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Chelyabinsk metallurgical plant started to recycle more waste

11 May 2019

Chelyabinsk metallurgical plant is part of Mechel. Lately, he has significantly increased the processing volume of industrial waste. We are talking about the flue dust. This dust is the primary waste. This refers to the metallurgical production. At the end of the process, it accumulates in large volumes. Because companies are engaged in its duties. Then flue dust is re-used in sinter production. He, in turn, is the main raw material for the production of pig iron.

Flue dust is characterized by an iron content of at least 40%. It is formed and accumulates in the furnace. During the production process flue dust is in the gas cleaning system. This system is called «wet». There on the dust affects the water. Eventually, she softens and settles. In order to process at Chelyabinsk metallurgical plant has a special setting. This is a drum sieve. The development of the project and directly engaged in the creation of the company’s specialists. By setting processed also iron dust dumps. Thus, the significantly reduced volumes of industrial waste.

Iron (blast furnace) dust is a sludge of Converter and blast-furnace production. This scale rolling mills. The formation of such dust occurs at all stages of the production process. It is known that Chelyabinsk metallurgical plant uses its waste production again. Every year the amount of re-use of waste increases. Thus, significantly reducing the negative impact on the environment. This was told the chief engineer of the plant.

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