of wrought aluminium alloys with low zinc content: the chassis, the blades of the propellers, a frames, panels, trim, wings and fuselage of the aircraft.
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 97 |
including zinc, not more |
0,5 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including iron |
2 | ||
Scrap, which does not meet the requirements of this kind, is supplied by agreement between customer and supplier. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
88 | ||
silicon, not more than |
1,2 | ||
iron, not more |
0,7 | ||
manganese, not more than |
1,0 | ||
copper, no more |
5,0 | ||
magnesium, not more |
2,3 | ||
chrome, not more |
0,1 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,5 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,1 | ||
Aluminium 8 | Waste aluminum rolling and casting with a high content of magnesium. Series 5000.
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 98 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
83 | ||
silicon, not more than |
1,2 | ||
iron, not more |
0,7 | ||
manganese, not more than |
1,0 | ||
copper, no more |
0,3 | ||
magnesium, not more |
13,0 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,01 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,01 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
Aluminium 9 | Scrap wrought and cast aluminum alloys with high magnesium content of: welded storage tanks, pipelines, television and derricks; transport equipment, parts of ship machinery and equipment.
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 97 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including iron |
2 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
83 | ||
silicon, not more than |
1,2 | ||
iron, not more |
0,7 | ||
copper, no more |
0,3 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,2 | ||
manganese, not more than |
1,0 | ||
magnesium, not more |
13,0 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,01 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,01 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
Aluminum 10 | Waste products with a high content of zinc.
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
98 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
86 | ||
silicon, not more than |
0,7 | ||
iron, not more |
0,7 | ||
copper, no more |
2,0 | ||
zinc, not more |
6,5 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,7 | ||
magnesium, not more |
2,8 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,05 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,05 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,1 | ||
Aluminium 11 | Scrap aircraft of wrought alloys with a high zinc content: parts of aircraft, helicopters and missiles — molded panel for covering the power details of the fuselage, of welded and riveted load-bearing building structures.
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 90 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
Without iron. |
Scrap, which does not meet the requirements of this kind, is supplied by agreement between customer and supplier. |
The chemical composition of samples, %: |
aluminum, not less than |
87 | ||
copper, no more |
2,0 | ||
zinc, not more |
6,5 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,7 | ||
magnesium, not more |
2,8 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,05 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,05 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,1 | ||
Aluminum 12 | Waste aluminum castings: gates, fin, marriage products, etc.
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 98 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
Without iron. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
73 | ||
silicon, not more than |
13,5 | ||
iron, not more |
1,5 | ||
copper, no more |
8,0 | ||
zinc, not more |
1,5 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,8 | ||
magnesium, not more |
0,85 | ||
lead and tin in an amount of not more than |
0,3 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,25 | ||
Aluminium 13 | The aluminum casting scrap (motor scrap).
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 97 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including iron |
2 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
73 | ||
silicon, not more than |
13,5 | ||
iron, not more |
1,5 | ||
copper, no more |
8,0 | ||
zinc, not more |
1,5 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,8 | ||
magnesium, not more |
0,85 | ||
lead and tin in an amount of not more than |
0,3 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,25 | ||
14 Aluminium (Tense)* | Scrap mixed aluminum foundry: castings of machine parts, airplanes, alloys, aluminum-silicon, without the presence of pigs | Metal content, % wt., not less than | 90 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
including oil |
2 | ||
non-metallic components |
2 | ||
metallic inclusions |
2 | ||
The chunk-size, mm, not more |
600x600x400 | ||
Scrap, which does not meet the requirements of this kind, is supplied by agreement between customer and supplier. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
83 | ||
silicon, not more than |
9,0 | ||
iron, not more |
1,5 | ||
copper, no more |
3,5 | ||
zinc, not more |
1,2 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,5 | ||
magnesium, not more |
0,6 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,2 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,1 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
Aluminium 15 (Tarry)* | Scrap pistons cut without support, without bearings, shafts, steel rings and other contaminants.
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 97 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including: |
iron |
0,5 | ||
oil |
2 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
67 | ||
silicon, not more than |
22,0 | ||
iron, not more |
1,4 | ||
copper, no more |
3,0 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,8 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,6 | ||
magnesium, not more |
1,3 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,15 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,1 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,3 | ||
chrome, not more |
0,4 | ||
Nickel, not more than |
2,8 | ||
Aluminum 16 (Tarryb)* | Scrap pistons undivided. Brands:
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 50 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
50 | ||
including iron |
25 | ||
oil |
2 | ||
Scrap, which does not meet the requirements of this kind, is supplied by agreement between customer and supplier. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
67 | ||
silicon, not more than |
22,0 | ||
iron, not more |
1,4 | ||
copper, no more |
3,0 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,8 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,6 | ||
magnesium, not more |
1,3 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,15 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,1 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,3 | ||
chrome, not more |
0,4 | ||
Nickel, not more than |
2,8 | ||
Aluminum 17 | Scrap aluminum casting, containing Nickel.
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including: |
iron |
0,5 | ||
oil |
2 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
67 | ||
silicon, not more than |
22,0 | ||
iron, not more |
1,4 | ||
copper, no more |
3,0 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,8 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,6 | ||
magnesium, not more |
1,3 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,15 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,1 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,3 | ||
chrome, not more |
0,4 | ||
Nickel, not more than |
2,8 | ||
Aluminium 18 (Twist)* | Scrap aircraft split. Cast alloys |
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 90 |
Contamination, % wt., no more including: |
10 | ||
oil |
2 | ||
non-metallic inclusions |
2 | ||
iron |
2 | ||
Without the presence of brass, babbit, bearings, debris, etc. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
83 | ||
silicon, not more than |
9,0 | ||
iron, not more |
1,1 | ||
copper, no more |
3,5 | ||
zinc, not more |
1,2 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,5 | ||
magnesium, not more |
0,6 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,2 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,1 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
Aluminium 19 (Twitch)* | Scrap aluminum crushed. Casting and wrought alloys |
Dry cut scrap cars, rims, rim, etc. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
88 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
12 | ||
including: |
iron |
1,5 | ||
zinc alloy |
3 | ||
magnesium |
1 | ||
non-metallic impurities |
5 | ||
rubber and plastic |
1 | ||
The chunk-size, mm, not more |
600x600x400 | ||
Scrap, which does not meet the requirements of this kind, is supplied by agreement between customer and supplier. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
65 | ||
silicon, not more than |
22,0 | ||
iron, not more |
1,5 | ||
copper, no more |
6,5 | ||
zinc, not more |
1,5 | ||
manganese, not more than |
1,0 | ||
magnesium, not more |
1,3 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,15 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,1 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
Aluminum 20 (Teens)* | Clean aluminum shavings bulk: turning, drilling, milling, sorted into groups of alloys aluminium-silicon, cast or wrought | Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than | 90 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
including iron |
0,5 | ||
oil |
5 | ||
Without moisture and debris. |
Mass fraction of 0.6 mm and less is subtracted from the mass of the party. |
If the content fraction of 0.6 to 20 mm is more than 3%, make discount. |
If you have more than 10% of iron and/or free magnesium or stainless steel, as well as flammable coolant party is considered not relevant species. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
83 | ||
silicon, not more than |
9,0 | ||
iron, not more |
1,0 | ||
copper, no more |
3,5 | ||
zinc, not more |
1,5 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,5 | ||
magnesium, not more |
0,3 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,2 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,1 | ||
Nickel, not more than |
0,3 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
Aluminium 21 (Telic)* | Loose aluminum shavings mixed: turning, drilling, milling, obtained by treatment of plates, profiles, castings etc.
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than | 90 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
including iron |
0,5 | ||
moisture and oil |
5 | ||
Without garbage. |
Mass fraction of 0.6 mm and less is subtracted from the mass of the party. |
If the content fraction of 0.6 to 20 mm is more than 3%, make discount. |
If you have more than 10% of iron and/or free magnesium or stainless steel, as well as flammable coolant party is considered not relevant species. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
83 | ||
silicon, not more than |
9,0 | ||
iron, not more |
1,0 | ||
copper, no more |
3,5 | ||
zinc, not more |
1,5 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,5 | ||
magnesium, not more |
0,3 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,2 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,1 | ||
Nickel, not more than |
0,3 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
Aluminium 22 | Chip aluminum lunoobraznoe combined |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than | 40 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
60 | ||
including iron |
2 | ||
Comes by agreement of provider and consumer. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
75 | ||
silicon, not more than |
1,2 | ||
iron, not more |
1,0 | ||
copper, no more |
6,5 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,8 | ||
manganese, not more than |
1,0 | ||
magnesium, not more |
13,0 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,15 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,1 | ||
Nickel, not more than |
0,5 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
Aluminium 23 (Thirl)* | Toxins, releases, drosses, foam, fly ash, residues from the refining of aluminum alloys not containing zinc | Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than | 50 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
40 | ||
including iron |
2 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
59 | ||
silicon, not more than |
22,0 | ||
iron, not more |
1,8 | ||
copper, no more |
6,5 | ||
zinc, not more |
1,5 | ||
manganese, not more than |
1,0 | ||
magnesium, not more |
6,8 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,25 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,1 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,3 | ||
Aluminium 24 (Thirl)* | Toxins, releases, drosses, foam, fly ash, residues from the refining of aluminum alloys mixed | Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than | 20 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
70 | ||
including iron |
2 | ||
With less material and metallurgical output is supplied by agreement between customer and supplier. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
48 | ||
silicon, not more than |
22,0 | ||
iron, not more |
1,8 | ||
copper, no more |
6,5 | ||
zinc, not more |
6,5 | ||
manganese, not more than |
1,0 | ||
magnesium, not more |
13,0 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,15 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,1 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,3 | ||
Aluminium 25 | Scrap cable products | Metal content, % wt., not less than |
85 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
15 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
99 | ||
silicon, not more than |
0,1 | ||
iron, not more |
0,4 | ||
copper, no more |
0,05 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,05 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,01 | ||
magnesium, not more |
0,05 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,03 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,03 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,02 | ||
Aluminium 26 | Scrap household with a specific chemical composition |
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 90 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
including iron |
1 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
94 | ||
silicon, not more than |
1,2 | ||
iron, not more |
1,0 | ||
copper, no more |
0,3 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,3 | ||
manganese, not more than |
1,0 | ||
magnesium, not more |
1,8 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,15 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,1 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
Aluminium 27 (Throb)* | Pre-molten scrap into ingots and ingots with a specific chemical composition | Metal content, % wt., not less than | 99,6 |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
54 | ||
silicon, not more than |
22,0 | ||
iron, not more |
2,0 | ||
copper, no more |
6,5 | ||
zinc, not more |
6,5 | ||
manganese, not more than |
1,3 | ||
magnesium, not more |
6,8 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,15 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,1 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
Aluminium 28 (Taldon)* |
Packages or briquettes of aluminum cans.
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than | 96 |
The contamination harmless, non-metallic impurities, % wt., no more |
4 | ||
Littered with steel, lead, bottle caps, plastic jars, glass, wood etc. is not allowed. |
Skids or support sheets of any material for tying packages is not allowed. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
95 | ||
silicon, not more than |
0,4 | ||
iron, not more |
0,5 | ||
copper, no more |
0,2 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,25 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,5 | ||
magnesium, not more |
2,4 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,05 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,05 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
Aluminium 29 (Tepid)* | Scrap aircraft sheet cut from wrought alloys, in addition to the 7000 series (V95, В93, etc.) | Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than | 80 |
A contamination with iron, wt.%, no more |
2 | ||
The contamination harmless, non-metallic impurities, % wt., no more |
18 | ||
Scrap that does not meet these requirements, supplied as agreed between supplier and customer. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
82 | ||
silicon, not more than |
1,2 | ||
iron, not more |
1,2 | ||
copper, no more |
6,5 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,3 | ||
manganese, not more than |
1,0 | ||
magnesium, not more |
6,8 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,05 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,05 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
Aluminium 30 (Take)* | Wastes from the production of aluminum cans: trimmings, leaves, marriage, including with a thin layer of varnish, without covers with a seal.
