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The Kazakh government is looking for new markets

10 December 2014

According to information provided by the Executive Director of the Republican Association of mining and metallurgical and mining enterprises, Nicholas Radostovtsa, given the decline in demand for manufactured mining and metallurgical enterprises of Kazakhstan production in China and Russia, their representatives are busy actively seeking new sales opportunities. To date, the mining and metallurgical industry is in an unenviable position, because it is China and Russia were the main consumers of the products. Today copper value has reached its lowest level in four years, the price of gold fell in a difficult situation at least is the aluminum industry. In the first half by 16% decreased the volume of steel products exported to Russia, the export of light metal fell by 26%, and decreased volume of exported copper — by 93%. Upali volumes of supplies of iron ore to China, falling for the first six months by 41%, exports to China and its copper concentrate went down by 27%.

According to Nikolai Radostovtsa, Kazakhstan industry requires regrouping and multivariate problem solving. Erroneous decision was taken China as a permanent user, who does not have personal problems. However, the Chinese economy is currently experiencing difficult times — many steel mills closed due to environmental problems, consequently, falls and demand for raw materials. This situation gave the mining and metallurgical industry in Kazakhstan extra incentive to find the optimal solution. There is an urgent need for new markets, currently is working on the development of ways to send products to Japan through the Far East, is active in the direction of East Asia, Arab countries and Iran. There is a need of development of Aktau port, because in this region there are real customers.

According to N. Radostovtsa, the planned signing of an agreement between the government, the mining and metallurgical trade union, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the Federation of Trade Unions will implement ideas to improve taxation, improving the investment environment and social development of enterprises throughout the next year.

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