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Kyshtym copper electrolyte plant changes the operation of copper electrolysis plant

26 March 2019

Kyshtym copper electrolyte plant belongs to the Group of «Russian copper company». It is located in the town of Kyshtym, in Chelyabinsk region. This year it will change the operation of copper electrolysis plant. The workshop will work on matrices of stainless steel. Today, the division is still partially applies titanium matrix. Matrix stainless steel started to be applied in 2015. Then the shop started to operate a new categoryone machine Outotec. In total, the company purchased 9 million of these matrices.

It is also planned to buy a 9 thousand units. The full transition should be implemented in stages. So purchases must be made within three years. In the end, the plant should begin to work on one calodactylodes car. In January of this year started the installation of beams and carriages. This additional reception and unloading of the beam. It was necessary to dismantle part of the old calodactylodes machine. At the present time, laid the foundations for the new equipment. The production process was not suspended.

After the installation of new equipment, all of the electrolytic cell are combined. They will have a single transport line calodactylodes machine. Thus, the old machine can be completely removed. It works on the titanium matrices. They have the property to oxidize. Because over time, there is an oxide film. Because of this need to be sanded to remove the matrix. And have to do it on a regular basis. In addition, the titanium matrix high resistance. Because of this, you need to spend more electricity. Replacement equipment will significantly save costs of the company. In addition, grow quality products.

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