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than | 90 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
Contamination iron is not allowed. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
95 | ||
silicon, not more than |
0,4 | ||
iron, not more |
0,5 | ||
copper, no more |
0,2 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,25 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,5 | ||
magnesium, not more |
2,4 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,05 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,05 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
Aluminium 31 (Talar)* |
Scrap cans of drinks. Brands: |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than | 90 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
The coating of paper, plugged the iron is not allowed. |
The presence of debris, dirt and other impurities not allowed. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
95 | ||
silicon, not more than |
0,4 | ||
iron, not more |
0,5 | ||
copper, no more |
0,2 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,25 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,5 | ||
magnesium, not more |
2,4 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,05 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,05 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
Aluminium 32 (Talgred)* | Crushed scrap aluminum cans from drinks autmagically. Brands: |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than | 93 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
7 | ||
including iron |
0,2 | ||
harmless impurities, including moisture, %, not more |
4 | ||
Contamination with lead is not allowed. |
Without the presence of plastic cans, glass and wood. |
Scrap with a higher impurity supply by agreement between the supplier and the consumer. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
aluminum, not less than |
95 | ||
silicon, not more than |
0,4 | ||
iron, not more |
0,5 | ||
copper, no more |
0,2 | ||
zinc, not more |
0,25 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,5 | ||
magnesium, not more |
2,4 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,05 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,05 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,15 | ||
* In parentheses the name of the foreign counterpart of the form of scrap metal. The corresponding names of species are listed according to [1] and is given only as reference. |
Table 3 — waste and Scrap of tungsten and its alloys, other chemical compounds containing tungsten
The form of scrap metal |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
Tungsten 1 | Scrap and lump wastes of metal tungsten-alloy: pipes, rods, bars, plates, marriage and shtabikov pieces, scraps of tape, foil cutting, hot stamping | Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Tungsten content, wt.%, not less than |
99 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
1 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, g, not less |
10 | ||
Tungsten 2 | Scrap and lump waste tungsten metal oxidized: pipes, rods, bars, plates, marriage and shtabikov pieces, scraps of tape, foil cutting, hot stamping | Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Tungsten content, wt.%, not less than |
90 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, g, not less |
10 | ||
Tungsten 3 | Scrap and lump wastes of alloy based on tungsten with thorium.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Tungsten content, wt.%, not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, g, not less |
10 | ||
Tungsten 4 | Scrap and lump waste tungsten-cobalt alloys: plates, drill bits, large-sized products, and fragments thereof.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
99 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
1 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
tungsten, not less |
70 | ||
cobalt, not less |
3 | ||
Tungsten 5 | Scrap and lump waste tungsten-titanium-cobalt alloys: plate, drill.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
99 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
1 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, g, not less |
10 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
tungsten, not less |
62 | ||
cobalt, not more |
12 | ||
titanium, not more than |
24 | ||
Tungsten 6 | Scrap and lump waste tungsten-titanium-tantalum-cobalt alloys.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
The size of pieces, mm |
10−200 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
tungsten, not less |
64 | ||
cobalt, not more |
12 | ||
titanium, not more than |
10 | ||
tantalum, not more than |
14 | ||
Tungsten 7 | The pulverized waste from the production of mixtures of hard alloys | Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
95 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
5 | ||
Particle size, mm less |
3 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
tungsten, not less |
60 | ||
cobalt, not more |
15 | ||
titanium, not more than |
8 | ||
tantalum, not more than |
1,5 | ||
Tungsten 8 | Dust a waste from the grinding of carbide inserts diamond tool | Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
60 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
40 | ||
Particle size, mm less |
3 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
tungsten, not less |
25 | ||
cobalt, not more |
8 | ||
titanium, not more than |
6 | ||
tantalum, not more than |
2 | ||
Tungsten 9 | Waste dust from grinding carbide insert grinding | Do not contain other metals and alloys. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
50 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
50 | ||
Particle size, mm less |
3 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
tungsten, not less |
25 | ||
cobalt, not more |
2 | ||
titanium, not more than |
8 | ||
tantalum, not more than |
6 | ||
Tungsten 10 | Lump wastes of molybdenum-tungsten alloy | Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
tungsten, not less |
30 | ||
molybdenum, not more |
70 | ||
Tungsten 11 | Lump wastes and shavings of tungsten-copper alloy | Do not contain other metals and alloys. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
tungsten, not less |
50 | ||
copper, no more |
48 | ||
Nickel, not more than |
2 | ||
silver, not more |
2 | ||
Tungsten 12 | Waste tungsten-Nickel, tungsten-Nickel-iron alloys | Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
tungsten, not less |
80 | ||
Nickel, not more than |
10 | ||
Tungsten 13 | Shavings, wire | Do not contain other metals and alloys. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
90 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
Particle size, mm less |
10 | ||
Tungsten 14 | Scrap cone bits | No foreign objects. |
- |
By agreement of the parties |
Tungsten 15 | Powdered waste of tungsten and its alloys (powder, bran, etc.) | Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
95 | ||
Tungsten content, wt.%, not less than |
65 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
5 | ||
Particle size, mm less |
3 | ||
Tungsten 16 | A chemical compound containing tungsten (paste, powder, bran, chemical compounds, etc.) | Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
75 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
25 | ||
Tungsten 17 | Waste nitrate after etching tungsten-containing alloys (exhausted solution of nitrate) | Tungsten content, wt. % | 8−20 |
The concentration of molybdenum, % wt. |
5−10 |
Table 4 — waste and Scrap of cadmium
The form of scrap metal |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
Cadmium 1 | Scrap and lump waste of non-alloy cadmium.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The cadmium content, % mass, not less than |
99 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more (oil, moisture and other non-metallic materials) |
1 | ||
Cadmium 2 | Releases and pleski from melting and pouring of cadmium, cathode hooks and mesh-covered cadmium | Do not contain Nickel and its compounds: chlorides, fluorides, cyanides, or organic compounds. |
The cadmium content, % mass, not less than |
5 |
Table 5 — waste and Scrap of cobalt and its alloys
The form of scrap metal |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
Cobalt 1 | Scrap and lump wastes | Do not contain zinc, lead, tin and their compounds: chlorides and fluorides. |
Cobalt content, % mass, not less than |
0,5 | ||
Cobalt 2 | Waste powder from sharpening high speed tool | Do not contain zinc, lead, tin and their compounds: chlorides and fluorides. |
Cobalt content, % mass, not less than |
0,3 | ||
Cobalt 3 | Spent catalysts | Packed. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
1 |
Table 6 — waste and Scrap of magnesium and its alloys
View metal scrap |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
Magnesium 1 | Scrap and waste of non-alloy magnesium: trimming, punch, forgings, plates, mold casting.
Without the presence of copper, aluminum, zinc, lubricants. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
The size of the piece, mm, not more |
1000x600 | ||
The minimum size of pieces, mm, not less |
5 | ||
Magnesium 2 | Scrap of magnesium containing aluminium: sheets, castings, engine blocks, treads, wheels, planes, cars, transmission, etc.
Scrap without inserts of other non-ferrous metals. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
The size of the piece, mm, not more |
1000x600 | ||
The minimum size of pieces, mm, not less |
5 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
magnesium, not less |
85 | ||
zirconium, not more |
0,01 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
10,2 | ||
manganese, not more than |
0,7 | ||
zinc, not more |
3,5 | ||
Magnesium 3 | Trim sheet of deformable magnesium alloys produced during the manufacture of containers for gasoline, oil, parts, piping, welded structures subjected to moderate loads; extruded semi-finished products and forming.
Does not contain aluminum and zinc. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
99 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
1 | ||
The size of the piece, mm, not more |
1000x600 | ||
The minimum size of pieces, mm, not less |
5 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
magnesium, not less |
93 | ||
manganese, not more than |
2,5 | ||
Magnesium 4 | Scrap magnesium alloys that contain zirconium, zinc, neodymium (niobium): shaped castings.
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 98 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
Dimensions, mm, not more |
1000x600 | ||
The minimum size of pieces, mm, not less |
5 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
magnesium, not less |
89 | ||
zirconium, not more |
1,1 | ||
zinc, not more |
7 | ||
neodymium, not more than |
3,5 | ||
cadmium, not more than |
0,8 | ||
Magnesium 5 | Scrap magnesium alloys containing lithium.
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 98 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
Dimensions, mm, not more |
1000x600 | ||
The minimum size of pieces, mm, not less |
5 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
magnesium, not less |
80 | ||
lithium, not more |
11,5 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
5,3 | ||
zinc, not more |
2,5 | ||
Magnesium 6 | Scrap magnesium alloys are mixed, besides the lithium-containing | Isn’t littered with lithium and niobium. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
50 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
50 | ||
including iron, % wt., no more |
25 | ||
The minimum size of pieces, mm, not less |
5 | ||
Magnesium 7 | Shavings of magnesium and magnesium alloys | Piketirovanijah. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
50 | ||
Moisture content, % wt., no more |
0,1 | ||
Oil content, % wt., no more |
0,5 | ||
Magnesium 8 | Waste products of magnesium alloys in the form of lumps and ingots | Metal content, % wt., not less than | 50 |
Moisture content, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
50 | ||
Note — it is Necessary to control all types of scrap and waste products of magnesium on the content of mercury, cadmium and lithium. The contents of mercury, cadmium, and lithium should not exceed 0,002% wt., 0.1% mass., 0.1% mass., respectively. Warning — Metallurgical processing of magnesium alloys containing mercury, cadmium, under normal conditions can lead to serious consequences. |
Table 7 — Scrap and waste of copper
The form of scrap metal |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
1 Copper (Barley, Berry S-Cu-1, S-Cu-2)* | Pure copper wire without any coating. Brands: |
Linked in coils or in packs. | |
Does not contain non-metallic impurities, other non-ferrous and ferrous metals. |
No burnt brittle phases, shiny without moisture. |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
Wire diameter, mm, not less |
0,3 | ||
Package size, mm, not more |
800x500x400 | ||
Weight of package, kg, not more |
200 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper and silver in an amount not less |
99,9 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,001 | ||
phosphorus, not more than |
0,0005 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,005 | ||
Copper 2 (Candy S-Cu-4, S-Cu-5)* |
Scrap clean copper without coating: marriage cast, forged and stamped products trimming, die-cutting sheets, strips, pipes, gratings and wire without insulation. Brands: |
Linked in coils or in packs. | |
Not contain non-metallic impurities, other non-ferrous metals, brittle burnt wire, no moisture. |
Allowed clean copper tubing. |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including iron, %, not more |
0,5 | ||
Wire diameter, mm, not less |
0,2 | ||
Package size, mm, not more |
800x500x400 | ||
Weight of package, kg, not more |
200 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper and silver in an amount not less |
99,9 | ||
phosphorus, not more than |
0,06 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,05 | ||
3 Copper (S-Cu-6)* | Copper wire non-alloy.
Linked in coils or in packs. | |
Does not contain non-metallic impurities, other non-ferrous and ferrous metals without water. |
No fragile burned areas. |
Allowed annealed wire. |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
Wire diameter, mm, not less |
0,2 | ||
Package size, mm, not more |
800x500x400 | ||
Weight of package, kg, not more |
200 | ||
The copper content in the representative sample, % mass, not less than |
99,9 | ||
4 Copper (S-Cu-7)* | Scrap and waste mixed with Paluda and soldering. Brands: |
Not contain non-metallic impurities, other non-ferrous metals, without moisture. | |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
92 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
6 | ||
including iron, % |
0,5 | ||
The copper content in the representative sample, % mass, not less than |
99,5 | ||
Copper 5 (Dream)* | Light copper mixed scrap without copper burnt wire parts for refrigeration units, coil | Galvanic cells are not allowed. |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
88 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
including iron, not more |
5 | ||
The copper content in the representative sample, % mass, not less than |
99,5 | ||
6 Copper (S-Cu-3)* | Scrap copper enamelled, lacquered wire in cotton insulation.
Tied up in coils or packages. | |
Does not contain other non-ferrous and ferrous metals. |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
96 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
4 | ||
Package size, mm, not more |
800x500x400 | ||
Weight of package, kg, not more |
200 | ||
By agreement of the parties. |
The copper content in the representative sample, % mass, not less than |
99,9 | ||
Copper 7 | The copper varnished wire in insulation of glass fibers and of paper. Brands: |
Linked in coils or packages. | |
Not clogged other non-metallic materials, black and other non-ferrous metals without moisture. |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
96 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
4 | ||
Package size, mm, not more |
800x500x400 | ||
Weight of package, kg, not more |
200 | ||
The copper content in the representative sample, % mass, not less than |
99,9 | ||
Copper 8 (Clove S-Cu-10)* | Copper crumb of nalozhenii bare copper. Brands: |
Not clogged non-metallic materials, black and other non-ferrous metals without moisture. | |
The minimum allowed diameter, mm |
0,5 | ||
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
Two | ||
including iron, %, not more |
1 | ||
The copper content in the representative sample, % mass, not less than |
97,5 | ||
Copper 9 | Chips pure copper. Brands: |
Without the presence of other non-ferrous metals. | |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
including oil and moisture, %, not more |
1,5 | ||
The copper content in the representative sample, % mass, not less than |
99,5 | ||
Copper 10 | Scrap electric motors intact and separate rotors, stators. Winding wire brands: M0, M1, M2, M3 |
By agreement of the parties | - |
Copper 11 (Drove)* | Mixed low-quality scrap copper | Does not contain wire without insulation, chloride of copper, large engines. |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
12 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
88 | ||
With less copper content is agreed by the parties |
Copper 12 | Copper slag, dust, ash, and furnace granite breaking, dirty, assholes | Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
10 |
The content of copper, % mass., not less than |
8 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
500 | ||
With less copper content is agreed by the parties |
Copper 13 | Scrap insulated copper wire and cable, except scrap «Copper 6» | Scrap cable and copper wire with different types of insulation. | - |
By agreement of the parties |
* In brackets are the names of foreign counterparts of the form of scrap metal. The corresponding names of species are listed according to [1], [2] and is given only as reference. |
Table 8 — waste and Scrap of bronze
View metal scrap |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
Bronze 1 | Lump wastes of bronzes with a high tin content: wire, rods, nets, springs, ribbon, strip, bearing parts, tube-blanks, tubes for measuring and control devices, gaskets, bushings and bearings.
Not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
85 | ||
tin, not more than |
11 | ||
Bronze 2 | The scrap of bronze with a high tin content: wire, rods, nets, springs, ribbon, strip, bearing parts, tube-blanks, tubes for measuring and control devices, gaskets, bushings and bearings. Brands: |
Does not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
90 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
85 | ||
tin, not more than |
11 | ||
Bronze 3 | Lump wastes of bronze without tin plates, sheet, strip, tape, pipe, wire, bars, forgings.
Not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
83 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
11 | ||
Bronze 4 | Scrap and lump wastes of bronze without tin plates, sheet, strip, tape, pipe, wire, bars, forgings.
Not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
90 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
83 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
11 | ||
Bronze 5 | Lump wastes of bronze containing beryllium: rods, tubes, forgings, strips, wire.
Not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including iron, %, not more |
0,5 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
96 | ||
beryllium not more than |
2,1 | ||
Bronze 6 | Scrap and lump wastes of bronze containing beryllium: rods, tubes, forgings, strips, wire. Brands: |
Not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
90 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
including iron, %, not more |
8 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
96 | ||
beryllium not more than |
2,1 | ||
Bronze 7 | Lump wastes of bronzes containing lead: parts, operating in severe conditions, bushings, valves, gears for heavy duty cranes and power turbines, etc.
Not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including iron, %, not more |
0,5 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
Of 34.25 | ||
lead, not more than |
63 | ||
Bronze 8 | Scrap and lump wastes of bronzes containing lead: parts, operating in severe conditions, bushings, valves, gears for heavy duty cranes and power turbines, etc.
Not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
90 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
Of 34.25 | ||
lead, not more than |
63 | ||
Bronze 9 | Shavings of bronze with high tin content.
Does not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
85 | ||
tin, not more than |
11 | ||
Bronze 10 | Shavings of bronze without tin. Brands: |
Does not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
83 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
11 | ||
Bronze 11 | Shavings of bronze containing beryllium.
