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At the Kirov plant processing non-ferrous metals update

10 July 2019

Kirov plant processing non-ferrous metals is an enterprise of UGMK-OTSM. In his rolling-press shop will be carried out technical re-equipment. The program was developed by the company itself. So in the process will be carried out installation of new equipment. We are talking about the correct machine VRM-75. It is planned to install and run in the third quarter of this year. Details took a press-service of the company. Installation will be held in the span of chain drawbench.

Thanks to the new equipment will be the precision on the edit bar. We are talking about the rod of circular cross-section. Its diameter is 75 mm. Process will run at speeds up to 150 m/min Thus, no longer need to use outdated equipment. Before the technological cycle participated konovalovoj line edits И5626. She has a narrower range of diameters of the rod being processed. In addition, she worked with a much smaller rate. The car is already morally and physically obsolete. Because required urgent modernization.

As stated above, the car will be assembled in the span of chain drawbench. Thus, the transport of the workpiece will be much faster. It is transferred between equipment. The new equipment will allow to optimize the procedure of production logistics. This has a positive impact on the performance of press offices. In the end, will increase production volumes. Will be made more rods of circular cross-section. Thus, the company will be able to reach a higher performance.

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