GOST 28053-89
GOST 28053−89 Shavings of non-ferrous metals and alloys. Methods of sampling, sample preparation and test methods
GOST 28053−89
Group B59
Methods of sampling, sample preparation and test methods
Chips of non-ferrous metals and alloys.
Methods of sampling, sample preparation and test methods
AXTU 1709
Date of introduction 1991−01−01
1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of nonferrous metallurgy of the USSR
2. APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Decision of the USSR State Committee for standards from
3. The period of examination — 1995
4. INSTEAD 17709−79 GOST, GOST 17710−79
The designation of the reference document referenced |
Section number, paragraph, subparagraph, apps |
GOST 12.0.004−90 |
5.18 |
GOST 12.1.005−88 |
5.7 |
GOST 12.1.016−79 |
5.7 |
GOST 12.1.019−79 |
5.16, 5.17 |
5.8 |
GOST 12.2.009−99 |
5.12 |
GOST 12.4.009−83 |
5.9 |
GOST 12.4.010−75 |
5.14 |
GOST 12.4.013−85 |
5.10 |
GOST 12.4.021−75 |
5.6 |
GOST 12.4.026−76 |
5.15 |
GOST 12.4.028−76 |
5.11 |
GOST 1639−78 |
Chapeau |
GOST 7210−75 |
Sec. 2 |
GOST 7502−80 |
4.8.1 |
GOST 14180−80 |
Sec. 2 |
GOST 15895−77 |
Chapeau |
GOST 16504−81 |
Chapeau |
GOST 29329−92 | Sec. 2 |
THAT 23.2.2067−89 | Sec. 2, 3.2 |
THAT 23.2.2068−89 |
Sec. 2, 3.2 |
6. Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 7−95 The interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 11−95)
Real the standard establishes methods for sampling, sample preparation and methods test chips of non-ferrous metals and alloys (aluminum, tungsten, copper, molybdenum, Nickel, tin, lead, titanium, zinc and their alloys).
The standard does not apply to waste exported.
Terms and definitions — according to GOST 16504, GOST 15895* and the application of this standard.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation there are GOST R 50779.10−2000, GOST R 50779.11−2000, here and hereafter. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
Defined indicators of the quality of the chip regulated by GOST 1639*.
* Valid GOST 1639−93. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
1.1. Sampling is carried out after weighing of the party.
1.2. The mass of the spot samples should be not less than 1 kg.
1.3. The minimum required number of point samples should be as specified in table.1.
Table 1
The weight of the batch, t |
The minimum required number of point samples | |
Uniform party |
A heterogeneous party | |
To 5 |
4 |
8 |
From 5 to 20 incl. |
8 |
16 |
SV. 20 |
16 |
32 |
1.4. The combined mass of the sample is defined as the product of mass and spot samples the spot samples taken from the party.
1.5. Selection of point samples during the unloading of chips is carried out in the beginning, middle, and the end of discharge with each of the newly formed surface.
1.6. Point selection spot samples arranged in a checkerboard pattern across the surface of the tested material.
1.7. Selection of point samples of bulk shavings is carried out by skimming: dig holes with a depth of 200−400 mm, and along the walls of the holes in one or two receive a scoop from the bottom up take a scatter test.
1.8. Pour contents of the scoop into a closed container. Thus selected spot samples are a combined sample.
1.9. Selection of point samples from a mixture of granular and twisted chips is carried out from the loose part of the shovel, from the twisted — using scissors or other means.
Hammer crusher type LDM-1.
Chipper-shredder-type of IPR-150M on the other 26−10−229.
A flat sieve with the sieve cloth N 200 round hole on the other 23.2.2067, THE 23.2.2068.
Metal cross.
Scoops for sampling and reduction of samples according to GOST 14180.
The electromagnet in the magnet with the magnetic field of 400−600 C.
Laboratory electric drying Cabinet type SNOL.
Laboratory furnace type SNOL or SHOAL.
Scales according to GOST 29329.
Metal shears manual for the GOST 7210.
3.1. The preparation of the combined samples is carried out according to the scheme given on features.1, in an area protected from rain.
Damn.1. Typical scheme of the preparation (cutting) of the consolidated sample shavings of non-ferrous metals
Typical scheme of the preparation (cutting) of the consolidated sample shavings of non-ferrous metals
3.2. United sample chips are subjected to sieving on a sieve with flat the sieve cloth N 200 round hole on the other 23.2.2067, TU 23.2.2068 with the recrushing of the material remaining on the sieve cloth.