Does not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
96 | ||
beryllium not more than |
2,1 | ||
Bronze 12 | Chips bronzes containing lead.
Does not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
Of 34.25 | ||
lead, not more than |
63 | ||
Bronze 13 | Shavings of bronze combined |
By agreement of the parties. | |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
40 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
60 | ||
including iron, %, not more |
3 | ||
Bronze 14 | Scrap and lump wastes of tin bronzes and tin-mixed | By agreement of the parties. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
60 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
40 | ||
including iron, %, not more |
35 | ||
Bronze 15 | Slag, dust, furnace granite breaking, dirty, assholes |
By agreement of the parties | - |
Table 9 — waste and Scrap of brass
The form of scrap metal |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
Brass 1 (S-CuZn-1)* | Lump wastes of double brass without tinning: rods, scraps, scrap sheets, tapes, pipes, wire, radiator tube, die-cutting.
Not contain other metals and alloys, nonmetallic materials, moisture. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
98 | ||
The non-metallic impurity content, % mass, no more |
2 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
Package size/bays, mm, not more |
800x500x400 | ||
Weight of package, kg, not more |
200 | ||
Briquetted or packaged scrap comes by agreement of the parties. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
60 | ||
zinc, not more |
40 | ||
Brass 2 | Scrap double brass: wire, art jewelry, gauge tube, flexible pipes, musical instruments, tube heat exchangers, wire mesh, foil, pressure rolls for pickling works, accessories.
Not contain other metals and alloys, moisture. | |
In coils or bundles. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including iron, %, not more |
0,5 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
Package size, mm, not more |
800x500x400 | ||
Weight of package, kg, not more |
200 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
60 | ||
zinc, not more |
40 | ||
Brass 3 (S-CuZn-2, S-CuZn-3)* | Brass cartridge cases: rifle, revolver, cannon, artillery.
Not contain other metals and alloys, moisture. | |
Without the percussion cap sleeves. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
The non-metallic impurity content, % mass, no more |
3 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
69 | ||
zinc, not more |
30,9 | ||
Brass 4 | Brass brazed radiators and radiator pipes.
Split. | |
Not contain other metals and alloys. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
94 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
6 | ||
including iron, %, not more |
0,5 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
62 | ||
zinc, not more |
37,9 | ||
Brass 5 | Waste and scrap of brass containing tin and soldered double brass: in the marine — tubes for condensers and heat exchangers, sheets, strip, rods for tool-making, art products, gauge tube, flexible pipes, musical instruments, foil, pressure rolls for pickling works, accessories.
Not contain other metals and alloys, moisture. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including iron, % |
0,5 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
57 | ||
zinc, not more |
37 | ||
tin, not more than |
2,5 | ||
Brass 6 (S-CuZn-4)* | Waste and scrap of brass containing lead: ribbon, strips, sheets, tubes, rods, wire in the watchmaking, automotive industry and printing business.
Not contain other metals and alloys, moisture. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including iron, % |
0,5 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
57 | ||
zinc, not more |
40 | ||
lead, not more than |
3,5 | ||
Brass 7 | Waste and scrap of brass containing manganese: details the thrust and supporting bearings, bushings, parts and fittings for shipbuilding, propellers, propeller blades.
Not contain other metals and alloys, moisture. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including iron, % |
0,5 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
57 | ||
zinc, not more |
45 | ||
manganese, not more than |
2,0 | ||
Brass 8 | Waste and scrap of brass containing aluminium: tubes, rods, corrosion resistant parts, bushings, bearings, gauge springs instruments, insignia, accessories and art objects.
Not contain other metals and alloys, moisture. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including iron, % |
0,5 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
57 | ||
zinc, not more |
36 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
3,5 | ||
Brass 9 | Waste and scrap of brass containing silicon: forging, stamping parts, operating in the marine environment, alloy bearings and bushings, cartridges.
Not contain other metals and alloys, moisture. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including iron, % |
0,5 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
78 | ||
zinc, not more |
18 | ||
silicon, not more than |
3,0 | ||
The sleeve of silicon-containing brass supply by agreement of the parties |
Brass 10 | Scrap brass tin plated household: art, furniture, bowls, samovars, chandeliers, candlesticks.
Does not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys, moisture. | |
Not allowed contamination with oil paint, resin, oil, paper and other water-insoluble materials. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
95 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
5 | ||
including iron, % |
1 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
69 | ||
zinc, not more |
30 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,005 | ||
Brass 11 (S-CuZn-7)* |
Scrap brass is mixed brass castings, rolled brass, rod, etc. | Metal content, % wt., not less than | 95 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
5 | ||
including iron, %, not more |
1 | ||
The size of the individual pieces, mm, not more |
800x500x400 | ||
In case of discrepancy the scrap comes by agreement of the parties. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
57 | ||
zinc, not more |
37 | ||
Brass 12 | The chips are double brass. Brands: |
Does not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
97 | ||
Content of mechanical impurities of ferrous metals, wt.%, no more |
0,5 | ||
The contents of moisture and oil, % mass., no more |
2,5 | ||
The length of the coil, mm |
0,6 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
60 | ||
zinc, not more |
40 | ||
Brass 13 | Shavings of brass containing tin. Brands: |
Does not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
97 | ||
Content of mechanical impurities of ferrous metals, wt.%, no more |
0,5 | ||
The contents of moisture and oil, % mass., no more |
3,0 | ||
The length of the coil, mm |
0,6 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
57 | ||
zinc, not more |
39 | ||
tin, not more than |
2,5 | ||
Brass 14 (S-CuZn-5)* | Shavings of brass containing lead. Brands: |
Does not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
97 | ||
Content of mechanical impurities of ferrous metals, wt.%, no more |
0,5 | ||
The contents of moisture and oil, % mass., no more |
2,5 | ||
The length of the coil, mm |
0,6 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
57 | ||
zinc, not more |
42 | ||
lead, not more than |
3,5 | ||
Brass 15 | Chips of brass that contains manganese.
Does not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
97 | ||
Content of mechanical impurities of ferrous metals, wt.%, no more |
0,5 | ||
The contents of moisture and oil, % mass., no more |
2,5 | ||
The length of the coil, mm |
0,6 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
57 | ||
zinc, not more |
45 | ||
manganese, not more than |
2,0 | ||
Brass 16 | Shavings of brass containing aluminum.
Does not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
97 | ||
Content of mechanical impurities of ferrous metals, wt.%, no more |
0,5 | ||
The moisture content and oil mass., %, not more |
2,5 | ||
The length of the coil, mm |
0,6 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
57 | ||
zinc, not more |
36 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
3,5 | ||
Brass 17 | Shavings of brass containing silicon.
Does not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
97 | ||
Content of mechanical impurities of ferrous metals, wt.%, no more |
0,5 | ||
The contents of moisture and oil, % mass., no more |
2,5 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
78 | ||
zinc, not more |
18 | ||
silicon, not more than |
3,0 | ||
Brass 18 | The brass shavings combined | Does not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. |
Metallurgical metal recovery, wt.%, not less than |
97 | ||
Content of mechanical impurities of ferrous metals, wt.%, no more |
0,5 | ||
The contents of moisture and oil, % mass., no more |
2,5 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
57 | ||
zinc, not more |
37 | ||
Brass 19 | Scrap and waste special brass: sheets, strips, ribbons, rods, tubes, wire, gauge tubes, condenser tubes in sea shipbuilding, mesh paper machines.
Not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys, moisture. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including iron, %, not more |
0,5 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
56 | ||
zinc, not more |
42 | ||
Brass 20 (S-CuZn-6)* | Mixed brass valves and cocks | Not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys, moisture. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
Allowed chrome and Nickel plating or cladding. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
copper, not less |
57 | ||
zinc, not more |
37 | ||
Brass 21. Scrap metal refrigeration pipes |
Scrap refrigeration tubes | Does not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys, moisture, and also scrap with coating. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
93 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
7 | ||
Brass 22 | Scrap brass is mixed | Contamination, % wt., no more |
5 |
Brass 23 | Slag, dust, furnace granite breaking, dirty, assholes |
By agreement of the parties | - |
* In brackets are the names of foreign equivalents of the types of scrap metal. The corresponding names of species are listed according to [2] and is given only as reference. |
Table 10 — waste and Scrap of molybdenum, molybdenum alloys and chemical compounds containing molybdenum
The form of scrap metal |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
Molybdenum 1 | Lump waste of non-alloy molybdenum: pipes, rods, plates, marriage shtabikov, scraps of tape, foil, cutting hot stamping.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
99 | ||
Contamination % wt., no more |
1 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, g, not less |
10 | ||
Molybdenum 2 | Scrap unalloyed molybdenum: pipe, rods, plate.
Does not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
The size of pieces, mm, not less |
20 | ||
Molybdenum 3 | Lump wastes of alloyed molybdenum: details of vacuum devices, a focusing electrode x-ray tubes, electric heating elements.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
99 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
1 | ||
The size of pieces, mm, not less |
20 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
molybdenum, not less |
90 | ||
Molybdenum 4 | Scrap of alloyed molybdenum: details of vacuum devices, a focusing electrode x-ray tubes, electric heating elements.
Does not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
98 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
The size of pieces, mm, not less |
20 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
molybdenum, not less |
90 | ||
Molybdenum 5 | Chip, wire | Do not contain other metals and alloys. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
90 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
molybdenum, not less |
90 | ||
Molybdenum 6 | Waste powder: powder, bran and the like.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
95 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
5 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
molybdenum, not less |
95 | ||
Molybdenum 7 | Molybdenum chemical compound: paste, powder, bran and the like |
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 75 |
Molybdenum 8 | Spent catalysts | Metal content, % wt., not less than |
5 |
Moisture content, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
Molybdenum 9 | Other waste | Metal content, % wt., not less than |
20 |
Table 11 — waste and Scrap of Nickel and its alloys
View metal scrap |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
Nickel 1 | Scrap and lump waste of non-alloy Nickel: trimming, die cutting, waste pipes, rods and wire, strips, plates, cathode plates.
In packages or in bulk. | |
Do not contain other metals and alloys, castings, soldered, fused or painted. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
Thickness, mm, more |
3 | ||
The chunk-size, mm, not more |
20 | ||
Package size, mm, not more |
700x400x400 | ||
Weight of package, kg, not more |
250 | ||
Packaged material supply by agreement of the parties. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel and cobalt in an amount not less |
96 | ||
Nickel 2 | Scrap and lump wastes of alloyed Nickel: details of electrical devices and instruments; semi-finished products for electronic equipment.
In packages or in bulk. | |
Do not contain other metals and alloys. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
Package dimensions, mm, not more |
700x400x400 | ||
Weight of package, kg, not more |
250 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
Packaged material supply by agreement of the parties. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel and cobalt in an amount not less |
96 | ||
silicon |
0,25 | ||
magnesium |
0,12 | ||
calcium |
0,16 | ||
Nickel 3 | Scrap low alloy Nickel alloys: semi-finished products for electronic equipment.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel and cobalt in an amount not less |
96 | ||
magnesium |
0,1 | ||
tungsten |
3,5 | ||
Nickel 4 | Scrap Nickel alloys containing manganese: tubes, thermocouple.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel and cobalt in an amount not less |
92,6 | ||
manganese, not more than |
5,4 | ||
Nickel 5 | Scrap Nickel alloys containing chromium: thermocouples, compensation wires.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel and cobalt in an amount not less |
86,6 | ||
chrome, not more |
10 | ||
Nickel 6 | Scrap and wastes of copper-Nickel alloys thermocouple, compensating wire, condenser tube oil coolers, tube sheets, air conditioners, pipes, parts for electrical engineering and instrumentation, plasmotrone products and welded structures for shipbuilding, planirovochnye material for medical instruments, springs, relays, Cutlery, artistic products (stamping and embossing). Brands: |
In packages or in bulk. | |
Do not contain other metals and alloys. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
Package dimensions, mm, not more |
700x400x400 | ||
Weight of package, kg, not more |
250 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The packaged material is supplied by agreement of the parties. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel and cobalt in an amount not less |
0,57 | ||
copper, not less |
27 | ||
Nickel 7 | Waste and scrap of Nickel silver instruments of precise mechanics, technical utensils.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel and cobalt in an amount not less |
13,5 | ||
zinc, not less |
18 | ||
Nickel 8 | Shavings of Nickel and Nickel alloys | Does not contain other metals and alloys, including Nickel silver. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination (moisture and oil), % wt., no more |
3 | ||
Nickel 9 | Chips Nickel silver | Does not contain other metals and alloys. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
88 | ||
Contamination (moisture and oil), % wt., no more |
12 | ||
Size, mm, not less |
6,3 | ||
Nickel 10 | Toxins, releases, furnace granite breaking, hearth furnaces, cathode hooks that pesky Nickel | Metal content, % wt., not less than | 20 |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
Nickel 11 | Scrap and waste heat-resisting chromium-Nickel steel: furnace conveyors, boxes for carburizing and other parts heat treatment furnaces; parts, operating at high temperatures in a lightly loaded condition.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel |
12−15 | ||
chrome |
19−25 | ||
silicon, not more than |
3,0 | ||
tungsten, not more than |
0,2 | ||
molybdenum, not more |
0,3 | ||
vanadium, not more |
0,2 | ||
Nickel 12 | Scrap steel corrosion-resistant, alloyed chromium, Nickel and their compounds: pipe, furnace parts fittings, heat exchangers, muffles, retorts, pipes, manifolds, exhaust systems, electrodes incendiary spark candles, welding machines and crockery of chemical engineering; welded machines and vessels working in dilute solutions of acids, alkalis and salts; different parts that work at temperatures from 196 °C to 600 °C in corrosive environments. Brands: |
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel |
8−13 | ||
chrome |
17−19 | ||
copper, no more |
0,3 | ||
silicon, not more than |
0,8 | ||
titanium, not more than |
0,8 | ||
phosphorus, not more than |
0,035 | ||
tungsten, not more than |
0,2 | ||
molybdenum, not more |
0,3 | ||
manganese, not more than |
2 | ||
Nickel 13 | Scrap steel are corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant, alloyed chromium, Nickel and their compounds manganese, aluminum, other elements: devices for wings, rudder and bracket, ship shafts, which operate in sea water; products that work at atmospheric conditions, acetic acid and other saline environments.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel |
6,5−9,4 | ||
chrome |
14−18 | ||
aluminium |
0,5−1,1 | ||
manganese, not more than |
2 | ||
Nickel 14 | Scrap steels creep resisting and heat resisting chromium-Nickel high chromium content and Nickel: forging, tires for operation at temperatures from 660 °C to 700 °C, the details of combustion chambers, clamps, suspension and other details of fixing boilers, muffles, for use at the temperature of 1100 °C, seamless pipe, rebar, sheet metal (for operation at temperatures up to 1000 °C).
