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The situation of supply and demand in the steel industry Russia has not improved

3 April 2017

The economic situation in the metallurgical sector in Russia remains difficult. Analysts of the situation was the Agency MISP from Britain. The transaction of purchase of steel products made with reluctance from buyers. Last I would like to see clearer the situation on the market. They also do not agree with the price changes, which, in their opinion, do not show the real situation. In addition, according to buyers, all changes have no grounds to yourself.

Sellers from India are not confident in the correctness of the latter proposals. According to them, they do not meet the principles of the market and the economy as a whole.

On the Ukrainian market prospects remain unchanged. Metallurgists recognise that the next quarter will be difficult. According to the forecasts of the trading period will be difficult. In our days desire to make purchases in the construction sector are not in a hurry. This analyst was provided by the MISP, studying the Ukrainian market.

In Turkey, the mood of consumers remained ambiguous. Local service centers are going to continue to maintain existing resources. They argue that instability in the constitutional reform in April. She significantly decreased the activity in the industrial, engineering and construction. Export Agency focused on the Asian market. At the same time, increased competition in the supply to the middle East and Africa.

UAE steel demand for construction continues to remain low. As a result, supply chain product switched into a waiting mode. Due to Ramadan starting in late may, importers are not in a hurry to make orders. It also affected the approach of the summer season, when sales are not high. In the hot season the demand in this sphere is greatly reduced.

South African retailers expect not the highest sales in the next quarter. Such conclusions they do, based on weak indicators of the economic situation. Also to blame are the failure of the authorities to a clear strategy in industrial policy. As a result of all these actions, you can see a low purchasing power. Users purchase metals exclusively to cover basic needs.

Suppliers in Mexico are wary of filling warehouses. Their fears associated with the correction and instability of prices in the segment. In the United States continues to carefully monitor the situation on the border.

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