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Stainless steel seamless and welded tubes

9 November 2015

Stainless Steel, part of the group of austenitic alloys, belongs to steels complexly. They are characterized by an increased resistance to corrosion. When using such steel withstands corrosion in the air and most of the work environments. Stainless steel pipes made ​​of non-magnetic alloy, characterized by high adaptability. Such elements are readily amenable to heat treatment and welding. The use of pipes made of stainless steel with the austenitic structure is in thermal engineering. Of these, made steam lines, steam heaters. Also suitable for pipe fittings, resistant to ultra-high steam parameters. The material is non-magnetic properties, which are widely used in electrical engineering. Resistance to oxidation for chemical engineering.

The main heat-resistant alloying element is chromium steel 08−12H18N10T. Also contained in the steel elements providing improved corrosion resistance material. From intergranular corrosion material protects the stabilizing presence of titanium. Distinguish seamless pipes made from this steel, the parameters and method of production. In cold-pipes GOST 9941−81 wall thickness up to 1−4 mm and a diameter of 6−50 mm. In hot-deformed pipes GOST 9940−81 wall thickness of 3−12 mm, diameter of 57−426 mm. The use of seamless stainless steel pipes from heat-resistant steel products ensures high durability and reliability. The widespread use of the pipe 08−12H18N10T found in the construction, engineering, food, fuel, chemical industry.

Similar in properties and composition of AISI304 steel is used most other material that resists corrosion. The quality remains high when using the product in a corrosive environment. Steel lends itself well to polishing, grinding, other types of treatment. Imported electric-welded pipes made of AISI304, available with a machined outer surface. Their characteristics meet the requirements of GOST 11 068−81. They are made of steel AISI304 following types of pipe:

· Electro matte;

· Electro mirror;

· Electro polished.

These elements are used in the medical, food, pharmaceutical industries. This is not surprising, given the high sanitary, environmental and aesthetic qualities. From electric-welded pipes produce medical furniture, pharmacological techniques. Suitable they are for the manufacture of devices for brewing and dairy industries.

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