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel |
12−20 | ||
chrome |
22−27 | ||
manganese, not more than |
2 | ||
Nickel 15 | Scrap steel corrosion-resistant, heatresistant and heat-proof hromonikelemolibdenovyh and hromonikelevoj: welded structures, fasteners, working in environments of increased aggressiveness at a temperature of 600 °C. the Blades of the gas blowers, rivets, forgings of disks, tires, shafts and other parts of compressors; turbine parts; bolts, pipe paranirvana and high-pressure pipelines and postanovok; welded constructions working in the conditions of action of phosphoric, sulfuric, acetic acids; seamless pipes of power plants; parts and products that are welded by spot welding and subjected to heat treatment.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel |
10,5−14 | ||
chrome |
15−18 | ||
Titan |
0,5−0,7 | ||
molybdenum |
1,8−4,0 | ||
Nickel 16 | Scrap and waste Nickel steels with high Nickel content: magdalinova cores and small power transformers, chokes, relays and parts of magnetic circuits; cores anti-interference ignition cable cars, the springs are sealed magnetoplasma contacts; structures and pipelines operating at low temperatures.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel |
38,0−41,5 | ||
copper, no more |
0,2 | ||
phosphorus, not more than |
0,02 | ||
Nickel 17 | Scrap and waste heat-resistant steels alloyed with chromium, Nickel and tungsten: pronograffiti and piping power units, seamless tubes power plants; parts and products that are welded by spot welding and subjected to heat treatment.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel |
18−20 | ||
chrome |
13−15 | ||
tungsten |
2,0−2,8 | ||
niobium |
0,9−1,3 | ||
Nickel 18 | Scrap steel corrosion-resistant chrome-Nickel with boron: parts and products, operate at high temperatures and under corrosive environments. Brands: |
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel |
14−16 | ||
chrome |
16−19 | ||
Bor |
0,08−0,50 | ||
phosphorus, not more than |
0,02 | ||
Nickel 19 | Scrap and wastes of two-layer steels.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel and cobalt in the amount |
6,8−8,5 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,002 | ||
Nickel 20 | Waste and scrap of cast irons with high Nickel content: pumps, valves, other fittings of oil, chemical and petrochemical industry and a valve; inserting the cylinder liners, heads, pistons, valve seats and valve guides, exhaust manifolds of internal combustion engines; exhaust manifolds, valve guides, casings of turbo heaters gas turbines; head pistons, pump bodies.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel |
14−21 | ||
chrome |
0,5−3,0 | ||
silicon |
1,4−3,5 | ||
manganese |
0,5−2,0 | ||
copper |
1,5−8,0 | ||
Nickel 21 | Scrap the springs and fasteners furnace conveyors.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, not more, kg |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel |
20−30 | ||
chrome |
10−16 | ||
tungsten, not more than |
6 | ||
molybdenum, not more |
4 | ||
Nickel 22 | Scrap parts for gas systems. Brands: |
Does not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel |
34−39 | ||
chrome |
14−23 | ||
tungsten, not more than |
3,5 | ||
titanium, not more than |
1,2 | ||
Nickel 23 | The scrap parts of the pipeline systems.
Does not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel |
43−47 | ||
chrome |
14−17 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
3,9 | ||
titanium, not more than |
2,2 | ||
tungsten, not more than |
2,3 | ||
niobium, not more than |
1,4 | ||
Nickel 24 | The scrap parts of high-temperature systems petrochemical equipment.
Does not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel |
48−57 | ||
chrome |
17−35 | ||
tungsten, not more than |
6,5 | ||
niobium, not more than |
2,8 | ||
molybdenum, not more |
6,0 | ||
aluminium not more than |
5,0 | ||
cobalt, not more |
16,0 | ||
Nickel 25 | Scrap and waste discs and turbine blades
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel |
55−68 | ||
chrome |
8,5−29 | ||
titanium, not more than |
2,9 | ||
tungsten, not more than |
16,0 | ||
molybdenum, not more |
11,5 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
4,9 | ||
niobium, not more than |
5,0 | ||
Nickel 26 | Scrap and waste disks and turbine blades, parts of gas systems and pipes.
Do not contain other metals and alloys. | |
The mass of the individual pieces, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Nickel |
72−78 | ||
chrome |
13−23 | ||
molybdenum, not more |
3,2 | ||
niobium, not more than |
2,2 | ||
titanium, not more than |
2,8 | ||
Note — the Scrap of alloy steels and alloys, which chemical composition can not be attributed to the types of table 11, it is necessary to collect and put on marks in accordance with the regulations. |
Table 12 — waste and Scrap of tin and tin-lead alloys
The form of scrap metal |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
Tin 1 | Scrap and lump wastes of tin: bars, rods, wire, tape, bearings.
Not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
The size of the individual pieces, mm, not more |
200 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
tin, not less |
96,43 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,1 | ||
antimony, not more than |
0,5 | ||
Tin 2 | Scrap and lump wastes of tin: bearings for diesel engines, turbines, propeller shafts etc. Brands: |
Not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
The size of the individual pieces, mm, not more |
200 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
tin, not less |
80,9 | ||
antimony, not more than |
12,0 | ||
copper, no more |
6,5 | ||
cadmium, not more than |
1,2 | ||
Nickel, not more than |
0,25 | ||
lead, not more than |
1,5 | ||
Tin 3 | Scrap and lump wastes of tin-lead alloys with high lead content: typographic font, of bearings (babbit), solders.
Not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
The size of the individual pieces, mm, not more |
200 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
tin, not less |
1,5 | ||
antimony, not more than |
17,0 | ||
copper, no more |
2,0 | ||
Nickel, not more than |
0,5 | ||
lead, not more than |
63 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,1 | ||
Tin 4 | Hooks cathode and grid of the tubs tinning | Not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
Tin 5 | Shavings of tin and tin-lead alloys.
Does not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
96 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
4 | ||
including iron, %, not more |
1,5 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
tin, not less |
80 | ||
lead, not more than |
1,5 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,1 | ||
Tin 6 | Shavings tin-lead alloys combined.
Does not contain other metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
95 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
5 | ||
including iron, %, not more |
1,5 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
tin, not less |
5,5 | ||
antimony, not more than |
17,0 | ||
copper, no more |
2,0 | ||
Nickel, not more than |
0,5 | ||
lead, not more than |
63 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,1 | ||
Tin 7 | Scrap tinplate | Not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. |
By agreement of the parties. |
The tin content, % mass, not less than |
3 | ||
Tin 8 | Scrap and waste tin cans and tin containers |
Not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
By agreement of the parties. |
The tin content, % mass, not less than |
1 | ||
Tin 9 | Asgari, releases, powders of alloys | By agreement of the parties. | |
Not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
95 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
5 | ||
The tin content, % mass, not less than |
60 | ||
Tin 10 | Sludge, slag and other waste and scrap containing tin | By agreement of the parties. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
85 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
15 | ||
including iron, % |
8 | ||
The tin content, % mass, not less than |
1 |
Table 13 — Waste mercury and its compounds
View |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
Mercury 1 | Mercury worked metal spilled from the out of operation of rectifiers and devices.
Mercury content, % of mass., not less than | 95 |
Contamination of dissolved metals, organic compounds and mechanical impurities, % wt., no more |
5 | ||
Mercury 2 | Mercury worked the metal in the devices, out-of-use, including thermometers | Mercury content, % of mass., not less than | 70 |
Contamination of dissolved metals, wt.%, no more |
30 | ||
Mercury 3 | Solid waste of mercury in pharmaceutical and chemical industries with inclusions of metallic mercury | Mercury content, % of mass., not less than | 30 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
70 | ||
Mercury 4 | Bulk mercury-containing waste engineering, electrical and other industries.
Mercury content, % of mass., not less than | 2 |
Mercury 5 | Mercury-containing sludge from various industries, containing metallic mercury and mercury compounds, flooring granite breaking, lining | Firm, uniform in size. | |
Mercury content, % of mass., not less than |
0,5 | ||
The moisture content of sludge, % mass, no more |
30 | ||
Mercury 6 | Lamps with a mercury filling. Solutions containing mercury and waste mercury |
Mercury content, % of mass., not less than | 0,3 |
Table 14 — waste and Scrap of lead and its alloys
View metal scrap |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
Lead 1 (Racks)* | Lump waste of non-alloy of lead: waste plates, strips, sheets, tubes, roles of wire.
Not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead, not less |
99 | ||
antimony, arsenic and tin in an amount not more than |
0,25 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
Lead 2 | Scrap lead alloyed: plates, strips, sheets, tubes, roles of wire.
Does not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
including iron, % |
1 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead, not less |
99 | ||
antimony, arsenic and tin in an amount of not more than |
0,25 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
Lead 3 | Waste pieces of lead antimony from the production of cable sheath, lining of chemical plant and equipment; manufacture of profiles, valves, pipe, shot, printing alloys shaped castings.
Not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
95 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
5 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead, not less |
88 | ||
antimony, not more than |
12 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
Lead 4 | Scrap lead from the production of antimony cable sheath, lining of chemical plant and equipment; manufacture of profiles, valves, pipe, shot, printing alloys shaped castings.
Does not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
90 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
including iron, % |
3 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead, not less |
88 | ||
antimony, not more than |
12 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
Lead 5 | Bulk waste from the calcium babbits used for pouring bearings.
Not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
93 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
7 | ||
including iron, % |
3 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead, not less |
94 | ||
calcium, not more than |
1,15 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
Lead 6 (Roses)* |
Scrap calcium babbits. Brands: |
Does not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
85 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
15 | ||
including iron, % |
5 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead, not less |
94 | ||
calcium, not more than |
1,15 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
Lead 7 | Scrap and lump wastes mixed: non-alloy lead antimony and lead calcium babbits.
Not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
85 | ||
Contamination, % wt., not more than, % |
15 | ||
including iron, % |
5 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead, not less |
80 | ||
calcium, not more than |
1,15 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
Lead 8 | Chips of lead and lead alloys.
Does not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead, not less |
99,3 | ||
antimony, not more than |
0,25 | ||
copper, no more |
0,1 | ||
tin, not more than |
0,1 | ||
magnesium, not more |
0,1 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
Lead 9 | Chips of lead and antimony babbits.
Does not contain other non-ferrous metals and alloys. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
90 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
including iron, % |
3 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead, not less |
86 | ||
antimony, not more than |
12 | ||
calcium, not more than |
1,15 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
The Lead 10 (The Rains)* |
Scrap lead-acid batteries and batteries in ebonite monoblocks.
Undivided, with the electrolyte. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
50 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
50 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead, not less |
87 | ||
antimony, not more than |
12 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
Lead 11 (The Rains)* | Scrap lead-acid batteries and batteries in thermoplastic monoblocks.
Undivided, with the electrolyte. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
55 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
45 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead, not less |
87 | ||
antimony, not more than |
12 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
Lead 12 (The Rains)* | Scrap lead-acid batteries and batteries in polypropylene monoblocks.
Undivided, with the electrolyte. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
55 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
45 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead, not less |
87 | ||
antimony, not more than |
12 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
Lead 13 | The scrap lead-acid batteries and rechargeable batteries mixed | Undivided, with the electrolyte. | |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
50 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
50 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead, not less |
87 | ||
antimony, not more than |
12 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
By agreement of the parties |
The Lead 14 (Rails)* |
Scrap and lump wastes of lead battery plates |
Without monoblocs, covers, separators, rubber. | |
The content of metal, % mass., not less than |
75 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
25 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead, not less |
87 | ||
antimony, not more than |
12 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
Lead 15 (Rakes)* | Scrap and lump wastes of lead battery lugs |
Without plates, AIO, covers, separators, rubber. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
97 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead, not less |
87 | ||
antimony, not more than |
12 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
Lead 16 | The battery slurries | Metal content, % wt., not less than |
60 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
40 | ||
including moisture, % wt., no more |
15 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead and antimony in an amount not less |
60 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
Lead 17 (Rents)* | Sludge, slag, litharge, pasta, drawings, ishare, dust, ash and other waste and scrap containing lead | Metal content, % wt., not less than | 10 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
30 | ||
including moisture, % wt., no more |
15 | ||
iron, %, not more |
2 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
lead and antimony in an amount not less |
10 | ||
bismuth, not more |
0,03 | ||
By agreement of the parties |
* In brackets are the names of foreign counterparts of the form of scrap metal. The corresponding names of species are listed according to [1] and is given only as reference. |
Table 15 — waste and Scrap of titanium and its alloys
View |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
Titan 1 | Scrap and lump wastes of titanium-alloy: housing filters, vacuum filters and thickeners, pumping and valving, tanks, columns and heat exchange equipment, ducts, flues, piping, sheet metal, trimming, cutting and alsecco.
Scrap the split. Without ferrous metals, oil, emulsions and water. | |
The surface should be non-oxidized, no cracks, explosions, bundles. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
99 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
1 | ||
Weight of each piece, kg |
0,1−250 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Titan, no less |
98 | ||
silicon, not more than |
0,1 | ||
iron, not more |
0,25 | ||
Titan 2 | Scrap and lump wastes of titanium alloys that do not contain tin: turbine blades, wire, rods, exhaust and inlet valves, rocker valves and silencers for diesel and automotive engines, load-bearing structures of vehicles, chassis of vehicles, heating coils, motors, vehicles, medical equipment.
