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Specific resistance of the thermocouple

Thermocouple thermocouple TEMF dependence on temperature

TEMF values for thermocouple type (B (50 / 1800°C)
TEMF in mV at free end temperature 0 ° C
t° working end °С 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
50 0,002 0,003 0,003 0,003 0,004 0,004 0,004 0,005 0,005 0,006
100 0,033 0,034 0,035 0,036 0,037 0,038 0,039 0,040 0,041 0,042
200 0,178 0,180 0,182 0,184 0,186 0,188 0,190 0,192 0,195 0,197
300 0,431 0,434 0,437 0,440 0,443 0,446 0,449 0,452 0,455 0,458
400 0,787 0,791 0,795 0,799 0,803 0,807 0,811 0,815 0,819 0,824
500 1,242 1,247 1,252 1,257 1,262 1,267 1,272 1,277 1,282 1,288
600 1,792 1,798 1,804 1,810 1,816 1,822 1,828 1,834 1,840 1,846
700 2,431 2,437 2,444 2,451 2,458 2,465 2,472 2,479 2,485 2,492
800 3,154 3,161 3,169 3,177 3,184 3,192 3,200 3,207 3,215 3,223
900 3,957 3,965 3,974 3,982 3,991 3,999 4,008 4,016 4,024 4,033
1000 4,834 4,843 4,853 4,862 4,871 4,880 4,889 4,898 4,908 4,917
1100 5,780 5,789 5,799 5,809 5,819 5,828 5,838 5,848 5,858 5,868
1200 6,786 6,797 6,807 6,818 6,828 6,838 6,849 6,859 6,869 6,880
1300 7,848 7,859 7,870 7,881 7,892 7,903 7,914 7,924 7,935 7,946
1400 8,956 8,967 8,979 8,990 9,001 9,013 9,024 9,035 9,047 9,058
1500 10,099 10,111 10,122 10,134 10,145 10,157 10,168 10,180 10,192 10,203
1600 11,263 11,275 11,286 11,298 11,310 11,321 11,333 11,345 11,357 11,368
1700 12,433 12,444 12,456 12,468 12,479 12,491 12,503 12,514 12,526 12,538
1800 13,591
TEMF values for thermocouple type (K) (-200 / 1300°C)
TEMF in mV at free end temperature 0 ° C
t° of working end °С 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-200 -5,891
-150 -4,913 -4,936 -4,960 -4,983 -5,006 -5,029 -5,052 -5,074 -5,097 -5,119
-100 -3,554 -3,584 -3,614 -3,645 -3,675 -3,705 -3,734 -3,764 -3,794 -3,823
-50 -1,889 -1,925 -1,961 -1,996 -2,032 -2,067 -2,103 -2,138 -2,173 -2,208
0 0,000 0,039 0,079 0,119 0,158 0,198 0,238 0,277 0,317 0,357
50 2,023 2,064 2,106 2,147 2,188 2,230 2,271 2,312 2,354 2,395
100 4,096 4,138 4,179 4,220 4,262 4,303 4,344 4,385 4,427 4,468
150 6,138 6,179 6,219 6,259 6,299 6,339 6,380 6,420 6,460 6,500
200 8,138 8,178 8,218 8,258 8,298 8,338 8,378 8,418 8,458 8,499
250 10,153 10,194 10,235 10,276 10,316 10,357 10,398 10,439 10,480 10,520
300 12,209 12,250 12,291 12,333 12,374 12,416 12,457 12,499 12,540 12,582
350 14,293 14,335 14,377 14,419 14,461 14,503 14,545 14,587 14,629 14,671
400 16,397 16,439 16,482 16,524 16,566 16,608 16,651 16,693 16,735 16,778
500 20,644 20,687 20,730 20,772 20,815 20,857 20,900 20,943 20,985 21,028
600 24,905 24,948 24,990 25,033 25,075 25,118 25,160 25,203 25,245 25,288
700 29,129 29,171 29,213 29,255 29,297 29,338 29,380 29,422 29,464 29,506
800 33,275 33,316 33,357 33,398 33,439 33,480 33,521 33,562 33,603 33,644
900 37,326 37,366 37,406 37,446 37,486 37,526 37,566 37,606 37,646 37,686
1000 41,276 41,315 41,354 41,393 41,431 41,470 41,509 41,548 41,587 41,626
1200 48,838 48,875 48,911 48,948 48,984 49,021 49,057 49,093 49,130 49,166
1250 50,644 50,680 50,715 50,751 50,787 50,822 50,858 50,894 50,929 50,965
1300 52,410
TEMF values for thermocouple type (L) (-200 / 800°C)
TEMF in mV at free end temperature 0°C
t° of working end °С 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-200 -9,488
-150 -7,831 -7,869 -7,908 -7,946 -7,984 -8,022 -8,059 -8,097 -8,134 -8,171
-100 -5,641 -5,690 -5,738 -5,786 -5,834 -5,882 -5,929 -5,977 -6,024 -6,071
-50 -3,005 -3,062 -3,118 -3,174 -3,231 -3,287 -3,342 -3,398 -3,454 -3,509
0 0,000 0,063 0,127 0,190 0,254 0,318 0,382 0,446 0,510 0,575
50 3,306 3,375 3,444 3,513 3,582 3,652 3,721 3,790 3,860 3,929
100 6,862 6,935 7,008 7,082 7,156 7,229 7,303 7,377 7,451 7,525
200 14,560 14,641 14,721 14,802 14,882 14,963 15,043 15,124 15,204 15,285
300 22,843 22,928 23,013 23,098 23,183 23,268 23,354 23,439 23,524 23,610
400 31,492 31,580 31,667 31,755 31,843 31,930 32,018 32,106 32,193 32,281
500 40,299 40,387 40,476 40,564 40,652 40,740 40,829 40,917 41,005 41,093
600 49,108 49,196 49,284 49,372 49,459 49,547 49,635 49,723 49,811 49,898
700 57,859 57,946 58,033 58,120 58,207 58,294 58,381 58,468 58,555 58,642
750 62,197 62,283 62,369 62,456 62,542 62,628 62,714 62,800 62,886 62,972
800 66,466


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