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The company of Iran continue to increase exports of steel products

20 September 2017

The Iranian state company IMIDRO shared data for the period 21.03017−22.08.17 G. National metallurgical enterprises have exported 2.64 million tons of its products. It consists of steel and semi-finished products. In comparison with the same period in 2016, an increase of 12%.

The main exporter is the company Khouzestan Steel Company (KSC). During this period, its export volume amounted to 1,163 million tons. The index of the current year higher than the previous 72%. The main part of the exports amounted to blooms — 609,8 thousand tons. Then there are slabs — 311,2 thousand tons piece — 242,4 thousand tons.

The export volume of the company Esfahan Steel Company for 5 months was 585,5 thousand tons. The increase was 133% compared to the previous year. Its products consist of wire rod, rebar and structural shapes. Thus, it occupies the second position.

The company Hormozgan Steel Company has exported 448,6 thousand tons. Indicator 2017. increased by 20% compared to last year. This is the third in the country. The exporter is a subsidiary of the national company of Mobarakeh Steel. Steel production consists of slabs. Mobarakeh Steel their volumes reduced. She sent for export only 365,1 thousand tons. The reduction is 63%. But the company remains one of the leading in the industry.

For 2 years the Iranian metallurgical company sent abroad 5.53 million tons. Semi-finished products amounted to 3.74 million tons. 2017 should end at around 8 million tons. The forecasts done by the government.

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