Scrap the split. Without ferrous metals, oil, emulsions and water. | |
The surface should be non-oxidized, no cracks, explosions, bundles. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
99 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
1 | ||
Weight of each piece, kg |
0,1−250 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Titan, no less |
76,8 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
7,0 | ||
vanadium, not more |
5,5 | ||
molybdenum, not more |
5,5 | ||
zirconium, not more |
3,0 | ||
silicon, not more than |
0,4 | ||
iron, not more |
1,5 | ||
Titan 3 | Scrap and lump wastes of titanium alloys doped with tin: mining equipment (punches hand).
Scrap the split. Without ferrous metals, oil, emulsions and water. | |
The surface should be non-oxidized, no cracks, explosions, bundles. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
99 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
1 | ||
Weight of each piece, kg, not more |
250 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Titan, no less |
88,7 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
6,0 | ||
vanadium, not more |
1,0 | ||
tin, not more than |
3,0 | ||
zirconium, not more |
0,3 | ||
silicon, not more than |
0,12 | ||
iron, not more |
0,3 | ||
Titan 4 | Sheet scraps of titanium and titanium alloys.
Without ferrous metals, oil, emulsions and water. | |
The surface should be non-oxidized, no cracks, explosions, bundles. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
99 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
1 | ||
The size of the piece, mm, not more |
60х60х60 | ||
Dimensions of the briquette, mm, not more |
600x600x600 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Titan, no less |
76,8 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
7,0 | ||
vanadium, not more |
5,5 | ||
molybdenum, not more |
5,5 | ||
zirconium, not more |
3,0 | ||
silicon, not more than |
0,4 | ||
iron, not more |
1,5 | ||
Briquetted material supply by agreement |
Titan 5 | Shavings of titanium and titanium alloys.
Without ferrous metals, rubble, non magnetic tools, oil, emulsions and water. | |
No visible tint. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
99 | ||
Contamination, % wt., no more |
1 | ||
The length of the coil, mm |
20−100 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
Titan, no less |
76,8 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
7,0 | ||
vanadium, not more |
5,5 | ||
molybdenum, not more |
5,5 | ||
zirconium, not more |
3,0 | ||
silicon, not more than |
0,4 | ||
iron, not more |
1,5 | ||
Titan 6 | Wastes of metallurgical production with high content of gas or not having a constant chemical composition: cinders, the battle of consumable electrodes, donnici, crown, foundry, spiski, tires, etc. |
By agreement of the parties | - |
Titan 7 | Bulk waste and leaf trimmings, the press remains; ingots and semi-finished products from titanium alloys, rejected on chemical composition or mechanical properties |
By agreement of the parties | - |
Table 16 — waste and Scrap zinc and its alloys
The form of scrap metal |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
Zinc 1 (Screen)* |
Lump waste of non-alloy zinc: foil, trannie leaves, waste from punching, trimming sheets, tapes, wires, pipes, anodes.
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 99 |
The content of non-metallic impurities, % wt., no more |
1 | ||
Contains no tinning, soldering, rust. |
The chunk-size in the maximum dimension, mm, not more |
1000 | ||
The mass of the piece, kg, not more |
100 | ||
Weight of package, kg, not more |
250 | ||
Zinc engraving and printing machines, lithographic sheets, adresovana plate supply by agreement of the parties. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
zinc, not less |
99,95 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,02 | ||
cadmium, not more than |
0,01 | ||
iron, not more |
0,01 | ||
Zinc 2 (Into Scabs)* |
Scrap of non-alloy zinc: scrap, rolled zinc, the details of Avia — and auto-devices, chemical current sources; typographical clichés.
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 98 |
Contains no tinning, soldering, rust and coatings. |
Contamination by metallic impurities, % wt., no more |
2 | ||
The chunk-size in the maximum dimension, mm, not more |
1000 | ||
The mass of the piece, kg, not more |
100 | ||
Weight of package, kg, not more |
250 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
zinc, not less |
97,5 | ||
lead, not more than |
2,0 | ||
cadmium, not more than |
0,2 | ||
iron, not more |
0,1 | ||
Zinc 3 | Waste and scrap of zinc alloys containing aluminum and copper: bearing races, separators of rolling bearings, shell tube, bushings, bushing balancing pendants, sliders, worm gears, carburetors, Souvenirs, consumer goods.
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 97 |
The contamination harmless impurities, % wt., no more |
3 | ||
The chunk-size in the maximum dimension, mm, not more |
1000 | ||
The mass of the piece, kg, not more |
250 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
zinc, not less |
82 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
12 | ||
copper, no more |
5,5 | ||
magnesium, not more |
0,1 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,03 | ||
iron, not more |
0,15 | ||
Zinc 4 | Scrap and lump wastes of zinc alloys containing aluminum and copper, with inclusions of: scrap bimetallic products, waste bimetallic strip.
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 85 |
The contamination harmless impurities, % wt., no more |
15 | ||
including iron, % |
2 | ||
The chunk-size in the maximum dimension, mm, not more |
1000 | ||
The mass of the piece, kg, not more |
250 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
zinc, not less |
82 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
12 | ||
copper, no more |
5,5 | ||
magnesium, not more |
0,1 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,03 | ||
iron, not more |
0,15 | ||
Zinc 5 (Scribe)* |
The product of crushing of the hull, reinforcing, ornamental parts of cars and tractors: housings carburetors, pumps, speedometer frames, radiator grille, handles. Brands: |
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 55 |
Contamination, % wt., no more |
45 | ||
including free iron, copper, aluminum, etc. nonferrous metals, %, not more |
5 | ||
Material includes other non-ferrous metals, trash, dirt, glass, rubber, oil, iron. |
The chunk-size in the maximum dimension, mm, not more |
1000 | ||
The mass of the piece, kg, not more |
250 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
zinc, not less |
91.9 per | ||
aluminium, not more than |
4,3 | ||
copper, no more |
3,5 | ||
magnesium, not more |
0,1 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,02 | ||
iron, not more |
0,1 | ||
Zinc 6 (Scull)* | Cast blocks or ingots of zinc: fused cast materials based on zinc | Metal content, % wt., not less than | 90 |
The contamination harmless impurities, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
Unit weight, kg, not more |
100 | ||
The supply of blocks is carried out by mutual agreement of the parties. |
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
zinc, not less |
97,5 | ||
lead, not more than |
2,0 | ||
cadmium, not more than |
0,2 | ||
iron, not more |
0,1 | ||
Zinc 7 (Scope)* | Scrap zinc alloy with plating, no rust |
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 90 |
The contamination harmless impurities, % wt., no more |
10 | ||
The chunk-size in the maximum dimension, mm, not more |
1000 | ||
The mass of the piece, kg, not more |
250 | ||
Zinc 8 | Scrap and lump wastes of zinc alloys mixed |
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 55 |
The contamination harmless impurities, % wt., no more |
50 | ||
including iron, % |
20 | ||
The chunk-size in the maximum dimension, mm, not more |
1000 | ||
The mass of the piece, kg, not more |
250 | ||
Zinc 9 | Shavings of zinc and zinc alloys. Brands: |
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 85 |
The contamination harmless impurities, % wt., no more |
15 | ||
including: iron |
3 | ||
oil, moisture and other non-metallic materials |
12 | ||
The chunk-size in the maximum dimension, mm, not more |
1000 | ||
The mass of the piece, kg, not more |
250 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
zinc, not less |
91.9 per | ||
aluminium, not more than |
4,3 | ||
copper, no more |
3,5 | ||
magnesium, not more |
0,1 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,02 | ||
iron, not more |
0,1 | ||
Zinc 10 (Seal Seam)* |
Getting | Metal content, % wt., not less than | 92 |
The contamination harmless impurities, % wt., no more |
8 | ||
The chunk-size in the maximum dimension, mm, not more |
1000 | ||
The mass of the piece, kg, not more |
250 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
zinc, not less |
90 | ||
iron, not more |
5 | ||
lead, not more than |
0,5 | ||
Zinc 11 (Shelf)* | Dross zinc, drosses, releases | Naplavlenie, without flux, smooth, shiny, no corrosion. |
Metal content, % wt., not less than |
70 | ||
The contamination harmless impurities, % wt., no more |
30 | ||
The chunk-size in the maximum dimension, mm, not more |
1000 | ||
The mass of the piece, kg, not more |
250 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
zinc, not less |
85 | ||
lead, not more than |
2,0 | ||
aluminium, not more than |
1,5 | ||
iron, not more |
1,5 | ||
Zinc 12 | Dross zinc-lead. Powdery material with lumpy inclusions containing oxides, silicates and aluminates |
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 50 |
The contamination harmless impurities, % wt., no more |
50 | ||
The chunk-size in the maximum dimension, mm, not more |
1000 | ||
The mass of the piece, kg, not more |
250 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
zinc, not less |
30 | ||
lead, not more than |
10 | ||
chlorine, not more than |
0,5 | ||
fluorine, not more than |
0,01 | ||
Zinc 13 | Other waste, including scrap batteries |
Metal content, % wt., not less than | 20 |
The contamination harmless impurities, % wt., no more |
80 | ||
The chunk-size in the maximum dimension, mm, not more |
1000 | ||
The mass of the piece, kg, not more |
250 | ||
The chemical composition of representative samples, % wt.: |
zinc, not less |
20 | ||
chlorine, not more than |
0,1 | ||
fluorine, not more than |
0,01 | ||
* In brackets are the names of foreign counterparts of the form of scrap metal. The corresponding names of species are listed according to [1] and is given only as reference. |
Table 17 — Waste bimetals
The form of scrap metal |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
The bimetals 1 | Waste steel with a plating layer: aluminum and its alloys, copper and copper alloys, Nickel and Nickel alloys |
By agreement of the parties. In bulk, in packages, rolls, coils, bundles, bundles |
- |
Bimetals 2 | Waste aluminium and its alloys with cladding layer: titanium, copper, aluminum, silumin, steel |
By agreement of the parties. In bulk, in packages, rolls, coils, bundles, bundles |
- |
The bimetals 3 | Waste of copper and its alloys plating layer: Nickel, steel |
By agreement of the parties. In bulk, in packages, rolls, coils, bundles, bundles |
- |
The bimetal 4 | Wastes of Nickel and its alloys with cladding layer: aluminium and its alloys |
By agreement of the parties. In bulk, in packages, rolls, coils, bundles, bundles |
- |
The bimetals 5 | Waste of lead and its alloys with a cladding layer of: tin and its alloys |
By agreement of the parties. In bulk, in packages, rolls, coils, bundles, bundles |
- |
Bimetals 6 | Waste other non-ferrous metals and alloys with cladding layer |
By agreement of the parties. In bulk, in packages, rolls, coils, bundles, bundles |
- |
Table 18 — Complex scrap
The form of scrap metal |
Feature | Figure | The norm |
Scrap difficult 1 | Leaded cable and copper wires in polyethylene, polystyrene and rubber insulation | Without armor in coils, bundles or pieces. | |
The content of non-ferrous metals, wt.%, not less than |
56 | ||
Length, m, not more |
1,5 | ||
Scrap complex 2 | Leaded cables and wires with aluminium conductors with paper insulation | Without armor in coils, bundles or pieces. | |
The content of non-ferrous metals, wt.%, not less than |
82 | ||
Length, m, not more |
1,5 | ||
Scrap complex 3 | Cable with aluminum sheath and copper core | Without armor in coils, bundles or pieces. |
The content of non-ferrous metals, wt.%, not less than |
86 | ||
Length, m, not more |
1,5 | ||
Scrap complex 4 | Lead bullets with cupro-Nickel or bimetallic shell | Sorted. Packed. | |
The weight of one piece, kg, not less |
40 | ||
Scrap complex 5 | Nickel-cadmium batteries and battery | Undivided electrolytic in steel and plastic banks. |
By agreement of the parties. |
Nickel content, % mass, not less than |
9,5 | ||
Scrap complex 6 | Nickel-iron batteries | The undivided with the electrolyte. |
By agreement of the parties. |
Nickel content, % mass, not less than |
7,0 | ||
Scrap complex 7 | Aluminum scrap and waste after the removal of selenium | By agreement of the parties. | |
The content of selenium, wt.%, no more |
0,05 | ||
Scrap complex 8 | Copper tube with aluminium | The content of copper, % mass., less |
70 |
The aluminum content, wt.%, less |
30 | ||
Note — scrap and waste of aluminium coated with selenium, the selenium needs to be removed to a residual content of 0.05% mass., in place of lomoobrazovanija. |
8 security Requirements
8.1 General provisions
8.1.1 Scrap and waste, and deliver to the company or shipped from the plant, have to be radiation tested for explosiveness, control of contamination with harmful chemical substances.
8.1.2 Each vehicle scrap metal shall be accompanied by a document on the radiation and explosion safety. Form of the certificate on the radiation and explosion of scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys are given in Appendix A.
8.2 Requirements for radiation safety
8.2.1 Radiation scrap and waste shall not exceed the limits specified by requirements of normative documents, accepted on the territory of the States parties to the Agreement.
8.2.2 Radiation monitoring of scrap metal should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of normative documents adopted in the territory of States-parties to the Agreement, as well as instructions for carrying out radiation control of the company, duly approved.
8.2.3 Not allowed collection, storage and processing of radioactively contaminated scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys.
The seizure, keeping and temporary storage of radioactively contaminated scrap metal fragments carried out in accordance with the requirements of normative documents, accepted on the territory of the States parties to the Agreement.
8.2.4 Decontamination of scrap and waste, contaminated with radioactive substances by specialized enterprise having license to carry out these works, on the basis of contracts (agreements) with enterprises carrying out operations with scrap metal.
Collection, harvesting and processing of scrap and waste that have been decontaminated, can be done only with the appropriate document on decontamination.
8.2.5 Scrap and waste formed at the enterprises using in the production process, radioactive substances, as well as vehicles, in which transport of such scrap should undergo decontamination and be accompanied by the documents on decontamination.
In the absence of documents on the decontamination of the enterprise collectors shall not accept such waste and scrap.
8.3 Requirements on chemical safety
8.3.1 When working with scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys must be considered: the nature of the impact on the human body of harmful substances emitted and formed in the process of harvesting and processing scrap and waste of nonferrous metals and alloys, the hazard class and the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of harmful substances in working zone air and drinking water established by the GOST 12.1.005, GOST 12.1.007, GOST 2874, as indicated in table 19.
