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ArcelorMittal closes a Chicago factory

17 March 2015

ArcelorMittal is going to close Chicago steel industry, which celebrated its 114 years. Such a solution would entail grave consequences. With the closure of the factory city loses more than 300 direct operating points. Also, you will lose the indirect jobs related industries. As stated by representatives of ArcelorMittal, production run for about 3 months even at idle speed, after which the facility will be shut down.

Closing the «Indiana Harbor Long Carbon» will start from the 1st of March this year, starting with stopping an electric arc furnace. In the second quarter, we completed the work of the rolling mill. Thus ArcelorMittal tried to reach an agreement with the United Steelworkers on the preservation of the camp. Negotiations on an economically justified use of the camp were from November a year. However, to date, this option is not considered, taking into account the trade-union demands.

This is not the first stop of production. This decision has already been taken in 2009 in the wake of the economic downturn. Go back to the company succeeded in 2010. However, the plant, despite the demanded products — steel bars for the automotive industry — has not used its power to the fullest. In addition, the production efficiency is poor, and the costs were too high. As a result, the plant was carrying losses since 2011. In connection with the stoppage of the plant employees the opportunity to move the activity to other objects. Company officials have expressed hope that the employees will find for themselves other opportunities within ArcelorMittal. However, the company does not mention the possibility of restarting the plant and returning workers in case of stabilization of market conditions.

And ArcelorMittal Kryviy Rih is gaining momentum. To date, the production was delivered over 700 tons of reinforcement, intended for the construction of the flagship Volkswagen. The first Volkswagen dealership was built in Krivoy Rog. Its construction began in 2013. We used products ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih — wire rod, angles, steel bar and rebar. This provided the opportunity to implement complex design and architectural solutions. The availability of the company's products in Ukraine is provided with four warehouses located in Kiev, Odessa, Krivoy Rog and Ternopil.

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