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Yunnan Aluminium company launches extra power

23 December 2018

From Yunnan Aluminium has two aluminum plant in Yunnan province. It is situated on the South of the country. The Chinese company plans to launch them in a new capacity. They will be commissioned before the end of this year. Commercial deliveries will start in late January next year. In any case, so the company plans. The company Yixin Aluminium will increase to 100 thousand tons per year. A rise in the enterprise Haixin Aluminium is 110 thousand tons.

As a result, both companies come to the same amount of power. It will amount to 210 thousand tons per year. This is the first level after the start of the new production line. Over time, the company intends to increase the capacity of a single aluminum plant. From Haixin Aluminium it will amount to 350 thousand tons. Then it is planned to increase up to 700 thousand tons per year.

In China there is another major manufacturer of aluminium. This company Zhongfu Industrial. It announced that it will close its plant Linfeng. It is located in Henan province. Its capacity is 250 thousand tons per year. Currently, its work is suspended. It happened in October of this year. A company called high coal prices. In addition, the company has problems with environmental security. It is characterized by an extremely low level. Therefore it was decided on the final closure of the plant.

But this does not mean that the company is left without plant. In November, started construction of a new aluminum plant. The enterprise is being built in Sichuan province. The future of the plant similar performance, but the higher the level of environmental safety. For the implementation of the project, the company will allocate 330 million dollars. It is planned that the enterprise will begin work in September next year.

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