Table 19 — Influence of harmful substances on the human body
The name of the metal and its compounds | The nature of the impact on the human body | The way Pronino- veniya |
Class risk- ness |
MPC of harmful substances |
Maximum permissible concentrations in drinking water, mg/DM |
Aluminium and its alloys (in terms of aluminum) |
Dust causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth, lung (lung aluminas) |
Respiratory | III | 2 | 0,5 |
Tungsten, tungsten carbide and silicide | The dust causes a disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract, irritation of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Wounds from injections wire heal with difficulty |
Respiratory | IV | 6 | - |
Tungsten-to- baldovie alloy with diamond admixture up to 5% |
The dust causes a disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract, irritation of the upper and lower respiratory tract |
Respiratory | III | 4 | - |
Cadmium and its inorganic compounds | Dust causes damage to the Central nervous system, internal organs, the violation of phosphoric-calcium metabolism, involvement of the gastrointestinal tract |
Respiratory | I | 0,05/0,01 | - |
Cobalt | The dust causes a disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism, changes in the structure and function of the thyroid gland, lesion of the cardiovascular system, the digestive tract |
Respiratory |
II | 0,5 | - |
Powdery wastes cause the occurrence of acute dermatitis |
Skin | ||||
Magnesium chlorate | Dust causes inflammatory and suppurative processes of the skin |
Skin | III | 5 | - |
Copper | Dust causes irritation of the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, functional disorders of the nervous system |
The respiratory system, the digestive intestinal tract |
II | 1,0/0,05 | 1,0 |
Molybdenum metal | Dust causes functional disorders of the nervous system, metabolic abnormalities |
The respiratory system, the digestive intestinal tract |
III | 3/0,5 | 0,25 |
Nickel, Nickel oxides, sulfides and mixtures of Nickel compounds | Dust has a toxic effect, causing disorder of the Central nervous system, lower blood pressure, cause allergic diseases of the skin. The pair of electrolytes, salts are carcinogenic (cancer of the bronchi, nose, lungs, stomach). Salts have toxic effects: skin lesion («Nickel eczema», «Nickel itch») |
The respiratory system, skin | I | 0,05 | - |
Tin and its oxide* | Dust causes lung disease, chronic bronchitis, respiratory insufficiency |
Respiratory | - | - | - |
Amorphous selenium | Toxic compounds cause liver, kidney and Central nervous system; salts cause burns and dermatitis |
Digestive tract, skin |
Ill | 2 | 0,01 |
Lead and its inorganic compounds (lead-free) | The dust causes a disturbance of metabolic processes, nervous system, anemia, peptic ulcer disease, a violation of the energy balance of the cells |
The respiratory system, the digestive tract | I | 0,01/0,005 | 0,03 |
Titanium and its dioxide | Dust causes respiratory irritation |
Respiratory | IV | 10 | - |
Zinc oxide | Dust causes disease of the upper respiratory tract, changes in digestive tract |
The respiratory system, the digestive intestinal tract |
II | 0,5 | 5,0 |
Mercury metal | Pair cause disturbance of calcium metabolism, blood changes, reduced immune function, Central nervous system, digestive tract, upper respiratory tract |
The respiratory system, the digestive intestinal tract, mucosa, skin |
I | 0,01/0,005 | - |
Inorganic mercury compounds (mercury) | The dust causes a disturbance of calcium metabolism, blood changes, reduced immune function, Central nervous system, digestive tract, upper respiratory tract |
The respiratory system, the digestive intestinal tract, mucosa, skin |
I | 0,2/0,05 | - |
Note — hazard Classes: I class of hazard — extremely hazardous substances; II hazard class — highly hazardous substances; III class of hazard — moderately hazardous substances; Hazard class IV — low hazard substances. * Figures are specified in reference [3]. |
8.3.2 Indicators of climate and permissible content of harmful substances in the air of working zone must comply with the General hygiene requirements of GOST
8.3.3 Control of content of harmful substances in the air of the working zone must be carried out according to the requirements of GOST 12.1.005 and GOST
Analysis of air samples should be carried out by the techniques developed in accordance with GOST 12.1.016, GOST 8.010 and approved by the Ministry of health of the state-party to the Agreement.
8.3.4 Analysis of drinking water levels of aluminum, copper, molybdenum should be carried out to GOST 18165, 4388 GOST, GOST 18308, respectively, for lead and zinc — according to GOST 18293.
8.3.5 work with the waste containing mercury must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of normative documents, accepted on the territory of the States parties to the Agreement.
8.3.6 Waste containing mercury must be free of compounds with high explosive and radioactive properties. Waste mercury containing toxic substances (fluoride, chloride, arsenic etc.) shall be subjected to neutralization by the supplier.
It is forbidden to collect and harvest the sludge from sulfuric acid plants, which contain mercury.
8.3.7 When working with scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys that have a toxic effect on the human body, you must use a respirator type «Petal» according to GOST 12.4.028, or similar means of protection of respiratory organs.
When working with mercury and dusting of waste it is necessary to use filter gas respirator brand of the RPG-67 with a cartridge G grade according to GOST 12.4.004 and a respirator «Petal» according to GOST
8.3.8 To prevent the ingress of dust, solid particles on the mucous membrane of the eye must wear protective goggles of the type AT-2, AT-3 according to GOST
8.3.9 When working with waste tungsten, cobalt, magnesium, Nickel, providing allergic effects, it is necessary to use gloves according to GOST 12.4.010, dermatological protective equipment (preventive ointments, pastes, etc.) according to GOST
In waste management of cadmium need to wear gloves on regulations and aprons according to GOST
8.3.10 personal protective equipment working with scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys shall conform to requirements of normative documents, accepted on the territory of the States parties to the Agreement.
8.3.11 the Premises in the places of loading and unloading of scrap and waste, with harmful effects on the human body should be equipped with local suction according to GOST
8.3.12 Production facilities must comply with the requirements of normative documents adopted in the territory of States-parties to the Agreement.
8.3.13 safety Requirements during loading and unloading robots and transport scrap and waste of nonferrous metals and alloys shall meet the requirements of GOST
8.3.14 During storage and transportation of scrap and waste of nonferrous metals and alloys should be secured to prevent spillage, and spillage of toxic and hazardous substances.
8.3.15 recycling, Disposal and destruction of hazardous substances must be conducted in accordance with the rules approved in the established order.
8.4 Requirements for explosion protection
8.4.1 When working with scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys it is necessary to consider the hazardous properties of certain types of waste non-ferrous metals and alloys, as well as explosiveness foreign substances (explosive devices), which are randomly unable to get to the scrap during its collection and preparation.
8.4.2 fire and explosion hazard wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys, as well as means of extinguishing are specified in table 20.
Table 20
The name of the metal (alloy) | View pojarevska- hazardous substances |
Tempe temperature self- Flammability- change, °C |
Lower concentration |
Extinguishing agent |
Aluminium | Dust | 470 | 10 | Dry sand, alumina, magnesite powder |
Tungsten | Aerogel | 430 | - | Powder PGS-M, body quenching of argon |
Aerowaves |
717 | |||
Cadmium | Dust | 250 | 1000 | Powder PGS-M, body quenching of argon |
Aerogel |
250 | |||
Aerowaves |
570 | |||
Cobalt | Aerogel |
370 | - | Powder PGS-M, body quenching of argon |
Aerowaves |
760 | |||
Magnesium | Dust, powder | 420−140 | 10−20 | Dry sand, graphite, calcium fluoride, a mixture of chlorides and fluorides of alkali and alkaline earth metals, universal flux brand VI-2 |
Shavings, thin sheets |
510 | |||
Compact the material |
650 | |||
Copper | Aerogel | 270 | 7−400 | Powder PGS-M, body quenching of argon |
Aerowaves |
700 | |||
Bronze | Powder | 190 | 750 | Powder PGS-M, body quenching of argon |
Molybdenum | Dust, powder | 395 | 45 | Powder PGS-M, body quenching of argon |
Alloy Nickel-aluminum (with Nickel content of 40%) |
Powder | 570 | 35 | Powder PGS-M, body quenching of argon |
The alloy Nickel-titanium (with Nickel content of 20%) |
Powder | 150 | 10 | Powder PGS-M, body quenching of argon |
Tin |
Dust | 430 | 190 | Dry sand, powder PGS-M, body quenching of argon |
Aerogel |
520 | 220 | ||
Aerowaves |
660 | 220 | ||
Titan | Dust, small chips | 320−590 | 13−50 | Graphite, talc powder, PGS-M, body quenching of argon, dry sand, powder composition PH |
Zinc | Dust | 460 | 480 | Water, lime, powder PGS-M, body quenching of argon |
Aerogel |
310 | |||
Aerowaves |
600 |
8.4.3 Industrial premises and places of storage of explosive and flammable substances must comply with the fire safety requirements according to GOST 12.1.004, explosion protection according to GOST 12.1.010 and shall be equipped with signs of fire according to GOST 12.4.026, fire-extinguishing means according to GOST 12.4.009 and fire alarm systems.
8.4.4 Production facilities in places of formation of harmful substances, explosive dust, and flammable substances must be equipped with ventilation according to GOST 12.4.021 separated from sources of fire, explosion and open fire thus to ensure that:
a) the implementation of sanitary-hygienic requirements for working zone air according to GOST 12.1.005;
b) sealing of equipment and communications.
8.4.5 air Ducts to remove dust titanium and magnesium should have a smooth internal surface with no pockets or hollows.
8.4.6 To remove static electricity pilipienko and ducting installations should be grounded, executed and marked in accordance with GOST
8.4.7 Prohibited to perform welding or hot works in close proximity to places of storage of the chips of magnesium and magnesium alloys, chips of titanium and titanium alloys.
8.4.8 it is Not allowed the presence of explosive items (explosive foreign substances) in the scrap. Businesses and organizations, zagotavlivali, processing and refiner scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys, as well as ship or producing an overload of scrap metal at ports and other points, must:
a) inspect all scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys, the explosion.
Warning — random inspection of scrap and waste of nonferrous metals and alloys explosion-not allowed;
b) remove scrap and waste of all items that contain explosive, combustible, and flammable substances.
All work on the identification and destruction of explosive objects (substances) must be performed in accordance with the requirements of normative documents adopted in the territory of States-parties to the Agreement.
8.4.9 control over the explosion of scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys is carried out at:
— shipment;
— the opening of wagons, containers, inspection, scrap and waste shipped by any mode of transport;
— sorting lines, tables, floors;
— packaging;
— loading scrap processing equipment;
— fire and mechanical cutting.
8.4.10 Unloading and verification of explosion safety scrap and waste of nonferrous metals and alloys, received by the company and the removal of explosive ordnance (except ordnance uncleared) shall be carried out under the guidance of pyrotechnics or the Comptroller of scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals, trained and having corresponding certificate.
Before you start working to remove explosive hazards, workers must be instructed in accordance with established procedure on precautionary measures in the conduct of these works. Work performed after issuance of permit to carry out works. The permit must be issued in accordance with Annex B.
8.4.11 When the transfer of the charge (scrap and waste of nonferrous metals and alloys) in metallurgical processing, the supervisor should make a note on explosion of the charge in the documents on this lot.
8.4.12 the Scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals, alloys and neutralized items must meet the following requirements:
1) explosives and blasting agents must be dismantled and must not have charges, igniters, detonators, gunpowder gaskets and other explosive objects (substances);
2) artillery shells and shells of small arms must be free and capsule GalvanoTechnik bushings and should not have neposrednih caps and residue;
3) the airplane scrap and scrap military equipment should be exempt from fuel and lubricants, liquids, ammunition, hollow objects, explosive assemblies, components and parts, shock absorbers, etc.;
4) rocket motors, propellant gas generators and powder pressure accumulators should be exempt from squibs, powder charges, igniters or other explosive elements;
5) metal arrays and goats that were subjected to crushing by the explosion, should not have holes. All holes should be torn and burned or punched through;
6) containers of all types and sizes (tanks, barrels, etc.) must be cleared of content (including atmospheric precipitation) and is available for inspection of the inner surface.
Of a mouth of cylinders should be opened and their enclosure should be slotted second hole.
The tops and bottoms of the barrels and other containers must be opened;
7) banks, tanks and reservoirs under acids and flammable substances must be flushed with water or a alkaline solutions.
8.4.13 If, during inspection of scrap military equipment delivered by vehicle, discover uncleared explosives, scrap metal is not accepted by the consumer, on what is informed the representative of the enterprise laodecia that accompanies this vehicle. The representative of the enterprise lamedica obliged to call the specialists of the military unit to remove explosive uncleared items from this batch of scrap metal.
Upon detection of uncleared munitions scrap military equipment shipped by rail, the representative consumer is obliged to call the specialists of the military unit for the removal and disposal of these munitions.
8.4.14 In the event of the detection of uncleared munitions in the process of unloading and preparation for recycling of scrap and waste of nonferrous metals and alloys further work with this party to suspend, place munitions fence, install a warning sign, taken under heavy guard company. Then the enterprise-the consumer is representative of a military unit for removal or destruction of uncleared ordnance.
8.4.15 Deactivation of the cylinders under gases and liquids of unknown origin was conducted by representatives of the military unit in the prescribed manner.
8.4.16 Cutting aircraft scrap and scrap military equipment and explosive ordnance disposal is carried out separately from the rest of the non-ferrous metals and alloys.
8.4.17 In the area of preparation and processing of scrap and waste of nonferrous metals and alloys should be organized and equipped with special stands with samples of the neutralized explosive devices, schemes, packages and description of safe work practices.
8.4.18 All work on the test scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals, alloys and their processing is carried out at a coverage of not less than 30 Lux.
8.4.19 If the parties scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys are explosive hazards the consumer is an act in accordance with Annex V.
The certificate shall be prepared in four copies and sent with a copy of the certificate of explosion safety scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys to the sender; technical labour inspector and trade Union, serving the enterprise, consumer as well as to the Prosecutor’s office.