3.3. The combined sample (and at definition of uniformity of the joint trial after these tests) mix and reduce kvantovanie.
Sample collect in a cone which is then spread with a pressure without mixing, divide the cross, two opposite sectors removed and the remainder subjected to further kvantovanie to the mass of not less than 4 kg.
Sample lunoobraznoe chips pre-crushed.
3.4. Half of the combined sample (minimum 2 kg) was used to determine quality indicators.
Another part of sample is weighed and kept in case of disagreement of results analysis shipping documents till the moment of exclusion of differences.
3.5. Keep samples in a closed sealed container, filled ¾ full volume.
In the container with the sample put a label containing:
the number of samples;
the name of the material;
batch number;
sample mass;
the date of selection.
4.1. The tests are carried out according to the scheme given on features.2.
Damn.2. Scheme testing
Scheme testing
4.2. Definition of uniformity in the physical condition
4.2.1. Homogeneity of the lot on the physical condition determined visually.
If there is any inconsistency determine the homogeneity of the lot:
select spot samples, the number and mass depending on the mass of the party determined by PP.1.4 and 1.6 for a homogeneous party;
scatter on the flat sieve with the sieve cloth N 200 round hole on the other the entire combined sample;
determine the ratio of the mass of swarf remaining on the sieve cloth to the mass of the joint sample in percent.
If the ratio is less than 5%, a party is considered homogeneous, otherwise inhomogeneous.
4.3. The definition of contamination
4.3.1. From laboratory samples are taken for two sample weighing 500 g each method of quadrature: the sample is spread on a smooth surface, plan equal squares, of which the trowel sampled in chess okay, grabbing the chips across the thickness of the layer. Then the linkage placed on a dried (no traces of oil) and the weighted baking sheet, remove mechanical impurities in the form of non-metallic materials (garbage, wood, packaging and construction materials, etc.) and weighed.
Contamination of non-metallic materials () in percent is calculated by the formula
where is the mass of original sample, g;
— weight hanging to dry (after removal of the obstruction),
4.3.2. The remaining shavings are dried at a temperature of (400±10) °C to constant weight.
Drying is stopped when the difference between the results of two consecutive weighings does not exceed 0,1% of the mass of the test sample.
4.3.3. Moisture and oil () in percent is calculated (if necessary) according to the formula
where is the mass of sample before drying (after removal of the blockage), g;
— weight of sample after drying, g;
— mass of original sample, g.
4.3.4. To determine the contamination with ferrous metals a portion of chips after remove moisture and oil a thin layer on a clean surface with non-magnetic coating and a magnet to remove the fraction. Manual sorting from the magnetic fraction choosing the non-ferrous metals, and non-magnetic — non-magnetic ferrous metals. Then weigh the combined ferrous metals and turnings non-ferrous metal.
4.3.5. The contamination of swarf of ferrous metals () in percent is calculated (if necessary) according to the formula
where is the mass of ferrous metal, g;
— mass of original sample, g.
4.4. The determination of the mass fraction of ferrous metal in percent () is calculated (if necessary) according to the formula
where is the mass of shavings of non-ferrous metal, g;
— mass of original sample, g.
4.5. Definition of metallurgical output chips of aluminum, copper and their alloys
4.5.1. Obtained after removal of the blockage of the sample chip load each (separately) in a crucible under a layer of pre-melted flux mass 300−500 g. the Flux should not be wet. Melting lead with stirring.
For chips of aluminum and its alloys flux should consist of chloride sodium and potassium chloride or sylvinite and potassium electrolyte 1:1 ratio. Melting temperature of 750−800 °C.
For chip copper, brass, tin bronze flux should consist of borax; chip aluminum bronze — from cryolite. The temperature of melting chips must not exceed:
copper, aluminum bronze — 1150 °C;
tin bronze — 1100 °C;
brass — 1000 °C.
After complete melting of the sample, the metal was stirred, allowed to settle in for 2 minutes, remove slag, metal is poured into a metal mold (used for the spectral analysis), and the remainder in a heated mold (used for chemical analysis). After cooling the metal is purified from the slag and weighed.
4.5.2. Metallurgical output () in percent is calculated by the formula
where is the mass of the metal of the molds and of the mold, g;
— mass of original sample, g.
