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Sahaviriya Steel Industries Group suspends production

24 September 2015

Metallurgical company Sahaviriya Steel Industries, Thailand, could not get the support from the UK. The Thai company was late in loans to 80 million. F. Art. The result will be suspended smelting steel plant on Teesside (Redcar). It is located in the north-east of England. Reduced capacity downloads started from the 18th of September. The final stop of the blast furnace is expected on 21 September. In operation, the company will kaptivnaya power and coke oven battery. Battery work involves partial load.

Sahaviriya Steel Industries priobrelazavod Teesside in 2011 goduukompanii Tata Steel Europe. Its production annual capacity is 4 million. Tons of steel products. Main products — slabs. After the release, they were transported to Thailand. They made their perekatka SSI in rolling mill. Investments in the modernization of the plant amounted to about 1 billion. F. st., which is equivalent to 1.53 billion. USD. At the same time, the company remains unprofitable. Now the cost of production in the global steel market continues to fall. In this regard, further action Teesside from a financial point of view, is not justified.

Thai Company representatives claim that the final stop of the enterprise is not yet available. At the same time, when the plant starts to operate again, is not specified. Meanwhile, the company employs about 3,000 people. In 2015, the Teesside became the first European company, stopped due to the global crisis in the steel sector. According to the British Member of Parliament Anne Turley enterprise work stopped in because of the authorities. She believes that the country's industrial policy is inadequate. Each year, the UK steelmakers additionally spend about 660 million. USD. It is about 50 USDna 1 ton of steel produced. These costs are associated with the high cost of energy in the country. Also negatively affected by the repressive tax system. Taking into account, and stricter requirements for the limitation of carbon dioxide release.

As a result, Ms. Turley suggested to use the compensation program designed for energy-intensive industries. The work program will lower costs British companies associated with the spirit of the new policy in the EU. This was originally the introduction of the program in action was scheduled for April 2016.

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