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Zaporozhye Titanium-Magnesium Plant became Ltd.

7 January 2014

Group DF is now an investor titanium-magnesium plant in Zaporozhye. The process of creating Ltd. — a limited liability company, is completed. This was preceded by the fact that exactly one year ago, «Toleksis Trading Limited», which is part of Group DF, was the winner and was selected among the other non-state actors ZTMC. The competition was held the State Property Fund. Company «Zaporozhye Titanium-Magnesium Plant» Limited Liability Company created by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers № 955 dated October 3, 2012. This is done in order to attract additional investments in the company.

To create this company, it was necessary to re-estimation of the cost of the complex of the former state-owned enterprises (SOEs «Zaporozhye Titanium-Magnesium Plant»). He spent last summer. It was also necessary to re-sign the agreement the State Property Fund and the company «Toleksis Trading Limited.» These companies governing the establishment of the new enterprise. Under this agreement, the State Property Fund will be engaged in the introduction of the integral property complex of the former state-owned enterprises in the authorized capital of a limited liability. He will receive more than half of the share in the authorized capital of the Company.

«Toleksis Trading Limited» under the agreement must make 110 million dollars. These funds will be used for the implementation of investment projects in the enterprise. «TTL» will receive a 49 percent share. The company has already received all the permits from the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. In Group DF has big plans for the reconstruction and increase the production capacity of company. The company will be able to produce high quality and marketable products. It is planned to export products of the future.

The program of reconstruction of «ZTMC» stipulate investments in the construction of new facilities for the production of titanium sponge, titanium ingots and alloys, as well as slag. In favorable circumstances, according to the company's management, Group DF, the company invests in around 700 million dollars. Thanks to products that will be produced by the plant, the country will be able to enter world markets aerospace and other technologies. Recall that Group DF is a diversified international group of companies, which operates in several countries in Europe and Asia. Directions Group — titanium, gas, nitric, banking and other sectors.

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