8.4.20 the Scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys that have not been tested for explosion safety, should not be mixed with scrap and waste, authenticated.
8.4.21 All discovered uncleared explosive items must be registered in the Ledger uncleared items in accordance with Appendix D.
8.4.22 the Test scrap and waste of nonferrous metals and alloys, deposited by schools and hospitals, conduct company-consumers.
8.4.23 Discovered artillery shells and casings of small arms, containing the means of ignition (percussion cap sleeves, galvanic and galvanothermy tube, etc.) and remains of gunpowder taken in the presence of pyrotechnics (controller) that is sent to interim storage and disposal, providing them with protection.
8.4.24 Keep these shells in a specially equipped closed metal boxes in open areas that are fenced with barbed wire, or solid non-combustible fence not less than 2 m.
8.4.25 the location of sites should be coordinated with the local fire Department.
Platforms should be provided with fire-fighting equipment, in accordance with current fire regulations.
8.4.26 On the sites may only be carrying, styling and visual inspection of explosive objects. Other work to perform illegal, what should alert the relevant posters and safety signs according to GOST
8.4.27 the Admission of workers to the site is permitted only in the presence of pyrotechnics (controller).
8.4.28 explosives (except ammunition uncleared) must be stored in special storage facilities equipped in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations.
In the storage of explosive items must be in a stable position precluding them from falling.
8.4.29 Explosive items shall be kept not more than 15 days, during which time they must be neutralized or destroyed by representatives of the military unit in the prescribed manner.
8.4.30 is Forbidden to use open fire and to carry out gas-welding works in storage, and also on distance less than 30 m from them.
8.4.31 Discovered in a batch of scrap and waste of nonferrous metals and alloys explosive items (tubes, coils, vessels, tanks, cylinders, dampers, barrel, etc.) should be moved under the supervision of pyrotechnics (controller) on the allotted plot for disposal.
9 the requirements of environmental protection
9.1 Protection of atmospheric air and control the content of harmful substances generated during the execution of works with scrap metal, must be carried out in accordance with GOST
Harmful substances in the form of gas and dust to capture and neutralize in a special powder-gas purification facilities.
9.2 Waste water generated at work with scrap metal, must be cleaned and to withdraw in accordance with the requirements of normative documents, accepted on the territory of the States parties to the Agreement.
9.3 Protection of soil from pollution by industrial waste must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST
9.4 Temporary storage, transportation, disposal and recycling of industrial waste generated when working with scrap metal, must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of normative documents, accepted on the territory of the States parties to the Agreement.
10 Marking
10.1 Each packing unit must be supplied with a label showing:
— the name (scrap).
— the designation of this standard (GOST 1639−2009);
— the designation of scrap and waste (table 2−18);
— alloy grade or designation number of alloy grades (if delivery of brand specific alloy agreed between the consumer and the supplier).
The ways of marking and securing the label must ensure their safety during transportation and storage of scrap metal.
10.2 marking Transport scrap and waste of nonferrous metals and alloys according to GOST 14192 with the obligatory indication of the hazard class according to GOST 19433.
11. Packing
11.1 Packaging of scrap and waste of aluminium and its alloys:
a) scrap and lump wastes deliver without packaging, excluding scrap and waste of aluminium coated with selenium, which is Packed in thick wooden boxes according to GOST 2991, GOST 5959;
b) cable and wire scrap tied into the Bay, the rolls, the bundles in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26653;
C) chips deliver without packaging.
Allowed by agreement of the parties to pack the chips into packages or briquettes in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26653;
g) crushed scrap is Packed in paper bags according to GOST 2226 or polyethylene bags according to GOST 17811;
d) toxins, releases, drosses, foam, fly ash, residues from refining aluminum alloys deliver without packaging.
11.2 Packaging of scrap and waste of tungsten, its alloys and other chemical compounds that contain tungsten:
a) scrap and lump wastes supply without packing;
b) powdery, pulverized waste is packaged in paper bags according to GOST 2226 or polyethylene bags according to GOST 17811, and then the bags are Packed in tight wooden boxes according to GOST 2991, GOST 5959.
Packaging in steel barrels according to GOST 6247, thin-walled steel drums for chemical products according to GOST 5044, soft and specialized containers according to the normative documents (ND);
C) pasty waste is packaged in steel thin-walled drums for chemical products according to GOST 5044;
d) chips, the wire is packaged in a wooden shaturnyi barrels according to GOST 8777.
May be Packed in other containers agreed with the customer.
11.3 Packaging of scrap and waste cadmium:
a) scrap and lump wastes are Packed in tight wooden boxes according to GOST 2991, GOST 5959;
b) powdery, pulverized waste is packaged in paper bags according to GOST 2226 or polyethylene bags according to GOST 17811, and then the bags are Packed in tight wooden boxes according to GOST 2991, GOST 5959.
Packaging in steel barrels according to GOST 6247, thin-walled steel drums for chemical products according to GOST 5044, soft and specialised containers in ND.
May be Packed in other containers agreed with the customer.
11.4 Packaging of scrap and waste cobalt:
a) scrap and lump wastes are Packed in tight wooden boxes according to GOST 2991, GOST 5959; shaturnyi in wooden barrels according to GOST 8777, specialized containers for ND, universal containers according to GOST 18477;
b) powdery, pulverized waste is packaged in paper bags according to GOST 2226 or polyethylene bags according to GOST 17811, and then the bags are Packed in tight wooden boxes according to GOST 2991, GOST 5959.
Packaging in steel barrels according to GOST 6247, thin-walled steel drums for chemical products according to GOST 5044, soft and specialised containers in ND.
May be Packed in other containers agreed with the customer.
11.5 Packaging of scrap and waste products of magnesium and its alloys:
a) scrap and lump wastes are Packed in steel drums of ND, universal containers according to GOST 18477. May be Packed in other containers in agreement with the consumer;
b) chips are Packed in steel drums of ND or other sealed container, which protects the chip from moisture.
11.6 Packaging of scrap and waste of copper, bronze, brass:
a) scrap and lump wastes supply without packing;
b) cable and wire scrap is associated at Bay, rolls, coils, packages in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26653.
Note — Packaged scrap shall not contain aluminum, lead and other nonferrous metals;
C) chips deliver without packaging.
Allowed by agreement of the parties to pack the chips into packages or briquettes in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26653;
d) toxins, releases, furnace granite breaking deliver without packaging.
11.7 Packaging scrap and waste molybdenum, its alloys, chemical compounds containing molybdenum:
a) scrap and lump wastes supply without packing;
b) put the chips without packaging;
C) powdered, pulverized waste is packaged in paper bags according to GOST 2226 or polyethylene bags according to GOST 17811, and then the bags are Packed in tight wooden boxes according to GOST 2991, GOST 5959;
d) paste-like waste packaged in steel thin-walled drums for chemical products according to GOST 5044.
11.8 Packaging of scrap and waste Nickel and its alloys:
a) scrap and lump wastes of Nickel and its alloys are Packed in tight wooden boxes according to GOST 24634, GOST 16511 shaturnyi or wooden barrels according to GOST 8777, or specialized containers SK-3−1.5 in HG.
Scrap and lump wastes of alloy steels supply without packing;
b) shavings of Nickel and its alloys are Packed in tight wooden boxes according to GOST 24634, GOST 16511 shaturnyi or wooden barrels according to GOST 8777, or specialized containers SK-3−1.5 in HG.
Shavings of alloy steels supply without packing;
C) toxins, releases, furnace granite breaking deliver without packaging.
11.9 Packaging of scrap and waste tin and tin-lead alloys:
a) scrap and lump wastes supply without packing;
b) chips are Packed in tight wooden boxes according to GOST 2991, GOST 5959, shifting the paper 10396 according to GOST, GOST 2228;
C) powdered waste is packaged in metal cans according to GOST 6128 or metal cans, made by ND;
g) sludge, slag, releases deliver without packaging.
11.10 Packaging wastes of mercury and its compounds:
a) metallic mercury Packed in steel or glass cylinders in accordance with the requirements of GOST 4658 and placed on special pallets made according to ND, for transportation;
b) waste containing mercury, packaged in a thick-walled steel barrels according to GOST 17366, steel thin-walled drums for chemical products according to GOST 5044;
in) mercury lamps are Packed in boxes made of corrugated cardboard according to GOST 21575 or other packaging that protects the lamp from damage.
1 Material of container should be inert towards all components of the waste.
2 a Container in which to transport mercury-containing waste shall be subjected to demercurization.
11.11 Packaging of scrap and waste of lead and its alloys:
a) scrap and lump wastes supply without packing;
b) scrap lead batteries put in a tightly closed container, avoid contact with electrolyte and dust into the environment;
C) powder, dust-like waste packaged in polyethylene bags according to GOST 17811с film thickness of 100−200 microns. The brewed bag is sealed and then placed in a bag made of thick fabric or thick wooden boxes according to GOST 2991, GOST 5959;
d) paste-like waste packaged in steel thin-walled drums for chemical products according to GOST 5044.
Note — the Container in which transported wastes containing lead, shall be subject to deactivation.
11.12 Packaging of scrap and waste of titanium and its alloys:
a) scrap and lump waste is Packed into steel barrels according to GOST 6247, steel drums according to GOST 5044 or other containers, which ensures the safety of the cargo.
It is allowed to deliver scrap and lump wastes without packing;
b) wire connects to the Bay. The Bay is connected to the packet in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26653;
C) chips packaged according to the listing).
Allowed by agreement of the parties to pack the chips into packages or briquettes in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26653.
11.13 Packaging scrap and waste zinc and its alloys:
a) scrap and lump wastes deliver without packaging.
Allowed by agreement of the parties to pack the scrap and lump wastes in tight wooden boxes according to GOST 2991, GOST 5959;
b) chips deliver without packaging. Allowed by agreement of the parties to pack the chips into packages or briquettes in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26653;
in) dross, hartsink, scrap batteries deliver without packaging.
11.14 Packaging waste bimetals
Waste bimetals Packed as agreed by the parties in packages, tied into rolls, bays, bundles, bundles in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26653, as well as deliver without packaging.
11.15 Packing difficult scrap:
a) cable and wire tie in the Bay, ligaments, bundles in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26653;
b) a lead bullet wrapped in strong canvas cloth bags according to GOST 29250 or other equal quality material. Bags with bullets should be firmly sewn cotton threads according to GOST 6309;
C) battery supply without packing;
g) scrap and lump wastes of aluminium coated with selenium, Packed in tight wooden boxes according to GOST 2991, GOST 5959.
12 Rules of transportation and storage
12.1 Rules for the transport
12.1.1 the Scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys transporterowych any kind of transport in accordance with the rules in force in each mode of transport.
12.1.2 Transport scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys is carried out by rail in open wagons in accordance with the requirements of the technical conditions of loading and fastening of cargoes, approved in the established procedure. By agreement of the parties it is admitted to transport scrap and waste in covered wagons.
12.1.3 it is admitted to transport scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys in universal containers according to GOST 18477 by agreement of the parties.
12.1.4 allowed transportation in the same car two parties are one kind of metal under conditions that exclude them from the mix. Transport in the car for more than two consignments of scrap and waste are subject to confirmation by the consumer. In the container transporterowych one party.
12.1.5 Waste containing mercury, transporterowych in covered wagons or open wagons in a sealed container.
12.1.6 the Scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys in the form of chrome-plated, Nickel-plated kadmirovannyh or coated otherwise plated parts and pieces, as well as parts and pieces coated or alloyed with silver, put in separate batches with indication of the coating material.
12.1.7 Transportation of explosive subjects must be conducted under the guidance of the pyrotechnics in accordance with requirements of normative documents, accepted on the territory of the States parties to the Agreement.
12.1.8 due to explosion and fire briquettes shavings of magnesium and magnesium alloys transporterowych in a sealed package, excluding the moisture of the briquettes, in covered wagons, containers.
12.1.9 Scrap military equipment and aircraft scrap transporterowych separately from other scrap.
12.1.10 Powdered waste aluminium and its alloys transporterowych in rubber cord or metal containers, as agreed — in cars.
12.1.11 the Scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys by river transport are transported in universal containers (special) or transport packages.
12.1.12 Not allowed loading of scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys in the vehicle with the remnants of early transported cargo (ore, gravel, etc.).
12.2 retention Rules
12.2.1 the Scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys subject to primary processing, is stored separately by type in accordance with the established classification in boxes, bins, compartments and specially designed areas with a hard surface, excluding the possibility of clogging of scrap and waste.
12.2.2 Chips, powdered wastes and wastes of aluminium, zinc-containing and lead-containing of ishare that have passed initial processing, are stored under conditions excluding ingress of moisture.
12.2.3 Shavings of magnesium and magnesium alloys stored in specially equipped warehouses located in isolated and fire resistant rooms.
12.2.4 Waste generated during the processing of alloys that contain beryllium, stored in closed containers or in closed containers.
12.2.5 Zinc-containing and lead-containing sludge and ishari stored under conditions preventing precipitation.
12.2.6 Powdered cobalt, wolframalpha molybdenum-containing waste are stored under conditions excluding ingress of moisture and active chemical substances.
12.2.7 Mercury waste is stored in special hermetically sealed containers.
12.2.8 Scrap lead batteries stored in compartments or containers on separate sites.
12.2.9 Chips of titanium and titanium alloys, are stored in special containers. Chips titanium and titanium alloys with the colors of a tint are stored separately from non-oxidized chips.
12.2.10 the Scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys subject to primary processing, as well as goats, furnace granite breaking, aircraft and other oversized scrap stored outdoors.
12.2.11 allowed to store waste and scrap, except those specified in 12.2.2−12.2.9, outdoor areas for a period of not more than 10 days.
12.2.12 Household scrap is stored in closed premises.
12.2.13 Scrap military equipment are stored separately.
13 control Methods
13.1 Basic tests
13.1.1 Monitoring of incoming scrap metal is recommended to be conducted in accordance with the scheme presented in figure 1.
