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"Rusal" is considering a project in Khakassia

18 March 2015

Khakassia Government expects to increase production capacity for the production of alumina in the region. Expectations of this kind are based on the design of the second line smelter. Its estimated annual capacity of 537,000 tonnes of aluminum. According to Olga Kolesnikova, head of the republic, in the examination of the project in addition to the Khakassia and «RUSAL» participates «RusHydro». Electricity for the second line will be supplied with reduced power plant. Partnership with «RusHydro» is a necessary component for the profitability of the project. According to Olga Kolesnikova, in case of purchase of electricity at the price of commercial profitability of the new line would be called into question.

Discussion of the project is carried out in the autumn of 2014. The participants of the project have already worked through the key criteria in the number of working meetings. This Khakassia government for approval of the project reached the level of the president of Russia. At the moment there is no information regarding the cost of the project. Also known the timing of its implementation. On the part of the press-service of «Rusal» I received a statement that the company is not able to discuss specific industrial projects. According to the company, before the «Rusal» is a lot of options for projects in the long term. All of them are designed to increase production efficiency. At the same time more specific information, including with respect to any regions is premature to discuss.

The company «Rusal» and «RusHydro» partnerships are not new. Aluminum giant needed inexpensive electricity for smelting products, hence the joint project. However, its launch has not once transferred to another period. Construction of the aluminum plant and the Boguchanskaya HPP in the Krasnoyarsk Territory conducted since 2006. The power plant in 2014 was put into operation. As to the aluminum plant, work on its launch is still in process. As a result of the launch of the first phase of negotiations is scheduled for this spring. The Khakas project «RusHydro» plans to act solely as a supplier of electricity.

The current line of the Khakas aluminum plant provides aluminum annual output of 300 000 tons. Sayanogorsk plant gives a little more than 540 000 tonnes / year. New expansion project called HAZ-2. In case of successful realization of the region can provide additional 1500 residents operating points.

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