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Galvanized steel for magnetic marker boards from the company "Tehnostil color"

3 October 2017

By the beginning of the school year developed a new type of coating for the boards. This white magnetic marker boards used in schools. For their manufacture will be used galvanized steel. It consists of a high-gloss finish. All that will be written on her marker is easily erased. Removal of labels does not have to use additional tools and solvents.

Gloss allows you to keep the surface clean. The lack of divorces and preservation of the original appearance remains after multiple usage. The Board can often be used. However, she will still look like new. To erase written on it, only need a clean, dry sponge.

Paint materials produced by European manufacturers. In Europe they are tested for compliance with European requirements and standards. To transport the metal was undamaged, applied to a polymer film. It is also present in the manufacture of these boards. Almost all European educational institutions use such boards. The supply of such products on the territory of Russia is the company «Tehnostil color».

She was the first to supply such products. However, she can safely compete with foreign producers. It plans to start testing the materials for any other types of boards. In particular, it is the green and black Board for chalk. They are widely used in schools, and also public catering establishments. In addition, you can find them in the centers.

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