Figure 1 — scheme of the inspection of incoming scrap metal
Figure 1 — scheme of the inspection of incoming scrap metal
13.1.2 Radiation monitoring of scrap metal is carried out in accordance with the requirements of normative documents adopted in the territory of States-parties to the Agreement, and 8.2 of this standard.
In control of entire batch of scrap metal.
13.1.3 Control of scrap metal for the presence of hazardous substances (objects) is carried out visually, by continuous control. Work to identify and neutralize explosive substances (objects) is carried out in accordance with the requirements of normative documents adopted in the territory of States-parties to the Agreement, and 8.4 of this standard.
In control of entire batch of scrap metal.
13.1.4 Control of scrap metal for the presence of harmful chemicals must be done by the person responsible for the conduct of the examinations and appointed by order of the company. Control is carried out with the aim of detecting foreign harmful chemicals in the form of liquid, powder that can be found in scrap metal. Monitoring is carried out visually and using organoleptic methods of determining odour.
13.1.5 Selection and preparation of samples for the procedure of testing of scrap metal in compliance with the technical requirements of this standard is carried out according to GOST 28192 (for non-ferrous metals and alloys), GOST 28053 (shavings of non-ferrous metals and alloys). The selection and preparation of samples bulk scrap is carried out according to methods agreed between the supplier and the consumer.
13.1.6 test Procedure of scrap metal in compliance with the technical requirements of this standard is carried out in accordance with table 21.
Table 21 — test Procedure for scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys
N paragraph the |
Feature |
Test procedure |
1 | The definition of contamination | 1 Evaluation of a representative sample.
1.1 | The definition of contamination non-metallic materials (insulation, plastic, wood, construction, fireproof materials, glass, etc.) | 1 Evaluation of a representative sample.
1.2 | Determination of metals contamination (free iron or other base metals) | 1 Evaluation of a representative sample.
1.3 | The determination of moisture content or moisture and oil | 1 Evaluation of a representative sample.
1.4 | Determination of oil content | 1 Evaluation of a representative sample.
2 | Determination of metal content | 1 Evaluation of a representative sample (by visual marking of parts and products according to GOST 2171).
3 | Definition and metallurgical metal recovery | 1 Evaluation of a representative sample.
4 | Determination of the chemical composition of a representative sample | 1 Evaluation of a representative sample (by visual marking of parts and products according to GOST 2171). 2 From the sample obtained after removing all the impurities from representative samples, selected laboratory samples for chemical analysis. Chemical composition is determined by a standardized and (or) certified methods. If necessary, a representative sample is melted prior to analysis. Note — the pattern is molded in the mold when determining the metallurgical output, can be used for spectral analysis, and cast into a mold for chemical analysis. |
5 | Determination of the size and mass of individual fragments | The size of the individual fragments of scrap metal is determined by the measuring equipment according to GOST 7502, GOST 427, GOST 166. The mass of individual fragments of scrap metal is determined by weighing on weights according to GOST 29329. Allowed to measure, and weigh with the help of other measuring instruments, comparable with the accuracy specified above. |
Notes |
Test of scrap metal is carried out on at least two representative samples taken from the party. For test result take an arithmetic average value.
13.2 Re-testing
If one or more tests, as indicated in 13.1.6, is unsatisfactory, for repeated testing of unconfirmed characteristics are allowed to select two representative samples from the party. The exception is the procedure of determining the mass fraction of moisture (moisture determined immediately after delivery of shipment to the place of acceptance).
If the results of repeated tests of representative samples of satisfactory, supervised party meets the requirements of this standard. If the results of repeated tests of representative samples is unsatisfactory, the party does not meet the requirements of this standard.
13.3 timing of the tests
All scrap metal accepted with the proviso that the control of the enterprise-consumer.
Within 5 working days of receipt of scrap metal, the consumer is obliged to inform the supplier of the results of the tests of scrap metal.
Specified period (5 working days) may be increased to 10 days if it is necessary to conduct repeat tests to confirm that the delivered view of the scrap metal consistent with the stated view.
13.4 Rounding results
When recording results of chemical analysis or measurement number that represents the result of the measurement of any amount specified in this standard must be rounded in one step to the same number of decimal places as the relevant indicator in this standard.
In accordance with this standard shall be applied the following rounding rules:
a) if the figure standing immediately after the last stored numbers, is less than 5, then the last stored digit should remain unchanged;
b) if the figure standing immediately after the last stored digit, greater than 5 or is 5 followed by a digit different from zero, the last stored number is to increase by one;
C) if the figure standing immediately after the last stored digit, is equal to 5 and followed by only zeros, then the last stored digit should be unchanged if even, increase by one if odd.
14 Rules of acceptance
14.1 the Scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys take parties. Each batch must be accompanied by:
a) the document about quality (passport), which must contain:
— the name of the supplier;
— the form of scrap metal;
— grade or numerical designation of alloy grades (indicate if delivery of brand specific alloy agreed between the supplier and the consumer);
— the origin of the scrap;
— the weight of the batch of scrap metal;
— the date of departure;
number of vehicle (wagon, car, etc.);
— chemical composition.
Form of registration of the passport specified in Annex D;
b) a certificate of the radiation and explosion, prepared in accordance with Annex A.
Note — the Certificate on the radiation and explosion safety issued in four copies: two directed the transport Department, one of which is fixed in a conspicuous place in the vehicle; the third copy direct to the consumer; the fourth remains in the company, sending the scrap and wastes of nonferrous metals and alloys;
C) a document (certificate) on decontamination (for a batch of scrap and waste coming from enterprises using in the production process, radioactive substances) issued in accordance with Annex E;
g) a document (certificate) on disposal of harmful chemicals (for a batch of scrap and waste originating from chemical production), issued in accordance with Annex E.
14.2 All supplied batch of scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys must pass the first stage of the input radiation control, being in the vehicle. In case of identification of scrap with levels of ionizing radiation in excess of established norms, the party is not accepted, the vehicle is sent to designated areas (dead ends) for further decision-making together with the bodies of gossannadzor in accordance with the requirements of normative documents, accepted on the territory of the States parties to the Agreement.
14.3 the Acceptance of scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys is carried out by the weight of the metal.
The net mass of metal (alloy) scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys — the difference between the gross weight and mass of the vehicle, containers and debris.
For aluminum, magnesium and titanium, the presence of oxides of these metals is the contamination.
The scrap metal is weighed on the scales of the consumer.
14.4 on receipt of scrap and waste, as listed below, the net weight is:
for types of scrap metal for which in table 2−18 set the indicator «metallurgical metal recovery», is the mass calculated according to the metallurgical output based on the analysis of representative samples;
for operation and Pleskov cadmium — mass they contain cadmium;
— litter and metallurgical waste of copper and copper alloys — the mass of the copper (if the content is not less than 3%), zinc (if the content is not less than 5%), tin (if content is not less than 0.5%), lead (the content of not less than 1%), Nickel (if the content is not less than 1%);
— waste of Nickel and Nickel alloys (chips, slag, operation, and furnace granite breaking, hearth furnaces, cathode hooks with accrued Nickel) is the mass contained Nickel, cobalt and copper;
— waste tin, tin and tin-lead alloys (Asgari, releases, fly ash, powders of alloys, sludge, slags) is the mass contained therein, tin, antimony, lead;
— waste of lead and its alloys (sludge, Shari, releases, toxins, pasta, chips, litharge, terowie of the earth) is the mass contained in them, lead, tin, antimony, copper;
— for zinc waste and zinc alloys (hartsink, Shari, releases) — the mass of the contained zinc, copper;
for lead and zinc ishari is the mass of the contained zinc and lead;
— for tungsten — and molybdenum-containing compounds, dust, powder waste of hard alloys, chips — the mass of the contained tungsten and molybdenum (with the molybdenum content not more than 0.5%).
14.5 If the parties scrap and wastes in packaged form scree, mass fraction which is greater than 5%, and in brittoniana — more than 10%, the entire batch is accepted, as supplied in bulk.
14.6 permitted by agreement with the consumer to accept mixed waste and scrap excluding waste and scrap of titanium and titanium alloys.
Annex a (mandatory). Form of the certificate on the radiation and explosion of scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys
Appendix A
(name of supplier company) | ||||||||||||||||||
ID N_____ | ||||||||||||||||||
«_____"______________________200_____G. | ||||||||||||||||||
The recipient of scrap and waste | ||||||||||||||||||
The symbol of the form of scrap (waste) | ||||||||||||||||||
Party N | ||||||||||||||||||
Weight | t | |||||||||||||||||
The number of the vehicle (wagon, car, container, etc.) | ||||||||||||||||||
Invoice N | ||||||||||||||||||
The results of radiation control: | ||||||||||||||||||
— MED |
µr/h. | |||||||||||||||||
— PP |
part./min·cm | |||||||||||||||||
Relative error of definition: der |
% | |||||||||||||||||
PP |
% at confidence probability of 0.95 | |||||||||||||||||
The measurements are performed with instruments | ||||||||||||||||||
(name, number, date state verification) | ||||||||||||||||||
The specified scrap (waste) non-ferrous metals and alloys meets the requirements of GOST 1639−2009 | ||||||||||||||||||
The responsible person of the supplier: | ||||||||||||||||||
for radiation safety | ||||||||||||||||||
(signature) | (signature) | |||||||||||||||||
the explosion | ||||||||||||||||||
(signature) | (signature) | |||||||||||||||||
The head of the supplier | ||||||||||||||||||
(signature) | (signature) | |||||||||||||||||
Appendix B (mandatory). Form is the permit for the execution of works for cutting scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys
Appendix B
(company name) | ||||||||||||
PERMIT N_____ | ||||||||||||
for the execution of works for cutting scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys | ||||||||||||
«_____"__________________200_____G. | ||||||||||||
Plot | ||||||||||||
Issued works | ||||||||||||
(position) |
(surname, initials) | |||||||||||
with a team consisting | ||||||||||||
(list of surnames) | ||||||||||||
Safety measures when performing work | ||||||||||||
The safety instructions in the workplace received: | ||||||||||||
Work has begun________h_______min «____"_______200___G. | ||||||||||||
work is done_______h_______min «_____"_______200___G. | ||||||||||||
Permit issued | ||||||||||||
(position) | (signature) | (signature) | ||||||||||
The manufacturer works | ||||||||||||
(signature) | (signature) |
Annex b (mandatory). Form of act of detecting radiological, chemical and explosive objects (substances)
The App
(company name) | |||||||||||||||
APPROVED | |||||||||||||||
Head of consumer | |||||||||||||||
(signature) | (signature) | ||||||||||||||
«____"____________200___G. | |||||||||||||||
ACT N_____ | |||||||||||||||
Supplier of scrap and waste | |||||||||||||||
The symbol of the form of scrap (waste) | |||||||||||||||
Party N | |||||||||||||||
Weight | t | ||||||||||||||
The number of the vehicle (wagon, car, container, etc.) | |||||||||||||||
Invoice N | |||||||||||||||
Date of arrival «___"__________ 200___G. | |||||||||||||||
The certificate of the radiation and explosion of scrap and waste of nonferrous metals and alloys N | |||||||||||||||
from «_____"__________200___G. | |||||||||||||||
The audit found | |||||||||||||||
(for a detailed description of each of the contaminated, chemically | |||||||||||||||
and explosive objects (substances)) | |||||||||||||||
The responsible person of the enterprise consumer: | |||||||||||||||
for radiation safety | |||||||||||||||
(signature) | (signature) | ||||||||||||||
for chemical safety | |||||||||||||||
(signature) | (signature) | ||||||||||||||
the explosion | |||||||||||||||
(signature) | (signature) |
Appendix d (mandatory). Form the books of account submitted uncleared explosive objects
Appendix D
Room | The name and address of the company- supplier |
Vehicle (wagon, container, cars) |
The permit number of explosion- security |
Brief description of the discovered explosive devices and their number |
Date time-C- tion |
Name of person completing the test | Signature |
Appendix e (mandatory). Form passport
Appendix E
«______ «__________200____G. | ||
the name of the supplier | ||
Wagon (container, car) N | ||
1 | The symbol of the form of scrap (waste) |
2 | Grade or number designation and alloy designation of the normative document according to which he is made |
3 | Information about the origin of scrap metal |
4 | Information about the use of radioactive and (or) harmful substances |
5 | The weight of the batch, kg |
6 | Chemical composition |
7 | Contamination |
8 | The content of the metal or metallurgical output |
9 | Date sent |
The representative of administration of the supplier | |||
(signature) | (initials, surname) | ||
1 grade or number designation and alloy designation of the normative document according to which he is made to indicate only the shipment of the scrap to make alloy.
2 Chemical composition are indicative only for grades of alloys produced according to normative documents.
3 Contamination, metal content and metallurgical yield point for scrap and waste, if prescribed requirements table 2−18.
Annex E (mandatory). Form of the certificate of decontamination (neutralization of harmful substances) scrap (waste) non-ferrous metals and alloys
Annex E
(company name) | ||||||||||
ID N_____ | ||||||||||
«_____"____________200___G. | ||||||||||
The recipient of scrap and waste | ||||||||||
The symbol of the form of scrap (waste) | ||||||||||
Party N | ||||||||||
Weight | t | |||||||||
The number of the vehicle (wagon, car, container, etc.) | ||||||||||
Invoice N | ||||||||||
The specified scrap (waste) non-ferrous metals and alloys meet the requirements of GOST 1639−2009 | ||||||||||
The head of the supplier | ||||||||||
(signature) | (signature) | |||||||||
[1] | Non-ferrous scrap Specification. Circular 2004. Guidance for Non-ferrous scrap NF-01* (Specification for scrap. Circular 2004. A guide for scrap non-ferrous metals NF-01) |
________________ * Access to international and foreign documents referred to here and hereinafter, can be obtained by clicking on the link. — Note the manufacturer’s database. | |
[2] | EN 12861:1999 Copper and copper alloys — Scrap (EH 12861:1999 Copper and copper alloys. Scrap) |
[3] | Reference «Harmful substances in industry». Volume III. «Inorganic and elemental compounds» under the General editorship honored. worker of science prof.In.Lazarev and the doctor. Biol. Sciences Professor I. D. Galassini |