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RUSAL status of the international market of aluminum metal

6 August 2017

According to the Director of strategy, business development and financial markets «RUSAL» O. mukhamedshina, the status of the international market of aluminum metal is significantly improved.

Therefore, the company decided to implement the latest technology to increase production of aluminium. O. Mukhamedshin hopes that will increase sales growth in the domestic and foreign markets.

For 8 years, the number of aluminum product in the world market was excessive. However, in 2017 G. O. Mukhamedshin of RUSAL enterprises expects that in the international market there will be a shortage of the metal, which will amount to 1.3 million tons. The following year, according to Oleg mukhamedshina of RUSAL shortage of aluminum may reach 1.8 million tons.

This forecast due to the increasing demand of aluminium manufacturers, machine-building, construction and packaging industries. Also deficiency can occur due to a significant reduction in production capacity for aluminum products by Chinese manufacturers.

Due to the reduction smelting of aluminium Chinese manufacturers, has started to recover market-trade balance. By addressing supply and demand of the metal is observed the increase in international cost of aluminum. So, the price for one ton of metal on the London stock exchange amounted to almost $ 1,900. This is 25 percent more compared to the price in 2016 So we can safely assume that the price of the metal will be stable at this level. A significant reduction in the value of the metal is likely in the near future will not.

Positive dynamics can be seen in the domestic market of Russia. So, consumption growth of aluminium in the domestic market were higher than expected. The main consumers of aluminium steel manufacturers in the transport industry, packaging. In the near future, demand is expected to increase from representatives of the construction industry.

That is why RUSAL plans to increase aluminium smelting metal in Russia. Thus, the company decided to finish to finish building the Taishet aluminium smelter. Now RUSAL agrees with RusHydro for cooperation, whose goal is the construction of a joint company. To build this enterprise needs $ 700 million. According to Oleg mukhamedshina for the construction of the manufacturing facility RUSAL take a loan provided by VNESHECONOMBANK and other banks.

Now in the Taishet plant carry out preparatory work. The company hopes to receive funding through 2017 RUSAL plans to resume construction in January 2018 And run the plant the company wants in 2020

In December 2018 — January 2019 it is planned to introduce into production a second line in the Boguchany aluminum plant. This will allow the aluminum to 300 thousand tons for the 12 months.

If the demand of aluminium will continue to increase, it is possible RUSAL will build the third and the fourth line in the Boguchany aluminum plant and will increase production in the Khakas aluminium smelter.

Also RUSAL is engaged in the construction of the Tayshet anode plant and anode plant in Volgograd. This is to ensure the production capacity resources and raw materials, which will be made at new sites.

O. Mukhamedshin noted that a large proportion of melted aluminum plant in Taishet will sell in the domestic market. By increasing the use of aluminum product in a variety of industries in the Russian market for the metal will increase demand.

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