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Pre-engineered designs – the future of Ukrainian construction industry

4 April 2017

In great demand in Ukraine are pre-engineered buildings made of metal structures. These buildings attract the attention of customers the speed and ease of installation. They are used for the construction of warehouses, shops, offices.

The market of PEB (pre-engineered buildings) in Ukraine is actively developing since the beginning of the last century. The reason for this was the revival of the economy after the crisis of stagnation and the rapid development of business projects for which it took pre-engineered buildings (manufacturing, agriculture, construction, etc.). During the existence of the BMZ was observed as the increase of the annual rate, and its decline. By the end of 2016, experts have concluded that digital had increased by 15%. Further growth is expected in 2017.

BMZ has a number of advantages that make them practical and popular:

  • high speed of construction of the building;
  • maximum readiness of the individual elements;
  • easy installation;
  • unification of projects.

Technology of frame pre-engineered structures allows to build houses that have a large area. In order to build the desired construction area of several thousand m2, builders need only a few months.

BMZ is most often used for commercial purposes for the construction of halls or warehouses. On the Ukrainian market are projects of the Ukrainian companies manufacturing construction BMZ and the foreign segment. In our country the active functioning of such organizations:

  1. holding «Metinvest-SMC»,
  2. «Master-Profi-Ukraine» in the river,
  3. «PSM-Profil» in Poltava,
  4. Zhitomir enclosing structures plant,
  5. Our plant BMZ,
  6. «Metallist-Stroymetallkonstruktsiya» in Kharkov.

Import businesses presented by such brands as

  • Zeman,
  • Ruukki
  • Pruszynski,
  • Llentab,
  • Lindab etc.

In addition to specialized organizations have also artisanal brigade, who are engaged in the construction of small objects. As well as the metallurgical, engineering and others, which are reshaped, and mainly serve their needs.

In 2017, the market growth BMZ through bridge building and meet the demands of private enterprises. But positive dynamics is possible only in the conditions of well growing economy of the country. It will also create a sufficient demand for the metal among consumers.

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