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The growth of prices for manganese ore

7 November 2013

The stability of the steel market in the current year and the constant demand for manganese ore, which are a permanent part of production of certain grades of steel and ferroalloys important predetermined stability of prices in this market segment, and even some of their increase. Extremely bright and transparent similar focus can be seen in the Indian industrial structure. According to independent experts, with the filing of the State Enterprise MOIL rising cost of the ore manganese concentrate ranged from five to ten percent, depending on its quality. Peak price action falls on the last trimester of the current year. This guide explains the company's decision shortage of raw material for the production of finished products in the context of the internal market and the decline in the share of imported products. The initiative of the leading companies of the public sector immediately took over the private miners in demand for industrial raw materials. Now the situation in the Indian manganese market looks quite stable and does not suggest a strong deviation from balance in any direction.

As for the international community, the growth of prices for manganese ore, which are the same components of production of ferroalloys, lead to an increase in the cost of important technological and structural materials. Some enterprises in Ukraine, including plans to reduce production capacity, due to the alleged raw material shortages. Another prerequisite for the rise in raw material prices, this has been the decline of production associated with global cataclysms in producing countries (such as accidents, natural disasters, climate change and other similar events). These events led to the increase in raw material shortages and more tangible relationship ferroalloys producers without their own raw material base of the oscillation of pricing policy on the market of manganese ore. Today, the production of manganese ore in the parameters of profitability almost equal to the work in the oil industry.

Moreover, given the already high cost of ferroalloy production of the majority of European companies associated with high energy costs and the involvement of imported raw materials, the further rise in the cost of materials can cause a halt some plants for the production of ferroalloys.

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