4.6. Tests carried out on two batches. Weigh the sample with an accuracy of ±2 g.
The final result should be the arithmetic mean of two parallel definitions.
Allowed the differences between the results of two parallel definitions no more than 10%.
If the discrepancy between the results of two parallel measurements exceeds allowable value, then repeat the test, selecting a portion from the laboratory sample.
If and re-definition of the divergence exceeds the allowable, then four results, discard the minimum and maximum values for the final result should be the arithmetic mean of the remaining values.
4.7. Determination of chemical composition
4.7.1. From the obtained after removal of the blockage of the sample chips of non-ferrous metal (except aluminum and aluminum alloys, copper and alloys copper-based) select the method of quadrature laboratory sample of mass not less than 100 g for chemical analyses.
Allowed the sample to define chemical composition to melting of the sample.
4.7.2. To determine the chemical composition of aluminium and aluminium alloys, copper and alloys copper-based, using samples obtained at definition of metallurgical output: for spectral analysis — the sample is molded in the mold; for the chemical analysis of the sample cast in mold.
Samples for chemical analysis were taken by drilling a pig.
4.7.3. Chemical composition is determined by normative-technical documentation on non-ferrous metals and alloys.
4.8. Determining the bulk mass
4.8.1. Bulk mass is determined by the ratio of the mass of chips to occupy volume in the container.
A lot of the shavings is determined by weighing. Linear measurements for the calculation are determined using a roulette metal according to GOST 7502*.
* Valid GOST 7502−98. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
5.1. In the selection, cutting and preparation of samples must comply security for enterprises and organizations of metallurgical industry, approved by Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR.
5.2. Testing of the chips, discharged mechanized, selection sampling should be conducted after a full stop mechanisms.
5.3. Sampling of containers and other transport containers should be carried out after unloading at the container yard.
5.4. When sampling from the slopes should be applied floorings.
5.5. Chip breaking is necessary to conduct according to the requirements technical documentation, duly approved.
5.6. Areas in which training samples should be equipped with exhaust ventilation in accordance with GOST
5.7. Control of content of harmful substances in air of working area should be carried out according to GOST
5.8. Electrical equipment must comply with the requirements of GOST
On the territory of the Russian Federation there are «Interdisciplinary Rules on labor protection (safety rules) when operating electrical installations» (SWEAT P M-016−2001, RD 153−34.0−03.150−00) here and further on.- Note the manufacturer’s database.
5.9. The types of fire fighting equipment, its location, quantity and nomenclature — according to GOST
5.10. To protect the eyes from dust and metallic particles, you must wear protective goggles according to GOST 12.4.013*.
* In the Russian Federation GOST R 12.4.013−97.
5.11. In the selection and preparation of samples for respiratory protection required to use a respirator type SB-1 according to GOST
5.12. Sampling by drilling should be carried out on the machine in accordance with the requirements of GOST
5.13. Drying of samples should be carried out in cabinets with exhaust ventilation.
5.14. To avoid burning of the sample from the drying Cabinet shall be removable to asbestos or canvas gloves according to GOST
5.15. In the field of working with molten alloy must be provided by the safety signs according to GOST 12.4.026*.
* In the Russian Federation GOST R 12.4.026−2001.
5.16. All electrical installations and electrical equipment used in the test should correspond to GOST 12.1.019 and Rules of safety at operation of electroinstallations of consumers, approved by the Glavgosenergonadzora.
5.17. Conditions electrical safety in workplaces must comply with GOST 12.1.019 and Rules of safety at operation of electroinstallations of consumers, approved by the Glavgosenergonadzora.
5.18. Arriving for work, and persons engaged in the selection and preparation of samples must have received prior training in safe working practices and rules for the treatment of protective equipment, and special training on occupational safety with appropriate design for GOST
APP (reference)
Table 2
The term |
Definition |
1. Party chips Controlled batch of chips |
The number of chips simultaneously supplied by the customer and accompanied by one document on quality |
2. Testing |
Complex operations on the selection and preparation of samples |
3. Sampling Sampling |
The selection of the chips held in a certain way and in a strictly prescribed manner for quality control |
4. Laboratory test |
The amount of material obtained as a result of processing the combined sample and for the testing |
5. Test sample |
The number material selected likewise the laboratory test and designed to control the tests and arbitration tests |