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Karabashmed: ecological situation will improve

1 October 2017

Karabashmed, part «Russian copper company» continues to implement the ecological project. It was obtained more than 50% of the new equipment. It refers to the washing complex. Purpose of equipment — the installation of the converters in the copper smelting shop. This is the site currently under reconstruction. It is expected that the shop will be replenished with three modern Kumera converters. The capacity of each is 150 tons. There is a set of special measures. It will provide an additional reduction of industrial emissions.

The gas treatment complex includes not only technological, but also aspiration napilnik converters. It also includes adiabatic gas coolers. Their main task is to reduce the temperature of the exhaust gases. The education process gases occurs in the conversion process from melts of copper. It is planned to organize its entry into the two-chamber electric filter. From there the gases are passed to a sulfuric acid plant for further purification.

Installation of the new equipment will allow to reduce fugitive gas emissions into the atmosphere of industrial premises. Reduced the number of process gases entering the room of a sulfuric acid plant. The measures will ensure the improvement of the ecological situation not only on the factory site, but throughout the city. Since the first of September, the company took over 60 wagons loaded with machinery, structures, parts. The total weight of the items for gas systems amounted to over 1000 tons. Their cost exceeds 3.8 million dollars. In General, the upgrading of converters at Karabashmed will be delivered 130 cars of equipment.

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