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The increase in exports of aluminum foil of Khakassia

11 March 2014

Despite minor territorial dimensions and a small quantity indicator of human resources Khakassia very confidently announced itself to the world community. Today, the State is actively involved in the economic life of European countries and provides a significant proportion of non-ferrous metals exports. In general, given the country's economy is supported by foreign trade operations, and mainly focuses on the export of metallic raw materials. Last year alone, the total income from these transactions amounted to little more than two billion dollars. And the lion's share of earned money (about 74%) fell just on profits derived from export their products abroad. Such data were obtained from the Customs Service of Khakassia. One of the leading places in export small but very active country rightfully belongs to aluminum foil and other products of light and durable silvery metal. These semi-finished products provide more than 83% of aluminum consumption by the entire world community. Consumers trading products of this type are not only the Netherlands and Turkey, but also to America and another twenty-five foreign countries. In addition to aluminum, Khakassia coal exports and ferromolybdenum, which is constantly in high demand among consumers.

Incidentally trading Khakassia are not limited to the above products, the State enters into transactions for the supply of a large number of other non-ferrous metals such as copper conc. It is also the country supplying external customers a variety of building materials and timber products, along with consumer (grits, flour, eggs and much more) in goods. More than 29 foreign powers to use products manufactured in Khakassia, and are constant trading partners of the country.

Despite such a rich domestic production of some goods Khakass industry are deficient, and the country is forced to import them from foreign sources. The leader here is the import of alumina, which is supplied from Ukraine, and from Australia, Jamaica and even the United States. Also import objects are sodium and silicon compounds together with aluminum fluoride. It is worth noting that the quality of the Khakas aluminum foil production is high enough, perhaps, why the product is so in demand worldwide.

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